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Autism EDES 4006

Liz Melvin M. Cruz Jaylenne Santana

Autism Syndrome is an issue which any human being can enrich and broaden their k
nowledge because of the high range of information we obtain from the various med
ia. Syndrome sufferers who are integrated and form part of our society. When sea
rching for information on the subject had the opportunity to interact and learn
more about Autism.
• Statistics
• Definition
• Stimuli
• • • • • • •
Legal Definition Features History Types of Autism Treatment Education Methods of
• 1 in every 1,000 children born with autism seem • The Boys are four times more
likely to look for autism than females.
• Definition:
Autism is not a disease is a neurological disorder (syndrome) which affects the
child's skills in their communication, language comprehension, play, and their r
elationship with others. Autism usually develops before age three.
Legal Definition:
Under federal law, under which people under 21 with disabilities receive free an
d other related, autism is defined as a developmental disability significantly a
ffecting verbal and nonverbal communication and social interaction, usually evid
ent before 3 years of age that adversely affects a child's educational performan
ce. (IDEA-PL Act. 101-476 record for the education of individuals with disabilit
ies. Amended version of the law education for all children with disabilities (PL
94-142 approved 1975.)
Types of Autism
Kanner syndrome (autism disorder) • Has multiple nonverbal behaviors that regula
te social interaction, failure to develop relationships with peers, lack of spon
taneity is to enjoy interests and lack of social and emotional reciprocity. Has
features in childhood but always before age 3. Rett's Disorder • This is manifes
ted in girls. Apparently, they begin to develop well, but begins to affect their
neurological impairment. Externalize a method known as handwashing Movement, wh
ich still has no explanation. They suffer from psychomotor retardation. It occur
s in about from 5 years or a little earlier.
Types of Autism (2)
Heller's syndrome or Child Disintegrative Disorder
• It is more common in boys than in girls. This is manifested at a later age, bu
t before ten years. They present a deterioration in communication skills, defici
ts in social interaction, stereotyped movements and compulsive behaviors.
Developmental disorder, including Atypical Autism
• It presents during childhood, but always before age 3. Here they are classifie
d all cases in which it can not apply the criteria for the disorder of autism.
Asperger Disorder
• In this you have problems with social and language development, but the patien
t can talk and learn. It identified a little later than autistic disorder, that
is, after 3 years. However, you have trouble following the rules of coexistence.
Their learning can be normal or higher in some areas, but these are children wh
o are categorized as rare in the diagnosis (odds).
History of Autism.
• The concept autism
Causes of Autism
Although it is unknown what actually causes autism, there are several theories:
Emfermedades genetic factors after birth.
Environmental factors.
DTP (pertussis)
Toxins Diet Infections
Although all cases of autism are different are identified in several respects.
• Little or no social interaction • Difficulty in communication
Other conditions associated with autism
• • • • • Attention Deficit Seizures Tourette Syndrome Obsessive-Compulsive Diso
rders Impulsive
Critical processes through which it passes the family
• Diagnosis:
- - - - Denial Anger Guilt Impotence
• Years of school age. • Transition to adolescence. • Arrival adulthood.
• Autism has no cure. • But different areas can be treated with therapy and help
they need, according to the needs of each child.
• The diagnosis early can make a difference. • Depending on the severity of auti
sm education classes that resivira the child. • Many autistic children s can be
integrated into regular classroom
An autistic child tends to be in their own dimension.€Also often not sociable th
at is why encourage an autistic child is very important both to spark their inte
rest to expand its capabilities.
Autistic children respond better to sensory stimuli.
• • • • • auditory stimulation. Visual tactile stimulation stimulation stimulati
on stimulation olfactory gustatory
Auditory stimulation.
• Greet the child forever. • Make sounds through a balloon in the face or the ch
ild's body. • Imitate animal sounds. • Put the baby bracelet with bells and enco
urages it to move. • Make musical games. • Use rattles, musical boxes. • Create
your own instruments.
Tactile stimulation
• Play with water, sand, ice, etc. .. • Playing with plasticine, clay and other
soft manipulative. • Create activities with grains such as rice, beans, flour an
d others. • Use fabric pens leaves to play different parts of your body
Visual stimulation
Children with autism often get noticed anything that involves mostly visual ligh
• • • • •
Use bright colors Places lanterns. Bubbles create games with colors that stimula
te the search activities.
Gustatory stimulation
• Create game where fruits and vegetables through taste the fruit guess. • Exper
iment with new flavors. • Create fun meal. • Use to create shakes or fruit juice
Olfactory stimulation
• Use scented candle • Let experiment with spices such as cinnamon, mint, among
others. • Bathe your child with soap odor • Make games through the nose where th
e child has to guess what it is.
Bibliography or References
• AutismoEntrandoalMundodelSilencio / tiposdeautismo.msnw •

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