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Unix List of Basic Commands for QA and Test Engineer

File and directory listing Commands

$ ls command is used for directory and file listing with there permission.
$ ls -l list files in current directory.
$ ls -a list hidden files.
Directories commands
$ pwd -command is used for knowing user current working directory or you can say
print working directory.
$ cd - similar to DOS cd .it is use to change directory.
$ mkdir - use to create new directory.
$ rmdir - use to remove directory.
File Manipulation commands
$ cat filename - command is use to display file contents without paging.
$ cp source destination - command is use to copy file.
$ mv oldname newname - command is use to rename file .
$ rm filename - command use to delete file.
$ pico filename - command use to create or modify file.
$ More filename -List the contents of file pausing after each screen (press Spac
e to continue listing).
$ grep string file-Search file for occurrences of string.
$ less filename - Display filename one screenful.A pager similar to (better than
) more.
$ pg filename - View filename one screenfull at atime (a pager).
Special Control Characters
The control characters that have special meanings in a UNIX environment. Denoted
by the character ^ followed by a letter, each control character can be generate
d by holding down Control and pressing the specified letter, then releasing both
Interrupt a process (applicable for most processes); used to halt a process imme
Pressing ^c, for example, enables you to stop the listing of a long file. Howeve
r, if the file is very long, there may be a noticeable time delay before the pro
cess is actually interrupted.
Terminate a process; end-of-file marker (EOF). If a process does not have a clea
n termination command and pressing ^c does not work, try pressing ^d.
Suspend terminal output to your system. To resume terminal output, press ^q. ^s
is usually referred to as XON.
To view text a page at a time, use the more command.
Resume terminal output suspended by pressing ^s (see above). ^q is usually refer
red to as XOFF.
Suspend the foreground process, that is, place the current active program in a p
aused state.
Type the fg command to reactivate a process in the foreground. A foreground proc
ess will usually keep control of your keyboard and terminal.
Type the bg command to reactivate a process in the background. A background proc
ess will let you type other commands on the keyboard while it is running in a de
tached state.
Erase command line.
Erase previous word on a UNIX command line. A word is a string of characters sep
arated by a space or tab.
^r Retype current command line

$ print file -Send file to the UNIX laser printer.
$ man command - Display information about command.
$ apropos keyword - List commands/programs that contain keyword in their descrip
$ du - List the number of Kbytes for each directory below current working direct
$ talk username - Interactively communicate with username; username has to be lo
$ finger username - Find the username for username.
$ w - Display current activity on the system.
$ who - Show users that are currently logged-in.
$ tin - A program to read a collection of newsgroups (new articles arrive daily
$ help [command] - If specified without command, a brief introduction is listed.
If command is specified, help displays the man page for command.
$ pine - Send email through the Internet
$ quota v - Display disk usage and disk quota. This command does not display your
email quota.
$ mydiskspace - Display uhunix disk usage only. This command does not display yo
ur email quota.
$ write username - Writes files or text to username.
$ !! - Repeats last command.

Process management
$ kill - Command use to terminate process.example: kill - 5555
$ nice program name - Command use to run program with lower priority.Recommende
d for running background processes.
$ ps - Command use to list no of processes running in a system.
$ top - show (continuously) what process(es) is running.

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