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Soft ': NClAS I'EI> A (; Ú (; ICAS IN SCHOOL l'Natica TTloJllento Nesle, valllos

tral conceptions of teaching properly dit <: ts, ie, we address the various the
oretical lcndências prelcnderam realize that understanding and orientation of ed
ucational practice in different moments ("circumstances of the human histúria. T
hus, we are deepening the understanding of the relationship between philosophy c
education, which here reaches the level of design filosúfica education, quc it
settles into a pcd <: tgogia. Generally, we can say that the perspective is refl
ected by redcntora pedagogy "liherais perspcctiva and transforming the" progress
ive pedagogies. "-",,, And a discussion is of utmost practical importance rclevá
neia because it allows each teacher to be situated theoretically Sohr their opti
ons, and sc-alticulando autodelinindo up. descnvolver For the approach: a tenden
cy "pedagogical use discretion with ~ the position that each trend adol cm compa
red io_" social purposes of schools. So let's the conjl.mto "pedagogi
es into two groups. wnforme appears below: I. Pedagogy traditional liberal 1.1 1
.2 1.3 progressivist renewed non-renewed direliva 1.4 technicist 2. Iibertadora
Pedagogy progress 2.1 2.2 2.3 libertarian and social critic of contents
It is evident that the trends in its manifestations are not pure or mutually exc
lusive, which, incidentally, is the main limitation of G ~ or attempt at classif
ication. In some cases the trends are complementary in others they diverge. In a
ny event, the classification and description may serve as an analytical tool for
the teacher to evaluate their classroom practice. The exposure of pedagogical t
rends consists of a general characterization of liberal and progressive tendenci
es, followed by the presentation of pedagogies that reflected and manifested in
the teaching practice. 1. LIBERAL PEDAGOGY The term liberal has no sense of Adva
nced • • "• • democratic," • • open, "as commonly used. The liberal doctrine app
eared as a justification of the capitalist system that, in maintaining the predo
minance of liberty and interests individual in society, established a form of so
cial organization based on private ownership of means of production, also called
class society. The liberal pedagogy, therefore, is itself a manifestation of th
is type of society. The Brazilian education, at least the last fifty years has b
een marked by liberal trends in their ways sometimes conservative, sometimes ren
ewed. Obviously, such trends have emerged, particularly in school practices and
educational ideas of many teachers, even if they do not realize that influence.
The liberal pedagogy argues the idea that the school has the task of preparing t
he indivitjuos for the performance of social roles according to individual aptit
udes, so individuals must learn to adapt to the values and norn1as prevailing in
class society through the desc: nvolvimento individual culture. The emphasis on
cultural aspect hides the reality of class differences, because although spread
the idea of equality of opportunity, does not take into account the unequal con
ditions. Historically, the liberal education began with traditional pedagogy and
for the sake of restoration of the hegemony of the bourgeoisie, has evolved to
the renewed pedagogy (also known as new school or active), which is not meant to
replace un1a the other, since both lived and live in prátiea school. tradiciOl.
al In the trend, pedagogy is characterized by emphasizing liberal education hWll
anístico, general culture, in which the student is educated to attain, by their
own efforts, his full realization as a person. The content, teaching procedures,
the teacher-student relationship have nenhwlla with the student every day, much
less with social realities. It is the predominance of the word of the teacher,
the rules imposed exclusivamcnte intellectual cultivation. The trend libcral rcn
Ot'ada acentull also the sense of culture as the dcsenvolvimcnto aptidõcs indivi
duuis. But education is a process ..; the internal, not external; part dus she n
eeds and
individual interests ncct'ssúrios for adaptation to mcio. ! \ Cducaç; prcsentc i
t is life, is part of human experience itself. ! \ Propôc a revamped school educ
ation that enhances self-education; it (aiuno as the subject of knowledge), a di
rect experience of () means the activity, a student-centered teaching and the gr
oup. ! \ Renewed liberal presents, among naked in two different versions: a rene
wed Progressive: a ', or praglllll (úta. principalmer ~ te in f (mlla disseminat
ed by the pioneers of the new education,€among which stands out Teixeira (d (~ v
e be noted, too, inl1u ':: ncia Montessori, Deeroly and to some extent, Piaget),
the non-renewed policy. oriented goals dc self- accomplishment (personal develo
pment) and for relaçõcs interpessoúis in the formulation of psi '; ologist Ameri
can Earl Rogers. The trend liherullec "ic: i \' lu subordinates eJucação to soci
ety, and horn function preparing" human resources " (manpower for the industry).
! \ Industrial Society and tccnológica down (scientifically) targets economic, s
ocial and political education training (also scientifically) the behaviors of st
udents in adjusting to these socks. In tecrlÍcislllo believed the reality that c
ontains within itself its own,> Ic.: is, just to men discover Ia:; and apply Ias
. Thus, the key is not the content of reality, but the techniques (shape) of dis
covery and application. Technology (orderly exploitation of resources, based on
scientific knowledge) is an efficient way to obtain the maximization of producti
on and ensure an optimal functioning of society, education is a resource for tec
hnological excellence. It is seen as a tool able to promote, without contradicti
on, economic development for the qualification of the workforce, dt: labor, the
redistribution of income, by maximizing production and at the same time, develop
ing the 'political consciousness' indispensable to the maintenance of the author
itarian state. " Used primarily on the systemic approach, educational technology
and experimental analysis of behavior.
1.1 Trend liheral traditional
Role of school - the school's performance is the intellectual and moral developm
ent of students to take their place in society. The school's commitment to cultu
re, social problems belong to society. The path toward cultural knowledge is the
same for all students, provided that endeavor. Thus, the less able they should.
Lltar to overcome difficulties and conquer their place alongside the!. ab
le. Failing this, they should seek further professional education. Learning cont
ent - is the knowledge and valort: S social accumulated over generations and pas
sed on to the adult student as truths. The subjects of study aimed at preparing
the student for life, are determined by the law and ordered society. The content
s are separated from the student experience and social realities, using the inte
llectual value, which is why the traditional pedagogy is criticized as intellect
ualist and, sometimes, as encyclopedic. Methods - are based on verbal exposition
of the matter andlor demonstration. Both the exhibition as acálise are made by
the teacher, observing the following steps: a) preparing the student (the defini
tion of working memory of the previous matter, arouse interest), b) presentation
(highlighting key points, demonstration), c) association (combination of new kn
owledge with the familiar by comparison and abstraction), d) generalization (of
the particular aspects comes to the general concept is the systematic exposure),
c) application (explanation of additional facts andlor resolution of exercises)
. The emphasis in the exercises, the repetition of concepts and formulas to memo
rize seeks disciplinary Tropical Mockingbirds forage and form habits. Teacher-st
udent relationship - the predominant authority of the professor who requires rec
eptive attitude of the students' and prevents any communication between them dur
ing the lesson. The teacher conveys the content read form v ~ rdade to be absorb
ed; co; tSeqüência, the discipline imposed is the most effective means to ensure
the attention ~ Quiet OEO. Conditions for learning - the idea that education is
to pass on knowledge to the spirit of criauça is accompanied by an-other: that
the assimilative capacity of the child is identical to the adult, only less deve
loped. The progranlas, then, must be, 'data in a logical progression, this ~ tio
ns of the adult without taking into account the characteristics of each age. Lea
rning, therefore, is receptive and mechanics, for which freqüentcmcnte recourse
to coercion. The retention of the material taught is guaranteed by the repetitio
n of exercises and systematic summary of the matter. The transfer of learning de
pends on practice, it is essential to retention, so that the student can answer
IA designation "progressivist" vt., N of "progressive education", a term usmJopo
r Anísio Teixciru to indicate the function of a civilization educução changing a
s a result of scientific development (the equivalent idea "cvolução" in biology)
. This trend is in:; piru-sine philosopher educator nOl1c c-lunericaJlll Jllhn [
IN; wey.
new situations of I (mna sellldhante to answers in siluilçúes ilnteriores. aVilJ
iação if the di. verilicaçties of EUR10 per pmzo (inlerrogatbrios oral exercise
from home) and longer-term (written tests, work dc house.) ESL () RCO is general
ly negative (punishment, notes oaixas, appeals to parents), sometimes it is posi
tive (emulation, classilicaçiies). Show / AC (ies practice school - Iibeml Tradi
tional pedagogy is alive and very active in our schools. In dcserição presented
here include the <; religious schools or secular <; adopting an orientation c! á
ssico-humanist or a human-scientific orientation, and this is closer to the scho
ol model prevalent in our educational history.
1.2 Trend renewed liberal pro ~ rcssjvjsta
Role of school - the school's purpose is to match the n ~ cssidades individual t
o the social c, for that, she Devco sc rctratar organize so, how can the life. A
ll being within itself dispiic ECM: tI1ismos of gradual adaptation to the enviro
nment and a con <; cqüente int.egração these forms of adaptation in behavior. Su
ch integration takes place through experiences which must be satisfied at the sa
me time, inter.:: Sses of the student and the social demands. The school fits ac
supply; experiences that allow the students ducar ~ is in an active process of
construction and rec () nstrução the object, a intcração between cognitive struc
tures of individual structures and the environment. Learning content - As the kn
owledge results from the action based on the interests and needs, the teaching c
ontents are a function of experience that the subject experiences the challenges
ahead cogllitivos and problematic situations. Takes place, so much more value t
o the mental processes and cognitive skills than content organized rationally. I
t is "learning to learn", or more importantly the acquisition of knowledge than
the knowledge itself. Method di: education - the idea of learning by doing is al
ways present. Value to the experimental trials, research, discovery, the study o
f natural and social environment, the method of solving problems. Although metho
ds vary, the active or new schools (Dewey, Montessori, Decroly, Cousinet and oth
ers) are always based on activities appropriate to the nature of the student and
the stages of its development. Most of them emphasized the importance of teamwo
rk ~ not just technique, but as a basic condition of mental development. The bas
ic steps of the method are active: a) place the student in the situation nu.-exp
erience that has an interest in itself, b) the problem must be challenging, as a
stimulus to reflection, c) the student must have information and instructions t
hat enable it to investigate the discovery of soiuções d) interim solutions shou
ld be encouraged and sorted with the help of discrete profesSOl e) should be gua
ranteed the opportunity to put the solutions to the test in order to detemlinar
its usefulness to the life. Teacher-student relationship - no privileged place f
or the teacher, but rather its role is to assist the development of free and spo
ntaneous child ~ if involved, is to shape the thinking of her. The discipline st
ems from an awareness of the limits of group life; so disciplined student is one
that is supportive, participant, respecting the rules of the group. To ensure a
harmonious atmosphere within the classroom is an essential positive relationshi
p between teachers and students a way to establish the "democratic experience" a
s it should be life in society. Assumptions of learning - motivation depends on
the strength of estinlulação the problem and the internal arrangements and inter
ests of the student. Thus, learning becomes an activity of discovery, is a self-
learning, and the environment, only the stimulator means. And it retained the ac
tivity incorporates the student's personal discovery, which is embedded begins t
o compose the cognitive structure to be employed in new situations. The assessme
nt is fluid and try to be effective as the efforts and successes are ready and e
xplicitly recognized by the teacher. Demonstrations in school practice - the pri
nciples of progressivist pedagogy are being broadcast on a large scale in underg
raduate programs, and many teachers suffer from its influence. However, its appl
ication is very small, not only by lack of objective conditions as tambél ~ l be
cause it collides with a basically traditional pedagogical practice. Some method
s are adopted in private schools such as Montessori, the method of centers of in
terest Decroly, the design method of Dewey. The teaching based on Piaget's genet
ic psychology has wide acceptance in preschool education. Pertcncem also€progres
sivist tendency to many of the schools called "experimental", the • • community
schools "and more remotely (60s) • • the secondary modern school, the version pe
ddled by Lauro de Oliveira Lima.
1.3 Tl'llClí'ncia Iihl'rlll "cnllvlItllI Nall-t1ircti \ 'a I'apd her school - I
\ l.: l.: NTUA in this has! Ence of the papd es.; At hello' (> rIllação attitude
s, ra,: .- íopda which Devco problema'i more concerned with the psycholog
ical than to the educational or social. Every effort is to establish a climate f
or change within the individual, ie a adcquaçüo staff to the demands of the envi
ronment. considcra Rogers ume that teaching is! atividadc excessively valued, fo
r teaching him the procedures, jurisdiction in the matter, classes, books, every
thing has very little importance, given the purpose of encouraging a person to c
limate self-development and personal achievement, which means being good about y
ourself c with their peers. The result of a good education is very similar to th
at of a good therapy. Contents teaching - 1 \ ênfa'ie that this trend puts in de
velopment processes relations and communication becomes secondary transmission o
f content. The "teaching processes are intended to facilitate more students to t
he m ~ ios mesmcs to seek for themselves the knowledge that, however, sound" exp
endable. Teaching methods - The usual methods are dismissed, whichever almost ex
clusively the teacher's effort to develop their own style to facilitate student
learning. Rogers explains some of the characteristics of the teacher "facilitato
r": acceptance of the person of the student ability to be reliable, responsive a
nd have full belief in the capacity for self-development of international studen
t ~. Its function is restricted to help students organize themselves, using tech
niques of awareness where the feelings of each one can be exposed, without threa
ts. Thus, the purpose of school work is exhausted in the process of better inter
personal relationships, as a condition for personal growth. Teacher-student Rela
tionship - A non-directive pedagogy proposes a learner-centered education, to fo
rm his personality through the significant experiences that enable it to develop
characteristics, "" characteristics inherent in its nature. The teacher is an e
xpert in human relations by ensuring a climate of personal relationship and genu
ine. • • absent "is the best way to re ~ ito and full acceptance of the student.
Every action is threatening, inhibiting learning. Assumptions of learning - mot
ivation results from the desire to! ldequação staff in the pursuit of self-reali
zation is thus an act of procedure. The motivation increases when the individual
develops the feeling that is capable of acting in terms of reaching their perso
nal goals, that is, develop the appreciation of the • • me. "Learn, therefore, i
s to modify their own perceptions, hence it only learns what it is significantly
related to these perceptions. It is clear that retention is given by the releva
nce of learning in relation to • • I ", ie what is not involved with the" I "is
not retained nor transferred. Therefore, the assessment loses all sense school,
focusing on self-assessment. Demonstrations in school practice - Between us insp
ired the non-directive pedagogy is Carl Rogers, in fact most clinical psychologi
st educator. His ideas influenced a significant number of educators and teachers
, principahnente educational counselors and school psychologists who are dedicat
ed to aconselliamento. Less recently, may also cite trends inspired by the Schoo
l of English educator Summerhi11 The Neill. 1.4 Trend liberal technical paper fr
om the school - in a harmonious social system, organic and functional, the schoo
l functions as models of human behavior, using specific techniques. In school ed
ucation the responsibility of organizing the process acquisition of skills, atti
tudes and specific knowledge, useful and necessary for individuals to be integra
ted in the machine of global social system. This social system is governed by na
tural laws (there are in society the same regularity t: the same functional rela
tions between observable ~ natural phenomena), scientific discoveries. Simply ap
ply Ias. • • The activity of discovery "is a function of education, but should b
e restricted to specialists; • • the application" is the responsibility of the e
ducational process comwn. The school works well in the improvement of social ord
er (the capitalist system), to: liculando directly with the productive system fo
r this purpose, employs the science of behavior change, ie the behavioral techno
logy.€His immediate concern is to produce individuals • • Conii> eventy "for the
labor market, providing, effectively, infoffiütções accurate, objective and fas
t. Scientific research, educational technology, analysis experinlent'1l, behavio
r ensure objectivity school practice, since the instructional objectives (conten
t) resulting from the application of natural laws that are independent of those
who know or executanl. Contents teaching - Are infornlaçõcs, scientific principl
es, laws, etc.. established and ordered in a logical sequence and psychological
specialists. And for education only what is redutíve1 observáve1 knowledge and m
easurable; content decorrcm thus of objective science, e1iminundo-sc
any sign of suhjt: ness, () nwlerial illslruciollaf cncontra-:; and sislt: deals
with standardized assessment in manuals, textbooks 1I0S in the cnsino Its modul
ar in disposil; you audiovisual dc method. \ 'dl ~ l'll. ~ ino - Consists in pro
cedimcntos and técnJcas m; ccssárias the arrangement and conlrole lias condition
s amhient <lis, which ensure the transmission / reception in dc / ilHnaç (ies. I
f the first task of the teacher is modeling <ls appropriate response to the goal
s ilJstrueionais, prillcir> al is to get the comp ') rtc: appropriate treatment
for control of education, hence the importance of tecllo! nal methods educ (Jcio
nal. The techno! ogi (J is the educational • • impl (Jção systematic scientific
principles comportament <lis c technological the educational problems, according
to result <LDOs effective, useful: a methodology l.ando c abo, 'Dagli: m system
ic comprehensive. "Any instructional system (there are a large variety of them)
has three basic components: objective instrueionais operability; r . ados in c-o
bservable measurable behaviors, procedures <.! ent instructional c ~ o. The aV'i
lia et <LPAs b: ISIC a teaching-learning process; r.agem are: a) establishment o
f terminal behavior through goals instructional b) analysis of the task of learn
ing; ("m in order to sort scqüencialmente the steps of instruction, c) exec
utable <lr the program, gradually reforçalldo correct answers correspondent ~ s
goals. The essence of technology ~ educational programming for sequential steps
used in programmed instruction in the techniques of microteaching, multimedia, c
omplemen) the elc. The use of instructional technology in public schools appears
in the forms of: planning in a way systemic conception of learning as behavior
change, operationalization of goals, use of scientific procedures (programmed in
struction, audiovisual, evaluation etc., including scheduling of textbooks.) tea
cher-student relationship - relationships are structured and objective, with wel
l-defined roles: the teacher manages:.; conditions transmission of matter as a s
ystem inslrueional efficient and effective in terms of learning outcomes, the st
udent receives, learns and sets the information. Professor.'s just a link betwee
n scientific truth and the student, and shall employ instructional system provid
ed. The student is an individual responsibility, not participating in the prepar
ation of an Educational Program. onlookers Both are facing the objective truth \
'a.-teacher communication alWlo has a purely technical sense, which is to ensur
e the effective transmission knowledge. Debates, discussions, questions are unne
cessary, as the little matter of personal relationships and individuals involved
in the teaching-learning process. Assumptions of learning - learning theories t
hat underlie the pedagogy technicians say that learning is a matter of change of
dese: npenho: good teaching depen-le organize efficiently stimulating condition
s, so that the student from the learning situation differently than they entered
. In other words, education is a process of conditioning through the use of rein
forcement of . c:! CSpostas who wants to obtain. Thus, the instructional systems
designed to control individual behavior against preestablished goals. This is a
directive approach to teaching, centered on control of the conditions surroundi
ng the organism behaves. The objective science teaching, from the psychology is
the scientific study of behavior: discover the natural laws that govern the body
's physical reactions that can learn, fun to enhance the control of variables th
at affect it. componf'ntes The learning - motivation , retention, transfer - res
ulting from the application of operant behavior according to Skinner, the learne
d behavior is a response to external stimuli,€controlled by reinforcements that
occur with the answer or after the same: • • If the occurrence of a (behavior) o
perant is followed by the presentation of a stimulus (reinforcer), the probabili
ty of reinforcement is aunlentada. "Among the contributing authors for studies o
f learning include: Skinner, Gagné, Bloon and Mager. Afanijestações in school pr
actice - The influence of pedagogi3 kcni::: ist dates back to February - mid-50
(PABAEE - Progranla Brazilian-anlerieano Au.xilio of the En. "Ino Elementary). H
owever it was introduced more effectively in the late 60 with ~ oo jctivo adcqua
r of the educational system to the political-economic orientation of the militar
y reginle: insert cscola models to rationalize the system of capitalist producti
on. It is when the New School orientation gives rise to the trend tecniei:; ta,
at least nívcl of official policy, the landmarks deployment model tccnieista are
LCIS and 5540/68 5.692/71, which reorganized the higher education and the teach
ing of 1st and 2nd degrees. Despite the official machine, however. there is no e
vidence of insurance that public school teachers tcnham assimilated pedagogy tec
hnicality. at least in tenn idcário. The application of mctodologia tccnicista (
plancjamento. textbooks scheduled procedinlentos assessment etc.). technicality
does not configure a posture of the teacher; before. the professional still more
to take a stance on the principles ecJética pcdagógicos asscntados nns pc: dllg
ogias traditional rcnovada.
QU <Jlquersill <J1de suhjdividade, () Ilwll: ri <J1illslruciollal cllcolllra-::
c sistclnati /. 1l0S the l11alluais • •, d didactic books in Mudu) of the ellsin
o, audiovisual devices in dc. MétodlJ, \ 'di: I'i / sil / IJ - Consists 1l0Sproc
edimentos and technique.; The arrangement and the necessary condition in conlrol
e (; es amhienl <lis, which ensure the transmission / reception in / ilflnaçôes.
If the first task of teacher is to model resposl <ls pertinent to the objective
s i'lslru <.; Íonais the prilJ (; il1al is to get the comp ') rt <.: menlo suita
ble for control of education, hence the importance d <Jtecno! nal methods educ <
Jcional . / \ tecnoJogia • • education is the systematic application of scientif
ic principles comportamenl <lis and technology to educational problems, accordin
g to resulwdos effective, used; r.ando a methodology and abo, 'dag (: m Sisterna
comprehensive. "Any system instructional <J1 (there are a variety of them) has
three basic components: instructional objectives operationalized; f.ados in comp
ortamcntos mcnsuráveis observable, instructional procedures aV'1lia c ~ o. ", st
eps b, tsica 'dc process cnsino -aprendizagcm are: a) estahelecimento behaviors
terminals, through instructional objectives, b) task analysis of learning; f.age
m in order to sort scqüencialmente the steps of instruction, c) run the program,
reinforcing the gradualmcnte "answers correct correspondent: s goals. The essen
ce of educational technology is. prograr.lação by the sequential steps used in p
rogrammed instruction in the techniques of microteaching, multimedia, complemen)
the etc.. The use of the teen) in the public school instructional nal methods a
ppears in the forms of: planning in a way systemic conception of learning as beh
avior change, the operationalization of goals, use of scientific procedures (pro
grammed instruction, audiovisual, evaluation etc., Including scheduling textbook
s). Teacher-student relationship - relationships are structured and objective, w
ith well-defined roles: the teacher admin <; the tra:> conditions for the supply
of matter, as an instructional system efficient and effective in terms of learn
ing outcomes, the student receives, learns and fix the information. The teacher
is only a link between scientific truth and the student, it shall use the system
instructional schedule. The student is an individual responsibility, not partic
ipating in the preparation of the educational program. Both are facing the spect
ators objective truth. Communication professor alWlo has a purely technical sens
e, which is to ensure effective transmission of knowledge. Debates, discussions,
questions are unnecessary, as the little matter of personal relationships and i
ndividuals involved in the teaching-learning process. Assumptions of learning -
learning theories that underlie the pedagogy tecmcista say that learning is a ma
tter of changing the desired: npenho: good teaching depen-le organize efficientl
y stimulating conditions, so that the student from the learning situation differ
ent from how he entered. In other words, education is a process of conditioning
through the use of reinforcement. <:! CSpostas who wants to obtain. Thus,€instru
ctional systems aimed at controlling individual comportam.mto against predetermi
ned goals. This is a directive approach to teaching, centered on control of the
conditions surrounding the organism behaves. The goal of science teaching, from
the psychology is the scientific study of behavior: discover the natural laws th
at govern the body's physical reactions that can learn, fun to enhance the contr
ol of variables that affect it. The componf'ntes learning - motivation, retentio
n, transfer - resulting from the application of operant behavior according to Sk
inner, the learned behavior is a response to external stimuli, controlled by rei
nforcements that occur with the answer or after the same: • • If the occurrence
of a (behavior) operant is followed by the presentation of a stimulus (reinforce
r), the probability of reinforcement is aunlentada. "Among the authors contribut
ing to studies of learning include: Skinner, Gagné, Bloon and Mager. Demonstrati
ons in school practice - The influence of pedagogi'l k - cni::: 28 istaremonta t
he mid-50 (PABAEE - Brazilian Program-anlericano AlLxilio of the Elementary Educ
ation). Entn: much more effectively was introduced in the late '60s with the ol>
jective of adapting the educational system to guide political and economic Dú t
he military regime to enter school in the models to rationalize the system of ca
pitalist production. It's when the New School guidance gives way to the trend te
cnici:; ta, at least at the level of official policy, the landmarks of the model
deployment techniques are laws 5540/68 and 5.692171, quc reorganize higher educ
ation and the teaching of 1st and 2nd °. Despite the official machine, however,
there is no evidence that the insurance of public school teachers have dssimilad
o pedagogy technicality, at least in tenn idcário. The methodology tccnicistn (p
lanejamcnto, textbooks progrllmudos, procedinlentos assessment etc.). Technicist
not set a teacher's stance, but rather the professional continues for a more ec
lectic approach to teaching principles dc take a..; Sentlldos naked p < : novati
ons traditional and renovated.
the term "progressive", borrowed from Snyders, is used here to designate the "tr
end <.: ias that, starting from a critique of anúlise reaiidades social sustenti
llll implicitly sociopolilicas purposes of education. Evidently the progressive
pedagogy has no way to institutionalize in a 'capitalist ioeiedade thence s.: r
it an instrument to fight the teachers along with other prútica "social. The pro
gressive pedagogy has been manifested cm three trends: Iihertadora. better known
as the pedagogy of Paulo Freire, a / Iberti, which brings together the champion
s of self-management teaching: the r..; ritic; osocial the count / gone that unl
ike the previous "emphasizes the primacy of content in its confrontation with th
e realities social. versions release / ae Iibertária share the anti-authoritaria
nism, the valuing of experience as viviJa ba "and the educational relationship a
nd the idea of a \ Àtogestão teaching. As a result, give more value to the proce
ss of group learning (participation in discussõcs, asscmbICias, polls) that the
contents of ensin0. As a result, the educational practice only makes sense in a
social practice among the people, which is why they prefer the methods of popula
r education 'non-formal. " The tendency of critical pedagogy and social content
propõc united synthesis of surpassing traditional pedagogies and renewed valuing
the pedagogical action as embedded in concrete social practice. Does the school
as a mediator between the individual and social, exercising there the relations
hip between the transmission of content and the active assimilation by a particu
lar student (inserted in a context of social relationships); know the results of
this joint critically reworked. 2.1 Trend progressive liberating role of the sc
hool - It is not proper to talk about liberating pedagogy in school, since its b
rand is acting "non-formal." However, teachers and educators engaged in school e
ducation are adopting assumptions of pedagogy. So when we talk about education i
n general. it says that it is an activity where teachers and students, mediated
by the reality that they perceive and which draw the learning content, reach a l
evel of consciousness of that reality in order to act on it, a sense of social t
ransformation. Both the traditional education, called • • banking "- which refer
s only to file information about the student - quant0 renewed education - which
pretecde: would an individual psychological liberation - are domesticated, becau
se in D3da contnbuem to reveal the reality of social oppression. Education hbert
adora instead€questions specifically realidaàe relations of man with nature and
with others, seeking a transformation - hence it is a critical education QJnteúd
os teaching - Denominated generative themes are drawn from problcmatização the p
ractice of life of students. Traditional content are rejected because every pers
on, every gxupo involved in pedagogical action has in itself, albeit in rudiment
ary form, the contents of which are necessary party. What matters is not the tra
nsmission of specific content. But to awaken a new form of relationship with the
experience. The transfer of structured content from outside is considered cultu
ral invasion • • "• • or deposit of information," because it stems not from popu
lar knowledge. If they are required to read these texts should be written by the
learners themselves with the guidance of the educator. At no time was the inspi
rer and mentor of liberating pedagogy, Paulo Freire, fails to mention the essent
ially political character of his pedagogy, which, in his own words, prevents it
from being implemented in systematic terms, in official institutions, before tra
n.c; formation of society. That is why his performance is more of the level of n
on-school education. What has not prevented, however, that their assumptions are
adopted and implemented by a ~ rosos teachers. Teaching methods - • • To be an
act of knowing the process of adult literacy demand, between educators and stude
nts, a relationship of genuine dialogue, one in which the subjects of the act of
knowing are mediated by the object to be known "( ...) • • Dialogue engages ati
vanlente subject to both the act of knowing: CDuce-educator and student-edu <: a
dor. So if! Ldo, the educational work fornla • • is the discussion group "to who
m" It is self-manage learning, content and dynamics defmindo activities. The tea
cher is a aninlador that, in principle, should "descend" to the level of the stu
dents, adapting to their own characteristics and development of each group. Shou
ld canlinhar 'next' action the minimum necessary, though not skimp when necessar
y to provide a more systematic infornlação. The steps of learning - Coding-decod
ing, and questioning of the situation - penllitirão learners an understanding of
the effort. • lived, until you reach a more critical level of awareness of your
reality, always through the trocu of ('xperiênclu in Lorne du Pral! Ca social.
If it is the
conlcúdo of trabillho educiltivo, dispensilm is Ulll programs: nil eslruturildo
prior, written work. .;, Classes expositiviJs, ilssim COIllOqualquer lipo checks
<,; to direlil ilprcnd izagclll dil,! C> rJllilSssas pr ' lprias d, 1 .. educi
lção hilncúria and "therefore, tame. But it is admitted to the aVilliação pr <Il
ica vivellciada cducildor between wire-educated group process and, sometimes, se
lf-made in avilliilção terlllos commitments with iI pr <ITIC Social Relationship
s pndessor-student - In the dialogue, COIllOmétodo hasici the relilção is horiz
(JIltal, where educator and cducandos posicioflilm to act as subjects of knowled
ge. The criterion of good relationships is the total identification with the peo
ple, without () the pedagogical relationship c lose <Jflsistéf) ciiJ. Eliminates
, for pres.suposto, every relationship iJutoridiJde, otherwise this inviability:
the triJhalho awareness, L1C "approach di; conscience,". This is a "non-di
rectiveness", but not towards the teacher is absent (as in Rogers), but remains
vigilant to ensure the group a human to say "his word" to express ~; EmSee neutr
aJi7.aí. Assumptions Learning - The very desig'1ação clc "education problema: l.
adora" as a correlate of liberating education reveals the motivating force for l
earning. The motivation is given from the codlficação a problem situation, which
is taken away:; l to analyze Ia critjcamen ~ e. "This analysis involves the exe
rcise of abstraction, through which we seek to achieve, through representations
of reality, the reason for the facts." Learning is an act of knowledge of concre
te reality, ie, the actual situation experienced by the learner, and if it makes
sense stems from a critical approach that reality. What is learned is not due t
o a levy or memorization, but the critical level of knowledge, which is reached
by the process of understanding , reflection and criticism. What the student tra
nsfers, in terms of knowledge, is what was built as a response to situations of
OPRC! "~ o - ie, their engagement in political activism.€Practical demonstration
s in schools - pedagogy has liberating and inspiring and promoter Paulo Freire,
who has applied his ideas in person àiversos countries, first in Chile, then in
Africa. Between us, has exerted a significant influence ILOS popular movements a
nd unions, and practically merges with the most experience of what is called "po
pular education". There are several such groups that have worked not only at the
level of popular practice, but also? Or through publications, with relative ind
ependence from the ideas of oliginais liberating pedagogy. Although the theoreti
cal formulations of Paulo Freire are restricted to adult education or community
education in general, many teachers have been trying to put into practice in las
: ny degree of formal education. 2.2 Trends progressive Iibertária Role of Schoo
l - A libertarian pedagogy expect the school carries a transformation in the per
sonality of the students a sense hbertário and self-management. The basic ide is
to introduce ~ m ~ i: tions institutional levels from subordinates who then wil
l contaminate • • "The whole system. The school shall establish, based on group
participation, institutional mechanisms for change (assemblies, councils , elect
ions, meetings, associations, etc..), so that the student once atuarldo • • exte
rnal institutions, to take everything you learned there. Another way of work of
libertarian pedagogy, related to the first, is enjoying a degree of freedom of t
he system - create groups of people self-management educational principles (asso
ciations, informal groups, self-managed schools). There is thus an explicitly po
litical sense, as stated • that the individual as a product of social and indivi
dual development only ~ takes place in the collective. Self-management is thus t
he content and method; resunle both the pedagogical and the political goal. The
libertarian pedagogy in their discipline better known among us, • • il1Stitucion
al pedagogy ", aims to be WNA fOIDla resistance against bureaucracy CEMO instrum
ent dominating the action of the state that controls everything (teachers, progr
ams, tests, etc..) Draining the auk) economy. COllleúdos teaching - The material
s are placed avail ~; jçào student, but are not cxigidas. wn instrument are a pl
us, because inlportante conhcci.nento is clear that the experiences of the group
, especially vivêucia participation mechanisms critical. • • Knowledge "here is
not cognitive research of the real, to extract his wn system of mental represent
ations, but the discovery of answers to the needs and demands of social life. Th
us, the contents themselves are the ones who Tt.-sultamde needs and interests ma
nifested by the group and which are not necessary nor indispenSllvdmente, matter
s of study. A1étodo education - and the group experience, self-management in fon
ua that students buscanio find the most satisfactory basis of their own "institu
tion", thanks to their own initiative and without any Fonni power. Tratu is in p
lace • • miíos students whatever is posslvel: conjwlto of the vi <L1. s aea utiv
idudes orglUlizuçiio of trabulho within escolu du (n \ l 'in the $ 11 c1l1boruçã
o progrumas dl'cisi and \ (d ~' $ exhume
it depends neither of doccntes or students). "Students have lihl.: nlade of laho
r or perch, the liGllldo inll.: est in teaching lkpendéncia your needs or those
of the group. The progress of autonomy precluded any direction rom the group tak
es a "crescl.: nl! the": first the opportunity to I.: ontacts, openings, relatio
n <ll.: ~: infónnais among students. Then the group begins to organii ' . air, s
o that everyone can participate in discussion <les. cooperatives, assemblies, ie
diwrsas Fonni participation and expression by the word; Qul.: mquiser olher do
something, or enter into agreement eom the group, or retreat. In the third step,
the group is organized Fonni more effective and ultimately the qU'lrto time, pa
rt for the job. Rela • • u ~ ress RRP (),.-(,/ Belluno - The pedagogy aims insti
tueional .. firstly transform relaçiio: teacher-student in the non-directivity,
ie eonsiderar since iníeio inefficiency and harmfulness of all methods to ba <;
edc obligations and threats. "Although r, and rofessor students are AD, differen
t equals, nothing prevents the teacher is put in the service of pupils: first, w
ithout imposing his concepts and idea <; without turning students into "object."
U professor is a mentor and a catalyst, C1E mingles with the grupu for a common
reflection. If students are free to the teacher ahead, this one is for the stud
ents (it can, for example,€refuse to answer a perglmta, remaining silent). Howev
er, this freedom of ~ Isao has a meaning quite clear: if a student decides not t
o participate, because it does not feel integrated, but the group has responsibi
lity for this fact and will pose the question: when c is silent on teacher a que
stion, your silence has a meaning that education can, for example, be a help to
the group assume the answer or the situation created. In all, the teacher fits t
he role of counselor • • "and other times, instructor-monitor the disposal of th
e group. At no time did these roles of the teacher are confused with the" model
", since the pedagogics libertáJ.ia refusal any form of power or autoridad ~. pr
esupposes ~ tosde learning - The bureaucratic forms of existing institutions, fo
r their trace of impersonality, endanger personal growth. The emphasis on inform
al learning via group, and the denial of all forms of repression aimed at promot
ing developing people freer. The motivation is therefore in the interest in grow
ing within the group experience, because it is assumed that the group return to
each of its members to satisfy their aspirations and needs. vanish the experienc
ed, the experienced is incorporated and usable in new situations. The criterion
of relevance of systematic knowledge is its possible practical use. I therefore
do not sense any attempt to fu evaluation - will learning, at least in terms of
Other teildências runs educational / Minutes - The libertarian pedagogy covers a
lmost all the anti-authoritarian tendencies in education, among them, the anarch
ist, the psychoanalyst, the sociologists, and also that of progressive teachers.
Although Neill and Rogers can not be cx) Osiderados progressive (as understood
here), also affects some libertarians, such as Lobrot Among the foreigners must
cite Vasquez and among the most reeentes Oury, Ferrer y Guardia among the oldest
. Particularly significant is the work of C. Freinet, which has been extensively
studied among us, there are even some schools applying his method. Among schola
rs and popularizers of the trend can be cited libertáJ.ia Tragtenberg Mauritius,
despite the keynote of his work is not exactly educational, but criticizes the
institutions in favor of a self-managed project. 2.3 Trend C4 progressive social
-critical content "Role of the school - the broadcast content is the primary tas
k. Not content abstract, but alive, concrete, and therefore inseparable from soc
ial realities. The appreciation of the school as a tool for knowledge acquisitio
n service that is best suited to people's interests, since the school can help e
liminate the social selectivity and take la democratic. If the school is part of
the social whole, to act within it is also acting in the course of the transfor
nlação society. If what defines a critical pedagogy is the consciousness of thei
r restrictions hislóricO-l'ociais, the function of pedagogy • • of contents "is
a step in the frenlc transformative role of school, but from existing conditions
. Thus, the condition for which the school serves the interests of the people is
to provide everyone with bbiü education, that is, ownership of basic school sub
jects that resonate in the lives of students. Understood in this sense, educatio
n is an activity • • mediator in the Scio prálica soeial global ", ie one of the
mediations in which the student, the teacher's intervention and his own partici
pation relieves, is an experiment initially confused and fragmenlada (syncretic)
to a synthetic vision and more organized uniftcada. In summary, the performance
of the school is to prepare the student for the adult world and SUllS cl'lltrad
ições, forneeendo him an instrumental by mcio of content acquisition and sociali
zation for an organized and active participation in society dcmocratizaçilo.
Conll'lÍdos di 'I'lIsillO - are universal cultural content that is C (dc JIlstit
uíriJlIIcm dOlJlínios knowle (; rdativam nt:.: Nk autÍlnolllos incorporated pda
IlIlIn'JIlidade but perlllóJncnlcrncllle rcavaliados lace to social rcalidades.
While it is accepted that contents are rcal idadcs outer aI) student, who devell
l simplcsmcnte not be assimilated and reinvented, they do not s. "Io refratfJrio
s closed and the social realidlldes. It is not enough content to be ap (; in <,
(; r.sinados, however well trained, we need to turn it on, d (; Fonni inseparabl
e, their human and social significance. This way of conceiving the contents of k
nowledge estahelece no opposition between high culture and popular culture, or s
pontaneous, but a continuing relationship where, progressivamcnte,€if Passil of
immediate experience and knowledge sistematil disorganized '.. ado. Perch that t
he first apprehension of reality is wrong, ma <, it is necessary to rise to a hi
gher Fonni preparation, conscguida prc'Jprio the student, with the intervcnção t
eacher. The posture of pedagogy "content" - Assuming a knowledge; ent relllrivam
c: nte llutimomo takes s'lbcr as having a relatively objective content, ma <;, t
he same specimen tcmpo introduces the possibility of a critical reassessment of
the face of this content . As sin ~ etiza Snyders, to mention the role of the te
acher, it is, on one hand, to obtain the student's access to content, linking th
em with the actual experience of it - the continuity, but on the other, to provi
de evidence critical analysis that will help students to overcome the experience
, stereotypes, pressure diffuse the dominant ideology - is the rupture. These co
nsiderations it is clear that one can go to learn to political engagement, but n
ot vice versa, at the risk of affecting the very specific nature of knowledge an
d even fall into a Fonni pedagogical ideology that is what is critical in tradit
ional pedagogy and the new pedagogy. Teaching methods - The question of methods
is subordinated to the content: if the objective is to highlight the acquisition
of knowledge and a knowledge sociaiE linked to the realities, we need to promot
e the methods matching the contents with students' interests and that they can r
ecognize in the help content to their efforts to understand the reality (social
practice). Thus, it is not dogmatic methods of transmitting knowledge of traditi
onal pedagogy, nor its replacement by the discovery, investigation or free expre
ssion of opinions, as if the knowledge could be invented by the child, in the de
sign of pedagogy renewed. The methods of critical pedagogy and social content p'
lrtem not then know of one artificial, deposited from the outside, not knowing t
he spontaneous, but a direct relationship with the student experience, faced wit
h the knowledge brought out. The work Docena:. And relates the practice as exper
ienced by '\ lunos with the contents proposed by the teacher, when it will happe
n to "break" in relation to experience little elaborate. Such a rupture is only
possible with the explicit introduction by the teacher, the new elements of anal
ysis to be applied to the practice of critically alun \). In other words, a less
on begins with the observation of actual practice, havend ~, then awareness of t
his practice in the sense described earlier-Ia to the terms of proposed content,
in the form of a clash between experience and explanation of the teacher. That
is to say: go to the action to the understanding and understanding into action,
until the synthesis, which is nothing but the unity of theory and practice. Teac
her-student relationship - If, as shown earlier, knowledge is the result of exch
anges that are established in the interaction between the environment (natural,
social, cultural) and the subject, the teacher being the mediator, then the rela
tionship is to replenish the teaching conditions in teachers and students can co
llaborate to advance these exchanges. The adult role is irreplaceable, but empha
sis is also participlição student in the process. That is, the student, with his
experience inIediata nun! cultural context, participating in the search for tru
th, I was going to confront with the content and models expressed by the teacher
. But ess ~ effort in guiding the teacher in open outlook from Contel implies wu
involvement with the lifestyle of students with inclw.ive awareness of the cont
rasts between their cultures and the student. Do not be content, however, to sat
isfy only need ~ and shortcomings; sought despcI1ar other needs, speed and disci
pline mélodC's dc study, require the effort of alwlo propose content and models
compatible with their experiences, so that the student be mobilized for union ac
tive participation. Evidently the mediating role played in the analysis of tomo
conteÓdos excludes nãodiretividade as fomla guidance of school work, because the
adult-alwlO dialogue is uneven. The adult has more experience about the social
realities, has a fomlação (at least should have) to teach, and he has the knowle
dge to do it anal sc content in comparison with social realities. Non-directiven
ess leave students to their own desires, as if he .. 'had UMN spontaneous tenden
cy to achieve the expected goals of education. We know that trends are not nntum
is cspontânens c • • natural "before tax are the conditions of Vidna and the env
ironment. There are suticientes love, acceptance, that the children of pure trab
alhlldores acquire the desire to study ISMN. pr ~) chalk: it is I \ l × cess.Ari
ues the
intervelll,:; io UOprolCssor pair <! take. a1uno the acrcditar in their possihil
idades to go lIIais longl ~, extended iI try: NEIA viviua. I ',. Cs, MPOS / the
c / e apl't' JiZlI); I'1II - In an effort prúprio, the student is recognized in
conteúuos 1II0UcJOS and social apresenti.luos by pwlCssor; to ~ yes, turn enlarg
e prúpria your experience. () again if eonheeimenlo apúia eognitiva an existing
structure, or prolCssor Ul provides the structure: the student. 's beautiful doe
s not have. The degree of involvement in learning dependc both the readiness and
willingness uo student, the teacher's the context of c ~; wing classrooms. Lear
n, ua peuagogia within the view of content, is the ability descnvolver dc proecs
sar and information which would deal with environmental stimuli uo, organizé1l1d
o available data of experience. As a result, the principle admitc the aprendiend
o. "significant act" that assumes, as bread, so original, check what the student
already knows. The teacher needs to know (understand) what students say or do,
the student needs compr.: Cnder what the teacher tries to tell to them. The tran
sfer of learning occurs from the moment of synthesis, ie, when the student surpa
sses his vision and p'lreial confusing and becomes a:! dara and unifying vision.
Resuita clearly that the work ~ paste needs to be evaluated, not as dogmatic an
d definitive trial of the teacher, but as a demonstration for the student of the
ir progress toward notions more systematized. Demonstrations in school practice
- The effort to establish a pedagogy "content" is to propose models of teaching-
oriented content-interaction social realities, so in order to advance in terms o
f a joint political and pedagogical, that as an extension of this , or education
"in the service of transformation of production relations." Although the short
term it is hoped the teacher greater knowledge of the contents of its matter and
the field of transmission, to ensure technical competence, his contribution "wi
ll be more effective as more capable of understanding the links of your practice
with the overall social practice, taking into \ ist (...) "the democratization
of society brasileLra, care of the interests of the grassroots, the structural t
ransformation of Brazilian society" Within the general Iiuhas exposed here, we
can mention the pioneering but more remote, the Russian writer and educator, Ma
karenko. Among the present authors cite B. Charlot, Suchodolski, Manacorda and,
in particular, G. Snyders, in addition to Brazilian authors who are developing r
esearch relevant to destaeando Demerval Saviani.
Note: This book was drawn from texts of Cyprian and Jose Carlos Carlos Luckesi L

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