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RagnarokOnline Patcher Lite (codename: RSU)

(c) 2009-2012 Ai4rei/AN
== History =========================================================
[Version 2.4.1-kisu]
+ Added debug log to track connection issues (timeouts, aborts, hangs).
* Keeping downloaded patches (SHIFT+Close) now works even when the patch process
* Updated aRO patch information.
! Fixed auto-adjustment to connection speed not working as intended for certain
WinInet versions (experimental/debug).
! Fixed FTP connections needing too much time (about 1 hour) to realize that the
y timed out for certain WinInet versions.
[Version 2.4.0-rai]
* Updated kRO patch information to still allow access to the old patch server (t
hx Yommy).
[Version 2.3.0-riot]
* Updated kRO patch information for new FTP and patch list locations. The patche
r detects automatically when to switch to the new patch information.
[Version 2.2.0]
+ Added message informing about patch.inf save failure and giving chance to reso
lve the issue manually.
+ Added patch information for pRO Sakray, iRO Yggdrasil (replaces Rag), eRO Rag/
Free and twRO.
! Fixed extracting RGZ archives showing 'Creating end...' in status line shortly
- Undid fix to 'repacked archives always having 8 bytes of waste', as this does
not justify the code complexity to achieve same level of integrity in case of un
expected interruption when updating an archive (since 2.0.0).
- kRO clients no longer feature the SSO login support, until it is reinvestigate
[Version 2.1.1]
! Fixed an issue, that prevented 'large' network resources from getting stored t
emporarily, causing kRO sign-in to fail (since 2.1.0).
! Fixed kRO sign-in referrer getting escaped before sending (since 2.1.0).
! Fixed a detected buffer-overflow in user name and password escaping (since 2.1
! Fixed a memory leak in kRO sign-in (since 2.1.0).
[Version 2.1.0]
+ Added support for GRF v1.01.
+ Added support for official Lua-based in-archive file deletion.
# Initially written for Lua 5.1.4, but official compiled scripts turned out to
be incompatible (Gravity uses 5.0.2).
+ Added support for kRO sign-in (for credits, see System Menu -> About).
+ Added check and warning, whether or not the patcher is located in a too long p
ath, so that patches do not fail 'for no apparent reason'.
* No longer closes silently when initialization fails, but present an error mess
* Improved context-sensitive help in certain dialogs.
! Fixed out-of-memory condition in file node manager (responsible for reusage an
d deletion of temporary files) causing the entire patch process to fail (since r
! Fixed writing RGZ archive contents displaying the archive's name, rather than
the object being written (since r1).
! Fixed no longer working in wine (since 2.0.1).
! Fixed jRO Urdr patch information client parameter (since 1.2.0 SE).
! [snippets::memory] Fixed zero-allocation returning bogus pointer, rather than
NULL (since 2.0.0).
[Version 2.0.1]
* Normal (uncompressed) file content is no longer retrieved, instead the output
buffer is initialized to zero (official).
# The engine is given the ability to override this behavior on demand, as it s
eems more like a bug, rather than 'feature', because the initialization is done
by copying a pre-initialized buffer.
! Fixed /test checking the archive, rather than by-passing patch_allow.txt (like
'donut'), due to a misconception in initial release. Archives can now be tested
with switch /testpak (since r1).
! Fixed hard-link creation not failing on read-only archives, until the archive
was commited (since 1.2.2).
- Removed remnants from asrdll integration (since 2.0.0).
[Version 2.0.0]
+ Added support for Windows 7 task button progress bars, as certain settings kee
p the button title hidden.
+ Added support for i18n back to the patcher and enabled strings being read from
rsu.ini (renders i18n plugin unusable).
+ Added support for external ipatch back to the patcher (renders ipatch plugin u
+ Added support for checking for updates (disabled by default and there is no UI
to enable this yet, except editing rsu.ini manually).
* If there is a settings file, only plug-ins listed in [rsu]-PlugIn list are loa
ded. If the settings file is absent, all found plug-ins are loaded.
* Made the patcher allow multiple instances being run at same time, as long as t
hey operate in different folders.
* If multiple patches contain the same file, only the latest version of that fil
e is patched (faster).
! Fixed ipatch always requiring full set of keys, instead of checking each key f
or validity by itself (since 1.2.0).
! Fixed retrieving files from archive not updating actual length of the buffer,
when the file in question was not compressed (rare) (since 1.1.0).
! Fixed patcher only exiting, when one loaded plug-in fails to initialize. Now t
he patcher exists, if at least one plug-in fails to initialize (since 1.4.1).
! Fixed distortion of the application icon when started with WINE (since r1).
! Fixed entry allocation increasing by 8 bytes upon storing a file, leading to i
nvisible waste, without impact on actual data (since 1.1.0).
! Fixed entry allocation glitch when merging archives (since 1.1.0).
! Fixed zero-entries getting allocated and retrieved when merging archives (sinc
e 1.1.0).
! Fixed allocation spam when merging or testing archives (since 1.1.0).
! Fixed waste calculation returning invalid value, when used on an archive witho
ut files (since 1.1.0).
! Fixed memory leaks, when patch process was aborted (since r1).
! Fixed repacked archives always having 8 bytes of waste (since 1.1.0).
! Fixed verifying archives could yield false positives in low-memory conditions
(since 1.1.0).
! Fixed memory leaks, when repacking or testing process was aborted (since r1).
! [snippets::hashdb] Fixed a crash in low-memory conditions (since 1.1.0).
- Removed impossible check in window creation, which would have led to a memory
leak anyway (since 1.4.0).
[Version 1.4.4]
* Plug-ins are now given a chance to handle WEB and FTP type transfer failures.
* Plug-ins can be updated now by patching, which will turn into p
luginname.rpi on next patcher start.
! Fixed plug-in scheduled tasks not getting executed, when the first task fails
(since 1.4.1).
! Fixed patcher's performance could be negatively affected by high-usage normal-
priority tasks (reported for 1.1.0, since 1.0.6).
! Fixed downloads aborting after timeouts with high latency/low speed connection
s (reported for 1.4.1, since r1).
- Dropped ability to look for patcher updates (noone used this). Ability to self
-update via rsu-new.exe remains.
[Version 1.4.3]
* ENTER and ESC keys now correspond to 'Start' and 'Close' buttons respectively.
* Plug-in system debug messages are now in nightly releases only.
! Fixed temporary RGZ file not getting deleted, when RGZ extraction fails (since
[Version 1.4.2]
* If a plug-in registers a client through IPlugCommon::SetPatchInfo and the clie
nt is present after patch process, the start button is enabled to start it.
* Lite releases now start the patch process automatically, as there is nothing t
o select anyway. Start button will start the game client after successful patch
! Fixed a glitch causing start button getting turned on/off, even when the close
button was specified (since 1.4.1).
! Fixed status line displaying repacking-message, even when no changes were sche
duled (since 1.0.4).
! Fixed RGZ archives not getting deleted after successful extraction (since 1.3.
! Fixed a small memory leak, when RGZ extraction fails (since 1.3.0).
[Version 1.4.1]
+ Added support & documentation for plug-ins.
! Fixed a bug, that made GRF archives larger than 2GB unusable (since r1, and 1.
! Fixed bug with start button, when patcher updated was done before actual patch
ing (since 1.4.0).
- Dropped i18n, is now a plugin.
- Dropped ipatch, is now a plugin.
[Version 1.4.0]
+ Added support for starting the game client after patch process is complete (op
+ Added /autostart command line parameter, that makes the patcher start patching
without having to click 'Start' (shortcut usage).
+ Added ability to look for updates for the patcher itself.
* Overall progress in title bar is now visible during the entire patch progress.
* Optimized ipatch reading a bit, making it also less messy.
* Optimized retrieval of WEB type files, cuts down a lot of wait time on slow co
! Fixed zero-length patch files would appear to not exist (since 1.1.0).
! Fixed GDI leak in window creation (since r1).
! Fixed a possible FTP connect issue when FtpUser and FtpPass are supplied exter
nally, but left empty (since 1.2.0).
! Fixed WEB type files being cached, causing problems on mis-configurated machin
es (since r1).
! Fixed main window ignoring nShowCmd (window state set through shortcuts) (sinc
e r1).
- Removed partial progress from title bar, when minimized.
- Normal releases will no longer contain virus.txt as it takes up to much work t
o set it up. Re-scan the files when in doubt.
[Version 1.3.0]
+ Implemented on-demand elevation in case of missing write rights.
* Empty files are no longer retrieved (as there is nothing to retrieve).
* Failed downloads are now retried once. If a file fails twice, already download
ed patches are applied.
* No longer causes non-critical blue screen or exception dialog on Windows 9x or
Windows NT platforms respectively, when running on removable media, that got re
* No longer blocks patch process canceling during finalizing grf.
# Final release.
[Version 1.2.2]
! Fixed in-progress area of the grf not getting cleared on failure, leading to u
nnecessary wasted space.
[Version 1.2.1]
! Fixed patchlist processing not skipping lines properly, that contain only a pa
tch number (thx jRO).
[Version 1.2.0]
+ Added localization support.
+ Added support for external patch information.
* Pressing 'Close' while SHIFT key is held preserves downloaded patches.
* No longer reuses space of entries, that are about being replaced, as it leaves
the archive in undefined state, yet fixable through repatching, when patch proc
ess is aborted.
! Fixed random UI font getting selected, when the requested one is not present.
! Fixed UI getting slowed down by other initialization during start up.
! Fixed incomplete files not getting cleaned up on exit.
! Fixed wasted space calculation not including v2.0 headers.
[Version 1.1.2]
* When patching is not allowed through patch_allow.txt, the status line indicate
s, that the server is on maintenance, instead of having appearance of being up-t
* Improved RGZ processing and lowered associated memory usage.
! Fixed reading non-existing files caused creation of zero-length files with sam
e name.
! Fixed retrieving/storing files in grf archives not supporting zero-length file
[Version 1.1.1]
! Fixed an access violation in patch list sorting, when no patches were present.
[Version 1.1.0]
+ Added own grf reading/writing implementation ( -181KB / +19KB ), as grf.dll do
esn't work properly under some circumstances (mostly when dealing with 1.x grfs)
and has no 'revert'-facility for errors.
+ Added /test & /repak command line parameter support adapted from official patc
* The patcher now asks, whether to perform a full repack or not, once the waste-
ratio reaches a certain amount.
* Reduced the amount of FTP type queries to minimum. This increases patch speed
especially for offline patches.
! Fixed patch list not being sorted by id before execution (official).
- Dropped grf.dll support.
[Version 1.0.6]
+ Added progress tracking to repacking.
* Cleaned up reading and writing of files.
! Fixed a visual glitch, when window was minimized, after the patch process was
! Fixed patch list execution making assumptions about last downloaded file, when
the file type wasn't recognized.
! Fixed memory leaks in deleted nodes and possible crash on NULL pointer releasi
ng (inverted check).
! Fixed some issues with file nodes of not recognized file types.
[Version 1.0.5]
+ First Public Release.
* Grf patch pool is now released once the worker thread terminates, so that patc
hes can be moved to another location, before deleted.
* Files with other extensions than 'rgz' and 'gpf' are now just downloaded and n
ot processed any further (official).
! Fixed percent calculation precision-loss glitch from fix in 1.0.4 causing valu
es over 100%.
! Fixed wrong values being passed to progress info, upon minimizing.
! Fixed errors during repack not getting recognized.
! Fixed patch_allow.txt check failing for content longer than 5 bytes.
! Fixed ftp files getting opened too early (before checking for local file).
# Moved from alpha to beta stage.
[Version 1.0.4]
* Close button changes to 'Cancel' when patching is in progress.
! Fixed main grf could become corrupted when the patch process was aborted.
! Fixed wait message affecting title bar instead status line.
! Fixed close button state modifications being applied on start button.
! Fixed still occuring overflows in progress calculations.
[Version 1.0.3]
* Overall progress is now stepped by partial progress.
* When "donut" is in effect, patch_allow.txt isn't processed at all (waste of ti
! Fixed patch process failed, when a single file was requested multiple times (t
hx iRO Sakray/Valkyrie).
! Fixed application icon missing 16x16 size for explorer view.
[Version 1.0.2]
* Manifest is now embedded in executable.
! Fixed crash when patch list ends with whitespace (thx kRO Renewal).
! Fixed overall progress in minimized status being of by one.
[Version 1.0.1]
+ Taskbar button now shows percent of progress, when window is minimized.
+ Added original patcher's "donut" feature.
+ Added support for retrying failed downloads (optional).
* Only a single instance is allowed to run, to prevent double patch problems.
! Fixed memory leak in Ftp_FileGet.
! Fixed integer overflow in progress bar.
! Fixed partial downloaded files not getting registered for deletion.
! Fixed downloaded files not being checked for completeness.
! Fixed grflib corrupting patched grfs.
! Fixed problems with window centering.
! Fixed window size messing up with visual styles.
! Fixed hFtpConnect handle not getting released on error.
[Version 1.0.0]
+ First Private Release.

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