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Tar Eltharin is spoken by the Asur or High Elves and is the purest form of Eltharin,
bearing the most resemblance to the language when it was first devised and
spoken. Tar-Eltharin is also spoken in a more limited capacity by the nobility of
the Druchii, as they are forced to learn the language of their ancestors and their
hated kin as children. While all of the Asur speak Tar-Eltharin, the various
kingdoms of Ulthuan speak various sub-dialects and have their own peculiar
accents (though it is usually only the Elves who can distinguish between these),
though this was more true in the ancient past and in modern times the various
accents have merged a little.

Tar-Eltharin is based on a series of central (usually somewhat abstract) concepts

represented by words called the Asai which are represented by fundamental
runes called the Asun. From this set of fundamental concepts, the entirety of Tar-
Eltharin comes. There is also a second, extremely numerous lesser set of words;
the Onai which serve to give specific meaning to the more fundamental concepts.
The Onai are represented by lesser runes called the Onun. However even when
speaking specifically, the nature of Elven language is such (and this is true for all
dialects) that it is still open to interpretation, depending on the inflection of the
speaker and the context.

The Asun

The Asun are as follows:

Ahrain - Shadows, night, stealth, secrets, perfidiousness

Asur - Asuryan, The Eternal Flame, rebirth, Lordship, the Phoenix, the High Elves

Cadaith - Grace, power, music of the stars

Caladai - The line of Kings, the Dragons of flame

Ceyl - Law, order, justice, passion, sword that draws blood

Charoi - Strength, ferocity, mane of hair

Cynath - Chill, death, silence, loneliness

Cython - Lileath, the serpent, wisdom, knowledge, futility

Daroir - Remembrance, memory, the strength of stones

Elthrai - Doom, hope, inexorable fate

Elui - Ending, denial

Harathoi - Youth, boundless energy, jealousy

Lacoi - Might, glory, fear of death

Lathain - Storm, wrath, gently falling rain which brings eternal sleep

Lecai - Light, nobility of the soul, lightness of being

Menlui - Water, life, majesty, weakness, torrential rain, thunder in the distant

Minaith - Skill in arms, spirituality, the Lost Way

Oriour - Blood, birth

Quyl-Isha - The tears of Isha, sorrow, mercy, endurance, mourning for lost

Sarathai - The rune of the World Dragon, defiance, something that is unyielding

Sariour - The moon, magic, fortune, evil deeds, destruction wrought by nature

Saroir - Eternity, infinity, the flame of love that burns all it touches

Senlui - Swiftness, accuracy

Senthoi - Unity, loyalty, broken promise or oath

Sethai - Flight, wind, cry in the far mountains

Thalui - Hatred, vengence

Thanan - Hidden power, inner strength, indecisiveness

Urithair - Destruction, conquest, sacrifice, innocence

Yenlui - Balance, harmony, Chaos

Tar-Eltharin Dictionary

These are known Tar-Eltharin words, in alphabetical order. It should be noted that
many of these words are common to many languages, particularly those relating
to magic, which exist unchanged in the Dark Tongue of Chaos, in the Lingua
Praestantia spoken by Imperial Wizards invoking their spells, and in the ancient
Elven language Anoqeyn, now only spoken in the incantations of High Mages.

Aethyr - The Winds of Magic, the Realm of Chaos

Aqshy - The wind of fire, red

Asai - Greater words

Asrai - Wood Elves

Asun - Greater runes

Asur - High Elves

Azyr - The wind of the heavens, blue

Chamon - The Wind of metal, yellow, gold

Dhar - Dark or Chaotic magic

Druchii - Dark Elves

Elthin Arvan - The Old World

Ghur - The wind of beasts, brown, amber

Ghyran - The wind of life, green

Hysh - The wind of light, white

Onai - Lesser words

Onun - Lesser runes

Qhaysh - High magic

Shyish - The wind of death, purple, amethyst

Sith Rionnasc'namithshir - "Star Gem of the Sea", An Elven fortress that existed
at the mouth of the River Reik, the site of modern day Marienburg in the
Wasteland. Destroyed during the War of the Beard.

Ulgu - The wind of shadow, grey

Ulthuan - The Island home of the Asur


Fan-Eltharin is the dialect of Eltharin spoken by the Asrai or Wood Elves. Little is
known about this form, although it is known that the language has changed much
over the millennia because the Asrai have spent all that time in isolation in Athel
Loren in the Old World. Fan-Eltharin has grown to resemble the Asrai themselves
in their inextricable link with the magical forest. Asrai never speak Fan-Eltharin in
front of outsiders, (and the Asrai speaking to outsiders is a rare occurrence in
itself) preferring instead to speak in the native tongue of the member of the race
they are talking to. All Elves have a natural affinity for language so this is not a
difficult feat.

Druhir is the dialect of Eltharin spoken by the Druchii or Dark Elves and is based
on the original Eltharin dialect spoken in Nagarythe in the time before the civil-
war called The Sundering split the race of Elves in two.


Druhir is the dialect of Eltharin spoken by the Druchii or Dark Elves, based on the
original Eltharin dialect spoken in Nagarythe in the time before The Sundering
split the race of Elves in two, and aftermath of the War of the Beard caused some
Elves to further break away. Druhir is a harsh language and there are notable
differences between it and other Elven languages.


Druhir is a harsher language than Tar-Eltharin and although it has the melodious
sound and flowing rune-writing of all Elven languages, Druhir has an air of cruelty
and malice to it that is not present in the other Eltharin dialects, this is perhaps
due to the use of harsh consonant sounds like "K" and "G" along with more
traditional rolling Eltharin sounds. The written form of Druhir is simply called
Druhir and the runes appear darker, with more jagged edges than a traditional
Elven rune. Druchii runes almost always have at least a loose conenction with
Dhar and it is said that scholars attempting to decipher Druhir have gone mad.

Druhir Dictionary

These are known Druhir words, in alphabetical order.

Autarii - The Shades of the Blackspine Mountains, also the outlying areas of

Caedlin - Silver or gold mask worn by highborn of Hag Graef to protect their faces
from fog which sweeps over the city at night.

Courva - Mildly addictive stimulant extracted from the roots of a Lustrian plant.
Believed to enhance senses.

Dalakoi - Padded aketon with mail sleeves and shirt, lined with leather eg: doe or
human. (Literally "strength against death.")

Drachau - Title held by rulers of Druchii cities. (Literally "Hand of the Night".)
Draich - Long two-handed sword primarily used by Executioners.

Drannach - Long heavy-bladed spear (literally "sky-piercer".)

Dru Perim - A Council of male Sorcerers who helped govern Naggaroth after the
Sundering. Were all killed by Malekith after his edict that only females may
become magic-users, in WAR's Age of Reckoning, this has been lifted.

Glaith - Short sickle-shaped blade used for ritual combat. (Literally "spine-blade".)

Hadrilkar - Torc worn by members of a noble's reutine, (literally "collar of


Hakseer - A right of passage for nobles in which they go on a year-long sea raid.

Hanil Khar - The "Bearing of Chains". Annual festival where nobles make an
offering to the Drachau and restate their loyalty. Marks end of raiding season and
start of winter.

Hithuan - A social rule which measures how close one Druchii is allowed to
another, this depends on social rank and is measured in sword lengths.

Keikalla - Bells which superstitious Druchii hang around their necks to ward off
evil spirits and bad fortune. (Literally "Spirit-bells".)

Khaitan - Long flowing robe made from silk, usually patterned with runes.

Maelith - Malevolent spirits of dead Druchii sometimes used by Sorceresses.

Maibd - "Bride of Khaine".

Nauglir - A Cold One.

Sa'an'ishar - "Shields and spears!" Meaning to stand at attention or be ready.

Tulluch - A Witch Elf.

Uraithen - Repeater Crossbow. (Literally "death rain".)

Vaulkhar - "Maker of the Chains". Title held by leader of a Drachau's army. Comes
from his right to enslave prisoners of war if he wishes.

Vauvalka - Illegal (mostly male) users of Dhar who often sell their services.
(Literally "Shadow-casters".)


Exclamation Caution: Expanded Background Content

This material is not directly related to WAR but is provided for those wanting a
broader Warhammer experience. Information herein may not be consistent with
events or characters portrayed in WAR.
The popular Dark Elf fan-website has invented an unofficial set of
runes that the they imagine the Druchii would supposedly use as a writing
system called "Drukh-Eltharin". Many of these runes however, are based on
actual Druchii runes found in Warhammer source books and other resources,
though they have not been given a specific meaning such as the Asur's Asun
runes have, until now. The following list from their January 2004 newsletter is
included to illustrate an overall tone for Druhir, and to help expand a player's role
playing lexicon.

Harthani - Phonetic Runes

In the construction of Drukh-Eltharian, created a set of thirty-nine

phonetic runes to further illustrate the small dictionary of words they created and
aid players in creating more of their own. Note that some double-vowel elements
are pronounced as diphthongs and some are not. Any double-vowel element not
represented by a single runeform should be pronounced as two distinct sounds.
In the case of three or more consecutive vowels, the first vowel pair that can be
represented as a single runeform should be pronounced as such, while the
remaining vowels should be pronounced as distinct sounds.

Agh - to g as kh is to k

Aibh - a very soft v sound as in Irish "medb"

Ail - an aiyee sound

Akh - a as in cat

Beth - somewhere between a b and a p

Dae - as in Spanish "ol"

Dar - somewhere between a d and a t

Dhar - th as in that

Dhy - ie as in die

Eam - an eiyah sound

Edh - e as in send

Eil - an eiyee sound

Eyl - ai as in "nail"

Fei - f as in "feather"

Gor - g as in "gate"
Han - h as in "hat"

Ian - an eeyah sound

Ikh - i as in "kill"

Ith - ee as in "tree"

Khou - like ch in Scottish "loch", but harsher

Ku - c as in "cat"

Loi - an oiyee sound

Lu - l as in "laughter"

Mu - m as in "man"

Nu - n as in "no"

Nui - like French "oui"

Odh - o as in "go"

Oer - oa as in "oar"

Okh - o as in "not"

Our - eu as in French "beurre"

Rou - a rolled r

Sham - sh as in "ship"

Sin - s as in "serpent"

Thar - th as in "thorn"

Ur - ou as in "tour"

Uyl - ui as in "quill"

Vekh - v as in "victory"

Yeth - y as in "yellow"

Zhul - like ge in French "rouge"

Drukh-Eltharin DictionaryEdit

Many of the below words carry double (sometimes quintuple) meanings. While
this is a fan-made list, it illustrates the single mindedness of Drukh-Eltharian.
Where some words (such as "Kuyl") may have two completely unrelated
meanings, multiple words will work together to illustrate one concept (such as
killing, which is mentioned multiple times below.)
Arha - Darkness or Night. May also indicate shadows or the color gray.

Daro - Memory or written records. May also indicate stones or the color blue.

Drukh - Merciless, harsh. May also be used to describe steel.

Elthrai - Doom or hopelessness.

Elu - Ending and/or denial.

Ganth - Execution, sacrifice. May be used as the English version of "sacrifice" to

mean both a gift to a god, and something given up for another purpose.

Har - Place, home, city.

Harath - Youth, energy, jealousy, ambition.

Kar - Despair, numbing cold.

Khadath - Immense power, and potency. May also refrence stars, or change.

Khae - Murder, slaughter. May also indicate brass or the color bronze.

Khaladh - Dragon, nobility, or flames. May also indicate the colors yellow and

Kheyl - Judgement, iron rule, punishment.

Khlar - Eternal damnation or slavery.

Kuyl - Sorrow or cowardice.

Kynth - Cold, death, silence, wilderness, loss. May also indicate the color black.

Kython - Knowledge, serpent, danger, and pleasurable pain.

Lakh - Glory, & victory. Especially in the face of certain death.

Lath - Anger, strife, & storm. May also mean sleep.

Menlu - Water, & life. May also indicate rain or the color green.

Minaith - Skill.

Nagh - Ice, or something being pale.

Oriour - Blood, birth, and the the color crimson.

Sarath - Defiance, undying hatred, & quixotically duty to one's superiors. May
reference the overall struggle against High Elves.

Sarious - Sorcery, good and bad fortune, and cataclysm. May also indicate the
moons or the color white.
Saro - Eternity, infinity, and intensity.

Senlu - Speed and accuracy.

Senth - Loyalty, & strength in numbers.

Sheth - Flight, wind, and screaming.

Thalu - Hatred and vengeance.

Than - Hidden power, subtlety, and feigned weakness.

Urith - Destruction through conquest and warfare.

Yenlu - Chaos, or opposing forces.

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