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When Ms. Tanaotanao asked us to do this performance task, I told
myself that I should be very creative since she demanded it. I am not
simple nor demanding person, I always choose what I am comfortable with
that is why I had chosen my articles according to which showed more
decent details or information. I am seriously planning to do this at sketch
book but since I had given mine with my little cousin, I thought of
something which would look more creative and lively. I were thinking of
using ring binds, colored papers and scented papers for this performance;
however, I really dont think I have to spend so much many for this since it
was creativity or I can use my materials that are abandoned on my house.
Another thing that I like about this performance task is that it all about
advocacy and encouragements. One of the things that I want to fulfil on my
college years is to fight and join the different organizations with advocacy
especially related to teenage intentional injuries since Im perfectly fit to
give advices and opinions regarding this topic. I also had fun picking for
those random encouragements messages from google to use in this task. I
eventually realized something while reading the encouragements
messages, and my urge to follow the path that I am looking forward to
(being a great politician) became stronger. Slowly, I am learning the things
that I dont know, and learning to accept what I have and dont have. I am
very happy that within a short period of time, I had fun doing this task in
MAPEH. I just hope that all preceding performance tasks would be as fun as
this or something that, we, teenagers, can really understand and absorb.
Luckily, there would be no classes tomorrow so Im planning to print this on
the store who offers lowest cost.
Now that we are well into the new Millennium This advocacy material is designed to change
society has begun to recognize serious concerns public perceptions as well as the influence policy
with issues that kids have to deal with today. decisions and funding priorities. Advocacy is
Some issues have always been there but are now critical in efforts to improve adolescent
coming to the eyes of the public to find reproductive health. Advocacy helps ensure that
solutions. With as many problems as we are all programs for youth are enacted, funded,
faced with in our work and life, it seems as if implemented, and sustained by building support
there is never enough time to solve each one with the public and opinion leaders. Through
without dealing with some adversity along the education and example, advocates support
way. Problems keep mounting so fast that we
find ourselves taking short-cuts to temporarily Why advocate for youth?
alleviate the tension points so we can move
National and community policieswritten and
unwrittensignificantly affect young people's
Who can be an advocate?
health. Other institutions which touch the lives of
YSOs, health care providers, researchers, youth, such as clinics and schools, may have
parents, members of religious groups, and youth internal policies that also influence young
themselves can all be adolescent reproductive people's reproductive health. Policies are a
health advocates. Anyone who cares about the reflection of a society's commitment to its young
health of young people can be an advocate. The people. Improving policies that affect young
only requirement is to be actively committed to people's reproductive health is important in
the issue. Too often, people who work with youth
Whether they are large or small, effective adolescent
do not see them as advocates and think they lack
health advocacy campaigns include a few basic, but
the training or funding to engage in advocacy. In
strategic, steps and activities. This advocacy kit
provides information on how to:

Perform a needs assessment,

Formulate goals and objectives,
Work with other organizations and individuals,
Involve young people,
Educate the public, often by working with the
Persuade the public and policy makers to
support adolescent reproductive health
education and services,
Answer questions commonly asked about
Teen drug and alcohol use with our prevention efforts," said ONDCP spokeswoman
Cameron Hardesty.
continues to fall, new federal The new figures on marijuana use come as
several states are debating whether and how to
data show legalize and regulate the marijuana market. Much of
By Christopher Ingraham September 16, the discussion has centered around whether legalized
2014 marijuana would lead to increased adolescent
marijuana use, which has been linked with poor health
Drug and alcohol use among America's teens continues and education outcomes later in life.
to trend downward, according to new numbers Opponents of legalization often argue that it leads to a
released today by the Department of Health and declining perception of risks associated with marijuana
Human Services. From 2002 to 2013, the average use among teens, which in turn leads to increased
American teenager's odds of regular (at least monthly) rates of adolescent use. But while the latest NSDUH
tobacco use nearly halved. Recreational use of data shows a continued drop in perceived risk of
prescription painkillers saw a similar decline. marijuana use among adolescents, overall teen use
The rate of regular alcohol use among teens aged 12 to rates have actually trended slightly downward.
17 declined from from 17.6 percent to 11.6 percent
over the same period. Teen marijuana use, a "One question that might be asked is how long the idea
contentious topic now that several states have that adolescent cannabis use is driven by risk
legalized marijuana sales, is also on the decline. perception can survive the fact that risk perceptions
These findings come from the 2013 National Survey on have been falling, but prevalence hasn't been rising,"
Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), an annual, nationally- said Mark Kleiman, a UCLA professor of public policy
representative survey of roughly 70,000 Americans who studies drug policy.
aged 12 and older. Because of its large sample size the Moreover, teens are also more likely to say that
survey is considered an authoritative account of the marijuana is difficult to obtain today than they
nature and scope of drug, alcohol and tobacco use in were ten years ago. Taken together, these numbers
the United States. suggest that evolving public attitudes toward
"We're seeing really exciting numbers in terms of the marijuana use haven't made adolescents more likely to
12 to 17 year-olds across the country," according use the drug, nor have they made it easier to obtain.
to Peter Delany, the director of the Center for Jonathan Caulkins, a Carnegie Mellon researcher who
Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality (CBHSQ) at the studies drug use, notes that there's a strong link
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services between tobacco use and marijuana use, particularly
Administration. "We see illicit drug use down among adolescents. Caulkins suspects that the sharp
significantly from 2009. We see marijuana starting to decline in teen tobacco use is keeping marijuana use
trend downward. Hallucinogens and inhalants are also levels low: "Success in anti-smoking [efforts] appears
down slightly." to have been 'protective' for youth," he said in an
"The 2013 NSDUH results suggest that the email. Peter Delany of the CBHSQ calls that "a
Administrations efforts to reduce drug and alcohol use plausible hypothesis." He notes a similar connection
among young people is working," the White House between teen alcohol use and illicit drug use, and says
Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) said in a that efforts to curb tobacco and alcohol may be having
press release. "a spillover effect" on other drugs.
Among all Americans, the new numbers show that
Among all Americans, the survey finds that drug use relaxed attitudes toward marijuana so far haven't
trends are essentially flat. The percentage of those translated to higher rates of dependence - 1.6 percent
aged 12+ using any illicit drug in the past month is up of Americans aged 12+ met the definition of marijuana
slightly year-over-year, from 9.2 percent in 2012 to 9.4 dependency, essentially unchanged over the past
percent in 2013. These numbers are driven primarily decade. Alcohol dependency has crept downward over
by a similar uptick in marijuana use over the same the same period.
The numbers suggest that ONDCP efforts to curb some
of the most dangerous drug behavior, like opioid
abuse, may be bearing fruit. "Were especially
heartened by the decrease in new initiates [that is,
first-time use] of prescription drug misuse, which aligns
Stalking on Campus: A Silent asking their friends for information about them or
looking at their Facebook page repeatedly. All of this is
Epidemic typical adolescent developmentally appropriate
affection-seeking behavior, and rarely does the target
The first steps to combating this crime include experience fear in response to these behaviors.
taking it seriously, having an appropriate policy,
and training campus personnel and public safety Evaluate Situations In Context
officers on how to effectively respond. It can also look like stalking if not put in the proper
By Robin Hattersley Gray context. It is important to view the behavior from the
victims perspective. Behaviors that seem benign to an
outsider might be terrifying to a victim.
One thing to look at is has the victim or target
attempted to set a boundary that this person continues
to ignore? Garcia explains. Has the person been told
by the target, a friend, police officer, HR, RA, etc. that
the stalking behavior is not OK?
Generally, a verbal and/or written warning can be
issued to the offender. Another option is an order of
protection. That said, Garcia warns, With stalkers, we
know there is a really high recidivism rate. Over 60%
will reengage in the stalking behavior after an
Stalkers Use Many Methods
intervention and after they have been arrested or
Probably the least discussed or understood of these
served with an order of protection.
topics is stalking, and the definition of it varies from
Identifying stalking, however, can be challenging,
state to state and campus to campus. The most
particularly for victims who often minimize the
common ways offenders stalk is by unwanted phone
calls, voicemails, text messages, spying, sending
If you think about any of those behaviors that are
unwanted gifts, letters and E-mails and showing up
typical of stalking cases the phone calls, showing up
uninvited to the victims location or waiting for him or
to places, the texts, the E-mails many of those
her at a particular location.
behaviors in and of themselves are not criminal
Eighteen- to 24-year-olds have the highest rate of
behaviors, says Garcia.
stalking victimization, says Michelle Garcia, director for
the National Center for Victims of Crimes Stalking
Victims, law enforcement and campus personnel must
Resource Center. The rates of stalking on college
be able to recognize the pattern and course of conduct
campuses are higher than in the general population;
that would indicate the behavior is actually stalking.
similar to the rates of sexual assault.
Indeed, of the six million stalking victims in the United
Clear Policies, Training Can Help
States each year, more than half of the female
One way a campus can help victims, administrators
survivors and more than one-third of the male
and public safety officials identify stalking is to have a
survivors say the were stalked before the age of 25.
clear and well-publicized policy that defines stalking
The motivations as to why stalkers stalk vary. In a
and explains that it is not acceptable. Campuses must
relationship with a history of domestic violence, the
also encourage the reporting of incidents.
offender might use stalking to regain or maintain the
relationship and control of the victim. With sexual
Victims will come forward and report if they feel that
assault cases, stalking might take place before and/or
they can do so safely, that they will be believed and
after the incident. It also happens with unrequited
that there will be a good and effective response,
affection or romantic rejection.
Garcia says. Campuses need to evaluate whether they
The stalker thinks if they try hard enough, the other
are able to provide that. Do they have systems in place
person will come back to them despite the person
for victims to report? Is it clear where victims can
telling them they dont want anything to do with
them, claims Garcia.
A student might even stalk a teacher or faculty
Training of campus staff so they appropriately respond
member because of a bad grade or a crush.
to a report is also critical. University, school and
hospital personnel should take stalking seriously, and
Is the Behavior Immaturity or Stalking?
the response by staff must be consistent by all campus
Unfortunately, the level of emotional maturity in
staff and public safety department officers.
adolescents and young adults can make the issue quite
The first person the victim reports to, that persons
There is this notion of developmentally appropriate
response can dramatically shape the trajectory the
pursuit behavior, says Garcia. There is some research
victim goes on, Garcia claims. If [the person
that has looked at behaviors that are really typical of
receiving the report] is knowledgeable, sympathetic,
adolescents, such as having crushes on teachers,
responsive, appropriate and helpful, then the victim is
idolizing an actor or musician or someone in the public
more likely to continue engaging in the criminal justice
eye and having that persons poster on their wall.
system or school judicial system or whatever system is
Related Article: Stalking Stats
in place.
Its common [adolescent behavior] to happen to be at
[the target of their affections] locker when they get
Lip Service Can Backfire
out of class or going by a persons house to see if they
are home or calling them repeatedly and hanging up or
Garcia believes the biggest mistake any campus can An overdose occurs when either two much of one drug
make with regard to stalking is not taking it seriously. is consumed or a mix of various stimulants are put into
the body. This is a very calculated explanation of
Weve found that most campuses that have a stalking overdosing on drugs ; however, avoiding this event
policy tack the word stalking onto an existing sexual requires engaging issues before they spiral out of
assault or dating violence or anti-harassment policy control and develop into self medicating. Peer pressure
but then never address stalking or any of its realities. is a major contributing cause of drug use which stems
from a teens constant desire to in and be accepted.
For campuses that dont have policies on stalking, the Parents are urged to recognize this trait in their
National Center for Victims of Crime Model Campus children and always communicate about the balance of
Stalking Policy can be downloaded for free by clicking being accepted vs. doing the right thing.
here. When these behaviors are taught to children then
as they grow into becoming responsible teens , they
Stalkers Often Use Technology are likely to strengthen their appreciation for doing the
National research from 2009 shows that a quarter of right thing and stay on the right track. Also, it is not
stalking victims report that some sort of technology just enough to re-enforce self value and being wary of
was used, but I think those numbers are huge negative peer pressure. Teens need to learn risks, such
underestimates, says Michelle Garcia, director for the as how to overdose on drugs, why drugs are
National Center for Victims of Crimes Stalking dangerous, and specifically how to handle peer
Resource Center. When you look at the national study, pressure surrounding drugs. Kids that have some level
it couldnt ask about every form of technology. It didnt of understanding about these details will begin to
ask about text messaging, which is a very common process the information for themselves and gain a
technology used to stalk. positive impact on their life.
Lets examine a little ore closely the various
Also, for victims to say that technology was used common pressures facing teens today.
against them they had to be aware of it. So many of 1. Peer Pressure The gang mentality kicks in and kids
these technologies can be used against victims without feel they must do what the majority of people in a
their knowledge. I can put a GPS tracker on someones situation have decided to do. It is often the case that
car and see everywhere they go, and they will have no when each individual person is removed from the
idea. group, their preferable behaviors is contrary to the
group. Kids need to be taught young that it is okay to
Spyware can also be installed on a computer or phone. go against the grain if it is not the right thing to do.
2. Parents Most of the time, parents have good
It is for these reasons that Garcia urges campuses to intentions with their kids. However, it is very common
increase awareness as to how offenders are misusing that teens do not recognize the good and only react to
technology and educate their communities how to the pressure. Parents must balance their care giving
engage with that technology more safely. That means role with providing enough space for kids to process
encouraging students, faculty, staff and patients to: and incorporate the lessons they are being taught. In
several cases, the saying that too much of a good
Protect their phones and computers against spyware thing is not good is st definitely true.
Use passwords 3. Societal Pressure This topic is huge, but can best
Keep their cell phones with them at all times be narrowed by selecting one area digital
Notice if something strange is happening on their revolution. There is massive amounts of pressure
phone (the battery is draining too quickly) surrounding social media and instant digital
Not provide detailed information on social networking communications. Websites like Facebook and Twitter
sites can cause social anxiety, depression, and therefore
Follow guidelines on privacy and database contribute to drug use behavior. Why? Peers are
management constantly comparing friends, posting pictures, and
Additionally, campuses can work with their IT poking fun at each other. In some cases, a bully is even
departments to provide documentation of cyber able to taunt their victims via social media.
stalking behavior. These are just a few examples of what teens face
today and illustrate the enormous pressures. Now lets
be clear, this is not what causes an overdose or drug
DRUG OVERDOSE-What is it use pressure is a part of life and not the root of
and how to prevent it? something as serious as an overdose. However, its the
Teens are faced with many pressures coming coping methods that make all the difference as to how
from peers, parents, and society as a whole. As the stresses are handled and their potential
children develop into teenagers, it is important consequences. Our goal is that through an
that they have the correct coping methods to understanding of a drug overdose and possible reasons
deal with pressures bombarding them. The risk teens get wrapped up in a drug scene will prevent
of drug abuse and misuse can happen when deaths from an overdose.
poor skills are obtained or never taught at all. Starting early with children is best. Here are a
The reason for this is that drugs provide an few tips to teach kids how to handle stress.
escape from reality and easy way to suppress 1. Talk about it When things get bottled up inside
stress. Unfortunately, involvement with drugs and emotions are not spoken about, even small
carry the risk of a drug overdose. This must be problems can escalate . Kids should be taught to
avoided at all costs, because nobody deserves discuss problems, stresses, and new experiences.
to loss their children from a drug overdose . Drugs are often an attractive option to release from
issues not spoken about and increasing the ease of Know the facts about bullying, even if you
communication is positive all around.
2. Hobby Promoting an extracurricular activity is a dont think it affects your child.
great way for your kids to release stress, but more
importantly have the opportunity to meet others and Unfortunately, teasing is often part of growing
increase their social sphere. This is important so that up almost every child experiences it. But it isn't
when peer pressure presents itself in one scenario, kids always as innocuous as it seems. Words can cause
can understand that there are other friends out there pain. Teasing becomes bullying when it is repetitive or
and they will not be isolated. Drug abuse and when there is a conscious intent to hurt another child.
ultimately drug overdose can be more likely when It can be verbal bullying (making threats, name-
isolation and depression cross paths. calling), psychological bullying (excluding children,
3. What is a drug overdose? Educating teens about spreading rumors), or physical bullying (hitting,
drugs and their dangers is extremely important to pushing, taking a child's possessions).
preventing overdose. When kids understand what a
drug overdose is and how serious it can be they will be How Bullying Starts
a lot more likely to avoid even getting started with Bullying behavior is prevalent throughout the world
drugs. and it cuts across socio-economic, racial/ethnic, and
Now that we have reviewed what a drug overdose is cultural lines. Researchers estimate that 20 to 30
and how to prevent a drug overdose, it is important to percent of school-age children are involved in bullying
realize that there are many variables in life and there is incidents, as either perpetrators or victims. Bullying
no direct road to prevention. There are many times in a can begin as early as preschool and intensify during
teens life that demand their self control and to stand transitional stages, such as starting school in 1st grade
strong against impulses and pressure. The lessons they or going into middle school.
learn and examples they see in life will provide a great Victims of bullying are often shy and tend to be
start. physically weaker than their peers. They may also have
One of the most important messages to gain from this low self-esteem and poor social skills, which makes it
article is to promote education and communication hard for them to stand up for themselves. Bullies
when it comes to drugs. It is perfectly normal for consider these children safe targets because they
parents to be concerned for their kids and want the usually don't retaliate.
best for them. Discussing difficult topics like a drug
overdose might be uncomfortable , but it is vital that Effects of Bullying
teens hear this from their parents rather than getting If your child is the victim of bullying, he may suffer
exposed to drugs by the wrong people. Creating a physically and emotionally, and his schoolwork will
comfortable and open environment to speak about likely show it. Grades drop because, instead of listening
these issues is the best move for a safe and healthy to the teacher, kids are wondering what they did wrong
relationship. and whether anyone will sit with them at lunch. If
The reality is a drug overdose is a very scary thing and bullying persists, they may be afraid to go to school.
it should be discussed in a sensitive manner. At the Problems with low self-esteem and depression can last
first sign of suspected drug use, parents should not be into adulthood and interfere with personal and
shy and think this will pass. The situation should be professional lives.
confronted in a positive way, especially if drugs have Bullies are affected too, even into adulthood; they may
been a topic of conversation in the past. The goal is to have difficulty forming positive relationships. They are
create a positive environment and not a police more apt to use tobacco and alcohol, and to be abusive
detective relationship with your child. spouses. Some studies have even found a correlation
As a parent, it is also important to know the other kids with later criminal activities.
parents and carefully discuss these topics with them so
you know where other parents are positioned on the Warning Signs
issue. It is nice to know that you are not alone and If you're concerned that your child is a victim of teasing
other parents are supportive. Also, in the event you or bullying, look for these signs of stress:
fear your child is heading down the wrong path Increased passivity or withdrawal
sometimes another parent can help communicate the Frequent crying
message. There is an old saying that it takes a village Recurrent complaints of physical symptoms such as
to raise a child it is very true. Unfortunately drug stomach-aches or headaches with no apparent cause
overdose is hard to eliminate , but through proactive Unexplained bruises
communication, strategic parental involvement, and Sudden drop in grades or other learning problems
positive relationships we can hope that drug abuse will Not wanting to go to school
be reduced. Significant changes in social life suddenly no one is
Raising kids is not easy and this topic is certainly calling or extending invitations
something all parents would like to avoid. Hopefully Sudden change in the way your child talks calling
this perspective offers a view tips and guidance to herself a loser, or a former friend a jerk
keep the next generation on the right track.
How to Help
First, give your child space to talk. If she recounts
incidences of teasing or bullying, be empathetic. If your
Bullying and Teasing: No child has trouble verbalizing her feelings, read a story
about children being teased or bullied. You can also use
puppets, dolls, or stuffed animals to encourage a
Laughing Matter young child to act out problems.
Once you've opened the door, help your child deal effectively with it. Check with your local school
begin to problem-solve. Role-play situations and district to see if it has such a program.
teach your child ways to respond. You might also need Schools and parents can work effectively behind the
to help your child find a way to move on by scenes to help a child meet and make new friends via
encouraging her to reach out and make new friends. study groups or science-lab partnerships. If you are
She might join teams and school clubs to widen her concerned about your child:
circle. Share with the teacher what your child has told you;
describe any teasing or bullying you may have
At home and on the playground: witnessed.
Adults need to intervene to help children resolve Ask the teacher if she sees similar behavior at school,
bullying issues, but calling another parent directly can and enlist her help in finding ways to solve the
be tricky unless he or she is a close friend. It is easy to problem.
find yourself in a "he said/she said" argument. Try to If she hasn't seen any instances of teasing, ask that
find an intermediary: even if the bullying occurs she keep an eye out for the behavior you described.
outside of school, a teacher, counselor, coach, or after- If the teacher says your child is being teased, find out
school program director may be able to help mediate a whether there are any things he may be doing in class
productive discussion. to attract teasing. Ask how he responds to the teasing,
If you do find yourself talking directly to the other and discuss helping him develop a more effective
parent, try to do it in person rather than over the response.
phone. Don't begin with an angry recounting of the After the initial conversation, be sure to make a follow-
other child's offenses. Set the stage for a collaborative up appointment to discuss how things are going.
approach by suggesting going to the playground, or If the problem persists, or the teacher ignores your
walking the children to school together, to observe concerns, and your child starts to withdraw or not want
interactions and jointly express disapproval for any to go to school, consider the possibility of "therapeutic
unacceptable behavior. intervention." Ask to meet with the school counselor or
psychologist, or request a referral to the appropriate
At school: school professional.
Many schools (sometimes as part of a statewide effort)
have programs especially designed to raise awareness
of bullying behavior and to help parents and teachers

It is estimated that approximately 15% of all people

Sibling Sexual Abuse and Incest report some kind of sexual activity with a sibling in
childhood. More specifically, studies have shown that
During Childhood between 2% (Leder, 1991) and 4% (Finkelhor, 1999) of
people have been sexually victimized by a sibling as
the sexual contact involved some degree of forced or
2009 Pandora's Project coercive activity.
Sibling child sexual abuse is defined as "sexual
behavior between siblings that is not age appropriate,
not transitory, and not motivated by developmentally, Like all sexual abuse, behaviors which are regarded to
mutually appropriate curiosity" (Caffaro & Conn- be abusive are varied and numerous. Therefore sibling
Caffaro, 1998). In the literature it is sometimes referred sexual abuse can include touching, kissing,
to simply as sexually harmful behavior rather than masturbation, oral sex and penetrative sex. However,
abuse, but I will refer to it as abuse so as not to perhaps more frequently than found in adult child
devalue the impact that this experience can have on sexual abuse, sibling sexual abuse is frequently non
the survivor. It can refer to abuse which takes place touching. Non - touching sexual abuse may involve
between brother - brother, brother - sister, sister - introducing a much younger child to pornography, or
sister, as well as between half siblings, step - siblings, insisting on watching them in the shower, or telling
and adoptive siblings. them to watch them masturbate.

Sexual abuse between siblings remains one of the last ISN'T SEXUAL ACTIVITY BETWEEN SIBLINGS JUST
taboos to be addressed by society - and as such, it is NORMAL EXPERIMENTATION / EXPLORATION?
rarely discussed in the media, or even among survivors
themselves. It comes as a shock to many people that It is true that children of all ages engage in some
children can present a risk to other children, but it is degree of sexual interaction between themselves, as
becoming increasingly apparent that children (even well as self exploration. In fact, it is considered that
children within families) can post a very real risk. such behavior is healthy and necessary for normal
Obviously, with this silence surrounding it, it is sexual and social development. As siblings are
perfectly understandable why, if you are a survivor of generally close in age and locational proximity, it
sibling sexual abuse, you may believe you are the only stands to reason that the opportunity for sexual
one this has happened to. It's not! exploration between siblings is fairly high - and that, if
appropriate and based on mutual curiosity, then these that, as siblings, we are supposed to love each other -
activities are not deemed to be harmful or distressing, and especially where we are not clear what "love"
either in childhood or later in adulthood (Borgis, 2002). involves, it may have felt that this was part of that
For the sexual exploration to be special sibling bond. Therefore, it may have been that
deemed"appropriate" then the interaction is between it was only as you got older and learned about other
children of a similar developmental age, where prior people's sibling relationships, and about the different
knowledge and experience, and physical and emotional kinds of love, that the questioning begins.
development are on a par with each other. I wanted it:
Many survivors of sibling sexual abuse look back and
However, the line is crossed from sexual exploration to feel a great deal of guilt about the fact that they
sexual abuse when sexual activity occurs between welcomed the sexual contact. Statistics show that
siblings where there is a significant difference in sibling sexual abuse is more likely (although not
developmental age (more than 3 years), or where there exclusively!) in emotionally dysfunctional families who
is any use of force, tricks or coercion by one of the are reluctant to show love or have overt displays of
siblings. affection. It is generally accepted that children have
four psychological needs, namely love and belonging,
Therefore, if you had sexual contact with a much older power, freedom and fun (Glasser 1998), and so
sibling, OR if you were forced, tricked, or coerced into especially in situations where the abuse was carried
it, out by an older sibling in a way which felt nurturing,
then you are a survivor of sibling sexual abuse. you may have welcomed or even sought out the sexual
contact as it was the only type of close physical
contact that you had from a family member - and it
WHY DIDN'T I TELL AS A CHILD?! WHY IS IT STILL SO made you feel loved, wanted, and accepted (Laviola,
HARD TO TELL SOMEONE? 1992). This may have made you feel like a co-
conspirator and you may have believed that what you
The majority of survivors of childhood sexual abuse do were doing was wrong, and disclosure would have
not tell as children, or at least do not tell at the time resulted in punishment from your parents.
the abuse is ongoing. The reasons for this are
numerous, and it may help to see the following The fact that you may have welcomed the sexual
article: Understanding Why You Didn't Tell. contact from your older sibling does not make you
culpable. Children need affection - and will accept
It is very easy to look back as an adult and think of all affection from wherever and however it is offered if it is
the missed opportunities for when we could have not offered in the traditionally appropriate ways.
broken the silence, or dismiss all of the reasons we felt I enjoyed it:
we couldn't tell as unimportant. But it's important to Like many survivors of child abuse, children may get
remember that you are going to have a very different physical pleasure from the abuse - including sexual
perspective about what your sibling did to you when arousal and orgasm. When a sibling is responsible for
looking back at it from your adult perspective, than you this arousal, the shame can feel enormous. Incest -
would have had when you were a confused and abused particularly sexual arousal during incest - is still very
child. much taboo in western society - and associated shame
may even stop adult survivors of sibling sexual abuse
"Its like its a wall dont talk about it. You can talk from getting help. Please see: Sexual arousal and
about this, this and this but dont talk about that" (a sexual assault
survivor) I didn't want my sibling to get into trouble:
Despite the sexual abuse, even when forced sexual
When sexual abuse is perpetrated by a sibling, in many assault takes place, children can feel a sense of loyalty
ways, it is even harder to break this silence, and there towards their abusive sibling and not want them to get
are certainly some special reasons that make sibling into trouble. You may still love your sibling, despite
abuse especially difficult to disclose: what pain they have caused you, and reporting them
I didn't understand what was happening was "abuse" can feel very disloyal. You may have feared that your
Often, sibling abuse can start off seeming fun and sibling would have been ejected from the family home,
exciting.....messing around with your brother / sister in or sent to prison, or even killed - and therefore silence
a way that seems playful. As a child, we often don't felt like the only option.
have the cognitive ability to understand that
something which may feel nice or thrilling can be As an adult survivor, you may still have fears over
wrong. Often, sibling abuse is more coercive than disclosing the abuse because of sibling loyalty. In
physically forceful i.e. you may have been gently particular if your family was dysfunctional or unhappy,
persuaded that it would be fun; or you may have been you may now be able to look back and even
bribed with sweets; and so even as adults, survivors understand what led your sibling to abuse. Please try
are unclear as to whether what happened was abusive to appreciate that it is okay to love your sibling, but
or not. A younger siblings cooperation does not still want them to take responsibility for the hurt they
suggest that they understood the nature of the sexual have caused you, and for them to get treatment for
interaction. themselves.
I thought it was just what siblings did: I didn't want to upset my parents:
For some children, especially if the abuse has been on- Many children of sibling abuse will not report it
going since they were very young, they can believe because they believe that the knowledge will devastate
that this sexual interaction is just what happens their parents. Therefore, the children stay silent in
between siblings. From childhood, we are usually told order to protect their parents - and again this can carry
on into adulthood. Furthermore, there may be the discussion when focusing of sibling sexual abuse:
belief that this truth would be too hard for their parents
to bear, and so they would not believe the disclosure. The situation: Siblings often spend a great deal of time
I was just too scared of my brother / sister: together, perhaps more than any other family
Some sibling sexual abuse is enforced by threat and / relationship, as they may not only be together when in
or physical violence. Because the sibling is a family the family arena, but they may also share a bedroom,
member and likely to be living in the same house, the school, friends, clubs, toys etc. Therefore, where sibling
opportunity to carry out threats, and to reinforce these abuse is occurring, the sense of powerlessness and
threats on a daily basis, is very real. lack of control over their lives, can feel even more
I was told it was a "family matter": pervasive and invasive when compared to sexual
: There is an assumption that things that happen within abuse perpetrated by others (Maddock et al, 1995).
families are private....that they are "family matters", This can lead to learned helplessness, which for the
and as such, should not be discussed outside the adult survivor can result in revictimization, clinical
family. Undoubtedly, this would have implications for depression, extreme anxiety disorders etc.
any children seeking to disclose sibling abuse to a
person outside the family (i.e. a teacher) because - Intimate relationships / sexuality: Sibling relationships
again - family disloyalty may be an issue. in childhood can have a major impact upon the
I just didn't / don't want anyone to know that my development of later relationships, and ultimately
sibling is doing / did this to me: many survivors will have difficulty forming and
While childhood sexual abuse is now widely talked maintaining intimate adult relationships (Daie et al,
about in our society, sexual abuse by siblings is still 1989), and infact almost half never marry (Russellis,
very much a taboo subject. As such, survivors feel a 1986; Alpert, 1991). However, this is largely attributed
great deal of shame which perpetuates the need for to the stalling of development (Caffaro, 1988), and
silence. therefore with support and therapy, survivors can learn
to develop socially, sexually and emotionally - and
**"To speak the truth is a painful thing. To be forced to form healthy attachments.
tell lies is much worse" - Oscar Wilde**
Survivors of sibling sexual abuse may have a very poor
sexual self-concept, and because of the taboo nature of
WHAT ARE THE EFFECTS OF CHILDHOOD SIBLING sibling incest, you may even view yourself as a "sexual
ABUSE ON SURVIVORS NOW IN THEIR TEENS AND deviant" - which can undoubtedly have an impact upon
ADULTHOOD? sexual development (Finkelhor, 1980). This was NOT
your fault, and the guilt is not yours to own.

For many years, it was ascertained that sibling sexual Pregnancy: Pregnancy rates are said to be higher in
abuse was harmless and didn't cause any significant sibling abuse, often because the opportunity for acts of
detrimental effects on adult functioning, health, or rape to occur are higher than with other types of child
relationships. In fact, what can make sibling sexual abuse. In this situation, not only does the child have to
abuse particularly traumatising for survivors is the two deal with the issue of pregnancy by itself, but also the
concurrent views that sibling incest is both a cultural added complications that result in regards to the
taboo and at the same time not harmful. Leading child genetic risks to the infant. Full siblings are 50%
mental health experts not refute the claim that sibling genetically identical and 99.95% biochemically
sexual abuse is unharmful (Russell, 1986). identical, and therefore there is a far greater risk of
sharing the same recessive genes which, when
Following any type of child sexual abuse, adult combined, can result in severe medical abnormality.
survivors can experience:
* Somatic disturbances: Insomnia, nightmares, night However, there is also some evidence that female
terrors. victims of sibling sexual abuse who become pregnant
* Parenthood problems: Worrying what effect childhood are less likely to abort the pregnancy, either because
abuse may have on a their relationship with children. they see the pregnancy through as they see it as a way
Please see:Pregnancy, childbirth, parenting as a of exposing or terminating the incestuous relationship,
survivor. and because they are less likely to feel hate for their
* Poor self-concept / self-esteem. abuser. (Maloof, 1999). Consequently, the adult
* Revictimization survivor may have to care for a child where they know
* Self Blame / Shame / guilt. the father is their brother, and the increased likelihood
* Sexual dysfunction. that this child will have a genetic medical condition.
* Relationship problems: issues with trust and intimacy.
* Psychiatric ill-health: PTSD, self-injury, eating The adult relationship with sibling and family: Although
disorders, suicide, DID. some adult survivors of child sibling abuse may report
* Physical ill health: i.e. STDs, substance abuse. a primarily neutral relationship with their sibling
(Hardy, 2001), others may experience extreme
Research has heralded that sibling relationships are difficulties with this relationship, which can be
extremely important for a child's development, and problematic for the family as a whole (particularly if the
thus it makes sense that sibling sexual abuse could abuse is undisclosed). Family occasions and functions
have a profound and major impact upon its victims may be particularly traumatic for you because you may
(Jones, 2002). Whilst the above effects are common to feel a loyalty to attend the family function, yet feel
many survivors of childhood sexual abuse, there are very uncomfortable around your sibling.
certain areas that are particularly worthy of further
One particular problem of sibling abuse, particularly checking the back seat of my truck and always trying
where the abuse has been nurturance orientated, is to second guess where somebody could be hiding."
that as the child turns into an adult, they may have Most women live in fear of incidents like this. We feel at
particular difficulty in separating from the abuser risk because we are. We know the statistics. By some
(Cicirelli, 1995) as a kind of dependence and estimates one out of four women will be the victim of
attachment as formed. Particularly when it comes to sexual assault in her lifetime. Each year women report
forming romantic relationships with others, this almost half a million rapes and sexual assaults,
attachment can feel very strong, and some have according to the most recent U.S. Justice Department
reported feeling like they are being disloyal or even survey. In family-oriented Utah, a state perceived as a
cheating on their abusing sibling when they are safe place, more than 4,000 rapes were reported last
attracted to someone else (Meiselman, 1978). year. During one weekend alone, the Salt Lake City-
based Utah Rape Recovery Center saw 29 victims.
You may also feel a great deal of resentment towards While overall crime has decreased in Utah in recent
your family as you were not afforded adequate years, reports of rape and sexual assault are on the
protection - and you may even feel a need for revenge rise, giving the state one of the highest per-capita rates
(Johnson, 1989). You are very entitled to your anger, of rape in the country, ahead of New York, Washington
and you may need help in learning to express this in a D.C. and California. It's difficult to know, however, if
safe and appropriate way. rape is increasing, or if the crime is being reported
more. Women who have been brutalized are more
The most important thing at this time is your safety likely to report a rape than women who don't show
and your perceived safety, and it may be that you need outward physical signs of the attack. The majority of
to withdraw somewhat from your family at times rather rapes, particularly acquaintance rapes, still go
than put yourself through the pain of confronting your unreported. By most reports, three-fourths of rapes are
abuser. YOU need to some first. committed by a man the woman knows -- a fact society
is not willing to accept.
"We want to feel safe so we want to believe that rapists
Rape, the Most Intimate of have a particular profile in terms of they're easy to
identify -- they wear trench coats, they live under the
Crimes viaduct or hang out in vacant buildings and have
crazed looks in their eyes," says Abby Maestas,
executive director of the Rape Recovery Center. "And
by Mary Dickson that's not true. What we have found through the clients
1996 that are served at the Rape Recovery Center and
through studies, is that a rapist can be anyone -- a
father, a grandfather, an uncle, a neighbor, a brother, a
It's a story so common, it never even made it into the son."
newspapers. A 49-year-old woman who lives in a C.Y. Roby, executive director of Intermountain
middle class neighborhood on one of Salt Lake City's Specialized Abuse Treatment Center, agrees. "We have
busiest streets let her dog out one warm fall night as a tendency to look on it and say, well in order to keep
she always did. When he began barking furiously in the safe, what I need to do is stay out of the park at night,
driveway, she ran outside to see what was wrong. As stay out of the dark alleys at night and I won't end up
cars sped by, a masked man grabbed her and put a being raped. And yet, the vast majority of rapists are
knife at her throat. Without saying a word, he pulled known to the victim."
her by the arm, pushed her into her house and threw Diana met her boyfriend in college. He was handsome,
her on the bed. The dog ran in the house behind them, charming, and funny. He seemed like he had it all
barking frantically. The man threw the dog against the together. Then she began to see another side of her
wall, then raped the woman. He told her that if she boyfriend. He would become angry and then he'd
screamed, he would "Nicole" her. Gritting her teeth, become violent. After two years, Diana told him she
she focused on the small can of mace attached to her didn't want to see him anymore. He became obsessive,
keychain on the table in the next room. following her everywhere she went, registering for her
"I know that I will never, ever be the same person classes, and taking a job where she worked. The
again. In fact, after it happened, I asked both my stalking went on for 10 months, but no one thought
daughter and my sister if I looked different. Because I much of it.
felt like I was so changed, it must be on my face," she Then one night as she was writing a letter, she turned
says. "All women are vulnerable like I am. And if they around to find him staring at her. "I screamed because
don't realize it, they should. Because you never know the look on his face scared me so much," she recalls.
what's going to happen. You never ever know when it's "He had a knife in his hand, and he cornered me, put
going to happen. And you always need to be checking his arms around me, put the knife up to my neck -- it
your back. I have mace on my keychain, but you don't was an eight-inch hunting knife -- and he said if I
run outside to see what your dog's barking at with your screamed again, he was gonna kill me."
mace in hand. And maybe you should. Maybe you During the attack, Dianna tried to stay detached. "I felt
should go everywhere with it in your hand." like if I didn't stay calm that he would kill me. That I
While her attacker remains at large, the Salt Lake City just was better off going along with whatever he said
woman struggles to get over what happened to her. "I and did and that way it would be over with. If I would
will always feel like I'm not safe," she says. "That's my have fought, I think I would have been killed. I always
big issue -- trying to continue to feel safe in my own thought of myself as physically fit, as a strong person.
house. I will always be looking over my shoulder and I'm 5'9" and weigh 140 pounds, but he threw me
around like I was a paper doll. I felt like the only thing I
could do was just try to block blows. I felt very small which is why children and even the elderly are at risk.
and insignificant and weak. He had so much rage and Her staff has worked with victims of all backgrounds
anger that I couldn't do anything to match it." and ages, including a 94-year-old woman who was
Dianna's rapist escaped through a window when he raped and a three-and-a-half-week-old baby who was
heard her roommate come home. When police arrived, sexually abused. Half the victims the staff served in
they warned her she could be killed the next time. emergency rooms were under 14 years of age.
Fearing for her life, she dropped out of college and "I think that anyone is capable of rape and I think
completely broke her routine. She pressed charges, but frankly that anyone is capable of being a victim," says
regrets she didn't push for a harsher sentence. Her C.Y. Roby. "I don't think that there's anything you can
rapist was only placed on probation. "I couldn't go do to ultimately thwart being victimized, possibly with
anywhere without worrying about him popping up from the exception of locking yourself in a room and you're
behind a building or from behind a bush," she says. the only one with a key."
Just three months after raping Dianna, he was charged Dr. Michael Ghiglieri, an Arizona biologist who has
with forcible sexual abuse of another woman. written extensively about male violence, is more
"I couldn't go anywhere without worrying about him specific. He cites a 10-year study looking at more than
popping up from behind a building or from behind a a million cases of rape in the United States. "It's
bush," she says. Not only did the rape make Dianna unfortunately a huge sample of victims," he says. "And
feel more vulnerable, she was also hurt by the reaction it turns out that 88 percent of these women are
of others. "The reaction of my landlord was that I who between the ages of 12 to 28. Three quarters of all
had caused the problems, that he hadn't had problems victims fell between the ages of 18 to 25. So rapists
until I moved to there, and that he had to fix the door are seeking the women that men everywhere are
and he was kind of mad at me. The reaction of my seeking."
neighbor was pretty non-chalant, like maybe I deserved Dr. Ron Sanchez is a supervising psychologist at the
it. I found out when I told other people that the stigma Utah State Prison who works with sex offenders. "From
is still very strong." my experience, there's a wide variety of reasons that
We live in a culture where we are taught that we have sex offenders choose victims. They can range in age
choices about our lives and that we're responsible for from very young to old. There may perhaps be a focus
what happens to us. As feminist author Gloria Steinem on a particular eye color or hair color or body type. But
says, "If you are beaten, you're said to have incited it, there is certainly no one female profile they would go
if you're raped you're said to have invited it. We all after."
know that these things run very deep in the culture." Rapists, notes Sanchez, can be calculating and
"From the time a child is very, very small, we're planning, often stalking their victims. Maggie suspects
teaching that they're responsible for the things that that the man who raped her had been watching her. "It
happen in their life both positive and negative," says wasn't unusual for me all summer to run outside and
C.Y. Roby. "So when a rape situation occurs, usually change the water, so I've been very nervous that
what I see going through a victim's mind is what did I perhaps it was somebody in the neighborhood that had
do that was wrong." been stalking me, and knew that I lived alone."
It's not only the victim who blames herself. Society is Sanchez says rapists are often very impulsive. For
quick to blame her as well. "Even the innocence of example, they might see a woman who is alone, such
children is questioned," says Maestas. "Often times I as a motorist stranded on the side of the road, and
have sat with a police officer or a client and have heard "seize the opportunity." "As I've worked with rapists,
that a four-year-old girl was responsible for seducing I've asked them how do you go about gaining access to
her perpetrator who was an adult. Now what are we houses and many of them said they would look for an
saying? What we're saying is that we don't know how open window or unlocked door and just go in the
to take responsibility as a society. Therefore, we will house," he says. "I was amazed to find out how many
continue to blame the victim." houses that they encountered had doors unlocked. So I
Rape is a devastating crime. Some women are badly think a simple thing of locking your doors and windows
injured. Some become pregnant. Some contract HIV. is a deterrent."
But the emotional trauma can be worse than any Locking doors and windows is an easy enough thing. A
physical injury. Women who are raped have woman alone instinctively bolts the doors and windows
nightmares, panic attacks, waves of self-doubt, an even on a sweltering summer night. For most women,
overwhelming sense of distrust. The lives of women such precautions become second nature. Ask a woman
who are raped are forever changed. Some say they will what she does to protect herself and she'll tick off a list
never be the same, that its like dying. "I know that I of specifics: never leaving a building without her keys
will never really recover from this," says Maggie. "The in hand, looking over her shoulder in the parking lot,
impact will always be with me and I will never trust the scanning faces on an elevator, avoiding parking
same way and I know I can't even be tested for HIV for terraces. Yet, despite all the precautions, women can
six months. So I have to even keep that in mind. I'll still be at risk. As Maggie reminds, "when you're at
never be able to get away from this." home changing your water, how are you to know you
After being raped at a party, one Salt Lake woman should be watching out?" It's a reality that makes her
spent 18 months in intensive therapy for post- and other women resentful. "First of all, it's evenings
traumatic stress disorder. "I managed to continue that I lost," she says. "And now it's like even freedom
working for almost a year following the attack, but I around my own home. And it seems like we just keep
was marginally functional," she says. "Finally I quit my having more and more things that we have to watch
job." She says she has only recently found the "hope out for and more and more freedoms we're losing just
and courage to face both the world and myself." because of our gender. I don't know where it's going to
Who is most likely to be assaulted or raped? Maestas end."
stresses that rapists choose those who are vulnerable,
In her book, Sex, Art and American Culture, Camille "Most of the individuals that I've worked with saw
Paglia calls these "somber truths" women must accept. having sex with a woman as basically their final
"Feminism keeps saying the sexes are the same," she validation of them being a man. So they would decide
writes. "It keeps telling women they can do anything, prior to the time they went out and actually committed
go anywhere, say anything, wear anything. No, they the rape that they were going to be sexually involved
can't. Women will always be in sexual danger." She with some woman," he says. "The woman no longer
may be right, but that doesn't necessarily make rape a really had a choice to make in that kind of relationship,
woman's responsibility. but I don't think they started out saying what I want to
Gloria Steinem poses the real issue at the heart of the do is to degrade or humiliate some other individual."
rape dilemma. "We have to stop talking about who gets Approximately 25-26 percent of the inmate population
raped and talk about who rapes. Somebody is doing at the Utah State Prison are sex offenders. Dr. Ron
these things. And we have to identify who they are." Sanchez is the supervising psychologist who works
Who is that somebody? Why do men rape women? And with them. "I think sex is part of it. I think it's a vehicle
how do you stop them? for their aggression. There again, it's not just about
"The fact is testosterone is a real kick-starter for sex. Many of these individuals, at least on the surface,
violence," offers biologist Ghiglieri. "It's a kick starter have relationships with women and are having sex on a
for every male trait, not just violence, it is the regular basis, but for some reason have chosen to go
responsible hormone for making males. It does affect out victimize people in this fashion."
behavior, it actually forces aggressive behavior. Of Since the 1970s when Susan Brownmiller published her
course, as humans we do have the choice as ground breaking book, "Against our Will," rape has
individuals whether we are aggressive or not. But the been viewed as a crime of control and violence. But
fact is testosterone does affect male attitudes and the Michael Ghiglieri disagrees. He says men may use
propensities to violence." violence and force as a tool, but what they're after is
Ghiglieri has become convinced that violence is a male sex. "That whole power and control thing as an end in
tactic. "I think in general if you want to get the simplest itself is a myth. Power and control is used as an
perspective on it, male use violence to control females instrument to accomplish a sexual event with an
and they do it very often and they control those unwilling victim. And to leave out that sexual event is
females for sexual reasons. It's done in every species." to completely forget what the crime was, which was a
From his work with sex offenders, C. Y. Roby has also copulation was stolen from a woman against her will.
seen "a lot of desire to dominate or control others. "To To take the motive out of the actual definition is crazy.
a certain degree, I think it's something that we've It essentially places women in a place where they no
learned socially," he says. "Males often grow up and longer understand the motive of the rapist. It's an
realize that the way to get what they want is through immense disservice to women."
aggressive means." While some feminists are adamant that rape is not
Michael Kimmel is a sociologist at the State University about sex, Jane Caputi, a professor of American Studies
of New York who has received international recognition at the University of New Mexico, claims it's specious to
for his work on men and masculinity. He says violent separate violence and sex. "I would disagree with some
men often view their actions as revenge or retaliation. of the early feminists who would say rape is a crime of
"They say, women have power over me because violence, not a crime of sex. Because, unfortunately, in
they're beautiful and sexual and I want them and they this culture sex is completely interfused with violence,
elicit that and I feel powerless," he says. "Just listen for with notions of dominance and subordination. Our
a minute to the way in which we describe women's gender roles are constructed so we have these two
beauty and sexuality. We describe it as a violence genders, masculine and feminine, that are defined by
against us. She is a knock-out, a bomb-shell, dressed one being powerful and one being powerless. So,
to kill, a femme fatale, stunning, ravishing. I mean all powerlessness and power themselves become
of these are words of violence against us. It's like, wow, eroticized."
she knocked me out. So the violence then, or the She points to popular culture, which reflects and
aggression or the sexual violence is often a way to perpetuates this intertwining of sex and violence. "It
retaliate." makes it glamourous, it eroticizes that kind of violence
Philip is a 29-year-old man even prison workers at the against women and makes it appear consensual, as if
Utah State Prison say is a charmer. He is serving time women seek this out and want it," she says. "We all
for sexually abusing his step-daughter. He says anger know the notorious General Hospital scene where Luke
over a divorce led to his crime. "I wasn't thinking about raped Laura and then later married her and so it made
her whatsoever, just she was there," he says. it seem as though rape was a kind of courtship ritual.
"Somebody to vent my anger, my frustrations, and my Gone with the Wind is, of course, classic in that we see
anxieties and pain. I didn't think about her, and if you a scene of marital rape and the woman is made to
ask the majority of people who are here on this same smile as if seeming to enjoy it."
crime, they would tell you probably the same thing. The media, biology and culture may be contributing
They didn't really think. They just want somebody to factors, but the majority of men -- those who are the
vent their anger out on. A lot of people who do sex product of the same biology, the same culture -- don't
crimes, do these crimes out of anger. Now sex and rape women. The causes of individual pathology are far
anger go hand in hand." more complicated. To understand rape, it's important
Roby sees several kinds of sex offenders. Those, like to look at the men who rape. According to Ghiglieri,
Philip, for whom sexual assault is an extension of rage; approximately 90 percent of convicted rapists are
those who have a need to control of have power over young men, most of them troubled. Ron Sanchez says
their victims; and those who derive sexual pleasure out sex offenders cut across all racial, economic and social
of inflicting pain on others. Many of the rapists he's lines. Convicted sex offenders include physicians, truck
worked with also seem to have been motivated by sex. drivers, utility workers, and teachers, single men and
married men with children. Yet Sanchez sees some Most rapists are never caught, and conviction rates for
general patterns. Rapists tend to be antisocial. Many those apprehended are notoriously low. According to
have a mixed criminal history and a pattern of Department of Justice statistics, 48 percent of accused
victimizing people. They're aggressive and have rapists were released before trial. Of those tried, only
problems controlling their anger. They lack adequate 54 percent were sentenced to prison. Even more
communication skills which contributes to their feelings troubling is that the average sex offender may commit
of rage and frustration. They're often sensitive to hundreds of crimes in his lifetime, which means that
rejection and insecure about their own masculinity. the vast majority of rapes go undetected and
They also have distorted views about women and sex. unpunished.
Most have been sexually deviant since adolescence. Ron Sanchez says that during therapy, offenders admit
"Many of the rapists have what we call thinking errors crimes they've committed as children, teenagers and
or criminal thinking," where they have a tendency to adults -- sometimes disclosing as many as 50 or 60
distort reality," he says. "For instance, they might other crimes, which escalated in seriousness. "Many of
interpret the way she responds to them in a very them began voyeuring in homes, then eventually
friendly manner by saying "Hi", they might interpret escalated to burglaries, even breaking into houses at
that as that they're interested in him, as having sex night while people were sleeping, then escalating to
with him to be blunt." the point of fantasy, fantasies about rape and
One thing universally common to rapists is that they eventually planning and committing rape."
don't think about what their victim goes through. "As According to Sanchez, sex offenders tend to be
you can imagine, committing that type of crime against compulsive and repetitive, the kind of criminals who
another human being requires a tremendous amount of are hardest to treat. A 1989 study by the American
detachment, of dehumanizing that individual," says Psychological Association found no evidence that the
Sanchez. rate of recidivism for treated offenders was any lower
Tony is serving time at the Utah State Prison for than it was for offenders who received no treatment.
sexually abusing his 13-year-old sister-in-law. But he "We need to be realistic about what therapy can do,"
doesn't think it was rape. "I believe she consented but he says. "When we talk about treatment, we're not
her boyfriend at the time didn't like it," he says. "My talking about a disease or an illness that we can cure
mom was a cocktail waitress so I've been around with an antibiotic or something like that. It boils down
females portraying themselves as sex objects. I seen to a personal choice." Treatment, he says, can work
my mom in her skimpy outfits which that was the type well for individuals who are motivated and want to
of work she chose. After seeing women like that in change, but it's difficult to treat sex offenders who
magazines, on billboards, and casinos wearing hardly have been abusing women for a number of years or
anything, you grow up after 23 years pretty much who have multiple deviancies. Still, Sanchez believes
thinking that's what a lot of these women bring on therapy for sex offenders if crucial, if for no other
themselves. They want to be an object. You go to reason than to identify who is not likely to change so
different parts of the country and women don't want to that they remain separated from society.
be recognized that way. So I'm a monster here, but yet If we are really serious about curbing this kind of
I'm normal in Nevada." violence against women, most experts say the
He admits that his victim didn't deserve what he did to punishment for such crimes must be harsh. "If a rapist
her and calls it a "selfish act on my part," though he gets away scott free or gets away with minor
minimizes his crime and its impact. "I can't put mine in punishment, that means rape is a viable sexual
the same category as a violent crime. Mine wasn't strategy for a large number of men. Rape is inevitable
violent. I didn't break in to do the crime. I didn't use a if we don't punish it," says Ghiglieri.
weapon to do my crime. I just used the trust I had in "Everything we know tells us that they only begin to
my victim. That was my weapon....She's gettin over it. take it seriously when there are very serious
She's gotten over it. She's movin' on. She's goin' to consequences," insists Steinem.
college. She's doing' good." Michael Kimmel calls it a matter of carrots and sticks. "I
Getting at the real motives of rapists is difficult since think the stick is we need very strong laws with
rapists typically do not admit their crimes. They often uncompromising enforcement all the way through the
find excuses, and experts say they don't always tell the legal system so that we make it clear as culture that
truth. "Rapists rarely want to admit that they raped at we won't stand for this. As a culture we can say the
all let alone why they might have done it," says way we try to say around murder for example, or auto
Ghiglieri. "Oftentimes, the only confession of these theft for example, 'this is beyond the pale, you cannot
people comes out during rehabilitation programs that do this. We will come down so hard on you, you won't
they're put through in social services. These rapists will want to do this.' O.K. that's the stick. What's the carrot?
learn what they're supposed to say, which is, 'I'm a If we as men make it very clear to the women in our
victim of society, we live in a macho society that made lives that we don't support men's violence against
me the way I am, women are too attractive, and women, that we are actively opposed to it, that we are
they're not available to me, and it's the woman's fault,' willing to confront other men who we see doing
and on and on and on." aggressive things, then our relationships with women
So why don't rapists admit their crime? Ghiglieri says it will actually improve."
has to do with a very simple fact -- "A man who rapes,
among men, is probably the most hated individual that
can exist in a male society," he says. "It's actually
dangerous to admit that you raped anyone. So men
Sad Truths about Teen
don't admit to rape, even in prison, because of fear of Suicide
retribution by men who aren't rapists."
By Janice Shaw Crouse
affiliations, peer groups or extracurricular activities
Teen deaths for any reason are tragic losses of life and may have an outlet to deal with his everyday
potential. According to the Centers for Disease Control frustrations. A teen without an adequate support
and Prevention (CDC), one in five teenagers in the U.S. network may feel disconnected and isolated from his
seriously considers suicide annually, and approximately family and peer groups. It's these teens who are at
1,700 die by suicide each year. Both the CDC and the increased risk for suicide." Other problems identified
National Mental Health Association (NMHA) point out by KidsHealth are divorce, alcoholism of a family
that suicide rates for teens have tripled since 1960 -- member, domestic violence, physical and sexual
making it the third leading cause of adolescent death abuse, repeated failures at school, substance abuse,
and the second cause among college students. Yet, and self-destructive behavior.
according to the American Psychological Association,
teen suicide is preventable, and they identify possible A Fraternity Hazing Gone Wrong
warning signs. They also note that more than 90
percent of suicide deaths are from mental illness and
substance-abuse disorders. NOVEMBER 14, 2005
Not letting facts stand in their way, activist groups
continue to claim, based on a flawed 1989 study that
has been completely discredited, that 30 percent of all It's a parent's nightmare and a nagging fear for the
teens who attempt suicide are homosexuals. Instead, people who run colleges and universities: A young
teen suicide reports from the major psychological and fraternity pledge dies when hazing gets out of control.
pediatric associations either do not even mention
It's happened at least once each year for more than
sexual identity or mention it near the bottom of a long
list of other risk factors associated with teen three decades. Nine months ago it happened at Chico
suicide. Other teen suicide factors -- family breakup State University in California, and this time prosecutors
through divorce, alcohol or drug abuse, and family did something unusual: They filed felony criminal
dysfunction -- are mentioned in all the major health charges against the fraternity brothers involved.
organization publications as main factors in teen
But that's not much comfort to the family of Matthew
Carrington, who died during the Feb. 2, 2005, hazing
Research from Columbia University Medical Center,
published in APAM, cites different reasons for girls' and accident.
boys' suicides. The researchers collected data from
over 8,000 students in New York City high schools in In his 22 years, Gabriel Maestretti has often been a role
2005. For females, recent dating violence is a primary model: an altar boy, high school homecoming king and
cause of attempted suicide. For teen males, a lifetime a volunteer coach. But in the past year he's also been
history of sexual assault is associated with suicide
called a "tormentor" and "a mean drunk." And earlier
attempts. Dr. Elyse Olshen, lead researcher for the
study, reported that girls who have been physically this month, he became something worse: a felon.
abused by a boyfriend are 60 percent more likely to
attempt suicide than those who have not. For boys, The Butte County courtroom of Judge Stephen Benson
sexual abuse over an extended period of time is more was awash in red, the color worn by family and friends
likely to be the determining factor for male teen
of Matthew Carrington to honor him. Gabriel Maestretti,
deeply religious as a boy, had never been in trouble
before. Yet, according to the district attorney, he was
The American Psychiatric Association (APA) identified
the most culpable in Carrington's death. He stood
the strong risk factors for teen suicide as depression,
alcohol, or drug abuse and aggressive, disruptive before the judge, baby-faced, with the physique of a
behaviors. They also mentioned family loss, instability, linebacker, choking back tears.
and unplanned pregnancy. Suicidal teens, they
reported, feel alone, hopeless, and rejected and are "I did what I did out of a misguided sense of building
especially vulnerable when they have experienced a
brotherhood, and instead I lost a brother. I will live with
loss, humiliation, or trauma, such as poor grades,
breakup with boyfriend or girlfriend, argument with the consequences of hazing for the rest of my life,"
parents, parental discord, separation, or divorce. The Maestretti told the court. "My actions killed a good
APA declared that 53 percent of young people who person, and I will be a felon for the rest of my life, and
commit suicide are substance abusers. I'll have to live with that disability, but I'm alive and
Matt's not. "
NMHA identifies feelings of anger and resentment and
the inability to see beyond a temporary situation as the Moments later, Maestretti and three of his fraternity
main factors in teen suicide
brothers John Fickes, 20, Carlos Abrille, 22, and Jerry
attempts. KidsHealth quotes Dr. David Sheslow, a
pediatric psychologist, who identifies drugs and alcohol Lim, 25 were handcuffed and led off to jail.
as leading causes of suicide in
teens. Further, KidsHealth reports, "A teen with an Matthew Carrington would have turned 22 this month.
adequate support network of friends, family, religious He grew up with his younger brother in a small ranch-
style house in Pleasant Hill, east of San Francisco. "All I could think of was, 'Matt's alone. Nobody is with
Debbie Smith has a giant portrait of her son on the him... why is that?' " she said. Hours passed from the
fireplace mantle. Dozens of snapshots fill the coffee hospital's first call to Carrington's parents before they
table and bookshelves. learned how he died.

"We did everything together as a family, so we have Hazing is illegal in the majority of states, including
tons of pictures, and I have to have them out," she California. But usually it's a misdemeanor offense that
said. "I have this need to just be surrounded by him. I brings a slap on the wrist. Most colleges have banned
can't put him away." hazing, and rogue Greek chapters have been
suspended. But sometimes the strategy backfires.
Like a lot of moms, Debbie Smith says her son was Hazing expert Hank Nuwer says once they're
destined for great things. But Carrington's plans decertified, these chapters are accountable to no one.
weren't grandiose at all. He just wanted to graduate
and get a good job, marry and have kids, his mother "It's kind of like having unregulated gangs on campus,
says. Now, she mourns the wedding she'll never and yet it's a hidden problem that doesn't get
attend, the grandchildren she'll never hold. discussed on the news a lot," says Nuwer.

Boarded-up on the edge of campus is the Chi Tau It was a problem at Chico State. Chi Tau was among a
fraternity house. From the outside, the white building handful of suspended fraternities that had been in
doesn't look like a crime scene. The basement, says trouble before. For now, the school has shut down all
Chico Police detective Greg Keeney, the lead Greek recruitment. A task force is overhauling all the
investigator on the case, is another story. rules for student conduct. And University President Paul
Zingg has threatened the ultimate punishment an
"It's kind of like the medieval castle dungeon," says outright ban on fraternities and sororities.
Keeney. In February, at the time of Carrington's death,
the dark and dirty basement would have been very "They talk about integrity and scholarship and holy
cold, says Keeney. Repeatedly scribbled on the walls friendship forever," says Zingg. "And I basically said, if
was the phrase, "In the basement, no one can hear you that's really what you believe in, you've got a
scream." respected place on this campus. But if you're nothing
but drinking clubs masquerading as fraternities, you
Carrington died during Chi Tau's "Hell Week." Junior don't."
fraternity brothers were in charge and were told to be
tough on the pledges. Carrington was at the Chi Tau, Fraternity members pass the now-defunct Chi Tau
located in Chico, Calif., north of Sacramento to support house everyday on their way to classes. It's a vivid
his friend, Mike Quintana. Both were sober, according reminder of Carrington's death.
to police reports.
"We're still dealing with it. Everybody's still kind of
The two pledges were ordered downstairs and told to haunted by it," says Adam Cherry, a Chico State junior
do calisthenics in raw sewage that had leaked on the and a member of Sigma Pi, a fraternity which he says
floor. For hours, according to district attorney Mike doesn't haze. He thinks it's only right that the
Ramsey, they were interrogated and taunted. defendants are in jail. But he resents being lumped
together with the young men implicated in Carrington's
There were forced pushups and trivia quizzes. Through death.
it all, the Carrington and Quintana were ordered to
drink from a five-gallon jug of water, which was filled "This fraternity, Chi Tau, was not recognized by the
over and over. Fans blasted icy air on their wet bodies. school, not recognized by anybody. So basically they
They urinated and vomited on themselves. Then, were just a bunch of guys with letters on their house,"
according to DA Ramsey, something went terribly says Cherry.
There's a growing movement to toughen the penalties
Carrington collapsed and started a seizure. Fraternity for hazing. Two states, New York and Florida, have done
members didn't initially call an ambulance. By the time it already, and Carrington's parents say now it should
they did, it was too late. Carrington was taken to Enloe be California's turn. They want hazing out of the
Medical Center, where his heart stopped. At about 5 education code and charged under the penal code, like
a.m. he was pronounced dead from water intoxication, other violent crimes. But even that's not enough, says
which caused the swelling of his brain and lungs. Not a Debbie Smith. Something else has to change: the
single fraternity brother was there, a fact that still mindset that considers hazing just part of college life.
haunts his mother.
"I understand that they didn't intend to kill Matt," she Hazing, binge drinking and death are not.
says. "My hope is that they learned something, that we The issue of hazing, in its many insidious forms, from
all learned something, and that they can teach others alcohol abuse to sexual assault, has blazed across
headlines on a regular basis recently. Increased
from their experience so that we don't have to have
awareness is the first step in combating this trend, and
this keep happening to our children." preventing it from becoming an accepted but ignored,
behind-closed-doors problem.
It may be too late for Gabriel Maestretti, who will serve But whats gone largely unrecognized on a national
one year in jail. But he, too, wants to get the message scale is the underlying issue in Burchs death and a
out. problem that exacerbates the problematic behaviors
that contributed to the scene at that party.
Burch wasnt just at any frat party. He was at a
"I accept my punishment, with the hope that it will decertified, unauthorized fraternity.
serve as a warning to others not to follow the path I The fraternity in question, Kappa Sigma, is national
did," he said during his sentencing. "Hazing isn't funny, organization but at Western Virginia, the chapter had
it's not cute. It's stupid, dangerous. It's not about been shut down, for reasons not yet disclosed by either
fraternity officials or the university.
brotherhood, it's about power and control."
Although the details of this particular shutdown
chapter may be murky, UB and The Spectrum are all
For other students, the message hasn't sunk in yet. too aware of the problem posed by illegal fraternities.
Despite the trauma of Carrington's death, two more As reported last spring by former managing editor Lisa
Greek organizations at Chico State have already been Khoury, a large-scale investigation of the campus
suspended for misconduct this semester. unrecognized fraternities revealed the violence and
abuse suffered by students involved with the
organizations, and the challenges UB faces in banning
An illegal fraternity and a life and eliminating these groups.
Kappa Sigma, the unrecognized frat where Burch
cut short collapsed, is also one of the illegal groups identified in
Khourys article. These frats at UB exemplify the
dangers of unregulated, out of control fraternities
Another tragic, needless death brings unrecognized fraternities pledges reported being beat up, forced to fight one
back under merited scrutiny another, being locked outside in the cold with little to
no clothing, eating cat food and, of course, being
11/16/14 4:16pm | By Editorial Board forced to drink excessive amounts of alcohol.
These are not the experiences new college students
Nolan Burch, a Canisius High School graduate who expect when they arrive on campus or in a frat
turned 18 earlier this month, was a sweet, wonderful house. These are dangerous, violent environments that
kid, who was well liked and popular among his encourage abuse and lead to tragic outcomes.
classmates. Burchs death is horrifying and tragic. So is the
Although thats how Burchs family and friends will presence and ongoing existence of the organizations
remember him, its not how Burch will be memorialized that encourage the conditions that ended the college
in the media and the public eye. freshmans life.
Because Burch, who died after drinking large quantities These illegal frats at UB, WVU and across the country
of liquor at a West Virginia University frat party, is the must be weeded out, penalized and eliminated for
newest face of an extremely troubling trend that has good.
cost too many young lives so many that Burch is not What happened to Burch has surely happened to many
the first, but only the latest college student to others. But maybe his death can help prevent such
represent the dangers of extreme drinking on college tragedy from occurring yet again.
According to individuals present at the party where
Burch fell unconscious and collapsed, the teenager was
The Hazing Problem at Black
challenged to consume excessive amounts of alcohol, Fraternities
to the point that when police and EMTs arrived to the
fraternity, he was unresponsive, had no pulse and died Black fraternities face different challenges than white onesbut
36 hours later. both groups can be corrupted by twisted power dynamics.
Burchs death serves as reminder of the dangers that
can accompany extreme underage drinking especially
for new college students, recently arrived to campus
I receive a Google news alert by e-mail every time the
and unfamiliar to the party scene, but eager to change
phrase fraternity hazing is mentioned in the press. As
one who has studied fraternities and sororities for over
Drinking and partying is undeniably an aspect of many
two decades, worked in student affairs as a Greek
college students lives. This is especially true at WVU,
advisor, now a college president, and an expert witness
which is known for its reputation as a party school and
in hazing cases, it is important to stay current. As you
often appears near the top of the Princeton Reviews
can imagine, I get lots of news alerts. Lots.
list annual of biggest party schools. Although much
Last month I received an alert about The Atlantics
of the drinking that happens on college campuses is
article The Dark Power of Fraternities. This critique
underage and technically illegal, its an elements of
probably made a number of my colleagues in the inter-
university life.
fraternal world crazy, as it set off new rounds of only way. They are an insidious group, operating
conversations about the relevance of fraternity and inconspicuously on campuses but causing great harm.
sorority life on college campuses. They, along with Unfortunately, I dont see undergraduates banding
scores of young men and women who work earnestly together to use the force of fraternalism for good.
to live the values espoused by their groups were no I call these people extended adolescents. They are
doubt disheartened by the latest in a long line of bad recent grads (or just no longer enrolled), who are
press for Greek Life. employed, underemployed, or unemployed. Their most
significant accomplishment is often fraternity or
And yet, theyre helpless. When an article starts off sorority membership, so they are on campus often- at
with stories about bottle rockets in anuses, and then events, in chapter meetings, or just hanging out. So
goes into manslaughter, rape, sexual torture, and their wisdom is valued more than the legitimate
psychological trauma, no one really wants to hear but authorities within the national fraternity, or campus
look at how much good we do. administrators.
The author, Caitlin Flanagan, is clear that her focus is
formerly all-white, now nominally integrated mens This group embodies the dark side of black fraternities.
general or social fraternities. Her common theme was Over the past decade I have noticed a disturbing trend:
the central role of alcohol for social fraternities. From the number of these extended adolescents being
the butt bottle rocket man and numerous falls from arrested for hazing. In 2006, a 28-year-old was
houses, to house fires as well as deaths of pledges sentenced to 180 days in jail, a $10,000 fine, and 10
from forced consumption, alcohol is the key actor. Most years probation for orchestrating hazing at Southern
of the examples presented would rarely be found in Methodist University soon after the chapter was
black fraternal organizations (or Latin and Asian groups reinstated. This non-student was part of an
for that matter). undergraduate chapter suspended for hazing. In 2011,
Black fraternities and sororities dont share the same nine men were arrested for hazing Francis Marion
peripheral issues. A miniscule number own or even rent students; only three were current students. They
chapter houses due to very small numbers. The same included a 27-year-oldBoys & Girls Club unit director,
is true with alcohol. Studies indicate less alcohol usage and a 34-year-old science teacher whose apartment
for example by Black college students, not so much was used for the hazing. In 2012, nine men were
because of less interest, but less disposable income to indicted for hazing for hazing Youngstown State
provide large quantities to guests at an event. students. Eight of them were not students, and five of
But there are different symptoms that indicate the them were aged 27 to 32.
same dark power or force exists in black groups, one Why in the hell does a man in his 30s participate in an
that also creates tragic problems. It invades illegal activity like this? Because this is all he has to
undergraduates who have been members of a group make him feel important. He has a group of
for a year or two, and miraculously overnight are the undergraduates hanging on every word as he
authorities on their group and how one should become introduces them to the dark side. All across the
a member. Their national leaders, scholars, lawyers, country, people like him are destroying the ideals of
and experts, all who say dont haze, have no credibility fraternalism.
with these young geniuses. Unfortunately, I dont see a Luke or Leia or Han Solo on
And so they employ an old school approach to the horizon, undergraduates banding together to use
hazing, and I mean old, as in 1800s when all college the force of fraternalism for good. The dark side of the
students had few resources, so the upperclassmen force is winning. When I travel to speak to students I
physically punished freshmen during that first year. In dont appeal to their sense of right and wrong
2014 alone, black fraternity members were arrested at anymore. I just give facts, let them know the
the University of Central Arkansas for paddling and consequences, and that if they mess up after I have
being pelted with raw eggs. Six members of another been there I will anxiously testify against them. Usually
black fraternity (my fraternity) were arrested for when I finish, after showing gruesome injuries,
paddling that sent one student to the hospital for a members in handcuffs, and financial settlements that
month. And at the University of Georgia, 11 black impact their mommas, they are shaken for a while. A
fraternity members were arrested after allegedly lining few are even converted. But then I go home.
up potential new members along a wall and striking And thats when Darth Sidious moves back in.

They all must know hazing is illegal. They must know it

is against their respective fraternity and campus The Telltale Signs of Verbal
policies. They must know that if caught there could be
harsh sanctions, including legal ones. And year after Abuse
year, they beat people.
Hazing is the dark side of the force, if you will. For
social fraternities, its Count Dooku, using Jedi mind How to tell if youre in an emotionally abusive
tricks to have pledges drink themselves to death. For
black groups, its Darth Maul, a brawler physically
punishing pledges.
Undergraduates all start off with these noble intentions Rachel Pomerance BerlOct. 3, 2013 | 4:55 p.m.
in their groups, but they become exposed to the dark
side. For black groups, if I continue the analogy, they Maybe it's a nearly imperceptible eye roll or
are impacted by Darth Sidiousmen and women
actively convincing new members that hazing is the a look of disgust intended for only you to
see. Perhaps he needles you about falling the emotional abuse and the control isn't
short in the kitchen or the bedroom or your working anymore."
attempts at humor. And let's say he raises
his voice at you often enough that you can Emotional abuse is considered common, but
never be sure how he'll react, so you try to statistics are hard to come by, since it's
get everything right to keep him happy. difficult to legally document demeaning
Meanwhile, you've become a nervous wreck behavior until it involves a threat and
and you know it. So you summon your because so many are unsure about what it is.
courage and address the situation: "You According to the National Coalition Against
know, I don't like how you talk to me," you Domestic Violence, roughly 85 percent of
tell him, pushing yourself to voice your domestic violence victims are women. That's
suspicion. "It's almost like ... verbal abuse." 1.3 million victims across every kind of
"What?!" he snarls. "That just shows how demographic. One in 4 women will
crazy you are. And, you know, saying that experience domestic violence be it
discredits the women who really are abused." physical, emotional or sexual abuse and
Oh God, you think. Maybe I really am crazy. most cases are never reported to police.
Maybe he's right he has to yell at me When Southworth started working in the
because I don't listen otherwise. We'd be domestic violence field 22 years ago,
fine if I only did a better job with the kids or emotional abuse was not yet on people's
the house or my in-laws ... radar. Now that it is, victims are able to get
Let's be clear: You're not crazy. This is out of abusive relationships earlier, she says.
abuse. He hasn't broken your bones (yet). "That's years and years of people's lives
But surely, he's broken your spirit. that's sort of been regained."
Emotional abuse erodes your self-esteem. It's Below are some other signs to spot abusive
a pattern of put-downs and mind games behavior:
that's meant to gain power over you and 1. You feel worse after disagreements.
leaves you feeling fearful, like everything's "Every relationship should have arguments,"
your fault and, often, like you're losing your says Katie Ray-Jones, president of the
mind. National Domestic Violence Hotline. "It's how
[Read: Could You Become a Victim of you feel during those arguments." You should
Dating Violence?] be able to discuss your concerns without
But because emotional abuse lacks physical fearing your partner's reactions and feeling
scars, it can be challenging to identify worse for expressing yourself.
especially when the abuse only begins after 2. He calls his ex "crazy" for her
the courtship period, experts say. One red allegations.
flag, however, is someone's desire to get "People don't make up domestic violence and
serious too soon an attempt at control abuse," given the shame that surrounds it,
masked as romantic love. Southworth says. If you've heard about his
That's why victims must not blame mistreatment in the past, take it seriously.
themselves for becoming involved with an 3. You don't feel free to spend time with
abuser, says Cindy Southworth, vice the people and pursuits you love.
president of the National Network to End
Domestic Violence. "You couldn't have seen
this, and it's not your fault," she tells victims.
"You missed it because he's really smooth,
and he knows how to make sure to back off
the moment when your instincts start to tell
you he's coming on too strong."
It's also critical to identify emotional abuse
because of its potential to escalate into
physical abuse. As Southworth puts it, people
view domestic abuse as "a white picket
fence, 2.2 children and a black eye, and they
think, 'Why wouldn't she leave?'" she says.
"They don't understand that, in reality, the
violence is often only an enforcer. It's used if

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