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Above and first of all, I would like to offer glorious gratitude to almighty of God for helping me
in every manner of my life.

Next I have no enough words to express my great full pretty thanks, sincere appreciation and
great respect for Debre Elias veterinary clinic for their valuable piece of advice, encouragement
and support to attain good skills on disease isolation and identification. And also great full thanks
to Gondar University which support us financially and provide material for success of our
clinical field experience.

Table1. Bacterial diseases

Table2. Viral diseases
Table3. Parasitic diseases
Table4. Metabolic Diseases
Table5. Surgical and obstetrics
Table6. Miscellaneous Disease

% percent
c degree centigrade
F female
hr hour
IM Intra muscular
Kg kilo gram
Km kilo meter
M Male
mg milligram
mm Hg millimeter mercury
MoARD Ministry of agriculture and rural development
oxyttc oxytetracycline
p.o pros
SC Subcutaneous
spps species

The clinical experience was conducted at Debre Elias Veterinary Clinic. It is found in Debre
Elias district which is 340 km from Addis Ababa in North West Of Ethiopia and altitude 2231
meters above sea level. The area has an annual rain fall averaging 1150 mm Hg. The rain fall is
bimodal with short rainy season from March to May and long rainy season from June to
September, followed by the dry season from October to February. The area has an average
maximum and minimum temperature of 27c &12.7c, respectively and relative humidity of 60
% (MoARD, 2008).

The main agricultural activities currently practiced include irrigation(modern and tradition),
animal production and crop production. Mixed farming and crop production activities holds 90%
of the total agricultural activities. The major agricultural products seasonally harvested include
Sorghum, Wheat, Maize, Linseed and other Legume groups.

Based on 2010 census conducted by Woreda Bureaue of Agricultural and Rural Development
Office (WARDO,2010), The total livestock population in the woreda is about 161,945. Out of
this 36,045 sheeps, 33,900 goats, 20,000 equins 30,000 polutry and 41,000 cattels.

The clinic gives service for the whole woreda with the average numbers of cases presented
daily(from Monday-Friday) approaching 60-80 animals presented to the clinic include cattle,
small ruminants, equine, poultry, rarely dog. Tentative diagnosis of disease and/ or abnormalities
was undertaken based on history, clinical manifestations/ findings.

Every case were diagnosed by taking (asking) history from the owner, conducting general and
systemic physical examination, epidemiology of the suspected cases & pathogenomonic clinical
signs. The majority of cases were treated based on tentative diagnosis because there was no
enough laboratory facility.

Table1. Bacterial diseases

No Tentative Spps Se Age Treatment

diagnosis x
1 Brucellosis Bovine M Adult Pen stripe 1ml/20kg I/M every 24
hrs for 3 days and open casteration
2 colibacilosis Bovine M young Pen stripe 1ml/20kg I/M every 24
hrs for 3 days
3 pasturolosis ovine F Adult Oxyttc 10% 20mg/kg , I/M , for 3
4 Anthrax Bovine F Adult Pen stripe 1ml/20kg I/M every 24
hrs for 3 days
5 Mastitis Bovine F Adult Pen stripe 1ml/20kg I/M every 24
hrs for 3 days and intra mammary
6 salmonellosis Bovine F young Oxyttc 20% 10mg/kg for one day

7 pasturollosis Bovine M Adult Oxyttc 20% 10mg/kg for one day

8 Anthrax Equine F Adult Pen stripe 1ml/20kg for 3 days

9 Brucellosis Bovine F Adult Pen stripe 1ml/20kg for 3days
10 Anthrax Bovine F Adult Pen stripe 1ml/20kg for 3days
11 Dermatophilos Bovine F young Pen stripe 1ml/20kg for 3days
12 Anthrax Equine F Adult Pen stripe 1ml/20kg for 3days
13 pasturolosis capraine F Adult Oxyttc 10% 20mg/kg for 3 days

14 pasturolosis ovine M Young Ovine pasturollosis vaccine 1ml

& and S.C. for each
F Adult

Table2. Viral diseases

N Tentative Spps Sex Age Treatment

o diagnosis
1 Lumpy skin Bovine F Adult Oxxyttc 20% 10mg/kg,I.M for
disease one day
2 Sheep pox Ovine F Adult Oxxyttc 20% 10mg/kg,I.M for
one day
3 Lumpy skin Bovine M Adult Oxyttc 10% 20mg/kg , I/M ,
disease for 5 days
4 Foot and Bovine F Adult Oxxyttc 20% 10mg/kg.I.M for
mouth one day
5 PPR Caprain 4F youn Oxyttc 10% 20mg/kg , I/M ,
e g for 3 days

Table3. Parasitic diseases

No T.diagnosis Spps Sex Age Treatment

1 Thelaziaosis Bovine F Adult Manual removal by
2 Lice infestation Bovine F Young Ivermectine 0.2mg/kg sc,
for one day
3 Verminous Ovine M adult Albendazole 7.5mg/kg,
pneumonia p.o for one day
4 Fasciolosis Bovine F Adult Triclabendazole 12mg/kg,
p.o for one day
5 Trypanosomiasis Bovine M Adult Veridium 0.25mg/kg, im
for one day
6 Trypanosomiasis Bovine F Adult Veridium 0.25mg/kg, im
for one day
7 Verminious Ovine F Adult Albendazole 7.5mg/kg
pneumonia ,p.o for one day
8 Strongylosis Equine F Adult Fembendazole 100mg/kg

9 coccidosis Poultry F Adult Amprolium 2gm with

water for one day
10 Fasciolosis Ovine F Adult Triclabendazole 10mg/kg

Table4. Metabolic Diseases

Nu T.diagnosis Spps Sex Age Treatment
1 Grain over Ovine M Adult Indigestion powder 25gm with
load 1 litter water p.o for one day
2 Grain over Bovine m Adult Indigestion powder 100gm
load with 1 litter water p.o for one

Table5. Surgical and obstetrics

Nu T.diagnosi Spps Sex Age Treatment

mbe s
1 Phimosis Bovine M Adult Penistrip,1ml/kg I/M repeated
every 24hrs for 3 days and
surgical outing of the penis
2 Paraphimo Bovine M Adult Debridement, removal of
sis dirty materials, Washing with
savlon, Pushing back ward the
penis to the perpuce
+penistripe1ml/kg I.M.for 3
3 wound Ovine F Adult Washing with savlone and
inserting iodine tencture
4 Dystocia Bovine F Adult c-section
5 Closed Bovine 5M Adult Using Burdizo castrate the
castration oxen
6 Hernia Bovine F Adult Treating by surgical procdure

Table6. Miscellaneous Disease

Nu T.diagnosi Spps Sex Age Treatment

mbe s
1 Physical bovine M Adult Using stomach tube remove
trauma foregin body


Absence of essential laboratory equipments such as chemicals, bottles etc.

Owners are not voluntary to told history to apparent students.
The drugs that are found in the clinics are limited.
Shortage of man power (professionals).

Debre elias veterinary clinic gives good help for the surrounding farmers by treating their
animals. And the technicians are hard workers. In the other side the drugs has been
recommended only by clinical sign without confirmatory diagnose. The absence of essential
equipments for surgery i.e. suture materials, gloves etc results in difficulty in surgical and
obstetrical work. Laboratory equipments and chemicals are not full filled and also no laboratory
technician. The drugs that are found in the clinics are limited. The owners use drugs without
physician prescription it result in different side effect of the drug and create resistance of diseases
to drugs.

From the above conclusions the following recommendations forwarded;

Appropriate treatment must be given depending on the clinical sign, environmental factor, and
incubation period of the disease and laboratory result.
All instruments must be full filled in order to diagnose and save the life of the animals.
The drugs must be given by calculating the weight of the animal. Necessary surgical materials
and drugs must be purchased in order to relief and prevent zoonotic disease.
Create awareness to the society about animal health and dont treating animals without physician
Government should give emphasis to animal health.


Ministry of agriculture and rural development (MoARD, 2008).

Woreda Bureaue of Agricultural and Rural Development Office (WARDO, 2010).

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