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Student Name: Michael Logue Student ID: 123456

Functional Behavior Assessment

First School District FBA Date: 11/01/2016
Special Education Department Review Date: 1 year past date
9876 South St.
Lincoln, NE 68503

Functional Assessment Completed by: Danielle Laughlin B.S. Ed.

Student Information
Student: Michael Logue Grade: Ninth Grade
Gender: Male Date of Assessment: 10/29/2016
Home School: First School District Date of Birth: 06/19/2001
Receiving School: n/a Chronological Age: 15 years, 4 months
Race/Ethnicity: White
Primary Language: English Interpreter needed for student? No
Determine by: Parents

Parent/Guardian Information

Parent/Guardian: Kayleen Logue Relationship: Mother

Home Address: 1234 South St. Home Phone: (402) 416-4613
Work Phone:
Lincoln, NE 68503
Primary home language: English Date Determined: 11/01/2016
Determined by: Parents Interpreter needed for parent? N
Procedural Safeguards were given to the parent? Y Date given: 11/01/2016

Team Members
The following individuals were consulted in the development of this Functional Behavior Assessment.
Team member signature indicates attendance at the meeting.

Not applicable in my situation. Would be inserted with proper names in a school setting.

Mr. Sam Principal

Mrs. Suzie Special Education Teacher - Resource

Mrs. Fred Speech/Language Specialist

Mr. Sally Regular Education Teacher - Music

Mrs. Dave Special Education Teacher Full Time

Mrs. Kim Local Education Agency - District Designee

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Student Name: Michael Logue Student ID: 123456
Reason For Referral

Michael receives many special education services during the school day. He spends four class periods in
the resource room completing his coursework online with the help and guidance of the special education
teacher. He has been placed in this plan due to prior problems with bullies and anxiety. Michael has been
diagnosed to have ADHD and ODD. These cause difficulties for Michael to process directions. Michael has
troubles sitting still and completing tasks, specifically multistep tasks. Michael receives multi-systemic
therapy treatments both inside and outside of school hours.

This is the initial Functional Behavior Assessment being completed with Michael. Michael struggles with
many behaviors that affect his academic and social skills and goals. It is suggested for Michael to have this
assessment to help him achieve his goals. Although many behaviors are present in Michaels life, this FBA
is focusing on the behavior of interrupting and blurting. These behaviors happen very frequently throughout
Michaels day, on average 18-20 times in a five-minute time period. This behavior doesnt allow for
Michael to learn and complete the tasks to achieve his goals. FAPE is not at risk for Michael and he is not in

Educationally Relevant Background Information

Michael lives with his mother and one older sister. Michael comes from a difficult home past. His father
abused drugs and was an alcoholic. He no longer contacts Michael and this causes a great amount of anxiety
for Michael. Michael has the support of his Mother, siblings and grandparents. His mother is concerned that
Michael is not achieving his educational goals and making sufficient progress in his learning. Recently
Michael has also struggled with suicidal thoughts. He spent time in both the inpatient and outpatient
programs at Bryan LGH. His family is very supportive through all of this.
Michael struggles greatly with being social. He has a hard time with boundaries and recognizing social
cues. He does not have any friends that he can name. Michael play matches up to a child at a much lower
age. He will play with any toys provided. He enjoys playing video games at all different age levels.

Michael has many different conditions that affect this target behavior. Michael has been diagnosed with
ADHD and ODD. Recently Michael has been diagnosed with Crones Disease. This is a new diagnosis and
so it has also played a part in behaviors in recent time. A list of Michaels medications is as follows:
Vyvanse 70mg, Clonidine, Claritin, Probiotic, Prozac 30mg, Stool softener, Meecaptopurine 2x 50mg,
Omeprazole 40 mg, Apriso ER .0375 gram capsule, Melatonin 9 mg.
Michael started attending school in a preschool setting and transitioned into Kindergarten at age 6. He has
been passed through each grade getting low grades. Michael is preforming at below his grade level.
Michaels school attendance has been poor this year, between hospital stays and his recent diagnosis.

Summary of Assessment

Review of Previous Assessments

Michael struggles earning good grades. Part of this stems from his responsibility issues and turning in
homework. He earns a range of grades from Bs to Fs. This is something that he is also working on.

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Student Name: Michael Logue Student ID: 123456
Direct/Indirect Assessments
Name of first person interviewed:
Relationship to Student: Mother
Date: September 22. 2016
Results of interview:
Summary of interview: I decided to complete both questioners in order to gain experience with them
both. I believe I have determined the function of this behavior is to gain attention or avoid an unwanted
situation. He desires attention from his mother in most situations. When she is interacting with others the
behavior is particularly high. Another common antecedent is when he is trying to avoid consequences from a
previous behavior. His mother reports that this is something he does in order to avoid the punishment, she
believes he tries to distract her from following through with the punishment. Typically Michael gets his way
and gets attention from his mother or other adults. This is a consequence of the target behavior that
reinforces him to continue. I believe a possible reinforcer for this behavior would be to give Michael some
computer or video game time. This is something that he seems to always want to do. This is also the only
activity where Michael is not participating in the target behavior.

Name of second person interviewed:

Relationship to Student: Student
Date: September 18, 2016
Results of interview:
Summary of interview: When he is excited about something and feels he needs to tell someone
something he interrupts without waiting for his time to speak. Another situation where Michael also
exhibits this behavior is when he is bored and is thinking about other things. This causes him to pay less
attention to his surrounding and just go with what is in his head. When one of these behaviors occurs and he
is successful in interrupting, he is often rewarded with attention from whomever he is interrupting. This is
not always positive attention. Many times it is someone telling him not to interrupt and to wait until they
are done talking. After some thinking I have a few basic ideas to help Michael decrease this target behavior.
One of these would be, when he has an idea count in his head until 10. Then he could actively think if the
people who he is trying to converse with are still speaking. If he achieves his waiting goal he could receive
a tally mark. After a certain number of tally marks have been gathered he would be reinforced with five
minutes or so of video games.

Observation 1:
Date: October 18, 2016
Class/Teacher/Setting/Task: This observation was done in Michael sisters home. Michael was spending
time with his family. He was playing with his nieces while his mother and sister had a conversation.

Results of Observation: The antecedent during this time was Michael was hungry. He had determined he
was hungry and that he needed to eat as soon as possible. Dinner had not finished cooking and his mother
and sister were having a conversation. Michael repeatedly asked his mother if he could get something to
eat. His mother first tried to ignore him, then she told him that he needed to go sit. After sitting for less
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Student Name: Michael Logue Student ID: 123456
than a minute Michael was trying to get food again. His mother ended up telling him to eat some chips wile
they wait. Average interrupting: 17

Observation 2:
Date: October 20, 2016
Class/Teacher/Setting/Task: This observation was done at the family flower shop. This is a place that the
family all goes and helps out and spends time together.

Results of Observation: The antecedent during this time was that Michael wanted to go to the Library. His
mother had been working with a couple different customers during this observation. He repeatedly asked
his mother if he could go to the library even after he was given the answer of no. It even turned into his
asking why he cant. His mother told him he could go for ten minutes. Average interrupting: 17.75

Observation 3:
Date: October 27, 2016
Class/Teacher/Setting/Task: This observation was done in Michael sisters home. Michael was spending
time with his family outside. He was playing basketball with his family.

Results of Observation: The antecedent during this time was Michael wanted a drink while he was playing
basketball. His mother was playing with his nieces so she was not willing to go get him a drink. Michaels
interrupting and blurting where greatly decreased during this observation. I believe that to be because he
was already actively engaged in an activity and his full attention was not devoted to getting what he needed.
Average interrupting: 8.75

Observation 4:
Date: October 29, 2016
Class/Teacher/Setting/Task: This observation was done in Michael sisters home. Michael was watching
the Husker football game with his family.

Results of Observation: (frequency, rate, duration, intensity, etc.) The antecedent during this time was
Michael wanted to play a game on his mothers phone. His mother told him he needed to wait and that he
didnt need to ask again. Michael continued to ask throughout the first half of the game. He seemed to
forget about it at time but other times he would continually ask. Average interrupting: 18.5

Graph of Data:

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Student Name: Michael Logue Student ID: 123456



Series1 15
Series2 Interuptions

1 2 3 4

5 minute observations

Functional Analysis Assessment

Target Behavior: The target behavior that I am focusing on with Michael is interrupting and blurting others
while they are talking.
Definition: Michael has and idea or comes up with a question. He then proceeds to repeatedly interject
himself into the conversation of the person who he wants to talk to.

Replacement Behavior Defined:

Definition: When Michael comes up with an idea or has a question, he will walk up to the person he needs to
talk to and show a finger to that person; one finger for a question or comment or two fingers if it is an
emergency. This will tell the person he is trying to speak to that he is in need of immediate interaction.

Functional Assessment:
For the purpose of this FBA the focus is on behaviors outside of the school day. I am confident in saying
that this behavior also continues throughout the school day. This is a behavior that occurs very frequently
throughout the day at any point. Through observations it was found to occur on average 15.5 times in a five
minute time period. The intensity of this behavior can vary, he can be calm while interrupting or he can get
very agitated and be angry when he is trying to interrupt. This has been a problem as long as anyone can
remember with Michael. There is not one antecedent to this behavior that you can always outwardly see, he
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Student Name: Michael Logue Student ID: 123456
could see something on the T.V. that he was interested in and would like to share or he could be telling on
one of his nieces. When this behavior occurs there are a variety of consequences. Michael gets ignored,
scolded, told to go sit, given what he wants and redirected by those who he is trying to interrupt. Michael
also can have reactions of his own based on the reaction of those he is trying to speak with. These can be
emotions like anger and agitation because he is not getting what he wanted. Michael will interrupt a
conversation in order to gain the stimulation he needs.

Replacement Behaviors and Goals

Goal #1 Decrease the amount of incidents where Michael interrupts a conversation verbally.

Conditions: Implementing outside of school hours.

Mastery Level: 75%
Evaluation Frequency: Review progress once a week.
Method 1 Method 2
Evaluation Method: teacher observation Parent observation
Number of Trials: 2 out of 5 days 7 out of 7 days
Person Responsible for:
Implementing Goal: Special Education Teacher, Parent
Coordinating Changes: Special Education Teacher
Team Communication: Special Education Teacher
Monitoring Progress: Special Education Teacher

Goal #2 Help Michael obtain coping strategies so he is able to figure out his problem without interrupting.

Conditions: Implementing outside of school hours.

Mastery Level: 25%
Evaluation Frequency: Review progress once a week.
Method 1 Method 2
Evaluation Method: teacher observation parent observation
Number of Trials: 2 out of 5 days 7 out of 7 days
Person Responsible for:
Implementing Goal: Special Education Teacher
Coordinating Changes: Special Education Teacher
Team Communication: Special Education Teacher
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Student Name: Michael Logue Student ID: 123456
Monitoring Progress: Special Education Teacher

Manifestation Determination: It is believed that this behavior is a manifestation of Michaels disability.

There is no disciplinary action being taken for this behavior.

Target Behavior: Interrupting and Blurting

Analysis: There is no disciplinary action being taken for this behavior.

Progress and Success

Reporting: Progress will be reported to the team weekly via an email containing a graph of data for
the week. The team will meet again in three weeks on November 27, 2016.

Target Behavior: Interrupting and Blurting

Success Criteria: Success of this intervention will be determined by observing Michael and finding if he
has a better control over himself and this behavior.

Emergency Procedures
The purpose of this Behavior Intervention Plan is to reduce the inappropriate target behavior and teach better
behaviors. However, if Michael has a problem that would put himself or others in danger Michael will be asked
to go to a designated spot at that location to calm down. He will spend at a minimum of 5 minutes in this
location. If he feels safe he may return to previous activities and wait for the person he would like to talk to be

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