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Basic Trigonometry

We are now going to consider what happens to trigonometric functions when we look at circles.
You should know that the equation for a circle with its centre at the origin (0;0) of the Cartesian
plane, is x 2 + y 2 = r 2 . And this should remind you of a very well-known geometry theorem. Which
one? Can you explain what the relationship between these two could be?

There are a few important things you have to remember.

The radius (r) of a circle remains constant and is never negative. Why is that so?

If we place a circle on a Cartesian plane with its centre at the origin then
(in Maths) the angles are generally measured from 0 in an
anti-clockwise direction. This is just a convention in Maths,
so don't confuse it with the way you have to do it in Science.

The axes divide the space (plane) into four quadrants.

Angles of 0 to 90 is in the first quadrant; 90 to 180
in the second; and so on.

Right-angled triangles can be placed inside the circle:

Like this:

Or like this:

In these triangles the radius is the hypotenuse and the opposite and adjacent sides can be defined
in terms of y and x.

is defined as the angle between the x-axis and the

hypotenuse (i.e. the radius).

Now, before you carry on to the next page and based

on your knowledge of trigonometric ratios in right-angled
triangles, define each of the six trigonometric functions in terms
of x, y and r.
Memorise these!!!

y r
sin = cosec =
r y

x r
cos = sec =
r x

y x
tan = cot =
x y

Activity 1

The CAST rule

From your investigation in Activity 1 you should be able to deduce why the following is true:

sin and cosec all ratios

positive; all else

tan and cot cos and sec

positive; all else positive; all else
negative negative


First try to answer the following without looking at the given solution.

What is the value of tan if cosec = and 90 < < 270?

By definition tan = . That means to work out the ratio of tan , we must know the value of y
and x. Since cosec = , we only know the values of y and r. What will the values of y and r
be? And which one will get the negative sign? Why?

The first thing to do is to determine in which quadrant would be so that we can know whether x
will be positive or negative. If cosec = it means that y must be -12. It follows then that
must be in quadrants III or IV since y is negative only in those quadrants (CAST rule - cosec is
negative only in quadrants III and IV). But we've also been given the restriction 90 < < 270.
According to this must lie in quadrants II or III.

Combining these restrictions:


we find that quadrant III is the only quadrant where both conditions are satisfied. And that means
that x must be negative.
You can now construct a right-angled triangle from all your
information, and then, using the theorem of Pythagoras, find
the value of x.

x3 = r 2 y 2
= (13) ( 12 )
2 2

= 25
x = 5

But, because the angle is in quadrant III, x = -5.

12 12
Since y = -12 and x = -5 it follows that tan = =
5 5

Exercise 1
Reduction Formulae

If we refer again to the results from activity 1 we can draw some more conclusions. Take, for
example, the results obtained when the sine of each of the angles was found.

sin 30 =

sin 150 =
sin 150 = sin 30

but sin 150 also equals sin (180 - 30)

and therefore sin (180 - 30) = sin 30

sin 210 =
sin 210 = sin 30

but sin 210 = sin (180 + 30)

and therefore sin (180 + 30) = sin 30

sin 330 =
sin 330 = sin 30

but sin 330 = sin (360 - 30)

and therefore sin (360 - 30) = sin 30

Summarising the results:

sin 30 = sin 30
sin(180 30) = sin 30
sin(180 + 30) = sin 30
sin(360 30) = sin 30

The same relationships will of course be true for sine's reciprocal, cosec.

You will be able to do the same for the other functions. Remember the CAST rule?

cos 30 = cos 30
cos(180 30) = cos 30
cos(180 + 30) = cos 30
cos(360 30) = cos 30

The same being true for secant.

tan 30 = tan 30
tan(180 30) = tan 30
tan(180 + 30) = tan 30
tan(360 30) = tan 30

The same being true for cotangent.

The above will always apply as long as the angle you are subtracting is an acute angle.

You will find this is true for any angle where (0; 90) and so we can deduce a general rule
by substituting for the angle subtracted. Although the diagramme only includes sine, cosine and
tangent the same will be true for their reciprocals. We call these the reduction formulae.

Exercise 2
Negative Angles

Usually angles are measured in an anti-clockwise direction. We can, however, measure them in a
clockwise direction. Because the measurement is in an opposite direction it is given a negative sign.
Once again this is just a convention.

e.g. 30 so: sin ( 30) = sin 30

cos( 30) = cos 30
tan ( 30) = tan 30

If you are asked to rewrite, e.g., cos( 210) as the ratio of an acute angle, you can do it in two

First establish where this angle will be:

Since the angle is in quadrant II it means that:

cos( 210) = cos 30


Using the generalisation:

cos( 210) = cos 210
= cos(180 + 30)
= cos 30

Using a Calculator

In preparation for the next activity you must know how to use your calculator to work out cosec, sec
and cot. On your calculator you have only three trigonometric ratios: sine, cosine and tangent. To
work out the other three you must use your knowledge of reciprocal functions.

y r
e.g. sin = and cosec =
r y

cosec =

1 1 r r
CHECK: = = 1 = = cosec
sin y y y

1 1
cosec 30 = = 1 =2
sin 30 2

cosec =
sec =
cot =

Activity 2

Which brings us to

The "co-co" Rule

You noticed, for example, that cos 30 = sin 60 and that sin 30 = cos 60.

Consider the following sketch:

Given point A we can draw two right-angled triangles, of

which one 90 is formed at the x-axis and the other at the y-
B = 30 and AO
axis. AO C = 60 .

opposite y
In AOB: sin 30 = =
hypotenuse r
adjacent y
In ACO: cos 60 = =
hypotenuse r

and so sin 30 = cos 60

x x
Also in AOB cos 30 = and in ACO sin 60 = .
r r
And if we generalise it using the soh cah toa rule:

y y
cos (90 - ) = sin =
r r
cos (90 - ) = sin

x x
sin (90 - ) = cos =
r r
sin (90 - ) = cos

x x
tan (90 - ) = cot =
y y
tan (90 - ) = cot

y y
cot (90 - ) = tan =
x x
cot (90 - ) = tan

r r r r
cosec (90 - ) = sec = sec (90 - ) = cosec =
x x y y
cosec (90 - ) = sec sec (90 - ) = cosec

If you remember the full names of the functions you will notice that we either "add" or "subtract" a
co when working around the y-axis. Hence the name "co-co" rule.


Cover up the solution of the following problems and attempt them before you look at the answers.

1. Write each of the following as a function of 15:

a) sin 75 b) cosec 285

2. If sin 20 = m, write each of the following in terms of m:

a) cos 70 b) sec 290


1. a)
sin 75 = sin (90 - 15)

Because this is "around" the y-axis, we reduce and "add" a co.

sin 75 = sin (90 - 15) = cos 15

Check this on your calculator!

cosec 285 = cosec (360 - 75) = - cosec 75

Notice that we don't "subtract" a co in the step above

because it is around the x-axis that we are working.

cosec 285 = cosec (360 75)

= cosec 75
= cosec (90 15)
= sec 15

2. a)
cos 70 = cos(90 20 )
= sin 20

sec 290 = sec(360 70)
= sec 70
= sec(90 20)
= cosec20
sin 20

B = , then AO
If AO M = 90 + and AO
C = 90 -
From our work with the CAST rule and the reduction
formulae, we know that:

cos AO M = cos AO C
cos(90 + ) = cos(90 )

but cos(90 ) = sin

so cos(90 + ) = sin

Similarly: sin (90+ ) = sin (90 - ) and sin (90 + ) = cos

Now you can complete the following:

tan (90 + ) = __________ sec (90 + ) = __________

cot (90 + ) = __________ cosec (90 + ) = __________

The same can be applied to (270 + ):

cos (270 - ) = - cos (90 - ) = - sin

sin (270 - ) = - sin (90 - ) = - cos

Similarly: tan (270 - ) = cot

cot (270 - ) = tan

sec (270 - ) = - cosec

cosec (270 - ) = - sec

cot (270 + ) = cos (90 - ) = sin

sin (270 + ) = - sin (90 - ) = - cos

Similarly: tan (270 + ) = - cot

cot (270 + ) = - tan

sec (270 + ) = cosec

cosec (270 + ) = - sec

So, to summarise: If (0; 90) and you are working around the y-axis (i.e. 90 + ; 270 + )
then "add" or "subtract" a co and keep the sign of the first function (i.e. the sign the first function
has in the quadrant you are considering).

For example: sin (270 + ) is in quadrant IV. So "add" a co to make it cosine and give it a
negative sign because the ratio of sine is negative in quadrant IV.

sin (270 + ) = - cos

Exercise 3

Special Angles

Sometimes you are asked to work out trigonometric ratios without using a calculator. These angles
are special cases and are therefore called "special angles".

Activity 3

You can use either the circle from activity 3 or the following table as a memory tool:

0 30 45 60 90
x 4 3 2 1 0
y 0 1 2 3 4
r 2 2 2 2 2

You know of course that 4 = 2 and that 1 = 1 . The only reason for keeping it under the square
root sign is to make memorisation easier.


How would you calculate the following without using a calculator?

a) cos 300 b) tan 150 c) sin2300

Note that sin2300 is just a short-hand way of writing (sin 300)2.

First reduce the given angle to an acute angle, and then use special angle values. (You can,
of course, continue the circle sketch right up to the fourth quadrant, but you don't always
have time to do that in an exam or test situation.)

1 1
a) cos 300 = cos (360 - 60) = cos 60 = =
2 2

b) tan 150 = tan (180 - 30) = - tan 30 =
HG: tan 150 = tan (90 + 60) = - cot 60 =

3 3
c) sin 300 = sin (360 - 60) = sin 60 =
2 2 2

Why is sin2(360 - 60) positive? Why not negative? Make sure you know why

You will find when looking through textbooks or at memo's of old exam papers that
1 2
sometimes an answer is given as whereas you have written . Neither is wrong as
2 2
you should know from your work with surds. The one just has a rationalised denominator.

1 2 2
2 2 2

Does sin 30 + sin 30 = sin 60? And does cos 45 = cos 15 + cos 30? Can you
substantiate your answer?

Exercise 4


There are 11 fundamental identities which you must know off by heart. Some you already know.

They are the reciprocal identities.

1 1
sin = cosec =
cosec sin

1 1
cos = sec =
sec cos

1 1
tan = cot =
cot tan

Now for some of the others

Activity 4

The square identities sin2 + cos2 = 1

tan2 + 1 = sec2

cot2 + 1 = cosec2

And then tan and cot in terms of sin and cos . sin
tan =

cot =

As an aid to memory you can use the diagram on the next page. Just note that, for example,
sin + cos 1

Remember: 9 + 16 = 25 = 5

It is NOT: 9 + 16 9 + 16 = 3 + 4 = 7

So: sin 2 + cos 2 DOES NOT EQUAL sin + cos

sin2 cos2

tan2 + 1 + cot2

= =

sec2 cosec2

All 11 fundamental identities can be read from the above diagram.

In solving identities you are not allowed to make use of x, y or r. The only time you do make
use of these is when you are proving the 11 fundamental identities.


Use the fundamental identities to simplify the following:

1. cosec - cot . cos

Note: One of the most effective ways of solving

an identity is usually to write it in terms of sine
and cosine.

1 cos
cosec cot . cos = . cos
sin sin
1 cos 2
sin 2
= If sin2 + cos2 = 1, then 1 - cos2 = sin2
= sin

Therefore: cosec - cot . cos = sin


2. cot2 (sec2 - 1)

In this case it would help if you would first simplify sec2 - 1:

sec2 = tan2 + 1
sec2 - 1 = tan2

So: cot2(sec2 - 1) = cot2 tan2 = 2
tan2 = 1

Therefore: cot2 (sec2 - 1) = 1

Proving Identities

Sometimes you will be required to prove that the left hand side (LHS) of an equation equals the
right hand side (RHS). Be very careful how you set out your work in such a case. The usual way is
to separate the two sides first and then simplify the most difficult side first.


1. Prove that tan + cot = sec . cosec

LHS = tan + cot RHS = sec . cosec

sin cos 1 1
= + = +
cos sin cos sin
sin 2 + cos 2 1
= =
cos .sin cos .sin
cos .sin

Since LHS = RHS it follows that tan + cot = sec . cosec

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