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M.A. Clinical Psychology


NAME : Armand Assante

COURSE : BS Architecture 4-1

AGE : 30 years old




The client is the eldest among 4 siblings. His father died when he was still in high school and his
mother is presently working as an Overseas Filipino Worker in Norway and presently living with
her new family. The client is living alone for almost 5 years now. Monthly allowance was
provided by his mother thru remittance.

The client is a transferee from Mapua Institute of Technology where he finished his first year of
BS Architecture and transferred to De La Salle University to continue his desired course. He has
a passion in Fine Arts and he plans to pursue the said course in the future.

Based on the psychological evaluation prepared by the psychometrician on the clients

personality test taken last July, 2015, the client lacks interpersonal warmth at home. He seems
to exhibit aggressive and hostile feelings toward family relationship. He also feels left out and
isolated. In turn, he strives for and by himself and does whatever he wants. He learned to do
things on his own and apparently, with no one monitoring or regulating him. He is not used to
discipline or command from authority figures, thus there is a tendency to defy authority.
Furthermore, he has a tendency to show hostile and impulsive behaviors most especially when
the situation does not favor him. He has difficulty maintaining adequate interpersonal
relationship. He has difficulty dealing with affective stimuli which is related to problems in
affective and impulsive control.

The client was referred to the Guidance Office due to some incidents happened inside and
outside the campus. The following cases were reported by the Director of Discipline Office and
some students involved in the case:

Shouted and attempted of hitting a student in the presence of his classmates without any
reason upon entering the classroom and seriously said, Titingin-tinginka diyan, sapakin
kita diyan last February 2015.
On the same month and year, the client shouted at one of his classmates without any
reason. Mga bakla salot ng lipunan.
Showed violent aggressive behavior last March 2015 wherein he attempted to hit
Chairperson of the Department during his conference with the client.
The client deliberately kissed an unknown student on the shoulder as reported by the
Discipline Office Director. The case was already resolved within the level of the DO. On
the same year, the client took a bath inside the librarys male comfort room wearing his
school uniform. When the clients attention was called, he reasoned out that he felt warm
so he took a bath.
The client hit a female student outside the campus last June 2015 because he was jus
irritated with the appearance of the student. The incident was supported by a medical
certificate issued by the school nurse based on the medical check-up done with the
student immediately incident.


Armands social and emotional functioning are undercut by his low-level mood
dysregulation and associated complex family dynamics. He had developed a highly
pessimistic outlook, ideas, and pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the
rights of others. This appears to be especially true for interpersonal relations, which he
contempt, and from his neglect for his emotional needs, which feel like an unwanted
burden to him. To compensate and to feel powerful and invulnerable, he appears to be
rebellious and oppositional to matters he perceived trivial.

Clinical Features

Psychological notations indicated that Armand manifest behaviors consistent

with the pattern of Antisocial Personality Disorder. The following
symptoms are:
1. Failure to conform to social norms with respect to lawful behaviors, as indicated
by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest and/or apprehension.
2. Impulsivity
3. Irritability and aggressiveness as indicated by repeated physical fights or
4. Reckless disregard for safety of self or others
5. Lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to mistreated.
Presenting Problem:
Armand Assante is a 30-year old adult male who has a history of violent and aggressive acting-outs . Previous psychological assessment and incident reports
reveal features of antisocial personality i.e. impulsivity, irritability and aggressiveness, defiance to authority, and failure to conform to social norms with respect to
lawful behaviors. Despite extensive efforts of confrontations and intervention of the Discipline Office, his aggravating and detrimental behavior failed to alleviate.
The contributing factors include complex family dynamics, environmental, and possible unresolved psychological dilemma.

Take medication as prescribed by

Alleviate aggression and
Irritability and aggressiveness, as Develop ability to control impulsive
impulsivity Antipsychotic, mood stabilizers and/or impulse-
Medical/Psychiatric indicated by repeated physical fights behavior
To control and stabilize inhibitor medications
or assaults Arman will identify a list of negative
consequences to self and others
regarding impulsive behavior
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - to work on a
Acknowledge and accept Arman will acknowledge the clients maladaptive ways of thinking as a way
Non-compliance to follow rules with influencing their behavior with an approach that is
the importance of involvement of reckless behaviors
the mind-set that they apply to more positive. This also assists the client in
standards and that have been detrimental to
others, not to him developing coping skills that replace negative
boundaries of behavior others and society.
skills with positive ones.
A. Evaluate the outcomes of antisocial
Arman will identify distorted
behavior and the consequential effects to
cognitions that mediate negative
others and self.
To effectively teach him the emotions B. Highlight the certainty of negative
Verbally and physically abusive, positive behaviors that Arman will practice cognitive outcomes for the client if their lifestyle
usually self-initiated should be adopted methods to control impulsive consists of continuous disorder.
instead behavior C. Help client recognize who has been hurt by
Arman will verbalizes situations that
his or her anti-social behavior.
may trigger feelings of anger
Psychodynamic psychotherapy (PP) This
therapy approach is aimed at raising awareness of
unconscious thought and behaviors and changing
Armand will Acknowledge and come their negative impact.
Explore childhood to terms with past childhood A. Investigate client's childhood of any abuse or
Maladaptive coping mechanism to experiences of abuse, experiences and the influence of abandonment.
psychological dilemma emotional, physical, and them, leading to current hostile, B. Investigate reasons why client blames others
self-indulgent, and erratic for his or her own actions.
or verbal.
C. Help client recognize the importance of
forgiving and moving on from past
experiences and perpetrators instead of
holding on to them internally, causing reason
to continue in antisocial behaviors.
Arman will trust a significant others Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) his type of
Non-apologetic for insensitive To improve social and
and disclose feelings of therapy incorporates CBT and IPT behavioral
behavior. emotional awareness therapies the client can learn to control their
dissonance or harmony
Arman will verbalizes the emotions. It combines the stress management
Record of irresponsible behaviors that Learn and practice and mindful awareness parts of the therapies into
acceptance and understanding of
the DBT therapy.
reveal a lack of consideration for functional interpersonal the importance of taking
A. Have client recognize personal feelings and

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