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Stress: How much is too much?

By Doug Harris

To fully answer this question, you have to examine several parts like: what is stress, what

are the causes of it, and what are the attributes relative to the being in question. Stress is the

bodys way of responding to a demand, which affects it both physically and mentally. Once the

nervous system registers the stressor, aka stimuli, that brought on the stress, it signals the body to

react. This brings on a flight or fight reflex. The point of this is to return the body back to a

balanced state, aka homeostasis. Anything that disrupts this natural course is considered stress.

While any living body never reaches an ideal state of harmony, it is always a place where we

instinctively strive to be. Heres the thing thats not often revealed to the public: stress plays a

vital and beneficial role in our lives. Every living thing; human, plant, or animal receives stress

at one point or another and none of them go through it exactly the same way.

Stress can come from any part of our lives; from stuff that occur daily, to ones that

completely impact our spirits. Triggers range from minute things, like getting lost or being late,

to others of higher magnitude like near-death experiences. Part of making an inquiry into this

subject will entail acceptance. Making peace with the fact that some stress is perpetual and

simply an element of life. Please understand that what I am trying to accomplish, is figuring out

how much stress is necessary and acceptable in a typical person. This aspect of reality is helpful

to us by keeping focus on what matters most and preventing atrophy of our strengths, while not

letting our weaknesses overcome us. Stress keeps us alert and prepared for activity; which is

what our bodies are meant to do. Having things to do is good, but stretching ourselves too thin
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does not help anyone. It is only when stress exceeds our personal threshold that leads to


As far as I can comprehend, the fundamental factor in which a person relates to stress is

how they handle an upset within their ordinary routine. This is because, by our very nature,

people form an unconscious yet suitable pattern to live by so they can minimize disorientation. A

change within this schedule would only happen voluntarily if the person was comfortable with it.

So if a surprise took place, it would likely throw their equilibrium off at least a little. Now that

this is made clear, we have to trace these spontaneous incidents back to the individuals

temperament; the most important component being their level of adaptability. When a situation

like this puts you in a crossroads, I see just two options: to either reject it and try returning to the

way things were, or roll with the punches and keep moving forward. I think the sensible choice

would be to use humility and play along with the change. This virtue comes in handy, since in

order to accept a certain level of stress we must surrender to the knowledge that none of us know

everything nor can we control all that happens. From what I know, those types of people who

take it in stride, tend to live healthier and more fulfilling lives.

To wrap this up, stress can be found anywhere at any time but can be managed with the

right attitude. This means coming to terms with lifes unpredictability and summoning strength to

embrace change. Whatever amount works for you depends on your own internal orbit; meaning

how much you can extend should equal how much you take on. So the next time things dont go

your way, or are met with a challenge, remember the old saying, what doesnt kill you only

makes you stronger.

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