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Solidification Behavior and Cracking

Susceptibility of Pulsed-Laser Welds

in Austenitic Stainless Steels

A shift in solidification behavior under rapid solidification conditions

promotes an increase in cracking susceptibility


ABSTRACT. The solidification cracking lidification behavior and associated ferrite level. Most notable among these
susceptibility of several commercial cracking susceptibility of austenitic stain- diagrams are those by Schaeffler (Ref. 2),
heats of Types 304L, 31 6L and 321 Mo less steel welds made over a wide range DeLong (Ref. 3), and most recently the
stainless steels was evaluated under of solidification conditions. Welding Research Council (Refs. 4, 5).
pulsed-laser welding conditions. Both Within the last 15 years, the relation-
the Suutala weldability diagram and the Introduction ship among weld ferrite content, solidifi-
WRC constitution diagram predicted that cation behavior and cracking suscepti-
all the heats tested in this investigation For over 50 years, the relationship be- bility has been studied extensively. A
would be resistant to weld solidification tween weld metal ferrite content and sus- unifying observation from these studies
cracking based on the individual values ceptibility to weld solidification cracking has been that it is not the absolute level
of their Cr e q /Ni K | ratio. Under the rapid in austenitic stainless steels has been well of weld metal ferrite that is important
solidification conditions imposed by recognized (Refs. 1-5). The general ap- with respect to cracking resistance but
pulsed-laser welding, however, a num- proach developed during this period has rather the manner in w h i c h the weld
ber of these "resistant" heats were found been to control the as-welded, fusion metal solidifies (Refs. 7-13). When pri-
to be extremely susceptible to weld so- zone microstructure such that it contains mary solidification occurs as delta ferrite,
lidification cracking. As a result, a modi- 5 to 15 v o l - % delta ferrite. Both field ex- cracking resistance is far superior to the
fied weldability diagram is proposed for perience and laboratory testing have situation when primary solidification oc-
austenitic stainless steels welded under shown that, over a fairly broad range of curs as austenite. In the former case,
conditions producing rapid solidifica- composition, this level of delta ferrite is much of the ferrite formed during solidi-
tion. associated with weld metals that are ex- fication transforms to austenite via a
tremely resistant to cracking. It has also solid-state reaction that occurs on-cool-
The variation from predicted cracking
been found that the quantity of weld ing to ambient temperature. In the
susceptibility resulted from a shift in so-
metal ferrite was best controlled by com- austenitic stainless steels, this transfor-
lidification behavior under rapid solidifi-
position rather than welding procedure mation generally produces an as-welded
cation growth conditions. Alloys suscep-
and, thus, a number of constitution dia- microstructure containing from 3 to 20
tible to cracking exhibited a primary
grams evolved as a means for predicting vol-% delta ferrite. The variety of ferrite
austenite solidification mode with a fully
morphologies that have been reported in
austenitic microstructure. Crack-resistant
austenitic/ferritic weld metal are primar-
alloys were also fully austenitic, but this
ily a function of composition and the re-
microstructure resulted from a massive
sultant ferrite content (Refs. 13-16).
transformation to austenite following pri-
mary solidification as ferrite. Several al- KEY WORDS When solidification occurs as austen-
loys exhibited mixed solidification ite, the as-welded microstructure will be
modes, resulting in variable cracking sus- Pulsed-Laser Welding either fully austenitic, or contain a small
ceptibility. The solidification conditions Austenitic Stainless amount of ferrite along solidification
under which this shift in the primary so- Solidification Cracking grain and subgrain boundaries. The level
lidifying phase occurs is reviewed in the Solidification Behavior of ferrite produced under primary austen-
context of the current results and previ- Rapid Solidification ite solidification conditions is generally
ous observations. The concept of a mi- 304L Stainless Steel less than 3 v o l - % in conventional
crostructural map, as a function of com- 31 6L Stainless Steel austenitic stainless steels. The early de-
position and solidification growth rate, is 321 Mo Stainless Steel velopment of the 5 to 15 v o l - % ferrite
proposed as a means to predict the so- Pred. Diag. Ferrite guideline and its relationship to weld so-
Microstructure lidification cracking is thus apparent.
The weld solidification cracking sus-
J. C. Lippold is with Edison Welding Institute, ceptibility of austenitic stainless steels
Columbus, Ohio.


e x t r e m e l y h i g h (Refs. 1 3, 1 9 - 2 4 ) . As a re-
sult, the a s - w e l d e d , a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r e
: Susceptible microstructure predicted by various c o n -
0.20 8 Somewhat susceptible '
I o Not susceptible stitution diagrams may vary significantly
l f r o m that a c t u a l l y p r o d u c e d . D a v i d , etal.
(Ref. 21), a n d N a k a o , etal. (Ref. 22), have
0.16 c$ a, o o s h o w n that t h e w i d t h of t h e austenite plus
0 0 ferrite, t w o - p h a s e r e g i o n o n t h e Schaef-
o Qi
fler c o n s t i t u t i o n d i a g r a m b e c o m e s p r o -

0.12 Cracking No cracking gressively n a r r o w e r as a f u n c t i o n o f i n -
a creasing c o o l i n g rate.
0 T h e t r u n c a t i o n of t h e austenite p l u s
0. o
ferrite r e g i o n at h i g h w e l d c o o l i n g rates
0 08
\ 8o results p r i m a r i l y f r o m t w o effects: 1) a
o o t r a n s i t i o n f r o m p r i m a r y ferrite to p r i m a r y

austenite solidification in lower ferrite
p o t e n t i a l , i.e., l o w e r C r e t / N i e q a l l o y s ; a n d
2) t h e s u p p r e s s i o n o f t h e f e r r i t e - t o -
austenite transformation o n - c o o l i n g in
0 o
alloys w i t h a high ferrite p o t e n t i a l . T h e
f.fl f.2 1.8 2.0 f o r m e r e f f e c t results in e i t h e r a f u l l y
f r / A//
eq eq austenitic structure or o n e w i t h a small
a m o u n t of ferrite a l o n g p r i m a r y austenite
Fig. I The Suutala diagram for predicting the weld solidification cracking susceptibility of
s o l i d i f i c a t i o n b o u n d a r i e s , w h i l e the latter
austenitic stainless steels (Ref. 10).
results in a f u l l y ferritic m i c r o s t r u c t u r e .
T h e r a p i d w e l d c o o l i n g rates also g i v e
has also b e e n c l o s e l y l i n k e d to the level It is interesting, and e n c o u r a g i n g , t o note
rise to a n u m b e r of i n t e r m e d i a t e w e l d m i -
o f i m p u r i t y e l e m e n t s in the w e l d m e t a l . t h a t w h e n d e l t a f e r r i t e is t h e p r i m a r y
crostructures that are not o b s e r v e d w h e n
(Refs. 9, 1 0 , 1 2, 1 3, 1 7, 1 8) T h e r e l a t i o n - phase of s o l i d i f i c a t i o n , e x t r e m e l y h i g h (S
w e l d i n g is p e r f o r m e d w i t h c o n v e n t i o n a l
ship b e t w e e n c r a c k i n g s u s c e p t i b i l i t y a n d + P) c o n t e n t s c a n be t o l e r a t e d . This d i a -
arc w e l d i n g processes. In laser surface-
c o m p o s i t i o n , w i t h respect to b o t h a l l o y g r a m c l e a r l y demonstrates the e f f i c a c y of
m e l t e d Fe-Cr-Ni alloys c o v e r i n g a w i d e
a n d i m p u r i t y c o n c e n t r a t i o n , is best illus- solidification control and/or reducing
range of c o m p o s i t i o n s , N a k a o , etal. (Ref.
trated in t h e d i a g r a m d e v i s e d by Suutala i m p u r i t y c o n t e n t for p r e v e n t i n g w e l d so-
2 2 ) , has d e s c r i b e d six d i s t i n c t m i -
ef al. (Refs. 1 0, 1 5), a n d s h o w n in Fig. 1 . l i d i f i c a t i o n c r a c k i n g in austenitic stain-
c r o s t r u c t u r a l types. These i n c l u d e :
A t e x t r e m e l y l o w sulfur plus p h o s p h o r u s less steels.
(S + P) levels (less t h a n 1 00 p p m ) , c r a c k - The Suutala d i a g r a m was devised 1) Fully austenitic.
i n g s u s c e p t i b i l i t y is l o w o v e r a w i d e based o n w e l d a b i l i t y test data generated 2) Primary austenite w i t h e u t e c t i c fer-
range o f c o m p o s i t i o n . A t h i g h e r (S + P) using conventional arc welding rite.
levels, c o m p a r a b l e to t h o s e c o m m o n l y p r o c e s s e s , p r i m a r i l y gas t u n g s t e n arc 3) P r i m a r y ferrite plus austenite.
e n c o u n t e r e d in austenitic stainless steels, w e l d i n g ( G T A W ) . Recently, several stud- 4) R o d - l i k e , c o u p l e d e u t e c t i c .
c r a c k i n g s u s c e p t i b i l i t y undergoes a sharp ies i n v o l v i n g h i g h - e n e r g y density, l o w - 5) M a s s i v e austenite plus b l o c k y fer-
t r a n s i t i o n at a C r e ( / N i e q ratio o f 1.48. In energy i n p u t processes s u c h as e l e c t r o n rite.
the steels used to devise this d i a g r a m , this b e a m w e l d i n g (EBW) a n d laser b e a m 6) Fully ferritic.
v a l u e of C r c q / N i e q represents the a p p r o x i - w e l d i n g ( L B W ) have s h o w n that t h e so- W i t h t h e e x c e p t i o n of t h e T y p e 4
mate t r a n s i t i o n in s o l i d i f i c a t i o n b e h a v i o r lidification behavior predicted by Suu- structure, these m i c r o s t r u c t u r a l types
f r o m p r i m a r y austenite t o p r i m a r y ferrite t a l a is i n a c c u r a t e w h e n s o l i d i f i c a t i o n h a v e b e e n c o r r o b o r a t e d in v a r i o u s
(values greater t h a n a p p r o x i m a t e l y 1.50). rates, and subsequent c o o l i n g rates, are austenitic stainless steels b y o t h e r inves-

Table 1 Alloy Compositions (wt-%)

Alloy Designation' 3 ' ID No. Cr Ni Mn Si Mo C N O B

316L 1 16.7 12.4 1.47 0.69 2.3 0.020 0.026 0.006 0.02 0.006 0.0023
2 16.6 12.0 1.67 0.66 2.2 0.025 0.04 0.007 0.021 0.006 0.0016
10 16.9 11.6 1.29 0.37 2.07 0.02 0.037 0.008 0.024 0.021 0.0031
304L 3 18.5 10.5 1.68 0.67 0.019 0.018 0.02 0.016 0.002 0.024
4 18.7 10.9 1.70 0.55 0.027 0.034 0.008 0.02 0.007 0.0024
5 18.7 9.3 1.3 0.31 0.015 0.068 0.008 0.025 0.022 <0.0005
7 18.6 10.2 1.83 0.60 0.015 0.053 0.004 0.026 0.002 0.0008
12 18.6 10.2 1.84 0.64 0.013 0.054 0.008 0.028 0.002 0.0008
13 18.3 9.6 1.61 0.39 0.011 0.063 0.015 0.026 0.003 <0.0005
14 18.4 10.6 1.55 0.69 0.017 0.02 0.015 0.016 0.002 0.002
16 18.6 9.9 1.29 0.29 0.017 0.057 0.011 0.023 0.024 0.0006
321Mo 6 17.7 11.2 1.65 0.60 0.15 0.46 0.057 0.008 0.003 0.021 <0.001 0.0019
9 17.6 10.3 1.49 0.39 0.45 0.27 0.044 0.014 <0.002 0.02 0.002 0.0009
11 17.5 10.1 1.50 0.35 0.24 0.38 0.044 0.011 0.004 0.021 0.02 0.0036
15 17.3 10.2 1.50 0.49 0.30 0.46 0.047 0.011 0.027 0.023 0.022 <0.0005

(a) Alloys w e r e obtained under the following AFNOR designations: 316L = Z2 C N D 17-12, 304L - Z2 CN 18-10. 321Mo = Z6 C N D T 17-11.

130-s I JUNE 1994

tigators (Refs. 13, 14, 2 1 , 23). ples were polished and etched elec-
Table 2 Cr e q /Ni . q Values
Despite the research effort devoted to trolytically using a 10% oxalic acid solu-
investigating the effect of rapid solidifi- tion. Sections were examined at magnifi-
cation rates on the microstructure of cations up to 400X for the presence of
IDL Suutala'3' DeLong" 3 ' WRC-1992<C>
austenitic stainless steel welds, the effect cracks and to identify the microstructural
of the modification of solidification be- features associated with cracking. Based Type 316L
havior on cracking susceptibility is not on this analysis, each alloy/welding con- I 1.53 1.38 1.40
fully understood or widely recognized. dition combination was rated as crack 2 1.51 1.34 1.37
The purpose of this study was to evaluate 10 1.57 1.40 1.45
susceptible (cracks present in all sec-
the cracking susceptibility of a number of tions), crack resistant (no cracks ob- Type 304L
commercial austenitic stainless steels served), or variable (cracking in some 3 1.69 1.56 1.60
4 1.56 1.44 1.49
welded using the pulsed-laser welding sections but not in others). The solidifi-
5 1.75 1.54 1.67
process. The laser pulse energy was ad- cation behavior was also characterized 7 1.65 1.48 1.58
justed to study the effect of weld shape for each section examined. 12 1.66 1.49 1.58
and solidification conditions on m i - A number of metallographic sections 13 1.68 1.50 1.63
crostructure and associated cracking sus- from selected alloys were also examined 14 1.66 1.56 1.59
ceptibility. These results were then com- using a ferro-fluid staining technique. 16 1.66 1.49 1.60
pared to the behavior predicted using the This technique has been demonstrated to Type 312Mo
Suutala diagram Fig. 1. A variation to be very effective in identifying magnetic 6 1.54 1.44 1.43
the Suutala diagram is proposed for rapid phases, such as ferrite, in stainless steels 9 1.64 1.44 1.56
solidification conditions, such as those I I 1.66 1.55 1.59
(Ref. 26).
experienced during LBW, EBW and sur- 15 1.67 1.55 1.57
face melting treatments. This investiga-
Results Cr + 1.37Mo + 1.SSI + 2Nb + 3Ti
tion has also provided additional insight Ni + 0.31Mn + 22C + 14.2N + Cu
(from Suutala. Ret. 10).

into the influence of rapid solidification , C r + M o + 1.5Si + 0.5Nb + 3Ti

Weld Cracking Susceptibility - (Ti-factor from Suutala).
on the solidification behavior and m i - Ni + 0.5Mn + 30[C + N]

crostructural modification of austenitic Cr + M o + 0.7Nb + 3Ti

(Ti-factor f r o m Suutala).
Weld cracking susceptibility was de- Ni + 35C + 20N + 0.25Cu
stainless steel welds.
termined by metallographic sectioning
and inspection of polished and etched
Materials and Procedures samples under the optical microscope.
For both the Type 316L and 304L alloys,
The alloy designations and chemical cracking was either present or absent in
compositions of the materials used in this all sections of a given alloy, irrespective
Table 3 Laser Welding Conditions
study are shown in Table 1. These mate- of welding conditions. In contrast, two
rials included conventional Types 304L Type 321 Mo alloys (Nos. 11 and 15) ex-
and 31 6L alloys and a nominal 1 7Cr- hibited variable cracking susceptibility Penetration Fre- Pulse Welding Welding
11 Ni alloy containing Ti and M o (desig- with some sections containing cracks and Depth quency Length Energy Speed
nated as Type 321 Mo in this study). The others appearing crack-free. The metallo- (mm) (Hz) (ms) (J) (mm/s)
Cr e [ /Ni c q ratios of these alloys, deter- graphic assessment of cracking sus-
mined using the Suutala (Ref. 10), De- ceptibility is summarized in Table 4 and Low 7 1.6

plotted in terms of Cr t ,/Ni t . q and (S + P + (0.5)

Long (Ref. 3) and WRC-1992 (Ref. 5) Medium 12 1.6
weighting factors, are shown in Table 2. B) content on a modified-Suutala diagram (0.8)
Most materials were provided in the form in Fig. 2. This diagram has been modified High 20 1.6
of round bar, with the exception of two from the one originally proposed by Suu- (1.2)
Type 304L alloys that were in the form of tala (Ref. 10) by the addition of boron as
Focal distance = 80 mm.
tube produced via a powder metallurgy an embrittling impurity element. Sheet thickness = 1.5 m m .
process. The welding samples prepared
from round bar were sliced perpendicu-
lar to the axis of the bar with a nominal
thickness of 2 mm (0.08 in.). Prior to TOTAL S-P*B [WT %l
welding the samples were thoroughly de- 1
Welding was performed using a 300- 0.09 .

W Nd:YAG laser capable of pulse fre-
quencies from 1 to 99 Hz and pulse du-
0.08 _l_
rations from 0.1 to 9.9 ms. Welding 0.06 ]
conditions were adjusted to produce
three penetration levels in each material,
/ J 0
nominally 0.5, 0.8 and 1.2 mm (0.02,
0.03 and 0.05 in.). Details of the welding
0.03 / r
O.OZ / z / x
conditions are provided in Table 3. 0.01
After welding, samples were sec- 0
tioned both transverse and longitudinal
1.3 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9
to the direction of welding. A number of
sections (a minimum of three) were ex- Cr Eq. - Cr 1.37MO * 1.681 2 N b 3 T I
amined for each alloy/welding condition NI Eq. - NI O.SIMn 2ZC 14.2N Cu

combination in order to provide a good

estimate of cracking susceptibility. Sam- Fig. 2 Pulsed-laser weld results plotted on the Suutala diagram. Open symbols = no cracks,
filled symbols = cracks, open/filled symbols = variable cracking.


Type 321 Mo alloys. Titanium acts as a
TOTAL S'P+B IWT %l relatively potent ferrite-former due to its
I I I I affinity for carbon and nitrogen and, thus,
0.11 must be accounted for when considering
n TYPE 316L O TYPE 304L X TYPE 321Mo
0.1 ferrite formation in stainless steels. Note
0.09 that a demarcation in cracking suscepti-
o.oe bility as a function of composition and
CRACKING NO CRACKING impurity content can also be developed
using the WRC equivalency relation-
0.06 ships, although one crack-susceptible
0.06 j Type 304L alloy (No. 16) fell in the crack-
*k> resistant region of the diagram.

A In general, variation in welding con-
ditions (via the adjustment of laser pulse
energy) had little or no influence on weld
solidification cracking susceptibility for a
0 given heat of material. This is probably
1.3 1.4 1.6 1.6 1.7 1.8 due to the fact that, over the range of con-
Cr/NI EQUIVALENT IWRCI ditions evaluated, the weld solidification
Cr Eq. - Cr * M o O.TNb 3TI
NI Eq. - NI 36C 20N
behavior was not appreciably altered, as
described in a following section.
Fig. 3 Pulsed-laser weld results plotted on modified-Suutala diagram using WRC equivalents.
Open symbols = no cracks, filled symbols = cracks, open/filled symbols = variable cracking. Weld Metal Microstructure

Note that all the alloys tested exhib- cracking resistance shifted to approxi- In contrast to previous studies of mi-
ited a Cr e[ /Ni eq ratio greater than 1.48, the mately 1.68. crostructure in rapidly solidified
value originally suggested by Suutala as Cracking susceptibility has also been austenitic stainless steels (Refs. 16, 22,
the demarcation of crack susceptibility. plotted using the C r ^ N i ^ values recently 23), only two basic microstructural types
Despite this, all the alloys in the Cr eq /Ni eq proposed by Siewert, et al. (Ref. 4), and were observed in the alloys evaluated.
range from 1.5 to 1.65 exhibited weld so- Kotecki, ef al. (Ref. 5), in the develop- The first was typified by primary austen-
lidification cracking under pulsed-laser ment of the WRC-1988 and WRC-1992 ite solidification and a well-defined so-
welding conditions. To represent this be- constitution diagrams, respectively, as lidification subgrain structure. In general,
havior, a preliminary second curve has shown in Fig. 3. Note that the Creq has no ferrite was observed in this m i -
been added to Fig. 2. This curve has been been modified from that originally pro- crostructure. The second type was also
drawn to parallel the original Suutala posed by the addition of a factor for Ti. fully austenitic, but appeared to result
curve with the limiting value for weld This factor only affects the Ti-bearing from primary ferrite solidification f o i -

Table 4 Ferrite Potential, Solidification Behavior and Cracking Susceptibility

Ferrite Potential (a Solidification Mode 0

Alloy No. DeLong<a' WRC Predict<b' Actual' ' Cracking (Y/N)
Type 316L
1 2-4 0-2 AF A Y
2 0-2 0-2 M A Y
10 2-4 2-4 FA A Y
Type 304L
3 6-8 4-6 FA A + F/MA N
4 2-4 2-4 FA A Y
5 4-6 6-8 FA F/MA N
7 4-6 2-4 FA F/MA N
yyy .' . . . ^ 12 4-6 4-6 FA F/MA N
13 4-6 4-6 FA A -I- F/MA N
14 4-6 4-6 FA A + F/MA N
^~ ^*L - * - y 16 2-4 4-6 FA A -I- F/MA Y
Type 321 M o
6 4-6 0-2 AF/FA A Y
9 4-6 2-4 FA F/MA N
11 4-6 4-6 FA A -I- F/MA V(4)
15 6-8 4-6 FA A + F/MA V(4)
p 50 lim (a) Ferrite Potential in terms of Ferrite Number (FN).
(b) Predicted f r o m w o r k of Suutala (Ref. 10).
A = primary austenite, AF = primary austenite with eutectic ferrite.
FA = primary ferrite with peritectic/eutectic austenite, F = primary ferrite.
Fig. 4 Primary austenite solidification (c) All welds w e r e fully austenitic.
A = primary austenite, F/MA = primary ferrite/massive transformation to austenite, A + F/MA mixed solidification m o d e ,
mode, Type 321 Mo (No. 6). A Low magni- primary and massive austenite.
fication, 50X; B high magnification show- (d) Variable (V), cracking observed in " A " regions.
ing cracking along solidification grain bound-
aries, 400X.

132-s I IUNE 1994


p /'

t a \'\
f 'K.'\

50 nm
F/g. 5 Primary ferrite solidification mode, Fig. 6 Mixed mode solidification, Type Fig. 7 Mixed mode solidification, Type
Type 304L (No. 5). A Low magnification, 321 Mo (No. 11). A Low magnification, 304L (No. 3). A Low magnification, 50X; B
50X; B high magnification of a region near 50X; B adjacent regions of primary austen- region near weld fusion boundary, 400X.
the fusion line representative of transforma- ite (A) and primary ferrite (F) solidification,
tion to austenite, 400X. 200X.

lowed by a solid-state massive transfor- consumed by a solid-state transformation sentative of solidification as primary fer-
mation to austenite, as described by pre- to austenite. To verify that the structure rite and transformation to austenite, were
vious investigators (Refs. 13, 22-25). The shown in Fig. 5 was austenitic, rather crack-free. At higher magnification in
ferrite appeared to be completely trans- than retained ferrite, a ferro-fluid staining Fig. 6B, the distinct difference in solidifi-
formed, and the solidification substruc- technique was used (Ref. 26). This tech- cation behavior is apparent on a m i -
ture was much less distinct than when so- nique is extremely effective in identifying crostructural scale. The adjacent regions
lidification occurred as primary ferromagnetic phases, such as ferrite, in of the microstructure that solidified as ei-
austenite. Many of the alloys exhibited a both austenitic and duplex stainless ther primary ferrite or primary austenite
mixture of these two microstructures. A steels. The use of this technique on met- are similar to the microstructures shown
summary of the microstructural observa- allographically prepared welds from al- previously in Figs. 4B and 5B, respec-
tions are provided in Table 4. loys 5, 7, 12 and 9 (Tables 1 and 4) re- tively. These adjacent regions were crys-
A cross-section of a representative vealed that the microstructures were tallographically distinct as evidenced by
alloy that solidified as primary austenite nonmagnetic and, presumably, consisted the difference in solidification growth di-
is shown in Fig. 4A. Note that the solidi- of austenite resulting from a massive rection across the boundary.
fication cracks are large relative to the transformation. The relative proportion of microstruc-
weld dimensions and occur preferen- The combination of rapid diffusion in ture that solidified as either primary fer-
tially along weld solidification grain the ferrite relative to austenite and the rite or primary austenite in a mixed-mode
boundaries. This is illustrated in a higher complete transformation of the ferrite weld varied significantly among the al-
magnification micrograph of the weld tends to mask any evidence of the origi- loys evaluated. Figure 7 shows a weld in
metal microstructure in Fig. 4B. nal solidification structure. This observa- Type 304L (alloy No. 3) that solidified
A representative cross-section of an tion is consistent with that reported pre- predominantly as primary ferrite, but
alloy that solidified as primary ferrite is viously (Refs. 14, 15, 25). Solidification contains distinct regions in the root of the
shown in Fig. 5A. As in the weld shown cracking was not observed in welds in weld resulting from primary austenite so-
in Fig. 4A, the weld microstructure is which the microstructure shown in Fig. 5 lidification. In contrast to the weld shown
fully austenitic. Note, however, that the was predominant. previously, the mixed-mode weld in Fig.
etching characteristics of this structure Several of the alloys exhibited a 7 did not exhibit cracking, indicating that
are distinctly different and that the mixed microstructure, containing re- as the proportion of primary ferrite solid-
boundaries between individual laser gions of both primary and transformed ification increases the cracking suscepti-
pulses are more evident relative to Fig. austenite (see Table 4). A low magnifica- bility decreases.
4A. At higher magnification (Fig. 5B), it tion cross-section of one of these welds Heat-affected zone (HAZ) liquation
can be seen that the weld substructure in a Type 321 M o alloy is shown in Figure cracking was observed in both the 316L
boundaries are relatively indistinct, in- 6A. Solidification cracking, when pre- and 321 M o welds. Representative sec-
dicative of solidification as ferrite (Refs. sent in these welds, was associated with tions, shown in Fig. 8, suggest that crack-
13, 15, 25). Typically, no residual ferrite the dark-etching regions of the weld rep- ing in the HAZ probably resulted from
was observed in welds of this type; the resentative of primary austenite solidifi- propagation of weld solidification cracks
original primary ferrite was completely cation. The light-etching regions, repre- across the fusion boundary. A small shift

W F I n i l s i n R F Q F A R P H QI I P P I C U C M T I n i
tle influence on the solidification condi- transition will shift slightly as additional
tions. Little difference in primary den- alloys are tested. However, a sharp tran-
drite arm spacing was observed among sition is probably not attainable since an
welds made atthe three pulse energy lev- inherent "diffuseness" of this transition
els, suggesting that the effective cooling region exists due to subtle alloy-to-alloy
rate experienced by these welds was differences, and the nature and level of
nearly equivalent. the restraint, which promotes the crack-
ing. Thus, some caution should be exer-

f 50 fl

The results of pulsed-laser welding

and subsequent metallurgical evaluation
cised in using the diagrams in Figs. 2 and
3. Under rapid weld solidification condi-
tions, alloys with a Cr/Ni e q exceeding
1.7 in Fig. 2 (Suutala equivalents) and
of Type 304L, Type 316L and Type 1.65 in Fig. 3 (WRC equivalents) would
321 Mo stainless steels have revealed that be expected to be resistant to cracking.
the weld microstructure and solidifica-
tion cracking susceptibility of these Impurity Effects
welds vary considerably from that pre-
dicted by the WRC and Suutala equiva- The influence of impurity concentra-
lency relationships, respectively (Table tion cannot be neglected in any treat-
4). This behavior has serious implications ment of weld solidification cracking. The
regarding the use of these relationships in Suutala diagram (Fig. 1) clearly demon-
applications where pulsed-laser welding strates the capacity of primary ferrite so-
and/or other processes that produce lidification in mitigating the influence of
rapid solidification rates are required. impurity segregation and, conversely, the
Considering the importance of austenitic extreme sensitivity of welds that solidify
B stainless steels in a variety of applications as primary austenite to the presence of
requiring these processes, it becomes im- impurity elements. The precise mecha-
Fig. 8 HAZ liquation cracking, 400X. A portant to both understand the mecha- nism by which these impurities act to em-
Type 316L (No. 2); B Type 321 Mo (No. 6).
nism by w h i c h this deviation from ex- brittle welds in the solidification range is
Note shift in fusion boundary across crack.
pected behavior occurs and develop a still unclear, but a preponderance of evi-
means to better predict their cracking dence suggests that segregation of ele-
in the fusion boundary was often ob- susceptibility. ments such as phosphorus, sulfur and
served across these cracks, suggesting boron to solidification grain and subgrain
that some grain boundary sliding occurs boundaries aids in depressing the local
as a result of deformation and crack prop- Prediction of Cracking Susceptibility
Equivalency Relationships solidification temperature and promoting
agation along liquated grain boundaries. the formation of liquid films. These films
HAZ liquation cracking was not ob- may persist to temperatures well below
Equivalency relationships, such as
served in the absence of fusion zone the bulk solidus temperature and, if they
those proposed by DeLong (Ref. 3), WRC
cracking. HAZ cracks were observed in are capable of effectively wetting a large
(Refs. 4, 5) and Suutala (Ref. 1 0), simplify
crack-susceptible heats of Type 316L and fraction of the boundary, act to embrittle
the compositional treatment of austenitic
321 Mo, but were absent in the two Type the weld under the imposition of suffi-
stainless steels by providing a single
304L alloys that exhibited weld solidifi- cient restraint.
value to describe the ferrite- and austen-
cation cracking. The presence of these
ite-forming potency of a given alloy in Irrespective of the precise mecha-
cracks is somewhat surprising consider-
terms of Creq and Niec|, respectively. In ad- nism, it is clear that the presence of im-
ing the low weld energy inputs and the
dition, the ratio of these two values can purities, even in small concentrations, is
resulting steep temperature gradients
be used to predict solidification behavior extremely damaging in alloys that solid-
generated in the HAZ.
and subsequent cracking susceptibility in ify as austenite. The original Suutala dia-
austenitic stainless steel welds made gram (Fig. 1) suggests that only at (P 4- S)
Effect of Welding Conditions using a variety of arc welding processes. levels below 100 ppm can cracking be
Asshown in Figs. 2 and 3, the useof these avoided, irrespective of bulk composi-
Variation of the welding conditions,
ratios is also effective in differentiating tion. In practice, such levels are difficult
accomplished by adjusting the laser
cracking susceptibility in welds that so- to achieve and, when present, often cre-
pulse energy, altered the weld penetra-
lidify under more extreme conditions. ate problems with respect to weld pene-
tion and depth/width ratio but had little
influence on weld solidification condi- Based on the results of this investiga- tration. As a result, an approach based on
tions or microstructure within a given tion, a slightly better correlation between control of the alloy bulk composition is
heat. One of the 321 Mo alloys (No. 11) cracking susceptibility and Cr K /Ni c q was more practical for controlling weld so-
exhibited a shift from a mixed solidifica- obtained using the Suutala equivalents. lidification.
tion mode to a fully austenitic mode with The cracking/no cracking transition re- The composition-based, predictive
increased penetration (highest power gion was somewhat smaller using this diagrams presented in Figs. 2, 3, 9 and 10
level). This shift was accompanied by an ratio, relative to that of WRC. In addition, represent Suutala-type diagrams that
increased susceptibility to weld solidifi- one heat of Type 304L (No. 16), which have been modified by the addition of
cation cracking. was susceptible to solidification crack- boron as an impurity element. The dele-
Over the range of welding conditions ing, fell within the crack-resistant enve- terious effects of boron on weld solidifi-
evaluated, composition was found to be lope defined by the other alloys using cation cracking susceptibility in stainless
more important than weld heat input in WRC equivalents. In general, the corre- steels and nickel-based alloys has been
controlling the weld microstructure. This lation using both equivalency relation- reported (Refs. 2 7 - 2 9 ) . During single
suggests that the variation in weld energy ships was good. It is expected that the lo- phase solidification as austenite, this ele-
input over this parametric range had lit- cation of the cracking/no cracking ment has a similar behavior to phospho-

1 l 4 - I II INF 1Q94
rus and sulfur in partitioning to weld so-
lidification boundaries where it is effec- TOTAL S*P*B IWT %l
tive in locally depressing the solidifica-
I l l l l l i
tion temperature and aiding in the SOLIDIFICATION MODE
wetting ability of liquid films (Ref. 30). 0.1
Although normally present in small con- 0.09
centrations in austenitic stainless steels, 0.08
as evidenced by the alloys evaluated in 0.07
this investigation, its presence is poten- 0.06
tially damaging and thus is included to 0.06 /
~ o"
alert the readers to this danger. 0.04 /
/ / *
The (S + P + B) factor is presented as 0.03
a simple sum, although it may be more 0.02 / ^y*
appropriate to assign weighting factors to 0.01
these elements in a manner similar to the 0
equivalency factors. Unfortunately, the 1.4 1.46 1.6 1.66 1.6 1.66 1.7 1.76 1.8 1.86 1.9
individual effects of impurity elements Cr/NI EQUIVALENT
have never been quantified using any Cr Eq. Cr l.S7Mo 1.561 2Mb 3TI
NI Eq. ' HI O.SJUn 33C 14.JC Cu
systematic approach.
Work by Katayama, etal. (Ref. 16),
Fig. 9 Modified-Suutala diagram with solidification mode superimposed. Filled symbols
has suggested that phosphorus is more
cracking, open symbols = no cracking, filled/open symbols = variable.
detrimental than sulfur with respect to
cracking during primary austenite solidi-
tween 1.6 to 1.7 using the Suutala the results of this investigation and those
fication, but there are insufficient data on
Cr eq /Ni eq ratio, and 1.55 to 1.65 using the of other investigators (Refs. 20-25) for al-
which to develop a relative weighting
WRC equivalents. The absolute position loys in the Cr eq /Ni eq range from 1.50 to
factor. Again, the most practical ap-
and width of this transition region is un- 1.65, it is possible to effect a similar shift
proach with respect to insuring cracking
doubtedly dependent on solidification in solidification mode by appropriately
resistance appears to be through the con-
conditions and may also be influenced altering the solidification conditions
trol of bulk weld metal composition.
by alloy type. For example, individual al- such that solidification is extremely
loys with the same C r ^ N i ^ values but rapid. The transition from primary ferrite
Solidification Behavior
varying in constitution with respect to to primary austenite under pulsed-laser
Mo, Ti, Nb, etc. may solidify differently welding conditions observed in this in-
Reference to Table 4 indicates that
under identical welding conditions. vestigation and under EBW conditions
predicted vs. actual weld solidification
(Refs. 23, 31), laser surfacing (Ref. 22)
behavior can vary considerably when
Shift in Solidification Mode and by splat-cooling (Ref. 32), is the di-
using pulsed-laser welding and that this
rect result of the rapid solidification
deviation significantly influences crack-
Under normal weld solidification growth rates and high cooling rates asso-
ing susceptibility. This relationship is
conditions, the solidification mode in ciated with these processes.
clearly demonstrated by superimposing
the observed solidification mode on the austenitic stainless steels is primarily a In an effort to explain this behavior,
modified-Suutala diagram, as shown in function of composition, with a shift from David, ef al. (Ref. 21), and Vitek, ef al.
Figs. 9 and 10. Note that all the alloys primary ferrite to primary austenite ac- (Ref. 32), have suggested that the shift in
that lie within the crack-susceptible re- complished by reducing the Cr e q /Ni e q solidification mode is controlled by the
gion of the diagrams solidified as either value below some critical value. Suutala, magnitude of weld pool undercooling
primary austenite or via a mixed mode. etal. (Ref. 10), proposed that this critical below the alloy liquidus temperature. For
The cracking susceptibility of alloys ratio was approximately 1.50. Based on alloys that solidify as primary ferrite
that underwent mixed mode solidifica-
tion was variable and appeared to be
alloy dependent. Several Type 304L al- TOTAL S*P*B IWT %l
loys (Nos. 3, 1 3 and 14) that solidified in
0.11 -
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
a mixed mode solidification were resis- SOLIDIFICATION M O D E
tant to cracking, while Type 321 Mo al-
loys (Nos. 11 and 15) typically exhibited 0 09 -
cracking in the regions that solidified as
primary austenite. This is in part due to
0.07 -
the relative proportions of microstructure " CT1ACKIIVG Af O CRACKING
arising from the alternate modes of solid-
ification and also to the higher impurity " ' ii
levels in the crack-susceptible alloys. 0.04 - JjSL
Reference to Tables 2 and 4, and Figs.
9 and 10 also reveals that the relationship ~m i - X

between solidification behavior and '
composition is not entirely straightfor-
ward. Based on the limited alloy data o -
presented in this study, it appears that a 1.3 1.36 1.4 1.46 1.6 1.66 1.6 1.66 1.7 1.76 1.8
transition from primary austenite to pri- Cr/NI EQUIVALENT [WRCI
mary ferrite solidification for similar
rapid solidification conditions occurs be- Fig. 10 Solidification mode and cracking susceptibility as a function of the WRC equivalents.
Filled symbols = cracking, open symbols = no cracking, filled/open symbols = variable.


than austenite as a function of growth
DENDRITE TIP TEMPERATURE rate. As a result, the dendrite tip temper-
ature of the ferrite drops more rapidly
AUSTENITE FERRITE-LOW [Cr/NI] than austenite as a function of growth
FERRITE-MED.ICr/NIl FERRITE-HIGH ICr/NII rate and, at a critical growth rate, may in-
tercept the curve for austenite. Above
this critical growth rate, primary austen-
ite solidificaton predominates over pri-
mary ferrite solidification. The value of
this critical growth rate is composition-
dependent, increasing with higher
Cr eq /Ni cq , as illustrated by the low and
medium Cr cq /Ni eq values in Fig. 11.
Extrapolating the behavior predicted
in Fig. 11 to the present work, alloys with
a Cr e ,/Ni,, q equivalent in the range from
GROWTH RATE 1.5 to 1.6 (Suutala equivalents from Figs.
2 and 9) can be approximated by the low
Fig. 11 Schematic representation of the effect of solidification growth rate on dendrite tip tem- Cr eq /Ni eq curve. Thus, above a critical
perature for ferrite and austenite. growth rate, R,.,, primary austenite solid-
ification is preferred in low Cr K /Ni P q al-
under normal weld cooling conditions, is a function of the dendrite tip radius loys. In medium C^q/Ni^, alloys, perhaps
their model proposes that extremely and, thus, as solidification growth veloc- in the range from 1.65 to 1.75 primary
rapid cooling effects a shift in solidifica- ity increases (tip radius decreases) the ferrite solidification is favored at R(I and
tion to primary austenite due to liquid local undercooling of the dendrite tip does not become unfavorable until some
undercooling below some critical tem- also increases. (Refs. 36, 37) The magni- higher critical growth rate, R,2, is ex-
perature. Undercoolings on the order of tude of this undercooling, as proposed by ceeded. Between Rcl and Rc2, sufficiently
50 K are proposed to support this model Burden and Hunt (Ref. 36), can be ex- rapid cooling f o l l o w i n g solidification
(Ref. 32). pressed as: may promote a massive transformation to
This model has two drawbacks in ex- austenite, thus rendering the structure ei-
plaining the observed shift in solidifica- Td = T L - G D / R - C R 5 (1) ther fully or partially austenitic (Ref.
tion from primary ferrite to primary
where, Td is the dendrite tip temperature, 22-24). In the high Cr eq /Ni cq case, suffi-
austenite. First, since the critical temper-
TL is the alloy liquidus temperature, G the cient undercooling cannot be achieved
ature below which the molten pool must
temperature gradient in the liquid, D the to promote a shift in solidification be-
be cooled to promote a shift is defined as
diffusivity, R the solidification growth havior. These alloys may also effectively
the partitionless solidification tempera-
ture, the model assumes that there is lit- rate, and C a physical constant relating resist a solid-state transformation to
tle or no solute segregation associated the Gibbs-Thomson parameter, liquidus austenite and exhibit ferritic microstruc-
with austenite solidification. Based on slope, distribution coefficient and liquid tures.
the etching response of the microstruc- diffusivity. The net undercooling is there-
ture shown in Fig. 4B, it is evident that fore TL - T. Brooks, ef al. (Ref. 13, 25), Growth Orientation Effects
solute and/or impurity partitioning is sig- has previously demonstrated the impor- The presence of mixed mode solidifi-
nificant and, in fact, sufficient to promote tance of dendrite tip undercooling on mi- cation in several alloys may be rational-
solidification cracking along solidifica- crosegregation. ized, in theory, by the local variation in
tion grain boundaries. Second, it is un- In the case of austenitic stainless growth rate that is characteristic of fusion
likely that undercoolings of the magni- steels, local undercooling can influence welds. The absolute growth rate in the fu-
tudes required by this model are both segregation and solidification sion zone varies as a function of crystal-
achievable in the weld pool. With nu- mode. Suutala (Ref. 35) has proposed lographic orientation relative to the in-
merous heterogeneous nucleation sites that at high solidification growth rates, stantaneous solid-liquid interface. The
available due to the epitaxial nature of sufficient dendrite tip undercooling oc- upper limit of growth rate, the actual
w e l d solidification from a base metal curs to promote a shift in solidification welding speed, is only achieved by
substrate, suppressing nucleation over mode from primary ferrite to primary grains growing normal to the solid-liquid
more than a few degrees below the liq- austenite. This shift is dependent on both interface at the centerline of the weld.
uidus at any location in the weld pool composition and growth rate, with a crit- Other grains will grow at some fraction
w o u l d be difficult (Refs. 32, 33). The ical growth rate existing for a given com- of this speed along preferred growth di-
magnitude of undercooling proposed is position to allow this transition. This con- rections (<100> in FCC and BCC materi-
achievable when nucleation is more dif- cept is illustrated schematically in Fig. als), until they are eliminated via com-
ficult, such as during rapid solidification 11, by plotting the dendrite tip tempera- petitive growth. As a result, adjacent
of metallic powders, but seems unlikely ture vs. growth rate for alloys of varying grains can experience significantly dif-
in the presence of abundant nucleation Crpq/Nieq. The preferred primary phase of ferent growth velocities. This variation
sites, such as are present in a typical fu- may explain the mixed mode solidifica-
solidification will be that with the high-
sion weld. tion structures that were observed in
est dendrite tip temperature at a given
The concept of local undercooling at some of the pulsed-laser welds Figs. 6
growth rate. Although the physical con-
the solid-liquid interface, as originally and 7.
stants comprising C in Equation 1 are not
proposed by Suutala (Ref. 35), is more well defined, Suutala (Ref. 35) and others The difference in growth direction be-
appropriate for explaining the shift in so- (Refs. 38, 39) have proposed that this tween adjacent regions that solidified as
lidification behavior. This undercooling constant changes more rapidly for ferrite ferrite and austenite is evident in Fig. 1 2.

136-s I JUNE 1994

In the regions that solidified as austenite,
growth appears to be primarily in the
plane of the photomicrograph, while the
adjacent region that solidified as ferrite
exhibits a growth orientation normal to
this plane (the primary ferrite subgrain
structure is relatively indistinct, even
after extended etching). Assuming that
the weld solidification front moved pri-
marily from left to right in Fig. 12, the
grain which solidified as austenite would
have been more favorably oriented along
the macroscopic solid-liquid interface
and, thus, w o u l d have solidified at a
higher growth velocity. The complex na-
ture of macroscopic weld solidification
in pulsed-laser welds makes it difficult to
estimate the difference in solidification
growth direction and, hence, the rate be-
tween adjacent grains. More carefully
designed experiments are necessary to
quantify these differences.
In a previous investigation (Ref. 31),
a transition in solidification mode from
ferrite to austenite along the centerline of
electron beam welds in Type 304L was
25 fjLm
attributed to the development of a solid-
ification growth front whose velocity Fig. 12 Variation in primary solidification as a function ofgrowth orientation in Type 304L (No.
3), 800X.
was equivalent to the welding speed.
This resulted in a fully austenitic region
at the centerline that was susceptible to would transform to ferrite due to the high Summary of Microstructural Effects
solidification cracking. The surrounding ferrite potential (Table 4), and primary
microstructure, which solidified at a sig- ferrite would nucleate. During pulsed- In an effort to summarize the m i -
nificantly lower growth rate, solidified as laser welding, however, the diffusion- crostructural aspects resulting from rapid
primary ferrite and was resistant to controlled transformation from austenite solidification of austenitic stainless
cracking. to ferrite is probably suppressed, pre- steels, the present results and those of
serving the austenitic substrate. In alloys other investigators (Refs. 2 1 , 23, 3 1 , 35)
For a given alloy, when the welding
with a sufficiently high C r ^ / N i ^ , the pri- have been used to construct a m i -
speed results in solidification growth
rates close to the critical value, as desig- mary phase w i l l shift to ferrite as the
nated by Rc, or Rc2 in Fig. 11, growth rate growth rate increases away from the epi-
fluctuations arising from crystallographic taxial substrate, as described schemati- X-y s
cally in Fig. 11 and shown in Fig. 13. At yyy~:-- . y&iyi ' v
orientation may result in mixed-mode so-
' % ^%yy
lidification and variable weld solidifica- some critical lower C r ^ / N i ^ , the weld
tion cracking susceptibility. w i l l nucleate and solidify as primary ~!MP
austenite. . 3 y ''y'-
Nucleation Effects In summary, microstructural evidence
suggests that epitaxial nucleation from an m
Epitaxial nucleation from base metal austenitic substrate in pulsed-laser welds
occurs preferentially as primary austen- tt|V %yy-'
grains at the weld solidification bound-
ary (fusion line) or from a weld metal sub- ite. Once nucleated, the primary phase 25 pm
strate (at interpulse boundaries) may also of solidification depends on the interplay a X , \ y ,
influence the solidification behavior. In between growth rate and composition, as
several of the alloys where solidification described in Fig. 11. For a given growth
occurred predominantly as primary fer- rate, higher Cr e[ /Nie q values favor a tran-
rite, some indication of a precursor sition to primary ferrite solidification,
austenite solidification mode was ob- while increased growth rate for a given
served at the nucleation sites. This be- Cr e( /Ni eq will eventually favor continued
havior is illustrated in Fig. 13 for both solidification as primary austenite. The
base metal (i.e., HAZ) and weld metal rapid transition to ferrite solidification
epitaxy. The region over which austenite may result from the formation of eutectic
solidification occurs was found to be ex- ferrite during primary austenite solidifi-
tremely localized with ferrite solidifica- cation that then acts as a nucleation site
tion becoming quickly predominant. for ferrite solidification. Similarly, the
The preferential nucleation of primary presence of ferrite in the HAZ at the fu-
austenite relative to ferrite may be due to sion boundary may serve to nucleate pri- B
the presence of an austenitic substrate at mary ferrite solidification. Neither of Fig. 13 Epitaxial nucleation in Type 304L,
the interface. Under normal arc welding these scenarios could be verified as op- 800X. A Base metal epitaxy; B weld
conditions, the HAZ in these alloys erable during this investigation. metal epitaxy.


used to predict the various ferrite mor-
Solidification rate (mm/sec) (In/min) phologies that are dictated by the diffu-
\\ sion-controlled transformation, i.e., ver-
: 1

I micular (skeletal) and acicular structures.

z I \
1 \ Eventually, iso-FN lines could be added

I \ - for estimating weld ferrite content.
/ F/MA \
- /
A :: 240
Figure 14 can also be used to predict
Fully * \\ - the susceptibility of austenitic stainless
S Fully Ferntic
steels to solidification cracking w h e n
. ^* \ . considering both compositional and
; \ : welding process variables. Weld solidifi-
' \ Ferrite + \\ - cation cracking potential, as described in
' Widmanstatten
this investigation, would be highest in the

regions designated A and AF. These re-

gions are essentially a projection of the
A " crack-susceptible envelopes predicted
by the Suutala and modified Suutala dia-

" grams in Figs. 1 and 3 (for WRC equiva-
0,1 lents) over a range of solidification
1,3 ',5 1.6 1,7 1.8 1,9 2.1
Cr/Ni Equivalent (WRC) growth rates. Additional experiments
over a wide range of composition and so-
(Cr) . Cr + Mo * 0.7Nb + 3 Tl lidification growth rates are currently
(Ni) = Nn-3SC + 20N being conducted to better define the
crack-susceptible envelopes in Fig. 14
Fig. 14 Preliminary microstructural map for austenitic stainless steel welds as a function of so- and on the preliminary diagrams shown
lidification growth rate, derived in part from (Refs. 21, 23, 31, 35). in Figs. 2 and 3.
While the microstructural map in Fig.
crostructural "map" as a function of so- sults in increased weld cooling rates as- 14 represents a reasonable approxima-
lidification rate and composition. This suming the temperature gradient does tion of the metallurgical behavior of
map, shown in Fig. 14, represents a pre- not change appreciably. austenitic stainless steels over a range of
liminary attempt to rationalize the variety At high welding speeds this is proba- composition, and solidification growth
of microstructures observed in austenitic bly a reasonable assumption. Zacharia, and cooling rate conditions, it should be
stainless steel welds. It is anticipated that ef al. (Ref. 40), determined that the cool- u nderstood that the absol ute def i n ition of
slight modifications to this map will be ing rate in pulsed-laser welds (Ref. 21) in- the regions defined will require signifi-
required as additional alloys are evalu- creased by a factor of 16 (0.56 to 8.8 x cant additional research.
ated over a wider range of solidification 105C/s) when the weld travel speed was
growth rates. In addition, it is not clear increased by a factor of 20 (2.12 to 42.33 Conclusions
that a single map can be used to repre- mm/s) at a constant power level. This
sent the entire range of 300-series stain- predicts a relatively small range of tem-
less steels. Individual maps may be re- 1) Current predictive diagrams for mi-
perature gradient (2.6 to 2.1 10" c C/mm)
quired for alloys or subgroups of alloys crostructure and weld solidification
over a w i d e range of solidification
with similar chemical compositions. cracking susceptibility in austenitic stain-
growth rates, again assuming that the
less steels are not accurate under the
Solidification growth rate, as a func- maximum growth rate equals the weld-
rapid solidification conditions encoun-
tion of composition, has been chosen to ing speed. Thus, as a first approximation,
tered during pulsed-laser welding.
represent the variation in microstructure growth rate and cooling rate can be
for several reasons. Most of the pertinent 2) Solidification cracking is associ-
treated equivalently in the rapid solidifi-
data available in the literature uses a vari- ated with a shift in weld solidication be-
cation region (above 10 mm/s) of Fig. 14.
ation in welding speed to produce tran- havior that occurs under rapid solidifica-
At lower solidification growth rates
sitions in the weld microstructure. The tion conditions. Solidification as primary
(welding speeds), weld microstructure is
welding speed employed could then be austenite was found to be most detri-
a strong function of composition (Ref. 35)
used as an upper bound of the solidifica- mental.
and not so dependent on welding vari-
tion rate, as discussed previously. Weld 3) Solidification cracking was found
ables. As a result, boundaries between
heat input, which is commonly used to to be primarily a function of composi-
microstructural regions are essentially
describe changes in the microstructure in tion. Pulsed-laser welding process para-
vertical at low growth rates.
other systems, appeared to have a sec- meters had only a small influence on
As growth rate increases, microstruc- cracking over the parametric range ex-
ondary effect on microstructural devel- tural changes resulting from solidifica-
opment at high solidification growth amined in this study.
tion-controlled transitions cause bound- 4) A predictive diagram, based on the
rates, as shown in this study and also by ary shifts with a positive slope, while
the work of David, ef al. (Ref. 21). It is original Suutala diagram, has been pro-
changes resulting from diffusion-con- posed to determine weld solidification
also recognized that weld cooling rate trolled transitions have a negative slope.
has a significant influence on m i - cracking susceptibility in austenitic stain-
Thus, the A/AF boundary shifts to higher less steels under rapid solidification con-
crostructure in austenitic stainless steels, Creq/Nie,, values at growth rates above ap-
although the transition in solidification ditions.
proximately 10 mm/s. Conversely, the
behavior is primarily a function of growth 5) A solidification model is discussed
FA/F boundary shifts to lower C^/Nieq
rate. Since the cooling rate is a product that relates the transition in primary so-
values in the same range due to a sup-
of the solidification growth rate and the lidification from ferrite to austenite to
pression of the solid-state, ferrite-to-
temperature gradient in the solid, an in- dendrite tip undercooling at high solidi-
austenite transformation. Within the FA
creasing growth rate (welding speed) re- fication growth rates.
region, the diagram can potentially be
6) A preliminary microstructural map

138-s I JUNE 1994

is p r o p o s e d for austenitic stainless steel Braski, D. N. 1979. Solidification behavior of and K. W. Mahin, ASM International, Materi-
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