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Yearly IEP and Reevaluation Timeline

List the name of your students and the DUE DATE of their IEP and
August September
Name IEP Reeval. Date Name IEP Reeval. Date
Date Date

October November
Name IEP Reeval. Date Name IEP Reeval. Date
Date Date

December January
Name IEP Reeval. Date Name IEP Reeval. Date
Date Date

Time Management
February Marc
Name IEP Date Reeval. Date Name
Reeval. Date

April May
Name IEP Date Reeval. Date Name IEP Date Reeval. Date
IEP Meeting Checklist District


1. Introductions: Case Manager

Assign a note taker, and take meetings notes.
State purpose of meeting, making sure that you have asked
parents (and other members) if they have concerns or items
they wish to discuss.
Review Procedural Safeguards

2. Review Past Progress

Regular education teacher report
IEP academic goal update; including progress monitoring data
Review of test data IRI, ISAT, other informal measures
Outside agency update related to the IEP only if needed
Behavioral update or social skills update if needed
Parent input or questions regarding IEP progress

3. Secondary considerations
Review post-secondary transition goals and transition services
Review graduation plan
Discuss transfer of rights at the age of 18

4. Present new IEP goals for the upcoming year.

Related services
Behavioral skills
Social skills
Determine assessment for the next year including how IEP goals will
be measured.
Determine communication system between home and school for
next year/parent agreement.
Parent input; Is there anything else you would like to see in your
childs IEP?
Parent satisfaction: Are you satisfied?

5. Closing: Student Involvement/brief review of meeting

6. Copies of new IEP, behavior plan, final progress report, parent
rights/responsibilities statements

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