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Half Yearly Examination, 2001-2002

Integrated Science
Class : S.2 ( ) Max. Mark : 100
Name : _ Date : 15 -1-2002
Class No.: _ Time : 8:45-9:45am
(A) Multiple-choice questions: Choose the best answer. (20%)
1 Which of the following does NOT give out any carbon dioxide?
A. Smoking
B. A green plant
C. A burning candle
D. An orange

2 Green plants in darkness:

A. release carbon dioxide
B. release oxygen
C. produce starch
D. use up all carbon dioxide

3 The products of respiration are:

A. energy, water and carbon dioxide
B. energy, food and carbon dioxide
C. energy, food and oxygen
D. energy and water

4 Which of the following descriptions about air is correct?

A. It can change lime water milky.
B. It contains many different gases.
C. Breathed air contains no oxygen.
D. It is white in colour.

5 Which of the following item(s) has/have higher content in breathed air than in unbreathed air?
(1) water vapour
(2) carbon dioxide
(3) oxygen
(4) nitrogen
A. (1) and (2) only
B. (2) and (3) only
C. (1), (2), (4) only
D. (1), (2), (3) and (4)
6 Which of the following is NOT an air pollutant?
A. Sulphur dioxide
B. Nitrogen dioxide
C. Carbon monoxide
D. Nitrogen
7 Which of the following things does NOT respire?
A. grass
B. rabbit
C. stone
D. tree
Directions: Questions (8) to (9) refer to the diagram below:

8 Which of the following factors can also cause the coloured liquid index to move towards the bell jar?
(1) an increase in temperature
(2) an increase in light intensity
(3) an increase in air pressure
A. (1) only
B. (2) only
C. (3) only
D. (1) and (3) only

9 How can you set up a control for this experiment?

A. a similar apparatus without the mouse.
B. a similar apparatus without chemical X.
C. a similar apparatus without the coloured liquid.
D. a similar apparatus without the coloured liquid and chemical X.
Directions: Questions (10) to (11) refer to the diagram below.

10 What is the function of soda lime?

A. To remove oxygen
B. To remove carbon dioxide
C. To act as an indicator of carbon dioxide
D. To act as an indicator of oxygen
11 Which of the following is the correct set-up?
A. (1)
B. (2)
C. (3)
D. (4)

12 What is the reading shown by the following ammeter?

A. 2.3 A

2.6 A

3.2 A

3.4 A

13 We should not use water to put out an electric fire because

A. water is not cold enough.
B. water will damage the appliance.
C. water will flow away.
D. Water can conduct electricity.
14 The conditions needed for electricity to flow in a circuit are
the circuit should have a switch and a cell.

the circuit should have a cell and a bulb.

the circuit should be closed and have a cell.

the circuit should be closed and have a bulb.

15 Which of the following substances is a good conductor of electricity?

A glass
B copper
C paper
D rubber

16 If the bulbs in the following circuits are identical, in which case will the bulb be the brightest?
17 A substance which does not allow electricity to flow through it easily is _.
A insulator
B conductor
C sem-conductor
D an element



18 Silver is good conductor of electricity because some of their_.

A atoms are free to move
B electrons are free to move
C atoms contain excessive electrons
D atoms are tiny

19 Which of the followings is NOT the effect of smoking?

A heart disease
B lung cancer
D yellow teeth and fingers

20 Resistance can be measured by

A dry cell
B wire
C millimeter
D multimeter

(B) True or False Statements (20%)
Write 'T' for a true statement and 'F' for a false one.
1. Respiration is another term for breathing.
2. Through photosynthesis, green plants can change light energy into chemical energy.
3. We can use hydrogencarbonate indicator to absorb carbon dioxide.
4. Respiration only takes place when a green plant is not undergoing photosynthesis.
5. Green plants carry out photosynthesis in daytime and respiration at night.
6. Air pollution can cause lung diseases.
7. An electric current flows only if there is a switch in the circuit.
8. All metals can conduct electricity.
9. A switch is used to open or close a circuit.
10. Carbon can conduct electricity.

(C) Fill in the blanks with suitable words. (20%)

1. Only green plants can carry out photosynthesis since they have (a)`.
2. Air contains (b)_, (c)_, (d)_, water vapour and 1% of inert gases.
3. A dark blue colour can be observed when (e)_ solution is added to a bowl of rice.
4. Food chains start with (f)_.
5. Current only flows from a cell if the circuit is completely (g)_.
6. A cell changes chemical energy into (h)_energy.
7. We use an (i) to measure current. It must be connected in (j) to the circuit under measurement.
8. We can control the current in a circuit by using a variable resistor or so called (k).
9. The unit of resistance is (l)_ .
10. We use a (m)_ to measure voltage.
11. There are many free (n)_ inside a metal.
12. Water vapour can be tested with (o) paper.
13. A (p) _ experiment helps us to compare results obtained in the experiment.
14. When you smoke, (q) _, (r) and
(s) _ get into your body.
15. Air pollution index is high in Causeway Bay. It shows that (t) is very serious in Hong Kong.

(D) Short questions: Answer the following questions. (40%)

1. According to the food chain below, answer the questions.

(a) State the producer(s). (2%)

(b) State the consumer(s). (2%)
(c) If the number of sheeps is decreasing, what happens? Why? (4%)

(Total: 8 marks)
2. The diagram below shows five test tubes containing hydrogencarbonate indicator solution which is originally red in colour. They are put under sunlight for five hours.

(a) State the results of the experiment. (5%)

Boiling tube Colour of the hydrogencarbonate indicator solution Carbon dioxide content (increase/no change/ decrease)
(b) If the leaves in (1) and (3) are taken for an iodine test, what will be the colour changes?
(i) For the leaf in (1) (1%)
(ii) For the leaf in (3) (1%)
(c) What is the function of boiling tube (5)? (1%)
(d) State one precaution of this experiment. (2%)
(Total: 10 marks)

3. The diagram below shows an experiment to burn a piece of bread.

dr y

(a) State the colour changes of the following. (2%)

Colour change

Hydrogencarbonate indicator

Dry cobalt chloride paper

(b) In another experiment, a piece of glowing bread is put into a jar of oxygen.

(i) What will happen to the bread? (1%)

(ii) Complete the equation below to show the energy change of this process. (3%)
_ energy _ energy + _

(Total: 6 marks)

4. Explain briefly why the resistance of our bodies would decrease if we were lying.

(Total: 4 marks)

5 a) In an open circuit, is there any current flow? Why? (4%)

b) What is the energy change in an electric circuit? (4%)
_energy stored in the cell _ energy that electrons obtained from the cell _ and _energy of the bulb

(Total: 8 marks)

6. Study the figure and answer the following questions.

a) What can we conclude from the graph? (2%)
b) What were the chances of dying from lung cancer for the women who smoked 15-24 cigarettes per day? (1%)
c) Does this graph show that lung cancer is mainly caused by cigarette smoking? (1%)

(Total: 4 marks)

Half Yearly Examination, 2003-2004
Integrated Science
Class : S.2 ( ) Max. Mark : 100
Name : _ Date : 12-1-2004
Class No.: _ Time : 8:45-9:45am

Answer all of the questions on the answer sheet provided

(A) Multiple Choice (20 marks)

1. Which of the following statements are CORRECT?
(I) Breathed air contains more carbon dioxide than unbreathed air.
(II) Breathed air contains more water vapour than unbreathed air.
(III) The temperature of breathed air is the same as that of unbreathed air.
A. (I) and (II) only B. (I) and (III) only
C. (II) and (III) only D. All of them

2. Sand can be used to put out fire because

A. it removes the fuel. B. it cuts down the supply of oxygen.
C. it lowers the temperature. D. it can be found easily.

3. Why is the Bunsen burner turned off when the leaf is heated in alcohol during
the test for starch?
A. We can save the amount of town gas used.
B. The water bath is hot enough.
C. The leaf may be broken if water keeps boiling.
D. Alcohol catches fire easily if there is a flame.

4. Cigarette smoking may cause

(I) lung cancer. (II) heart disease. (III) bronchitis.
A. (I) and (II) only B. (I) and (III) only
C. (II) and (III) only D. All of them

5. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE of both respiration and burning?
(I) Both processes need oxygen and give out carbon dioxide.
(II) Both processes release the same form(s) of energy.
(III) There are flames in both processes.
A. (I) only B. (III) only
C. (I) and (II) only D. (II) and (III) only

6. Which of the following is NOT a producer?

A. Grass B. Mushroom () C. Tree D. Algae ()

7. The following table shows the energy content of different kinds of food.
Food Mass (g) Energy content (kJ)
Wheat bread 25 272
Cheese 20 419
Pork 10 251
Lettuce 10 5.3
If a woman wants to lose weight, which two kinds of food are more suitable for
her to take?
A. Wheat bread and cheese B. Cheese and pork
C. Wheat bread and lettuce D. Pork and lettuce

8. Which of the following symbols represents the device that can change electrical
energy into light and heat energy?

9. What is the voltage of FOUR 1.5 V cells joined in series?

A. 1.5 V B. 3 V C. 6 V D. 4.5 V

10. Which of the following materials does NOT conduct electricity?

A. Gold B. Iron C. Mercury () D. Rubber

11. Which of the following circuits is DIFFERENT from the others?

12. Bulbs X, Y and Z are in series. If bulb X burns out, what happens to bulb Y and Z?

A. They glow dimmer. B. They stop glowing.

C. They glow brighter D. They glow in the same brightness.

13. What is the current that passes through bulb X?

A. 0.1 A B. 0.2 A C. 0.3 A D. -0.1A

14. Which of the following can keep the oxygen and carbon dioxide level constant?
A. Burning and respiration. B. Photosynthesis and greenhouse effect
C. Photosynthesis and respiration D. Respiration

15. The colour of the hydrogencarbonate indicator WITHOUT any carbon dioxide is
A. yellow. B. red. C. colourless. D. purple
16. In a balloon-bell jar model, the rubber sheet represents the
A. bronchi C. ribs C. lungs D. diaphragm

17. Which of the following is NOT a pollutant in the atmosphere?

A. carbon monoxide B. oxygen
C. lead D. nitrogen dioxide

18. If a lung is placed in water, it floats because

A. it is filled with air. B. the cells are soft.
C. it is supported by the windpipe. D. it is made up of small cells.

19. Light bulbs X and Y are identical. How much current passes through the light bulbs?

Bulb X Bulb Y
A. 0.1 A 0.1 A
B. 0.05 A 0.1 A
C. 0.1 A 0.05 A
D. 0.05 A 0.05 A

20. Which of the following diagrams best describes the headlamp circuit of a car?

(B) True or False Statements (10 marks)
Write 'T' for a true statement and 'F' for a false one.
1. Breathed air contains no oxygen because oxygen has been taken up by our body.
2. Plants do not need to take in oxygen for respiration because they can produce oxygen through photosynthesis.
3. Hydrogencarbonate indicator can provide water plants with carbon dioxide.
4. If the electric charges flow faster along the circuit, it gives a larger current.
5. In a series circuit, the current is the same at every point.
6. In a parallel circuit, the current in the main loop is equal to those in the branches.
7. The most abundant gas in breathed air is carbon dioxide.
8. Carbon monoxide can lower the amount of oxygen carried by blood.
9. Tar causes addiction to cigarette smoking.
10. Gaseous exchange occurs in air sacs.

(C) Fill in the blanks (20 marks)

1. Animals that feed on green plants are (a)in a food chain.
2. (b)energy is stored in food and this form of energy is given out through the process of (c) for our body to do activities.
3. Plants are green because they have (d)that can trap light energy for the process of (e) to make food.
4. The flow of electric charges is called (f).
5. When the switch is turned off, the circuit is incomplete and is called an (g) circuit. When the switch is turned on, the circuit is complete and is called a
(h) circuit.
6. A (i) is a material that contains free electrons while an (j)
is a material that does not contain free electrons.
7. The electrical energy given to each unit of electric charge is called (k) .
Its unit is (l) .
8. The unit of electric current is (m) . It is measured with a kind of meter called (n)
9. The current flowing through every electrical component is the same in a
(o) circuit.
10. We use (p)_ solution to test for the presence of starch. It turns (q)_ when starch is present.
11. Green plants take in (r)_ at night.
12. Water turns (s)_ from blue to pink.
13. (t) is breathing in smoke from cigarette smokers.

(D) Matching (10 marks)

Column A Column B
1. nitrogen A. energy carriers
2. positive result B. a lot of free electrons
3. fire triangle C. no free electrons
4. food web D. human activities release harmful substances into air
5. breathing E. no specific test
6. air pollution F. stores electrical energy
7. cilia G. stores chemical energy
8. metals H. food chains are linked
9. battery I. expected result
10. electric charges J. clean dirt and germs from lungs
K. temperature, oxygen and fuel
L. chemical process
M. physical process

(E) Short Questions (40 marks)

1. The following test-tubes are all put under sunlight for a few hours.

(a) What are the colours of the hydrogencarbonate indicator in test-tubes A, B and C?
(3 marks)
(b) Explain the colour change in each test tube. (6 marks)
[Total : 9 marks]
2. A water plant is placed in a beaker of water and put under sunlight. Gas X is collected in the

(a) What would gas X be? (1 mark)
(b) What is this method of collecting gas X as shown in the diagram? (1 mark)
(c) Describe how to test for gas X. (2 marks)
(d) If water has boiled before the experiment, there will be little or no gas X
collected. Explain why. (2 marks)
[Total : 6 marks]

3. Study the following circuit carefully and answer the following questions.

(a) If switch A is closed, but B and C are open, which bulb will light up? (1 mark)
(b) If switch C is closed, but A and B are open, which bulb will light up? (1 mark)
(c) If switches A and C are closed, but B is open, which bulbs will light up? (2 marks)
(d) What is the type of circuit in (c) called? (1 mark)
(e) If switch B is closed, but A and C are open, which bulbs will light up? (2 marks)
(f) What is the type of circuit in (e) called? (1 mark)
[Total : 8 marks]
4. An experiment is shown below to show some conditions for photosynthesis. The plant has been put in the dark for two days before the experiment. Regions P and U are green in colour, regions Q and T are non-green parts. Regions P and
Q are covered by aluminium foil.

(a) What are the colours of regions P, Q, T and U after the test for starch? (4 marks)
(b) Why is there no starch in Region T? (1 mark)
(c) Why is there no starch in Region P? (1 mark)
(d) Which two conditions for photosynthesis are investigated in this experiment? (2 marks)
[Total : 8 marks]

5. The diagram below shows a light bulb connected in series with an ammeter.

(a) Draw a circuit diagram for the circuit above. (5 marks)
(b) What happens to the voltmeter reading if one more light bulb is connected across the original bulb? (2 marks)

(c) What happens to the voltmeter and ammeter readings if the circuit is connected across two cells? (2 marks)
[Total : 9 marks]

Half Yearly Examination 2004-2005
Integrated Science
Class : S.2 ( )Max. Mark : 100
Name : _ Date : 18-1-2005
Class No.: _Time : 8:45-9:45am

Answer all of the questions on the answer sheet provided.

(B) Multiple Choice (20 marks)

1. Which of the following is not needed in photosynthesis?
A. light B. oxygen C. chlorophyll D. carbon dioxide

2. The final product made in photosynthesis is

A. carbon dioxide. B. starch. C. alcohol. D. water.

3. Classify the following living things into producer, primary consumer and secondary consumer in a food chain.

Bird Grass Grasshopper

Producer Primary consumer Secondary consumer

A. Grasshopper Bird Grass
B. Grasshopper Grass Bird
C. Bird Grass Grasshopper
D. Grass Grasshopper Bird

Directions: Questions (4) to (6) refer to the table below.

There are 4 bottles each containing a different gas:
Gas W Gas X Gas Y Gas Z
Breathed air Unbreathed air Carbon dioxide Oxygen
4. Which bottle of gas can relight a glowing splint in the shortest time?
A. Gas W B. Gas X C. Gas Y D. Gas Z
5. Which bottle of gas should be used to put out a fire?
A. Gas W B. Gas X C. Gas Y D. Gas Z

6. If a burning candle is put into each bottle, which bottles candle will go off in the shortest time?
A. Gas W B. Gas X C. Gas Y D. Gas Z
7. Burning can produce:
(1) light energy (2) heat energy (3) food (4) carbon dioxide
A. (1) and (2) only B. (2) and (4) only C. (1), (2), and (4) only D. (1), (2), (3) and (4)

8. Which of the following represents gases in the correct order of decreasing proportion in the air?
A. nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, inert gases
B. carbon dioxide, inert gases, nitrogen, oxygen
C. inert gases, carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen
D. carbon dioxide, inert gases, oxygen, nitrogen

9. Which description about air is correct?

A. It can change lime water milky. B. It contains many different gases.
C. Breathed air contains no oxygen. D. It is white in colour.

10. Gas A can turn lime water milky while Gas B cannot relight a glowing splint and cannot turn lime water milky. What are Gas A and Gas B?
Gas A Gas B
A. Carbon dioxide Nitrogen
B. Nitrogen Carbon dioxide
C. Carbon dioxide Water vapour
D. Water vapour Nitrogen

11. Where does gaseous exchange take place in fish?

A. lungs B. gills () C. skin D. nose

12. Which of the following is NOT a possible harmful effect of cigarette smoking?
A. Smokers cough less frequently than non-smokers.
B. Teeth and fingers turn yellow.
C. The chance of suffering from heart disease increases.
D. Hair and clothes smell unpleasant to others.

13. Which of the following statements about nitrogen oxide is INCORRECT?

A. It can cause brain damage in children. B. It is a poisonous gas.
C. It forms acid rain. D. It causes lung diseases.
14. Which of the following is the circuit symbol of a light bulb?

A. B.

C. D.

15. Which of the following is a proper arrangement of an ammeter?

A. B.

C. D.

16. The four wires, each made of different metals, are of the same diameter and length. Their resistance is shown in the following table. Which wire is the BEST conductor among them?
Wire Resistance ()
A 0.018
B 0.012
C 0.01
D 0.02

17. Which of the following quantities is measured in the unit ?

A. Current B. Power C. Resistance D. Voltage

18. What is the use of the following device?

A. It supplies electrical energy. B. It ensures the direction of the current.

C. It measures the voltage. D. It makes the resistance of a circuit adjustable.
19. Which of the following is a proper arrangement for measuring the voltage across the light bulb?

A. B.

C. D.

20. Which of the following circuits is different from the others?

A. B.

C. D.

(B) True or False Statements (10 marks)

Write 'T' for a true statement and 'F' for a false one.
1. During photosynthesis, chlorophyll combines sunlight and starch.
2. Butter has higher energy content than cabbage.
3. If you eat less than you need, you will put on weight.
4. Humans are producers in the food chain because they can make different kinds of food.
5. Breathing occurs in everybodys cell to support body activities.
6. Green plants help to maintain the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in nature by respiration.
7. The nicotine in cigarette smoke can cause addiction to cigarette smoking.
8. Of the same length and thickness, the resistance of a copper wire is larger than that of a nichrome wire.
9. All non-metals cannot conduct electricity.
10. The red terminal of an ammeter should be connected near the positive pole of a dry cell.

(C) Fill in the blanks (20 marks)

1. (a)_ in cigarette smoke reduces the amount of oxygen in blood.
2. Breathed air contains more (b) and (c) than unbreathed air. Its temperature is (d) _ than that of unbreathed air.
3. (e)_ and (f)_ are the products of photosynthesis.
4. About 78% of air is (g)_.
5. Food chains start with (h) _.
6. (i) _ , (j) _ and oxygen forms the fire triangle.
7. (k) in plants can absorb light that is needed for photosynthesis.
8. (l) _ can cause brain damage in children.
9. We draw diagrams with symbols that represent the electrical components. Such diagram is called a (m).
10. The current flowing in the main loop of a circuit is the sum of the currents flowing in the (n)_.
11. In a circuit, the same current flows through components connected in (o) _.
12. To measure the voltage across a cell, the black terminal of the voltmeter should be connected to the (p) _ pole of the cell.
13. (q) _ is a measure of opposition of the flow of electricity.
14. Current flows only if the circuit is (r) _.
15. There is a large number of (s) _ in a good conductor that allows the flow of electric current.
16. The volume controller of a radio is a (t) _.

(D) Matching (10 marks)

Column A Column B
10. Respiration N. To test for starch
11. Control experiment O. Keep the composition of air in the atmosphere constant
12. Respiration and photosynthesis in nature P. To dissolve chlorophyll from the leaf
13. Boil leaf in hot water for 2 minutes
Q. A circuit that has branches through which the electric current can flow

14. Put the leaf in hot alcohol R. A circuit that has only one path for the flow of electricity
S. break down food with oxygen to release energy
15. Drop some iodine solution on the leaf
16. Electric circuit T. A component that can be used to open or close an electric circuit
17. Switch U. To kill leaf cells and soften the leaf
18. Parallel circuit
V. can ensure the results of an experiment are due to the factor under investigation
10. Series circuit W. A complete route which an electric current can flow around

(E) Short Questions (40 marks)

1. The following shows a food chain.

Grass Rabbit Fox

(a) Write down the food chain. (3 marks)
(b) If the number of rabbit decreases, what happens to the number of fox and grass? Why? (4 marks)
(c) Where does grass get energy? (1 mark)
(d) What is the process of storing energy in grass? (1 mark)
(e) Write down the word equation of the above process. (6 marks)
[Total : 15 marks]

2. The following experiment studies the factors needed for photosynthesis. The plant has been put in darkness for two days before the experiment. Leaf X has no special treatment. Leaf Y is covered by a black paper and leaf Z is put in a transparent
container with some potassium hydroxide solution (used to absorb carbon dioxide) inside. After a few hours, leaves X, Y and Z are removed for starch test.

leaf X

leaf Z

leaf Y

potassium hydroxide

(a) Predict the results of leaves X, Y and Z for starch test. (3 marks)
(b) What is the positive result of the test for starch? (1 mark)
(c) Which leave(s) cannot show positive result in the test for starch? (2 marks)
(d) Explain the above result. (4 marks)
[Total : 10 marks]

3. Calculate the current flowing through point D. What happens if point D is broken? (6 marks)

0.3 A

0.1 A


4. The following diagram shows two circuits, P and Q. The light bulbs in both circuits are the same.

Circuit P Circuit Q
(a) Which circuit is a parallel circuit? Which one is a series circuit? (2 marks)
(b) The bulbs in which circuit would be dimmer? Why? (4 marks)
(c) If the cell supplies a voltage of 1.5 V, what is the voltage applied to the outermost bulb in circuit P? (1 mark)
(d) If one bulb in circuit P burns out, will the other two still light up? (1 mark)
(e) If one bulb in circuit Q burns out, will the other two still light up? (1 mark)
[Total : 9 marks]


Half-yearly Examination 2009-2010
Integrated Science
Class : S.2 ( ) Max. Mark : 100
Name : _ Date : 14-1-2010
Class No.: _ Time : 8:45-9:45
Answer all the questions on the answer sheet provided.
(A) Multiple Choice (20 marks)
1. The table below shows the results of several tests on an unknown gas.
Test material Result
The gas is Glowing splint It goes off.
Lime water It turns milky. A. oxygen. B. carbon dioxide. C. nitrogen. D. water vapour.
Dry cobalt chloride paper It remains blue.
2. The figures below show the steps of testing for starch in leaves. Which step is aimed at removing
chlorophyll from the leaf?
A. B. C. D.

hot water
3. Which of the following shows the passage of air flowing out of the lungs?
(1) Trachea(2) Air sacs(3) Bronchi
hot water
A. (1) (2) (3) B. (1) (3) (2) C. (2) (1) (3) D. (2) (3) (1)

4. A towel near the flame of a stove catches fire. Which of the following CANNOT be used to put out the fire?
A. Put the towel into a sink and put water onto the towel.
B. Put the towel into a pan and cover the pan with its lid.
C. Stop the supply of gas to the stove.
D. Cover the towel with sand.

5. Which of the following does NOT occur in respiration?

A. Heat is released. B. Oxygen is consumed.
C. Carbon dioxide is released. D. Water is consumed.

6. Which of the following descriptions about the lungs are correct?

(I) They contain a lot of air sacs.(II) There are many small blood vessels.
(III) They can contract and relax by themselves.
A. (I) and (II) only B. (I) and (III) only C. (II) and (III) only D. (I), (II) and (III)
7. The air pollutant, lead, can cause
A. acid rain. B. lung cancer. C. brain damage. D. chest infections.

8. When the rate of photosynthesis is faster than the rate of respiration,

(1) the amount of water given out from a green plant by photosynthesis is greater than that absorbed by respiration.
(2) the amount of oxygen absorbed by a green plant for respiration is greater than that produced by photosynthesis.
(3) the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by a green plant for photosynthesis is greater than that produced by respiration.
A. (2) only B. (3) only C. (1) and (2) only D. (2) and (3) only

9. What is the main function of chlorophyll in a plant cell?

A. To absorb light energy and make food. B. To remove waste materials.
C. To make chemical energy from food. D. To control the shape of the cell.

10. Jack blows into a gas jar. Then he tests the air in the jar with hydrogencarbonate indicator. The indicator turns from red to yellow. What does it show?
A. Breathed air is yellow in colour.
B. Breathed air is rich in carbon dioxide.
C. There is only carbon dioxide in breathed air.
D. Breathed air contains more carbon dioxide than unbreathed air.

11. The following diagram shows a set-up for studying photosynthesis in a water plant. What will happen if the light is turned off?




A. The plant will stop carrying out respiration. B. The plant will stop carrying out photosynthesis.
C. The plant will start producing sugar. D. The plant will start to respire and use up sugar.

12. Which of the following wires has the greatest resistance?

Material Length Diameter
A. copper 50 cm 0.5 cm
B. copper 30 cm 1 cm
C. nichrome 30 cm 1 cm
D nichrome 50 cm 0.5 cm

13. The following diagram shows an experiment for investigating gaseous exchange of a leaf under sunlight. Which of the following shows the possible results of the experiment if the set-up is put under sunlight for one hour?

boiling tube
Tube I thread Tube II
green leaf

Tube I
indicator Tube II
A. The indicator turns yellow. No change is observed.
B. The indicator turns yellow. The indicator turns purple.
C. The indicator turns purple. No change is observed.
D. The indicator turns purple. The indicator turns yellow.

14. The negative terminal of an ammeter is always coloured

A. black. B. red. C. brown. D. blue.

15. Refer to the circuit diagram below, what are the devices X and Y ?


A. Voltmeter AmmeterB. Ammeter Voltmeter
C. Ammeter AmmeterD. Voltmeter Voltmeter

16. Which of the following best describes a rheostat?

A. A resistor with variable resistance B. A wire with variable voltage
C. A switch with variable sizeD. A dry cell with variable current

17. The diagrams show a flashlight and three ways to put batteries in it.

In order to make the flashlight work, which way must the batteries be placed?
A. Only as in K B. Only as in L C. Only as in M D. None of these ways would work.

18. The following diagrams show a battery and a bulb connected by wires to various materials.

Bulb 1 Bulb 2

aluminium foil plastic spoon

Bulb 3 Bulb 4

brass key
Which of the bulbs will light up?
A. Bulb 1 only B. Bulbs 2 and 3 only C. Bulbs 1 and 3 only D. Bulbs 1, 3 and 4 only

19. Which of the following statements about electric circuits is/are correct?
(1) Batteries act as the energy source.
(2) Electrons transfer energy to different electric components.
(3) There may not be any electric current even when the circuit is closed.
A. (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

20. A complete circuit can also be called a/an

A. on circuit B. off circuit C. open circuit D. closed circuit

(B) True or False Statements (10 marks)

Write 'T' for a true statement and 'F' for a false one.
1. If any one side of the fire triangle is removed, the fire will go out.
2. Putting a leaf in hot alcohol can remove the starch.
3. Green plants do not carry out respiration.
4. The balloon-bell jar model can be used to show the action of diaphragm during breathing.
5. Breathing is a physical process in which air moves into and out of the lungs.
6. Children whose parents are smokers are more likely to develop respiratory diseases.
7. A dry cell changes electrical energy to light energy.
8. All non-metals are electrical insulators.
9. A good electrical conductor has a low resistance.
10. Circuit diagrams are diagrams which link up the photographs of different electrical components.

(C) Matching (10 marks)

Column A Column B
1. noble gases A. banned in public areas
2. greenhouse gases B. unreactive gases
3. sulphur dioxide
C. relative high in crowded areas
4. lung D. an air pollutant that causes bronchitis
5. smoking E. made of wood
6. air pollution index F. made of copper
7. atom G. found in human respiratory system
8. electric current H. consists of nucleus and electrons
9. connectors I. the unit of resistance
10. ohm J. charges move from negative pole to positive pole
K. charges move from positive pole to negative pole
L. trap heat in air

(D) Fill in the blanks (20 marks)

1. The fire triangle shows that oxygen, (a) _ and (b) _ are needed for a fire.
2. Testing for starch in a leaf, we need to put the leaf in (c) _ _ to remove the chlorophyll.
3. When the (d) _ contract, the ribs move outwards and upwards. The (e) _ inside the lung becomes lower and air flows into the lungs.
4. Cigarette smoke contains a lot of harmful substances. One of the substances that can cause lung cancer is (f) _. Another substance that can cause (g) _ to cigarette smoking is nicotine.
5. The Environmental Protection Department uses the (h) _ _ _ to show the quality of air every day.
6. In darkness, (i) _ takes place in green plants. Besides this process, (j) _ also takes place under the sunlight.

7. Under sunlight, there is a net absorption of (k) _ _ and a net release of (l) _ by green plants.
8. (m) _ _ in cigarette smoke reduces the amount of oxygen carried in the blood.
9. A dry cell stores (n) _ energy.
10. Voltage causes the flow of (o) _ and measured by (p) _. The unit of voltage is (q) .
11. A group of cells is called a (r) _. To measure the voltage of a cell, the positive terminal of the voltmeter must be connected to the (s) _ pole of the cell.
12. A kind of simple drawing called a (t) is used to show the connections between electrical components by symbols.

(E) Short Questions (40 marks)

1. Maggie wants to keep a balance between the consumption and release of oxygen in the aquarium shown in the following diagram.


(a) In a daytime, what processes does the seaweed carry out? Name the process(es) and write down the word equation(s) (6 marks) aquarium
(b) In the presence of sunlight, what should Maggie do to reach a balance of oxygen in water if the amount of oxygen consumed is more than that released? Explain your answer. (2 marks)
(c) At midnight, Maggie found that the fish swam to the water surface in order to breathe. Why was there not enough oxygen in the water for the fish at night ? (2 marks)
(d) What may Maggie do to increase the oxygen content at night? Explain your answer. (2 marks)
[Total: 12 marks]
2. A survey on smoking habits was done in City X in 2009. City X had a population of 17 827 people. The questionnaires were sent to all citizens in City X and 8500 questionnaires were returned. Among these questionnaires, 15% said that they are
current smokers. The graph below shows the age distribution of the smokers.

Percentage of smokers by age

1824 2534 3544 4554 5564 65+
Age Group
(a) What is the pattern of the age distribution of smokers shown in the graph? (1 mark)
(b) (i) Calculate the number of smokers aged 1824 shown in the survey. Show your calculation.
(2 marks)
(ii) Suggest ONE reason for the high percentage of smokers aged 1824. (1 mark)
(iii) Can we conclude the number in (bi) is the number of smokers aged 1824 in City X? Why?
(2 marks)
(c) Suggest ONE reason for the low percentage of smokers aged 65 or above. (1 mark)
(d) Suggest TWO ways that young smokers can quit smoking. (2 marks)
[Total: 9 marks]
3. Look at the following conversation of two polar bears and answer the questions below.
Polar bear A: It is so difficult to find a place to live nowadays!
Polar bear B: I am thinking of buying an air-conditioner.
(a) What environmental problem is shown by the conversation of the two polar bears? (1 mark)
(b) Why does cutting a lot of trees lead to the above environmental problem? (2 marks)
(c) What bad effects will the above problem cause to living things? State TWO of them. (2 marks)
[Total: 5 marks]

4. You are given a circuit board, an electric cell, a light bulb, some connecting wires and a switch.
Draw a circuit diagram to show a closed circuit and the direction of conventional current. (2 marks)

5. The diagram below shows a symbol of an electric component.

(a) (i) What is this electric component? (1 mark)

(ii) What does it measure? (1 mark)
(b) What is the reading of this electric component shown in the diagram below? (1 mark)

(c) Fill in the blanks. (2 marks)

(i) 480 mA = A (ii) 0.06 A = mA
[Total: 5 marks]

6. The diagram below shows two electric cells, a circuit board, some connecting wires, a light bulb, a voltmeter, an ammeter, a rheostat and a switch.

current out
current in
(a) (i) What is the electric component A? (1 mark)
(ii) Give ONE example of its use in daily life. (1 mark)
(b) You are given the above electric components. Draw a circuit diagram to show how you can connect these electric components so that the brightness of the light bulb can be adjusted, and how you can measure the electric current and voltage across the light
bulb. (4 marks)
(c) In the set-up in (b), the sliding contact of electric component A moves from point X to Y and finally to Z. Write down the brightness of the light bulb in these three points in descending order (1 mark)
[Total: 7 marks]


Half-yearly Examination 2011-2012
Integrated Science
Class : S.2 ( ) Max. Mark : 100
Name : _ Date : 16-12-2011
Class No.: _ Time : 8:45-9:45

Answer all the questions on the answer sheet provided.

(A) Multiple Choice (20 marks)

1. Which properties of a gas do scientists normally test when identifying a gas?
(1) Colour of the gas(2) Smell of the gas
(3) Ability to support burning (4) Ability to change the colour of indicators
A. (1) and (2) only B. (1), (3) and (4) only C. (2), (3) and (4) only D. (1), (2), (3) and (4)

2. Cobalt chloride paper should be kept

A. in desiccators () because water vapour in the air will make the paper useless.
B. in containers with soda lime because carbon dioxide in the air will make the paper useless.
C. in containers filled with noble gases because oxygen in the air will make the paper useless.
D. in the dark because exposure to light will make the paper useless.

3. Which of the following statements about breathed and unbreathed air are correct?
(1) Breathed air contains more carbon dioxide than unbreathed air.
(2) Breathed air contains more water vapour than unbreathed air.
(3) Breathed air contains no oxygen.
A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

4. The pictures below show four identical burning candles. Each is covered by a glass container of different size. Which candle flame will be the last to go out?

A. B.

C. D.

5. A paper cup half-filled with water is heated over a candle flame. The paper cup does not catch fire.

Which of the following best explains the phenomenon?

A. The water brings the heat away so that the cup does not get hot enough to start burning.
B. The water blocks the oxygen from the cup.
C. The water does not support burning.
D. There is not enough fuel.

6. Why can carbon dioxide be used to put out a fire?

(1) Carbon dioxide does not support burning. (2) Carbon dioxide is denser than oxygen.
(3) Carbon dioxide contains no chemical energy.
A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

7. Which of the following kinds of food contains the least energy per kilogram?
A. Meat B. Potato chips C. Vegetable D. Cheese

8. If the body takes in more food than it uses,

A. breathing becomes faster. B. weight is lost.
C. the heart rate increases. D. the food is stored as fat.

9. In the test for starch in a green leaf, which of the following is/are the main reason(s) to turn off the Bunsen burner when the green leaf is heated in alcohol?

(1) We can save the town gas.(2) Alcohol vapourizes quickly if it boils.
(3) Alcohol catches fire easily if there is a flame.
A. (1) only B. (2) only C. (3) only D. (2) and (3) only

10. What is purpose of using a control in an experiment?

A. To explain the experimental results. B. To show the effect of a variable.
C. To remove any by-products produced. D. To repeat the experiment.

11. Which of the following statements about respiration and photosynthesis is/are correct?
(1) Both processes need oxygen.
(2) Energy is changed from one form to another in both processes.
(3) Water is formed in both processes.
A. (2) only B. (3) only C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only

12. Which of the following statements about respiration and burning is/are correct?
(1) Both processes need oxygen and give out carbon dioxide.
(2) Heat energy is released in both processes.
(3) There are flames in both processes.
A. (1) only B. (3) only C. (1) and (2) only D. (2) and (3) only

13. What will happen if all green plants on Earth suddenly disappear?
(1) The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere will increase.
(2) The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will increase.
(3) All animals will die eventually.
A. (2) only B. (3) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

14. Which of the following harm our health?

(1) Smoking (2) Passive smoking (3) Air pollution
A. (1) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

15. The pictures show a light bulb connected to a battery. Which bulb will light?

A. B.

C. D.

16. What is the reading of the voltmeter shown?

A. 0.44 V B. 0.48 V C. 2.4 V D. 4.8 V

17. Which of the following is the correct way of connecting an ammeter?

A. B.

C. D.

18. 1 mA is equal to
A. 1000A. B. 0.001A. C. 0.01A. D. 0.1A.

19. The table shows different materials that have been sorted into two groups.

Group 1 Group 2
Air Steel
Ice Copper
wood Gold

Which of the following could be used to sort the materials into Group 1 and Group 2?

A. Solubility() in water B. Compressibility()

C. Physical stateD. Electrical conductivity

20. Which of the following best describes an electric current passing through a copper wire?
A. A flow of nuclei in the wire
B. A flow of free positive charges in the wire
C. A net flow of free electrons in the wire
D. Random motions of free electrons in the wire

(B) True or False Statements (10 marks)

Write 'T' for a true statement and 'F' for a false one.
1. Carbon dioxide is black in colour.
2. Pouring water onto objects on fire is always the best way to put out the fire because water can remove the fuel.
3. Green plants take in carbon dioxide in bright light and give out carbon dioxide in the dark.
4. Breathed air and unbreathed air contain the same amount of nitrogen.
5. Humans obtain energy from breathing.
6. Hot alcohol can be used to remove the chlorophyll from a green leaf.
7. Motor cars are one of the major sources of air pollutants in Hong Kong.
8. All non-metals are insulators.
9. Most metals are good electrical conductors.
10. The voltage of a dry cell remains unchanged even if the chemical energy in the cell is used up.

(C) Matching (5 marks)

Column A Column B
11. Bee M. absorb carbon dioxide
12. Hydrogen cyanide N. give out carbon dioxide
13. Soda lime O. producer
14. Sodium hydrogencarbonate P. consumer
15. Water flow model Q. cause weaknesses, headaches and vomiting
R. analogy of voltage
S. analogy of electric current

(E) Fill in the blanks (20 marks)

1. Lime water can be used to test for (a) _ _.
2. When a dry cobalt chloride paper is put in the air for a long period of time, it will turn from blue to pink because there is (b) _ _ in the air.
3. The energy used in photosynthesis comes from the (c) .
4. A (d) _ _ shows the feeding relationships between living things. Green plants are
(e) while animals are consumers.
5. Gaseous exchange is carried out in (f) _ _ of the lungs.
6. When breathing in, the muscles of (g) _ contracts and turns flat.
7. Due to (h) _ effect, the heat released from the sun can be trapped. This keeps the Earth warm.
8. The Environmental Protection Department provides the latest (i) _ index to let us know the air quality.
9. (j) _ causes fast heartbeats and higher blood pressure.
10. (k) in cigarette smoke stains the teeth and finger nails.
11. (l) _ _ means breathing in the smoke produced by burning cigarettes or the smoke breathed out by smokers.
12. A broken circuit that has gaps at some points are called (m) _ circuit.
13. The unit of currents is (n) _ and the instrument used to measure currents is (o) _.
14. The end of a dry cell that gives out the electrons to the circuit is called (p) _ terminal, while the end of the dry cell that receives the electrons is called (q) _ terminal.
15. When current flows, (r) _ energy stored in the cell is changed to (s) _ energy. When current flows through a light bulb, light and (t) _ energy are given out.

(E) Short Questions (45 marks)
1. John is having a barbecue with his family.
(a) The fire is dying down. What should John do? Explain your answer. (2 marks)
(b) After the barbecue, the father asks John to pour water into the charcoal to put out the fire. How can water put out a fire? (1 mark)
[Total: 3 marks]

2. State THREE safety precautions to prevent fire accidents at home. (3 marks)

3. The diagram below shows a model for demonstrating the breathing mechanism in humans. The model is set in different positions.

(a) What is the above model called? (1 mark)

(b) Which body structure does each part of the model represent? (4 marks)
Part of the model The body structure it represents
Strip A
Strip B
Strips C
Rubber band
(c) In which position does the model represent the situation of breathing in? (1 mark)
[Total: 6 marks]

4. Many soft drinks have a high energy value. Suppose the volume of a can of soft drink is 330 mL and the soft drink contains 135 kcal of energy.
(a) How much energy does a person gain if he/she drinks two cans of soft drink? Show your working. (2 marks)
(b) How can we know the energy value of a can of soft drink without carrying out experiments?
(1 mark)
(c) Why do many soft drinks have a high energy value? (1 mark)
(d) Name another high-energy food. (1 mark)
(e) Suggest TWO uses of energy. (2 marks)
(f) Write down ONE possible influence on weight when we take in more energy than we need.
(1 mark)
[Total: 8 marks]

5. Peter designs the following experiment to find out what gas is given out or taken in different environments. Experimental set-up is placed under sunlight for several hours.

(a) After experiment, what are the colours of hydrogencarbonate indicators respectively? (3 marks)
Test tube Colour
(b) What is the change of gas in test tube B? (2 marks)
(c) Explain the change in the amount of the gas in test tube B. (3 marks)
(d) What is the change of the gas in test tube A? (2 marks)
(e) Explain the change in the amount of the gas in test tube A. (2 marks)
[Total: 12 marks]

6. The following diaphragm shows experimental set-ups.

(a) When the experiment starts, the hydrogencarbonate indicator in both set-ups are red. After 30 minutes, state the colour change of hydrogencarbonate indicator in set-up A. Explain the results.
(2 marks)
(b) The hydrogencarbonate indicator in set-up B does not change. Explain the function of set-up B.
(2 marks)
(c) If the experiment is carried out at night, will the results be the same? Explain. (2 marks)
[Total: 6 marks]

7. (a) In the two circuits below, both bulbs do not light up. Write down the necessary conditions for current to pass through the circuit. (2 marks)

(b) If the current in the circuit increases, how does the brightness of the bulb change? (1 mark)
[Total: 3 marks]

8. The diagram below shows a 3-cord electric wire.

(a) Which substance in the wire is a conductor? (1 mark)

(b) Which substance in the wire is an insulator? (1 mark)
(c) Why is the wire wrapped with plastic? (1 mark)
(d) Write down another common insulator. (1 mark)
[Total: 4marks]


Half-yearly Examination 2012-2013
Integrated Science
Class : S.2 ( ) Max. Mark : 100
Name : _ Date : 14-1-2013
Class No.: _ Time : 8:45-9:45

Answer all the questions on the answer sheet provided.

(A) Multiple Choice (20 marks)

1. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
A. Breathed air and unbreathed air contain the same amount of nitrogen.
B. Breathed air contains less water vapour than unbreathed air.
C. The temperature of breathed air is the same as that of unbreathed air.
D. The breathed air is cooler than unbreathed air.

2. Which of the followings is the process describing breaking down food to release energy?
A. Respiration B. Gaseous exchange C. Photosynthesis D. Energy generation

3. What does a green plant carry out in the day time?

(1) Photosynthesis (2) Respiration (3) Growing
A. (1) only B. (2) and (3) only C. (1) and (2) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

4. Which of the following foods releases the greatest amount of energy upon burning?
A. apple B. cheese C. rice D. noodle

5. People get energy from the food they eat. Where does the energy stored in food come from?
A. Fertilizers B. The sun C. Vitamin D. The soil

6. If you are burning wood, the reaction will

A. release energy.
B. absorb energy.
C. not absorb or release energy.
D. sometimes release and sometimes absorb energy, depending on the kind of wood.

7. Why do mountain climbers use oxygen at the top of the worlds highest mountain?
A. There is little nitrogen in the air at great height.
B. There is less oxygen in the air at great height.
C. There is a hole in ozone layer.
D. There is no air at the top of very high mountains.

8. Which BEST explain why green algae are most often restricted to the top 100 metres of the ocean?
A. They have no roots () to anchor () them to the ocean floor.
B. The pressure is too great for them to survive below 100 metres.
C. They can live only where there is light.
D. If the algae lived below 100 metres, they would be eaten by animals.

9. There is a law to stop smoking in public places. The main reason for the law is that
A. smoking makes a place dirty. B. smoking makes a place cloudy.
C. smoking wastes a lot of money. D. passive smokers get more harm than smokers.

10. When the concentration of carbon dioxide reaches 3%, what will happen to the hydrogencarbonate indicator?
A. It turns from red to purple. B. It turns from yellow to red.
C. It turns from red to yellow. D. It remains unchanged in colour.

11. Which of the following is the reason why leaves are green in colour?
A. The presence of chlorophyll. B. The presence of water.
C. To attract insects. D. To absorb oxygen.

12. Which of the following descriptions about burning of food and respiration is/are correct?
(1) Both need oxygen.
(2) Both release the stored energy of the food.
(3) The process of burning is fast while that of the respiration is slow.
A. (1) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

13. Where does respiration take place in living things?

A. oral cavity B. lungs C. cells D. trachea

14. When air enters the lungs, where will the air finally reach?
A. trachea B. bronchus C. air sacs D. rib cage

15. Which of the following is the major source of air pollution in Hong Kong?
A. Cutting down of trees
B. Smoke from power stations and exhaust fumes from motor vehicles
C. Hill fires
D. High population

16. Which of the following is the harmful effect of smoking?

A. Increasing the risk of having tooth decay
B. Increasing appetite that leads to a gain in body weight
C. Increasing the risk of heart disease
D. Causing loss of hair

17. When we find that electrical appliance does not work, what is/are the possible reason(s)?
(I) Blackout, no electrical energy provided.
(II) The appliance is out of order.
(III) The appliance is disconnected from a power source.
A. (I) only B. (I) and (II) only C. (I) and (III) only D. (I), (II) and (III)

18. Which of the following is/are conductor(s)?

(I) Gold (II) Copper (III) Clay (IV) Graphite
A. (I) and (II) B. (II) and (IV) C. (II), (III) and (IV) D. (I), (II) and (IV)

19. Which of the following is the reason of using plastic to make the handle of the screw driver?
A. Plastic is a good insulator. B. Plastic is more beautiful.
C. Plastic handle is less slippery. D. Plastic is easier to be made into different shapes.

20. What is the reading of the ammeter in the diagram below?

A. 0.25 A B. 2.5 A C. 5 A D. 20 A

(B) True or False Statements (10 marks)

Write 'T' for a true statement and 'F' for a false one.
1. A glowing splint will relight when it is put into a jar of carbon dioxide.
2. There is no simple method to test nitrogen.
3. Fuels will burn only when they are heated to a certain temperature.
4. Comparing rice and vegetable of the same mass, the heat energy they produce is the same.
5. Respiration means breathing in and out.
6. Planting trees in urban areas can balance the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air.
7. Suspended particles in the air are the only pollutants to be used to measure the Air Pollution Index.
8. Electrical energy is the common energy form used in household.
9. Dry cells have positive poles and negative poles.
10. When connecting circuit, the switch controls the current flowing to electrical appliances.

(C) Matching (5 marks)

Column A Column B
16. atmosphere T. exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
17. destarching U. complete circuit

18. control experiment V. incomplete circuit
19. gaseous exchange W. leave the plant in the dark for at least 24 hours
20. open circuit X. a layer of air surrounding the Earth

Y. to ensure the result of an experiment is due to

the factor investigated
(F) Fill in the blanks (20 marks)
1. Carbon dioxide turns lime water from (a) _ to (b) _.
2. Water can be tested using dry (c) _ _ paper.
3. Water can be used to put out a fire by lowering the (d) of the object on fire.
4. Heating a leaf in boiling water can destroy the (e) _ of the leaf cells.
5. In a food chain, (f) _ is transferred from one living thing to another. Animals that feed on plants or other animals are called (g) _.
6. When we breathe in, air enters the (h) _ _ through the nostrils. It then flows down the trachea. The trachea branches into two (i)_ which further divide into smaller tubes called (j)_.
7. At night, green plants have a net uptake of oxygen and a net release of (k) because they carry out (l) but not (m).
8. Cigarette smoke contains a lot of harmful substances. For example, (n)_ can cause addiction to cigarette smoking and (o)_ may cause throat cancer and lung cancer. Carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke lowers the (p) _ content in the
9. In a closed circuit with an energy source, there is a net flow of (q)_ electrons through the circuit from the (r)_ terminal to the (s)_ terminal.
10. When more cells are connected in the same directions, the voltage across the cells will be (t)_.

(E) Short Questions (45 marks)

1. (a) The figure below shows a device that is used to collect breathed air.

(i) What is the difference in amount of oxygen in breathed air and unbreathed air? (1 mark)
(ii) What is the difference in amount of carbon dioxide in breathed air and unbreathed air? (1 mark)
(iii) Now there are a bottle of breathed air and a bottle of unbreathed air. Suggest an experiment to test which of the bottle contains a higher amount of oxygen. (3 marks)
(b) The experiment below shows a peanut is burnt in air.

Cover the gas jar

with a glass plate
after the flame
goes out
(i) What is the colour change of hydrogencarbonate indicator? (1 mark)
(ii) According to the above result, what kind of gas is produced in burning? (1 mark)
(iii) When the peanut is burning in the gas jar, a thin layer of liquid forms inside the jar. What is this liquid? (1 mark)
[Total: 8 marks]

2. The photo below shows three types of fire equipment.

(a) Name equipment A, B and C. (3 marks)

(b) Why can equipment C be used to put out a fire? Answer the question based on your knowledge of the fire triangle. (1 mark)
(c) There are different types of equipment B. They put out fire with different substances. Name TWO of these substances. (2 marks)
(d) Which condition(s) of the fire triangle is/are removed when using the types of equipment B you suggested in (c) to put out fires? (2 marks)
[Total: 8 marks]

3. The set-up below is used to study gaseous exchange in a green leaf. Each tube contains 3 cm3 of hydrogencarbonate indicator. Tubes C and D are wrapped with aluminium foil. The set-up is left under bright light for one hour.

(a) Complete the table to show the colour changes of the hydrogencarbonate indicator in the test tubes after one hour. (2 marks)
Test Tube A B C D
Colour change of the indicator No change No change
(b) Explain the colour changes of the indicator in tube A and tube C. (4 marks)
(c) State the purposes of setting up tube B and tube D. (2 marks)
[Total: 8 marks]

4. A grasshopper is put inside the conical flask in the set-up shown below. Air is drawn in through pipe P and out through pipe Q.

air in air out

pipe P pipe Q

soda lime


tube A grasshopper conical flask tube B

(a) What is the use of soda lime in the bulb? (1 mark)

(b) What happens to the lime water in tube A after 30 minutes? Why? (2 marks)
(c) What happens to the lime water in tube B after 30 minutes? Why? (3 marks)
(d) How the results will differ if two grasshoppers are put in the conical flask? Explain your answer.
(2 marks)
[Total: 8 marks]

5. Read the following passage and answer the questions below:

People may think it takes only determination to be able to give up smoking.

However, according to medical experts, determination is only one of the necessary
(a) Name 3 medicine whichfactors
can help smokers for
give up success
smoking. (3 marks) in giving up smoking. They have found out that the use of
(b) Explain why the support of family members would be helpful to smokers who want to give up smoking. (1 mark)
[Total: 4 marks]
suitable medicine is actually very helpful. Examples of such medicine are nicotine
gum ( ), nicotine patch ( ) and nicotine inhaler ( ).
6. This question compares the principles of an electric circuit to that of a water pipe system. The electric circuit consists of a bulb, a dry cell, a switch and connecting wires. The water pipe system consists of water pipes, a tap, a turbine, a pump and
two storage Furthermore,
tanks at different heights. the support of the family can also contribute a lot to success.


(a) Write down the energy conversion in an electric circuit. (2 marks)

(b) Fill in the following table. (4 marks)
Parts in water pipe system Parts in electric citucit
Flow of water
[Total: 6 marks]

7. The following diagrams show circuit A and B.

Circuit A Circuit B

In which circuit will the light bulb light up? Why?

[Total: 3 marks]


Half-yearly Examination 2013-2014
Integrated Science
Class : S.2 ( ) Max. Mark : 100
Name : _ Date : 13-01-2014
Class No.: _ Time : 8:45-9:45

Answer all the questions on the answer sheet provided.

(A) Multiple Choice (20 marks)
1. Which of the following gases can relight a glowing splint?
A. Nitrogen B. Oxygen C. Carbon dioxide D. Noble gas

2. Which of the following descriptions about air is correct?

A. It can change lime water milky. B. It contains many different gases.
C. Breathed air contains no oxygen. D. It is white in colour.

3. A student sets up the following apparatus. After 24 hours, a leaf from each plant is removed and iodine test is carried out. From which set-up will the leaf turn the iodine solution blue black?

dark room

burning candle

P Q soda lime R
A. Plant P B. Plant Q C. Plant R D. Plants P and Q

4. During a barbecue, we can make the charcoal burn more brightly by fanning because fanning

(1) can increase the temperature of the charcoal.

(2) can increase the oxygen supply to the charcoal.
(3) can increase the amount of fuel.

A. (1) only B. (2) only C. (1) and (2) only D. (2) and (3) only

5. Which of the following structures does NOT belong to the human respiratory system?
A. Tongue B. Nasal Cavity C. Air Sacs D. Trachea

6. If a piece of meat is placed in water, it sinks. But if a piece of pig lung is placed in water, it floats. This is because
A. the lung is made up of living cells.
B. the lung is surrounded by blood capillaries which are less dense than water.
C. the air sacs in the lung are filled with air.
D. the air sacs are connected to the trachea by bronchioles.

7. Which of the following does NOT release carbon dioxide to the air?
A. Respiration of animals B. Smoking cigarettes
C. Production of food by plants D. Burning of petrol by motor vehicles

8. The diagram below shows an experimental set-up to investigate gaseous exchange in mealworms:

wire gauze soda lime stopper capillary red ink ruler

tube marker

mealworms boiling tube

Which of the following correctly states the position of the red ink marker at the end of the experiment and the reason for the change?
Position of red ink marker Reason for the change
A. remains unchangedvolume of air in the boiling tube does not change
B. moves towards the boiling tube carbon dioxide is absorbed by the mealworms
C. moves towards the boiling tube oxygen is absorbed by the mealworms
D. moves away from the boiling tube carbon dioxide is given out by the mealworms

9. In the test for starch in a green leaf, which of the following is/are the main reason(s) to turn off the Bunsen burner when the green leaf is heated in alcohol?

(1) We can save the fuel.(2) Alcohol vapourizes quickly if it boils.

(3) Alcohol catches fire easily if there is a flame.
A. (1) only B. (2) only C. (3) only D. (2) and (3) only

10. Burning can produce

(1) light energy. (2) heat energy. (3) food. (4) carbon dioxide.
A. (1) and (2) only B. (2) and (4) only C. (1), (2) and (4) only D. (1), (2), (3) and (4)

11. Which of the following methods CANNOT put out a fire?

A. Pouring a bucket of sand onto the fire B. Spraying water onto the fire
C. Applying carbon dioxide to the fire D. Applying oxygen to the fire

12. Which of the following statements about respiration and burning is/are correct?
(1) Both processes need oxygen and give out carbon dioxide.
(2) Heat energy is released in both processes.
(3) There are flames in both processes.
A. (1) only B. (3) only C. (1) and (2) only D. (2) and (3) only

13. Which of the following is a producer?

A. Rabbit B. Grass C. Cow D. Owl

14. What is the correct path of air entering the lungs?

(1) Branches of bronchus (2) Air sacs (3) Nasal cavity (4) Trachea (5) Bronchus
A. (2), (4), (1), (3), (5) B. (3), (4), (5), (1), (2) C. (3), (1), (5), (4), (2) D. (4), (5), (1), (3), (2)

15. Which of the following substances is NOT an air pollutant?

A. Sulphur dioxide B. Nitrogen dioxide C. Carbon monoxide D. Nitrogen

16. Cigarette smokers cant quit smoking easily because cigarettes contain
(1) carbon monoxide. (2) nicotine. (3) cigarette smoke.
A. (1) only B. (2) only C. (1) and (2) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

17. Which of the following is/are insulators?

(1) Clothes (2) Chalk (3) Rubber tubing (4) Water
A. (1) and (2) only B. (2) and (4) only C. (1), (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2), (3) and (4)

18. Which of the following items is used to change a closed circuit to an open circuit?
A. A battery B. A light bulb C. A switch D. A rubber band

19. Which of the following is an electrical conductor?

A. Rubber B. Wool thread C. Iron nail D. Wooden board

20. Which of the following circuits has the bulb lighted up when the switch is closed?
A. B.

C. D.

(B) True or False Statements (10 marks)

Write 'T' for a true statement and 'F' for a false one.
11. Hydrogencarbonate indicator turns yellow when the concentration of carbon dioxide in it is greater than 0.03%.
12. Both soda lime and hydrogencarbonate indicator can be used to test for carbon dioxide.
13. Pouring water onto objects on fire is always the best way to put out the fire because water can remove the fuel.
14. As oxygen is produced during photosynthesis, green plants do not take in oxygen from the atmosphere for respiration.
15. Gaseous exchange occurs in air sacs.
16. The air quality monitoring stations measuring the Air Pollution Index are set up by the Hong Kong Observatory.
17. The Air Pollution Index describes the air quality. The higher the index, the poorer the air quality.
18. All metals can conduct electricity.
19. Electrical insulators do not conduct current.
20. Chemical energy in dry cells is usually converted to electrical energy.

(C) Matching (5 marks)

Column A Column B
21. Respiration
Z. A flow of free electrons.
22. Control experiment
AA. A complete route which an electric current can flow around.
23. Light
BB. The smallest constituent of matter.
24. Electric current CC. The result of a reaction between heat, oxygen and fuel.
25. Electric circuit DD. Essential for photosynthesis.

EE. Intake of oxygen to break down food to release energy. Carbon dioxide is formed at the same time.
FF. Can ensure the results of an experiment are due to the factor under investigation only.

(G) Fill in the blanks (20 marks)

1. Dry cobalt chloride paper will turn pink if it is put in air for a long time because air contains (a)_.
2. There is no simple test for nitrogen because this gas is (b)_.
3. (c) _, (d) _ and oxygen form the fire triangle.
4. The (e) _ in food can be changed into other useful forms of energy in our bodies.
5. (f) _ can absorb carbon dioxide.
6. Only green plants can carry out photosynthesis since they have (g) _. We use
(h) _ solution to test for the presence of starch.
7. The chemical energy stored in the fuel in burning is changed to (i) _energy and (j) _ energy.
8. Respiration is a process in which the chemical energy in (k) _ is released in the presence of (l) _.
9. The Air Pollution Index is divided into (m) _ air pollution levels. Its calculation is based on the measurement of certain air pollutants at (n) _ stations
10. (o) _ can cause brain damage in children.
11. Sulphur dioxide is a poisonous gas that can cause (p)_ and (q)_.
12. Household appliances such as washing machines get electrical energy from the (r) _ which are connected to power station with power cable.
13. Materials that conduct current are electrical (s) _. Materials that do not conduct current are electrical (t) _.

(E) Structural Questions (45 marks)

1. A student sets up an experimental set-up below:

to suction
bell jar

lime water mouse lime water

liquid that absorbs
carbon dioxide

flask A flask B flask C

(a) What is the function of the lime water in flask B? (1 mark)
(b) State the colour of the lime water in flask B and flask C at the end of the experiment. (2 marks)
(c) Explain your answer in part (b). (2 marks)
(d) Name a chemical that can be used to replace lime water in flasks B and C. (1 mark)
[Total: 6 marks]

2. A group of students set up five beakers. Each contained a water plant and was added with different numbers of spoonfuls of sodium hydrogencarbonate. Sodium hydrogencarbonate was added to water to increase the concentration of dissolved
carbon dioxide.


gas bubble

water plant

The students counted the number of gas bubbles given off by the water plant in each breaker. The results are shown in the table below:

Number of spoonfuls of
Breaker Number of gas bubbles given off per minute
sodium hydrogencarbonate added
A 0 6
B 1 12
C 3 24
D 5 36
E 7 48

Change of the number of gas bubbles given off with the

number of spoonfuls of sodium hydrogencarbonate added


Number of gas 30
bubbles given off
per min


1 3 5 7
Number of spoonfuls of sodium hydrogencarbonate added
(a) How many bubbles would you expect to give off per minute if the experiment is repeated using four spoonfuls of sodium hydrogencarbonate? (1 mark)
(b) Name the gas produced by the water plant during the experiment. How can you test for this gas?
(2 marks)
[Total: 3 marks]

3. (a) State THREE harmful substances that enter a persons body when he smokes. (3 marks)
(b) Which substance in cigarettes is addictive? (1 mark)
(c) Which substance in cigarettes lowers the amount of oxygen carried by blood? (1 mark)
[Total: 5 marks]

4. The diagram below shows an experiment to burn a piece of bread.


cobalt chloride

a piece of burning bread is put into the gas jar
(a) State the colour changes of the following tests. (4 marks)

Tests Colour change

Hydrogencarbonate indicator

Dry cobalt chloride paper

(b) In another experiment, a piece of burning bread is put into a jar of oxygen.

(i) What will happen to the bread? (1 mark)

(ii) Burning and respiration are similar in a way that both of them use up _, produce _ and _ and release _. (4 marks)
[Total: 9 marks]

5. A student has mistakenly mixed up 4 test tubes of gases, which were unlabeled.
In order to find out what these gases were, he carried out several tests and the results were shown below.

Glowing splint Lime water Hydrogencarbonate indicator solution

Test tube 1 the splint relights remains clear remains red

Test tube 2 the splint goes out turns milky turns yellow

Test tube 3 the splint goes out remains clear remains red

Test tube 4 the splint goes out not carried out turns yellow

(a) Identify the gases in the four test tubes. (4 marks)

(b) Suggest 2 uses of the gas in test tube 2. (2 marks)
(c) (i) With reference to the above test results, which gas is the most unreactive? Explain your answer.
(2 marks)
(ii) Suggest one use of the gas in part (i). (1 mark)
(d) What will be the result if the gas in test tube 4 is tested with lime water? (1 mark)

[Total: 10 marks]
6. The diagram below shows the respiratory system in humans. Label each part with a suitable word.

[Total: 8 marks]

7. A light switch and its internal structure are shown below.

(a) Which of the parts P, Q and R is/are made of conductors ? (2 marks)

(b) Which of the parts P, Q and R is/are made of insulators ? Explain briefly. (2 marks)
[Total: 4 marks]



Half-yearly Examination 2015-2016
Integrated Science
Class : S.2 ( ) Max. Mark : 100
Name : _ Date : 15-1-2016
Class No.: _ Time : 8:45 9:45 am

Answer all of the questions on the answer sheet provided.

(C) Multiple Choice (20 marks)
1. Which of the following statements about breathed and unbreathed air are correct?
(1) Breathed air has more water than unbreathed air.
(2) Breathed air is warmer than unbreathed air.
(3) Breathed air has more oxygen than unbreathed air.
A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2) and (3) only D. All of the above

2. Which of the following living things are consumers in a food chain?

(1) wheat (2) rat (3) eagle
A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2) and (3) only D.All of the above

3. After having a barbeque, we splash water over the fire to extinguish the flame. Why?
(1) The fuel is removed. (2) The high temperature is removed. (3) The oxygen is removed.
A. (1) only B. (3) only C. (1) and (2) only D. (2) and (3) only

4. Which of the following statements about respiration is correct?

A. Energy and carbon dioxide are the products of respiration.
B. Only carbon dioxide is released during respiration.
C. Only animals can carry out respiration.
D. Living things will stop respiration at night.

5. Which of the following is an air pollutant?

A. carbon dioxide B. nitrogen oxides C. nitrogen D. oxygen

6. Which of the following shows the difference between lime water and hydrogencarbonate indicator?
A. Lime water can be used to test for oxygen and hydrogencarbonate indicator is used to test for carbon dioxide.
B. Lime water can be used to test for the presence of carbon dioxide, while hydrogencarbonate indicator changes in colour with different concentrations of carbon dioxide.
C. It is more dangerous to come into contact with hydrogencarbonate indicator.
D. Lime water can be used repeatedly.

7. A student sets up the following apparatus to compare the energy contents of different food samples.

What should the student do to ensure an accurate comparison of the energy contents of food samples?
(1) Stir the water in the small metal can gently.
(2) Wrap the large metal can with a thick layer of cotton wool.
(3) Lift the thermometer so that it does not touch the bottom of the small metal can.
A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

8. Which of the following does NOT happen when wood burns?

A. Light is absorbed. B. Water is produced.
C. Heat is released. D. Energy is released from the wood.

9. The diagram below shows a heater that burns fuel. Two plants are put near its exhaust vent ().
Plant 2 is wrapped in a piece of black cloth.

fuel-burning black
heater cloth


Plant 1 Plant 2
After the heater is switched on, how will the photosynthetic rates of these two plants change?
Plant 1 Plant 2 Plant 1 Plant 2
A. Increase No change B. Decrease No change
C. Increase Decrease D. Decrease Decrease

10. Which of the following conditions are necessary for photosynthesis to take place?
(1) Chlorophyll (2) Supply of oxygen (3) Supply of carbon dioxide
A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

11. The following two set-ups are placed under light.

containing mealwor
germinatin ms light
g source
( )
lime water lime
The lime water in BOTH test tubes turn milky. Why does this happen?
Test tube 1 Test tube 2
A. Photosynthesis by the seeds Photosynthesis by the mealworms
B. Photosynthesis by the seeds Respiration by the mealworms
C. Respiration by the seedsPhotosynthesis by the mealworms
D. Respiration by the seedsRespiration by the mealworms

12. Our heart needs energy for pumping blood. Where does the energy come from?
A. The oxygen from the air sacs B. The energy in the brain ()
C. The food we eat D. The heart muscles

13. Which of the followings is NOT the unit of energy value?

A. kilogram B. kilojoule C. kilocalorie D. calorie

14. According to the Fire Department, which of the following things we must bring and leave the building when there is a fire?
(1) Mobile phone (2) Money (3) Wet towel (4) keys
A. (1), (2) and (3) onlyB. (2), (3) and (4) only
C. (1), (3) and (4) only D. (1), (2) and (4) only

15. The diagram below shows the wires in an electric cable.

The wires are covered with plastic coating. Which of the following properties of plastic make(s) it useful for covering the wires?
(1) It is flexible and durable. (2) It is a good electrical insulator.
(3) It has very few electrons.
A. (1) only B. (2) only C. (1) and (2) only D. (1), (2) and (3)

16. Which of the following is the energy conversion in the dry cell in a closed circuit?
A. potential energy electrical energy B. electrical energy heat energy
C. chemical energy heat and light energy D. chemical energy electrical energy

17. The substance that does not allow current to pass through is called _.
A. conductor B. insulator C. atom D. charge

18. What is the difference between the meters X and Y in the diagram below?

A. X is ammeter, Y is voltmeter. B. X is ammeter, Y is milliammeter.

C. X is ammeter, Y is microammeter. D. X is milliammeter, Y is microammeter.

19. The following diagram shows the two cells inside a torch. Which of the following descriptions about the torch is correct?

A. The torch can function and the bulb lights up.

B. The torch can still function but the light is dim.
C. The torch cannot function and the bulb does not light up.
D. The torch can function and the bulb is brighter than using one cell.

20. Peter wants to measure how the voltage of a dry cell drops with time, which of the following connections should he use?

A. B.

C. D.

(B) True or False Statements (10 marks)

Write 'T' for a true statement and 'F' for a false one.

1. More than half of airs weight is made up of noble gases.
2. Unbreathed air can relight a glowing splint.
3. Spraying carbon dioxide on a flame can put out the flame by displacing oxygen.
4. The energy stored in food is extracted in burning and respiration.
5. Light energy is changed to chemical energy during photosynthesis.
6. When we breathe in, air enters the mouth only and then flows down the trachea.
7. Respiration and photosynthesis can keep a balance of oxygen and nitrogen.
8. Ampere is a unit of current.
9. When there is a source of electricity in a circuit, electricity will flow in the circuit.
10. Water and graphite are good electrical conductors.

(C) Fill in the blanks (20 marks)

1. Among the gases in air, nitrogen and (a) _ gases do not react with other chemicals easily.
2. Dry cobalt chloride paper turns from blue to (b) if it is put in air for a long time because air contains water vapour.
3. The arrows in the food chain show the direction in which (c) _ is passed from one type of living thing to another.
4. Food chains start with (d) _.
5. When we are tired, we yawn () to take in more (e) _ and get rid of (f) _ _ in our bodies.
6. (g) _ is a green substance in leaves, which is responsible for photosynthesis.
7. To remove food stored in a green plant, it is put in darkness for some time. This process is called
(h) _.
8. The lungs contain a lot of (i) _ _ covered with (j) _. This greatly increases the surface area for (k) _ _.
9. In (l) _, the energy stored in food is released in our body.
10. Lead can cause (m) _ damage in children.
11. A cigarette contains many harmful substances, including (n)_ (lowers oxygen content in blood) and (o)_ (may cause addiction).
12. Most buttons of (p) _ are made up of plastic because plastic is an (q) _ which protects us from getting electric shock.
13. In conventional direction of current, current flows from (r) _ terminal to (s) _ terminal.
14. We can use a (t) _ to measure the size of a voltage.
(D) Structured Questions (50 marks)

1. Three identical candles are burning in a large trough. They are covered by bell jars of different sizes. The trough is then filled with water, as shown below.

Add water
to this line


Jar A: 1000 Jar B: 2000 Jar C: 4000

cm cm
(a) Which jar contains the candle that burns for the
longest time? Briefly explain your answer. (2 marks)
(b) When the candles are burning, water enters the bell jars.
(i) Explain why water enters the bell jars. (2 marks)
(ii) Oxygen makes up 21% of air. Explain why at the end of this experiment, less than 21% of the
bell jar's volume is occupied by water. (1 mark) [Total : 5 marks]

2. To test if a leaf contains starch, Gary does an experiment. The steps of the experiment are as below.
A. Rinse the leaf in warm water for 30 seconds. B. Put the leaf in boiling water.
C. Put the leaf in warm alcohol. D. Add solution X to the leaf.
(a) Arrange these steps in the correct order. (2 marks)
(b) State the purpose of steps B and C. (2 marks)
(c) (i) What is solution X? (1 mark)
(ii) If the leaf contains starch, what is the colour change? (1 mark)
[Total : 6 marks]

3. Benny sets up four boiling tubes as shown below. Each boiling tubes is put under sunlight for 6 hours.

(a) To detect a certain gas X, hydrogencarbonate indicator is added to the water in each boiling tube. What is gas X? (1 mark)
(b) Describe and explain the colour change of the indicators in the following boiling tubes.
(i) Boiling tube A (3 marks)
(ii) Boiling tube B (4 marks)
(c) Benny hangs a muslin bag () containing soda lime inside each boiling tube, as shown below. He repeats the experiment.

muslin bag
containing tadpole
tadpole soda watelime s wate
The four bags of soda lime show different gains in weight.

(ii) The weights increased by thesfour bags of soda lime are listed below. The
(i) Why does soda lime increase weight? (1 mark)
r data of boiling tubes B and D are mixed up. r
( )
Weight gained by soda lime
weed 0g wate 0.02 g 0.04 g weed

Boiling tube ? ? C A
A B C weed D
Which number should the weight gain in boiling tube D, 0 g or 0.02 g? Explain your answer.
(3 marks)
[Total : 12 marks]

4. Read the following article and answer the questions that follow.
An environmental protection group demonstrated against the deteriorating quality of air in Hong Kong recently. The demonstrating party all wore masks to show their dissatisfaction with the air quality.
Environmentalists criticized the government for its slow introduction of LPG taxis and other measures of improving air quality. They said that this has deprived () Hong Kong people of their right to breathe in fresh air.
(a) Why did the demonstrating party wear masks? (1 mark)
(b) What did environmentalists critize the government? (2 marks)
(c) Air Quality Health Index is measured according to the amount of air pollutants in Hong Kong. Name TWO air pollutants found in Hong Kong. (2 marks)
(d) Which government department is responsible for measuring Air Quality Health Index? (1 mark)
(e) If Air Quality Health Index exceeds 10+, what kinds of patients will mostly be affected? (2 marks)
[Total : 8 marks]

5. The following diagram shows cigarette smoking model.

To suction pump

white cotton wool


(a) Bad smell will be given out from this experiment. Where should we do this experiment? (1 mark)
(b) What happens to the colour of the white cotton wool? (1 mark)
(c) Starting from 1st January 2007, smoking is banned in all indoor areas in Hong Kong. The following is the comment about the ban.

We wont affect others health

Smoker A

Do you agree with smoker A? Explain your answers. (2 marks)

(d) The photo below shows the packaging boxes of cigarettes.

when we smoke. So the

government shouldnt ban

(i) According to the warning on the packaging boxes, what diseases will be caused by smoking?
(2 marks)
(ii) What substance in cigarettes causes each of the above diseases respectively? (2 marks)
[Total : 8 marks]

6. Steady hand game is a funny game. In the game, you need to move a loop through a wire without touching it. If the loop touches the wire, an electric current will flow through a lamp and cause it to light up. The diagram below shows the
components of a steady hand game kit.
(a) Draw electric wires on the diagram to show how the components should be connected. (3 marks)

(b) When the loop touches the wire, what kind of circuit is formed? (1 mark)
(c) If 2 more cells are added, what happens to the brightness of light bulb? Explain. (2 marks)
(d) If one cell is 1.5V, what is the voltage of 2 cells connected in the same direction? (1 mark)
[Total : 7 marks]
7. There are FOUR mistakes in the following passage. Underline the mistakes and correct them. (4 marks)
Electricity is a form of energy. Electric voltage is the flow of electrons. All matter is made up of atoms, and an atom has a centre, called nucleus. The nucleus of an atom is negatively charged and is surrounded by positively charged
particles called electrons. Sometimes electrons escape from an atom and move freely within the conductor. These electrons are called moving electrons.



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