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Algoritmos numricos Bq computacional (FC...

Algoritmos numricos
Introduo (algoritmo babilnico)
Um algoritmo um procedimento, indicado passo a passo, desnado a resolver
um problema num intervalo de tempo nito.

Algoritmo para calcular razes quadradas

Para calcular a raz quadrada de um nmero a:

1. Fazer x =1
2. Fazer x = 2 (x + a/x)
3. Reper 20 vezes o passo 2

x a raz quadrada de a .

a = 2.0
print('a =', a)

x = 1.0
for i in range(20):
novo = 0.5 * (x + a/x)
x = novo

print('x =', x)

a = 2.0
x = 1.414213562373095

a = 2.0

x = 1.0
for i in range(20):
novo = 0.5 * (x + a/x)
x = novo

print("A raz quadrada de {} {}".format(a,x))

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Algoritmos numricos Bq computacional (FC...

A raz quadrada de 2.0 1.414213562373095

Algoritmo para calcular razes quadradas

Para calcular a raz quadrada de um nmero a:

1. Fazer x0 =1
2. Fazer xi+1 = 2 (xi + a/xi )
3. Reper o passo 2 at |xi+1 xi | < 1010

x a raz quadrada de a.

a = 2.0

x = 1.0
for i in range(100):
novo = 0.5 * (x + a/x)
if abs(novo - x) < 1e-10:
x = novo
x = novo

print("A raz quadrada de {} {}".format(a,x))

A raz quadrada de 2.0 1.414213562373095

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Algoritmos numricos Bq computacional (FC...

def babilonico(a, show_iters=False):

x = 1.0
for i in range(100):
if show_iters:
novo = 0.5 * (x + a/x)
if abs(novo - x) < 1e-10:
return novo
x = novo
return x

r = babilonico(2.0, show_iters=True)
print("A raz quadrada de {} {}".format(2.0,r))

A raz quadrada de 2.0 1.414213562373095

Mtodo das bissees sucessivas

Mtodo das bissees sucessivas (para calcular a raz de uma funo)

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Algoritmos numricos Bq computacional (FC...

Para calcular a raz de uma funo f(x), connua sabendo que existe uma raz no intervalo ]a, b[ :

1. Calcular o ponto mdio xm = (a + b)/2 e o valr da funo f(xm )

2. Se o sinal de f(xm ) for igual ao sinal de f(a) ento fazer a = xm . Se o sinal de f(xm ) for igual ao sinal
de f(b) ento fazer b = xm
3. Reper o passo 2 at convergncia:
4. Quando |b a| < (um numero pequeno), o processo deve parar ou
5. Quando f(xm ) < 2 (um numero pequeno), o processo deve parar

xm a raz da funo f(x), isto f(xm ) 0.

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Algoritmos numricos Bq computacional (FC...

def bissect(f, a, b):

epsilon = 1e-6

fa, fb = f(a), f(b)

while abs(b-a) > epsilon:
xm = (a+b)/2.0
fm = f(xm)

if fm*fa > 0.0:

a,fa = xm,fm
b,fb = xm,fm
return a

def f(x):
return x**3 -2

x = bissect(f, 1, 2)

print("Raz encontrada:")

Raz encontrada:

def bissect(f, a, b):

epsilon, epsilonf = 1e-6, 1e-10
fa, fb = f(a), f(b)
while abs(b-a) > epsilon:
xm = (a+b)/2.0
fm = f(xm)

if abs(fm) < epsilonf:

return xm, fm

if fm*fa > 0.0:

a,fa = xm,fm
b,fb = xm,fm
return a, f(a)

def f(x):
return x**3 -2

x, fx = bissect(f, 1, 2)

print("x = {}, f(x) = {:9.7f}".format(x,fx))

x = 1.2599201202392578, f(x) = -0.0000044

Monitorizando as bissees:

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Algoritmos numricos Bq computacional (FC...

def bissect(f, a, b):

epsilon, epsilonf = 1e-6, 1e-10
fa, fb = f(a), f(b)
history = [] # Uma lista de listas com a "histria" das iteraes
while abs(b-a) > epsilon:
xm = (a+b)/2.0
fm = f(xm)


if abs(fm) < epsilonf:

return xm, fm, history

if fm*fa > 0.0:

a,fa = xm,fm
b,fb = xm,fm
return a, f(a), history

def f(x):
return x**3 -2

x, fx, h = bissect(f, 1, 2)

print("x = {}, f(x) = {:9.7f}".format(x,fx))

a b |b-a| f(xm)''')

for a, b, fm in h:
print("{0:7.5f} {1:7.5f} {3:10.8f} {2:10.7f}".format(a,b,fm, abs(b-a)))

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Algoritmos numricos Bq computacional (FC...

x = 1.2599201202392578, f(x) = -0.0000044

a b |b-a| f(xm)
1.00000 2.00000 1.00000000 1.3750000
1.00000 1.50000 0.50000000 -0.0468750
1.25000 1.50000 0.25000000 0.5996094
1.25000 1.37500 0.12500000 0.2609863
1.25000 1.31250 0.06250000 0.1033020
1.25000 1.28125 0.03125000 0.0272865
1.25000 1.26562 0.01562500 -0.0100245
1.25781 1.26562 0.00781250 0.0085732
1.25781 1.26172 0.00390625 -0.0007401
1.25977 1.26172 0.00195312 0.0039130
1.25977 1.26074 0.00097656 0.0015855
1.25977 1.26025 0.00048828 0.0004225
1.25977 1.26001 0.00024414 -0.0001588
1.25989 1.26001 0.00012207 0.0001318
1.25989 1.25995 0.00006104 -0.0000135
1.25992 1.25995 0.00003052 0.0000592
1.25992 1.25993 0.00001526 0.0000228
1.25992 1.25993 0.00000763 0.0000047
1.25992 1.25992 0.00000381 -0.0000044
1.25992 1.25992 0.00000191 0.0000001

Mtodo de newton
Mtodo de Newton (para calcular a raz de uma funo)

Para calcular a raz de uma funo f(x), conhecendo tambm a sua derivada f (x):

1. Parr de uma esmava inicial x0

2. Fazer xi+1 = xi f(xi )/f (xi )

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Algoritmos numricos Bq computacional (FC...

3. Reper o passo 2 at |f(xi )| < (um numero pequeno)

xfinal a raz da funo f(x), isto f(xfinal ) 0.
NOTA: O algoritmo babilnico um caso parcular do mtodo de Newton para f(x) = x2 a

def newton(f, df, x):

epsilon = 1e-6
fx, dfx = f(x), df(x)
while abs(fx) > epsilon:
x = x - fx / dfx
fx, dfx = f(x),df(x)
return (x, fx)

def f(x):
return x**3 -2

def df(x):
return 3 * x**2

x, fx = newton(f, df, 1.5)

print("x = {}, f(x) = {:9.7f}".format(x,fx))

x = 1.2599210498953948, f(x) = 0.0000000

Monitorizando as iteraes:

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Algoritmos numricos Bq computacional (FC...

def newton(f, df, x):

epsilon = 1e-6

history = []

fx,dfx = f(x),df(x)
while abs(fx) > epsilon:

x = x - fx / dfx
fx, dfx = f(x),df(x)
return (x, fx, history)

def f(x):
return x**3 -2

def df(x):
return 3 * x**2

x, fx, h = newton(f, df, 1.5)

print("x = {}, f(x) = {:9.7f}".format(x,fx))

x f(x)''')

for x, fx in h:
print("{0:9.7f} {1:9.7f}".format(x, fx))

x = 1.2599210498953948, f(x) = 0.0000000

x f(x)
1.5000000 1.3750000
1.2962963 0.1782757
1.2609322 0.0048193
1.2599219 0.0000039

Compare-se a rapidez da convergncia dos 2 mtodos, para = 106

Mtodo das bissees sucessivas:

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Algoritmos numricos Bq computacional (FC...

a b |b-a| f(xm)
1.00000 2.00000 1.00000000 1.3750000
1.00000 1.50000 0.50000000 -0.0468750
1.25000 1.50000 0.25000000 0.5996094
1.25000 1.37500 0.12500000 0.2609863
1.25000 1.31250 0.06250000 0.1033020
1.25000 1.28125 0.03125000 0.0272865
1.25000 1.26562 0.01562500 -0.0100245
1.25781 1.26562 0.00781250 0.0085732
1.25781 1.26172 0.00390625 -0.0007401
1.25977 1.26172 0.00195312 0.0039130
1.25977 1.26074 0.00097656 0.0015855
1.25977 1.26025 0.00048828 0.0004225
1.25977 1.26001 0.00024414 -0.0001588
1.25989 1.26001 0.00012207 0.0001318
1.25989 1.25995 0.00006104 -0.0000135
1.25992 1.25995 0.00003052 0.0000592
1.25992 1.25993 0.00001526 0.0000228
1.25992 1.25993 0.00000763 0.0000047
1.25992 1.25992 0.00000381 -0.0000044
1.25992 1.25992 0.00000191 0.0000001

Mtodo de Newton:

x f(x)
1.5000000 1.3750000
1.2962963 0.1782757
1.2609322 0.0048193
1.2599219 0.0000039

Mtodo de Newton com a funo sin(x)

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Algoritmos numricos Bq computacional (FC...

from math import sin, cos, pi

def f(x):
return sin(x)

def df(x):
return cos(x)

def newton(f, df, x):

epsilon = 1e-6

history = []

fx,dfx = f(x),df(x)
while abs(fx) > epsilon:

x = x - fx / dfx
fx, dfx = f(x),df(x)
return (x, fx, history)

for x0 in 0.1, 1.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 12.1:

x, fx, h = newton(f, df, x0)

pi_x = x / pi

print("x0 = {:<7.2f} x = {:4.1f} pi".format(x0, pi_x))

x0 = 0.10 x = 0.0 pi
x0 = 1.10 x = 0.0 pi
x0 = 3.10 x = 1.0 pi
x0 = 4.10 x = 1.0 pi
x0 = 5.10 x = 58.0 pi
x0 = 6.10 x = 2.0 pi
x0 = 12.10 x = 4.0 pi

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Algoritmos numricos Bq computacional (FC...

def f(x):
return sin(x)

def df(x):
return cos(x)

def newton(f, df, x):

epsilon = 1e-6

history = []

fx,dfx = f(x),df(x)
while abs(fx) > epsilon:

x = x - fx / dfx
fx, dfx = f(x),df(x)
return (x, fx, history)

for x0 in 0.1, 1.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1, 12.1:

print('----------------\nx0 = {}'.format(x0))
x, fx, h = newton(f, df, x0)
for x,fx in h:
print('x = {:8.5f}, f(x)={:8.5f}'.format(x,fx))

pi_x = x / pi

print("para x0 = {}, x = {:4.1f} pi".format(x0, pi_x))

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Algoritmos numricos Bq computacional (FC...

x0 = 0.1
x = 0.10000, f(x)= 0.09983
x = -0.00033, f(x)=-0.00033
para x0 = 0.1, x = -0.0 pi
x0 = 1.1
x = 1.10000, f(x)= 0.89121
x = -0.86476, f(x)=-0.76094
x = 0.30804, f(x)= 0.30319
x = -0.01013, f(x)=-0.01013
para x0 = 1.1, x = -0.0 pi
x0 = 3.1
x = 3.10000, f(x)= 0.04158
x = 3.14162, f(x)=-0.00002
para x0 = 3.1, x = 1.0 pi
x0 = 4.1
x = 4.10000, f(x)=-0.81828
x = 2.67647, f(x)= 0.44853
x = 3.17831, f(x)=-0.03671
x = 3.14158, f(x)= 0.00002
para x0 = 4.1, x = 1.0 pi
x0 = 5.1
x = 5.10000, f(x)=-0.92581
x = 7.54939, f(x)= 0.95397
x = 4.36848, f(x)=-0.94144
x = 1.57632, f(x)= 0.99998
x = 182.69881, f(x)= 0.46748
x = 182.16999, f(x)=-0.04237
x = 182.21240, f(x)= 0.00003
para x0 = 5.1, x = 58.0 pi
x0 = 6.1
x = 6.10000, f(x)=-0.18216
x = 6.28526, f(x)= 0.00208
para x0 = 6.1, x = 2.0 pi
x0 = 12.1
x = 12.10000, f(x)=-0.44965
x = 12.60341, f(x)= 0.03703
x = 12.56635, f(x)=-0.00002
para x0 = 12.1, x = 4.0 pi

from matplotlib import pyplot as pl

import matplotlib as mpl
from numpy import linspace, sin, cos

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Algoritmos numricos Bq computacional (FC...

x = linspace(-6, 10, 1000)

y = sin(x)
pl.axhline(color='black', linewidth=3)
pl.plot(x,y, color='teal', linewidth=3)

for z in range(-1, 4):

pl.axvline(x = z * pi, color='black', linestyle=':', ymin=0.25, ymax=0.75)

mpl.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (10,6)

def f(x):
return sin(x)

def df(x):
return cos(x)

def newton_points(h):
# h = [(x0, fx0), (x1, fx1), ...]
xvalues = []
yvalues = []
for x, y in h:
return xvalues,yvalues

x = linspace(-1, 4, 1000)
y = sin(x)
pl.plot(x,y, color='black', linewidth=2)

for x0, color in [(0.5,'green'), (1.1, 'darkred'), (2.2, 'teal')]:

x, fx, h = newton(f, df, x0)

print('Para x0 = {}, raz = {:6.3f}'.format(x0, x))
xpoints, ypoints = newton_points(h)
pl.plot(xpoints, ypoints, color=color, linewidth=2)

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Algoritmos numricos Bq computacional (FC...

Para x0 = 0.5, raz = -0.000

Para x0 = 1.1, raz = 0.000
Para x0 = 2.2, raz = 3.142

def f(x):
return sin(x)

def df(x):
return cos(x)

x = linspace(-1, 10, 1000)

y = sin(x)
pl.plot(x,y, color='black', linewidth=2)

for x0, color in [(5.1,'green')]:

x, fx, h = newton(f, df, x0)

print('Para x0 = {}, raz = {:6.3f}'.format(x0, x))
xpoints, ypoints = newton_points(h)
pl.plot(xpoints, ypoints, color=color, linewidth=2)

Para x0 = 5.1, raz = 182.212

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Algoritmos numricos Bq computacional (FC...

def f(x):
return sin(x)

def df(x):
return cos(x)

x = linspace(180, 185, 1000)

y = sin(x)
pl.plot(x,y, color='black', linewidth=2)

for x0, color in [(5.1,'green')]:

x, fx, h = newton(f, df, x0)

print('Para x0 = {}, raz = {:6.3f}'.format(x0, x))
xpoints, ypoints = newton_points(h)
pl.plot(xpoints, ypoints, color=color, linewidth=2)

Para x0 = 5.1, raz = 182.212

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Algoritmos numricos Bq computacional (FC...

def plot_newton(x0):
def f(x):
return sin(x)

def df(x):
return cos(x)
x = linspace(-1, 10, 1000)
y = sin(x)
pl.plot(x,y, color='black', linewidth=2)

color = 'green'

x, fx, h = newton(f, df, x0)

x_pi = x / pi
xpoints, ypoints = newton_points(h)
pl.plot(xpoints, ypoints, color=color, linewidth=2)
#print('Para x0 = {}, raz = {:4.2f} pi'.format(x0, x_pi))

import ipywidgets as widgets

i = widgets.interact(plot_newton, x0=widgets.FloatSlider(min=1.5, max=3.0, step=0.01

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Copyright 2016, Antnio Ferreira.

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