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Students from both schools found a few tips for saving the energy, olso for saving the


Global warming is a problem that threatens the entire planet: each person, in every
country and on every continent. But I did not come to an end! We can still act. Global
warming is not a threat from space. We humans cause climate change by polluting the
atmosphere with too much carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases.

The so-called "greenhouse effect" is an accumulation of heat in the

atmosphere. Without it, our planet could be habitable. If some of the energy reflected from
Earth would not be retained by the atmosphere, the Earth's temperature would be 33 degrees
Celsius colder. The problem is that at this moment, it releases increasingly more greenhouse
gases into the atmosphere, and this endangers the natural balance. Whence these gases?

1. Oil is the main source of energy, but at the same time the main
source of CO2. After undergoes certain chemical transformations,
oil is used for vehicle engines, aircraft and also in energy
production stations.
2. Coal is guilty, in the same way as oil, climate change. Because of
increased usage, it may soon become the number one enemy of the
climate. Burning coal releases large amounts of CO2 into the
air. Lignite is even more dangerous than oil. Even though it is
estimated that coal reserves are sufficient for several hundred years,
their uncontrolled use can be a catastrophe for the global climate.
3. Natural gas is considered the most "clean" form of fossil energy
and can be used effectively to produce heat and energy. But they
emit CO2 in amounts as high as lignite for each KW / h generated.
4. The destruction of rainforests is responsible for the emission of more than 20% of
CO2. Deforestation are very dangerous because they can lead to the collapse of an entire
ecosystem, such as the Amazon.
5. Methane nitrate and industrial gases are also greenhouse gases. The main sources of
methane come from livestock, agriculture and deforestation. All agriculture is the source
for the production of nitrogen. Industrial gases used in refrigerators, air conditioners and
some other chemical processes also pollute the air.
We humans, we can and must diminish carbon dioxide
emissions by 50% by 2050. If we manage that, we will keep global
temperature increase below 2 degrees Celsius. Researchers believe it
is essential to take measures in this regard before all totally out of

There are new forms of energy such as solar, wind, water, geo-energy and biomass,
which can take up to mid-century, half the power of humanity. Just let us stop wasting it and
take immediate action.
This is possible without threatening the global economy and we give poorer countries
the opportunity to develop. We just need a (R) evolution Power! That means fundamental
changes in how we produce energy, the way we live and the way we travel.
If global warming is started by us, then let's all stop us. The necessary technologies
What if our action is doomed to failure?

First, the good news: we can act against global warming. If we act together as possible
to keep the global average temperature increase to less than 2 degrees Celsius by the end of
this century.

The bad news is that if we go on the same way, the global average temperature will
rise by 5 degrees during this century.
Floods will multiply dramatically and storms will intensify.

1. Icecaps and mountain glaciers melt already visibly. This

means that the rivers will decline in many countries in the
world and the amount of drinking water will be significantly
2. World Ocean level rise is a threat not only to island states,
but also for low-lying countries like Bangladesh. Water levels
will rise by several meters, endangering cities like London, Shanghai, New York, Tokyo
or Hong Kong.
Save energy in your home!

First discovered "losses"! Lots of items consume more than you need, even when
closed. You can change this through a combination of smart decisions by your home and
climate will be much healthier.

1. Buy the most effective products. Find the ones that provide low power consumption
and verify if this is true! The products should have a button to "OFF", which interrupts
the power supply or consume no more than one watt in standby.
2. Make them a fad computer and let it rest! Skip to "Idle" once you have completed
work on the computer. Consume a very small amount of energy in this state. And when
you close it, remove it from the socket. By the way: flat screens and laptops consume
very little!
3. Stop loss! Hi-fi, computers, TV sets and all these technologies to consume electricity
even when they are in standby. Their maintenance costs can rise to $ 100 per year. So I
recommend using button plugs that stop power supply.
4. Use energy saving light bulbs (CFL). This reduces fuel consumption by up to
80%. (Warning: CFLs contain mercury and must be collected separately after use)
5. Do not leave batteries and transformers plugged in! They continue to consume
electricity even if no longer used. In many cases, but not all the time, you can tell this by
the fact that they are hot. So unplug your mobile phone charger, the MP3 player or
digital camera and halogen lamps or transformers of the devices in the household.
Save energy in the kitchen!

Homemade food is great, and this is good for the environment. It is much better than
eating food thawed or eat fast food. Kitchens manage to cut energy consumption and save
money with.
Be aware of energy! Leave the lid on the pot. Use less water to boil eggs or
vegetables. Using a pressure cooker. No need to heat up the oven but keep in mind that your
food is heated for two minutes at 70 degrees. If you have an electric stove, remove it from the
socket and finally, prepare food without electricity.

1. Get rid of large energy consumers. When the equipment has reached the end "of his
life", you need a new one. When you will buy, check the amount of energy that we
consume. Buy the most efficient appliances (in Europe: Category A + or A ++).
2. Keep your fridge in a cool, never near a source of heat or in the sun. Make sure the
fuses are intact, let it "breathe" and keep away from dust ventilation.
3. Thaw it! Refrigerators and freezers consume more when filled with ice. So defrost them
from time to time, for example when you go on vacation.
4. No heat water using electrical equipment. Do not forget: heating water requires
energy, so do not heat more than needed!
Energy saving in the bathroom!

A calorie raises the temperature of one gram of water by one degree: so I learned at
school. Heating water for bathing is, after heating radiators largest energy consumer. The heat
from the sun heats the water for free!

1. You should do a quick shower rather than a

bath. Close water while you Lather. Choose a short song
or whistle. When it was over, over and shower. Install a
shower head economically. So you can halve water
consumption and energy.
2. Installs solar panels. In a temperate climate, two cubic
meters of water / person represents 60% of the water for
washing. This percentage may increase to 100% in
warmer regions. It has already proved that this option is
effective - ask specialists for details.
3. Save the laundry. Wash at low temperatures and forget the pre-washed. Washing at
normal temperatures will bring clean laundry and consumption will drop to 80%. Always
wash drum full of. If you can, connect the dishwasher to a hot water supply.
4. Put your laundry to dry in the sun. Dryers are real energy consumers. A household of
four people who do not use the tumble saves 480 kw / h and 300 kg of CO2 annually.
5. Do not use devices based on electric rechargeable batteries, such as toothbrushes and
epilators, because they consume more energy than they do in general electronics. But if
the dispenser still buy one, make sure you load it properly. Remove it from the socket
once loaded, use it to fully unload and get rid of it in a proper way.

Tips for heating ecolologice

We all want a home warm in winter. But it's important to warm your
home, not its immediate vicinity. Inefficient heating is one of the
main causes of energy loss. Save this energy potential is fantastic. A
few simple tricks and some investments may significantly decrease
heating bills.

1. No more heat than necessary. 18-20 degrees Celsius are

enough for a dining room and the bedroom, hallway or other rooms less used setpoints
can be lower. So keep doors closed. Never leave the heater on when you're not
home. Install thermostats that automatically adjusts the room temperature: warmer days
and cooler at night.
2. Install thermal insulation or convince your carpenter to do it. Old windows can be a
source of heat loss; not only glass but also locking systems carpentry or inappropriate.
3. Ventilate the rooms quickly. The best way for fresh air to enter the room heating plant
is to close and open the window a little. It's quick and in this way not cool room
walls. Never leave open when Vent heating systems of the room. Every degree lower
chamber, saves up to 6% of the energy consumption!
4. Make your self at home! A proper insulation of exterior walls, bridges or vaults can
reduce heating costs at halfway. Ask the authorities in connection with subsidies for this
type of investment.
5. Check your heating system. The new systems are more effective and the benefits are
visible shortly. Remember that every heating system needs maintenance. Warning:
Electrical heating systems are highly inefficient, energy intensive and must be replaced.

Efficient heating systems

Modern homes may heat more or less automatically. The most efficient heating
systems are well protected and sustained by human body heat. And if the temperature drops
strongly, alternative heating systems can help. CO2 emissions = 0. investments make sense in
older homes.

1. New heating systems burn wood pellets or chips. I totally automatic and can heat water
for the entire house. CO2 values neutral if the wood comes from renewable forests.
2. Solar panels can produce not only water for washing. Solar heating installations in well
insulated homes can produce the heat for days in spring and autumn and can sustain
while conventional heating system in winter.
3. Biogas is not only used for certain areas. It can also be converted into gas. When burned
in small combinations of plants for heat and power (CHP) can supply the heat and
4. Geo-heat can supply energy in various ways. Thousands of houses have shallow
underground collectors. Heat Pump used to process the geo-heat should be driven by
eco-power only. Geo-thermal power stations produce both heat and electrical systems.

Environmentally conscious transport

By transport, the CO2 is widespread. While some prefer to drive cars immense land,
others take the bus. Some need to fly around the world in his spare time, while others prefer to
spend their vacation strolling away. These behavioral differences are large, and the potential
to save energy is as high.

1. Use public transportation! Buses and trains are three

times more energy efficient than private vehicles. Urban
transport systems are the most efficient and less
polluting will be in the future, when they run on eco-
2. Use your legs more often! Walking keeps your ideal
weight and environmentally friendly. City regains leg!
3. Fly by plane only when necessary! Air traffic is one of the biggest threats to the
climate. Consider alternatives, such as telephone or video conferencing. Try to minimize
the number of flights of long duration. On short routes, for neighboring countries, the
train is faster and more environmentally friendly.
4. "Decrease your" car! The most important question you should answer when you buy a
car should be: "How eat?" Machines that consume 4 liters per 100 km are already on the
market. And soon it will reach 2 liters. Help us make them owners of limousines, SUVs
and other vehicles that consume enormous amounts of fuel to be ashamed that uses these
5. Use your bike! Occupies very little space and uses no fuel. It is quiet, ecological and
keep you in shape. So use every opportunity to put your old bike to work, when you go
to work, shopping or on vacation.

Environmentally friendly, less is more

How much, how fast, how cheap - this is the creed of the
modern world. Turbo consumption does not make the world happier
and the environment has to do accounts. An economy where quantity
is more important than quality massive increase in greenhouse gas
emissions emissions. A wiser management of time and resources will
leave footprints less destructive and increase quality of life.

1. Watch as when you buy clothes or electronics. Quality rise to any longer. Buying quality
products protect natural resources and reduce the amount of CO2 released after their
2. Eat less meat! After the latest research of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation)
Livestock is responsible for almost 18% of all greenhouse gases emitted greenhouse; this
because of the large amount of energy required for production fertilization, transforming
forests into pastures or crop soybean feed.
3. Choose organic products. They grow without artificial fertilizers or pesticides and does
not involve the transport of fodder overseas and oceans. The entire production process
generates fewer emissions of greenhouse gases.
4. Buy local produce when in season. This reduces traffic resulted from transportation.
5. And finally: rediscovering local beauties! Traveling by plane for shopping or departures
tropical islands causing environmental damage and increase your personal contribution
of CO2 emissions. So spend your vacations as many near your house and discovers that
is as beautiful as in other remote locations.

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