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Name: _____________________________________________Block: _____


March 23rd at

Block 6: Friday
March 24th

Ms. Walsh & Mr. Gomes

Early United States History
Spring 2017

Welcome to Unit 5, North, South, and West! This unit will be split up into 3 parts, each focusing on one
of the three major regions of the United States in the early to mid-1800s in the form of a packet. These
packets will develop your ability to:
Read secondary sources for main idea, important details, and key vocabulary
Process information from the readings in the form of creative visual and/or written assignments
Compare and contrast primary sources
Write an evidence-based paragraph that analyzes examples of progress and sacrifice in the North
during this time period.

By the end of this unit, you will be able to write a five-paragraph evidence-based essay that answers our
essential unit questions, How did changes in America in the early and mid-1800s represent both
PROGRESS and SACRIFICE? Was the progress WORTH the sacrifice?

Packet Table of Contents:

Assignment Page #
Unit 5 Anticipation Guide 1
Progress vs. Sacrifice Journal 2
North Reading Set #1 5-6
North Processing Assignment #1 7
North Reading Set #2 8-9
North Processing Assignment #2 10
North Reading Set #3 11-12
Source Comparison 13-14
Evidence-Based Paragraph 15-16

The Fine Print
Policies and Deadlines for This Packet

Due Dates and *IFs:

This whole packet is DUE COMPLETED at the beginning of class on Thursday March 23rd for Blocks 1, 2,
and 4. Block 6 packets are due Friday March 24th due to the early release day on March 17th.
Incomplete packets will not be accepted.
IF your packet is not done at that time, you will finish it during class and turn it in for late credit.
IF you lose your packet you WILL need to make up the lost work on your own.
IF you were absent, it is up to YOU to come after school to get caught up. You will be expected to meet the
same deadline as students who are present.

Extra Copies:
This is the ONLY copy I will hand out to you. If you lose your copy, it is your responsibility to download and
print another copy of the packet by logging onto the class webpage or emailing me for the file.

Late Packet PolicyBlocks 1, 2, and 4:

IF I hand it in completed on What will happen?
Thursday March 23 @ beginning of class You can earn up to full credit
Thursday March 23 any other time Lose one Letter grade (aka -10%)
Friday March 24th Lose TWO Letter grades (aka-20%)
Monday March 27th Lose THREE Letter grades (aka -30%)
Tuesday March 28th Lose FOUR Letter Grades (aka-40%)

Late Packet PolicyBlock 6 ONLY:

IF I hand it in completed on What will happen?
Friday March 24 @ beginning of class You can earn up to full credit
Friday March 24 any other time Lose one Letter grade (aka -10%)
Monday March 27th Lose TWO Letter grades (aka-20%)
Tuesday March 28th Lose THREE Letter grades (aka -30%)
Wednesday March 29th Lose FOUR Letter Grades (aka-40%)

NORTH Reading Set #1
DIRECTIONS: Complete the graphic organizers for 3 of the sections in Chapter 11, Section 1 of the textbook.
Section Title: Interpreting the Constitution (Ch 9, Section 1)

Write one OPEN-ended question based on the above title:

How do people interpret the Constitution?
MAIN IDEA (i.e., answer to above question): Explain the main idea of the section in 1-2 complete sentences below
Democratic-Republicans interpreted the Constitution strictly while Federalists had a loose interpretation of it .
Details Important
Vocabulary/Key Terms
Writers of the Constitution wanted to make the doc. general enough
1. Strict constructionist
so that itd be flexible 2. Loose constructionist
Democratic-Republicans felt that if an issue was not written in the 3. expose to reveal
Constitution, then the government did not have the power over it 4. elastic flexible
Federalists wanted to use the necessary and proper clause to give 5. clause a

more power to the federal govt statement or part of a

D-Rs thus did not want a national bank since it was not addressed in legal doc.

the Constitution; Feds. did

Section Title: Free Enterprise and Factories

Write one OPEN-ended question based on the above title (Cannot be answered with just yes or no, usually
starts with WHY or HOW):

MAIN IDEA (i.e., answer to above question): Explain the main idea of the section in 1-2 complete sentences below

Details Important Vocabulary/Key Terms





Section Title: Factories Come to New England
Write one OPEN-ended question based on the above title:

MAIN IDEA (i.e., answer to above question): Explain the main idea of the section in 1-2 complete sentences below

Details Important Vocabulary/Key Terms





Section Title: The Lowell Mills Hire Women

Write one OPEN-ended question based on the above title:

MAIN IDEA (i.e., answer to above question): Explain the main idea of the section in 1-2 complete sentences below

Details Important Vocabulary/Key Terms





North Processing Assignment #1

In your groups, complete ONE of the processing options described below on a separate
piece of paper. You may collaborate with your groups, but each person must submit THEIR
OWN copy of the processing product by the end of the period.


1. A concept map showing

the chapter title,
branches for each sub-
topic, with 3 details off
each one and an
illustration for each.

2. Annotated Illustration
of New England at this
time using ALL of the
vocabulary you
highlighted yesterday.

--Good morning America, 1800. As you all know, many

3. Historical News people each year move across the Appalachians for new
Broadcast Script in land to farm. Our top story Today is that France officially
offered us the port of New Orleans and the Louisiana
which you use territory. President Jefferson is considering the offer, but it
vocabulary & may go against the constitution. Let's go to our map
consultant for more. Joe?
information from your -- thank you Maria, this purchase would be wonderful for
notes to write a script our country, doubling it's size. It's only $15 million, but
for a News Broadcast it think we should go for it. After all, Napoleon might not
offer it again.
about this period in -- we have breaking news that Jefferson has purchased
history. the Louisiana territory. And he's appointed Lewis and
Clark to go investigate it for us.

This is due at the end of the period TODAY!

! 7
NORTH Reading Set #2
DIRECTIONS: Complete the graphic organizers for 3 of the sections in Chapter 11, Sections 1 & 3 of the
Section Title: A New Way to Manufacture (Ch 11, Section 1)

Write one OPEN-ended question based on the above title:

MAIN IDEA (i.e., answer to above question): Explain the main idea of the section in 1-2 complete sentences below

Details Important Vocabulary/Key Terms





Section Title: Moving People, Goods, and Messages (Ch 11, Sec 1)
Write one OPEN-ended question based on the above title:

MAIN IDEA (i.e., answer to above question): Explain the main idea of the section in 1-2 complete sentences below

Details Important Vocabulary/Key Terms





Section Title: Technology Improves Farming (Ch 11, Sec 1)

Write one OPEN-ended question based on the above title:

MAIN IDEA (i.e., answer to above question): Explain the main idea of the section in 1-2 complete sentences below

Details Important Vocabulary/Key Terms





Section Title: Roads and Canals Link Cities (Ch 11, Sec 3)
Write one OPEN-ended question based on the above title:

MAIN IDEA (i.e., answer to above question): Explain the main idea of the section in 1-2 complete sentences below

Details Important Vocabulary/Key Terms





North Processing Assignment #1

In your groups, complete ONE of the processing options described below on a separate
piece of paper. You may collaborate with your groups, but each person must submit THEIR
OWN copy of the processing product by the end of the period.


1. A concept map showing

the chapter title,
branches for each sub-
topic, with 3 details off
each one and an
illustration for each.

2. Annotated Illustration
of New England at this
time using ALL of the
vocabulary you
highlighted yesterday.

--Good morning America, 1800. As you all know, many

3. Historical News people each year move across the Appalachians for new
Broadcast Script in land to farm. Our top story Today is that France officially
offered us the port of New Orleans and the Louisiana
which you use territory. President Jefferson is considering the offer, but it
vocabulary & may go against the constitution. Let's go to our map
consultant for more. Joe?
information from your -- thank you Maria, this purchase would be wonderful for
notes to write a script our country, doubling it's size. It's only $15 million, but
for a News Broadcast it think we should go for it. After all, Napoleon might not
offer it again.
about this period in -- we have breaking news that Jefferson has purchased
history. the Louisiana territory. And he's appointed Lewis and
Clark to go investigate it for us.

This is due at the end of the period TODAY!

! 7
NORTH Reading Set #3
DIRECTIONS: Complete the graphic organizers for 3 of the sections in Chapter 14, Sections 3 & 4 of the
Section Title: Fighting for Workers Rights (Ch14, Section 3)

Write one OPEN-ended question based on the above title:

MAIN IDEA (i.e., answer to above question): Explain the main idea of the section in 1-2 complete sentences below

Details Important Vocabulary/Key Terms





Section Title: Improving Education (Chapter 14, Section 4)

Write one OPEN-ended question based on the above title:

MAIN IDEA (i.e., answer to above question): Explain the main idea of the section in 1-2 complete sentences below

Details Important Vocabulary/Key Terms





Section Title: The Seneca Falls Convention (Chapter 14, Section 4)

Write one OPEN-ended question based on the above title:

MAIN IDEA (i.e., answer to above question): Explain the main idea of the section in 1-2 complete sentences below

Details Important Vocabulary/Key Terms





Section Title: Continued Calls for Womens Rights (Chapter 14, Section 4)
Write one OPEN-ended question based on the above title:

MAIN IDEA (i.e., answer to above question): Explain the main idea of the section in 1-2 complete sentences below

Details Important Vocabulary/Key Terms





Source Comparison
DIRECTIONS: Read the two following sources on womens rights and ANNOTATE for TOPIC (What are
they talking about) and TONE (How does each source discuss the topic? What is the mood?). Then
complete the graphic organizer on the next page to compare and contrast each issue.

Source #1: Declaration of Rights and Sentiments (1848); Written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton to be read aloud
and adopted by the Seneca Falls Convention
We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward woman,
having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a
candid world.

He has never permitted her to exercise her inalienable right to the elective franchise [vote].

He has compelled her to submit to laws, in the formation of which she had no voice.

He has withheld from her rights which are given to the most ignorant and degraded menboth natives and

He has taken from her all right in property, even to the wages she earns

Now, in view of this entire disfranchisement of one-half the people of this country, their social and religious
degradation,in view of the unjust laws above mentioned, and because women do feel themselves aggrieved,
oppressed, and fraudulently deprived of their most sacred rights, we insist that they have immediate admission to all
the rights and privileges which belong to them as citizens of these United States.

Source #2: Aint I a Woman? (1851); Speech by Sojourner Truth, Delivered at the 1851 Women's Convention
in Akron, Ohio
Well, children, where there is so much racket there must be something out of kilter. I think that 'twixt the negroes
of the South and the women at the North, all talking about rights, the white men will be in a fix pretty soon. But
what's all this here talking about?

That man over there says that women need to be helped into carriages, and lifted over ditches, and to have the best
place everywhere. Nobody ever helps me into carriages, or over mud-puddles, or gives me any best place! And ain't
I a woman? Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted, and gathered into barns, and no man could
head me! And ain't I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man - when I could get it - and bear the
lash as well! And ain't I a woman? I have borne thirteen children, and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I
cried out with my mother's grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain't I a woman?

Then that little man in black there, he says women can't have as much rights as men, 'cause Christ wasn't a woman!
Where did your Christ come from? Where did your Christ come from? From God and a woman! Man had nothing
to do with Him.

If the first woman God ever made was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone, these women
together ought to be able to turn it back , and get it right side up again! And now they is asking to do it, the men
better let them.
Compare and Contrast the TOPIC of each source:
COMPARE (similarities)
Compare & contrast sources on TOPIC

(Generalize) These sources AGREE

(Specific example) For example in Source #1 (Specific example) And as an example from Source #2

CONTRAST (differences)
(Generalize) However, these sources DISAGREE

(Specific example) For example in Source #1 (Specific example) But as an example from Source #2

Compare and contrast the TONE of each source:

COMPARE (similarities)
Compare & contrast sources on TONE

(Generalize) These sources AGREE

(Specific example) For example in Source #1 (Specific example) And as an example from Source #2

CONTRAST (differences)
(Generalize) However, these sources DISAGREE

(Specific example) For example in Source #1 (Specific example) But as an example from Source #2

Evidence-Based Paragraph
DIRECTIONS: In one persuasive paragraph, answer the topic question providing three specific reasons from the
events, concepts, and/or people we have discussed so far in Unit 6.

TOPIC QUESTION: How did changes in the North represent BOTH progress and sacrifice?

THESIS Answer the Topic Question in one complete sentence (include your 3 reasons!)
Changes in the North that represented progress were.

while changes in the North that represented sacrifice were


IDENTIFY one historical event/concept/invention we have studied from the North (Who, what, where,

EXPLAIN how/why does the event/concept/invention from above represents either PROGRESS or


IDENTIFY one historical event/concept/invention we have studied from the North (Who, what, where,

EXPLAIN how/why does the event/concept/invention from above represents either PROGRESS or

IDENTIFY one historical event/concept/invention we have studied from the North (Who, what, where,

EXPLAIN how/why does the event/concept/invention from above represents either PROGRESS or

CONCLUSION Conclude your persuasive paragraph by re-stating your thesis & summing up your evidence.

Processing Options Rubric

North Processing Assignment #1

Pts awarded/
Criteria Expectations
Pts possible
Reflects information from all parts of the
reading set, not just one heading.
Includes all important key terms and
Content vocabulary from reading set. _____/10
Information is accurate
Assignment shows clear understanding of
concepts from the reading set.
Assignment reflects attention to detail,
Detail &
thoroughness, and care. _____/5
Color Color included thoughtfully and specifically

TOTAL PTS: _____/15

North Processing Assignment #2

Pts awarded/
Criteria Expectations
Pts possible
Reflects information from all parts of the
reading set, not just one heading.
Includes all important key terms and
Content vocabulary from reading set. _____/10
Information is accurate
Assignment shows clear understanding of
concepts from the reading set.
Assignment reflects attention to detail,
Detail &
thoroughness, and care. _____/5
Color Color included thoughtfully and specifically

TOTAL PTS: _____/15

Final Packet Grade

Assignment Page Points Points

# Possible Earned
North Reading Set #1 5-6 10

North Processing Assignment #1 7 15

North Reading Set #2 8-9 10

North Processing Assignment #2 10 15

North Reading Set #3 11-12 10

Source Comparison 13-14 10

Evidence-Based Paragraph 15-16 20

TOTAL Points: _____________/90

LATE _____days = --____%

NORTH Packet Grade: _____________ %


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