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14/3/17, 6:00 PM

Edexcel Physics Definitions & Units (8PH01/9PH01)

AS Topic 3 Waves
Displacement (m)
The distance any part of the wave has moved from its mean (rest) position. It can be
negative or positive

Amplitude (m)
The maximum displacement, it is always positive.

The distance the wave travels before repeating itself.

The time to complete one oscillation

Phase difference
The difference, in radians, between two points that have the same pattern of oscillation

Frequency (Hz)
The number of oscillations per unit time at any point, the reciprocal of Period.

Speed of a Wave (ms -1)

The waves distance over time. For one Period that would be one wavelength.

Stationary or Standing Wave

The wave is not progressive, its peaks and troughs are not moving forward but
oscillating in place, so no net transfer of energy. Forms a pattern of Nodes & Antinodes.

Nodes (N for not moving or no displacement)

Points in a stationary wave at which there is no displacement at any time

Antinodes (A for maximum Amplitude)

Points in a stationary wave where the displacement varies by the maximum amount.

The change in direction of a wave at an interface between two different media so that
the wave returns into the medium from which it originated.

The change of direction of a wave that occurs when its speed changes due to a change in
medium. v elocity/wavelength change, frequency does not

Total Internal Reflection Page 1 of 2
14/3/17, 6:00 PM

Total Internal Reflection

When all of the wave is reflected and there is therefore no refraction. It occurs when the
angle of incidence > critical angle. Angles ALL measured from Normal to the surface.

EDEXCEL PHYSICS DEFINITIONS & UNITS (8PH01/9PH01) | v10 14 February 2016 Page 2 of 2

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