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2002 Journal of Peace Research,

vol. 39, no. 6, 2002, pp. 711734
Sage Publications (London, Thousand Oaks,
CA and New Delhi)
[0022-3433(200211)39:6; 711734; 028843]

Is There a Clash of Civilizations? Evidence from

Patterns of International Conflict Involvement,
Department of Political Science, Duke University

This article offers an empirical test of Huntingtons thesis in The Clash of Civilizations. Huntington
argues that states belonging to different civilizations will have a higher propensity to be involved in
international conflict. This effect should be more prominent in the post-Cold War period. The civiliz-
ation factor should also interact with membership in different Cold War blocs, border contiguity,
regime type, and levels of modernization, magnifying or depressing the basic effects of these variables.
To test these hypotheses, a logit specification with King & Zengs solution for rareness of events is used
on the Kosimo data. The Kosimo data allow for an extension of the empirical analysis from both a tem-
poral and a substantive point of view. This study shows that state interactions across the civilizational
divide are not more conflict prone. The first eight years of the post-Cold War era also fail to give support
to Huntingtons thesis. Moreover, while the civilization factor modifies the effects of border contiguity
and regime type, this is not sufficient to generate conditions under which differences in civilizational
heritage are associated with greater risks of conflict.

Introduction frameworks that have gained visibility in the

field in the last decade, Huntingtons is
Samuel Huntingtons The Clash of Civiliz-
among the most thought-provoking and
ations and the Remaking of World Order has
sent intellectual shock waves through the
In Huntingtons vision, the dynamics of
international affairs academic and policy
interstate interaction in the post-Cold War
communities. According to the editors of
period will be primarily molded by civiliza-
Foreign Affairs, the article that Huntington
tional factors. While the state continues to be
(1993a) wrote in 1993 generated more
the principal actor in the international
discussion in three years than any other
domain, its identity and interests will be
article they had published since the 1940s.
shaped by its civilizational heritage. And its
And deservedly so: of all the theoretical
behavior will be affected accordingly: conflict
* I would like to thank Chris Gelpi, Hein Goemans, Joe between civilizations and cooperation within
Grieco, Errol Henderson, and Robert Keohane for helpful civilizations is Huntingtons prediction for
comments to previous versions of this project. The statisti-
cal analysis was performed using Stata 7 and King & Zengs
the future of world politics. In this new
(2001a,b) Relogit program. A replication dataset is avail- world order, Huntington (1996: 28) main-
able at the JPR website: tains, the most pervasive, important, and
datasets.asp. An appendix containing additional analyses is
also available at the JPR website. Mistakes, omissions, and dangerous conflicts will not be between social
other infelicities are my own responsibility. classes, rich and poor, or other economically

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712 j ou r n a l o f P E A C E R E S E A RC H volume 39 / number 6 / november 2002

defined groups, but between peoples belong- Huntington weaves together historical
ing to different cultural entities. events, state policies, interstate dynamics,
Drawing on a vast array of historical and mass attitudes, and elite opinions to show
philosophical sources, Huntington (1996: that the civilizational factor is what makes
43) defines a civilization as the highest sense of them all at a single stroke. If not
cultural grouping of people and the broadest civilizations, what?, Huntington (1993b)
level of cultural identity people have short of provocatively asks, stirring up worldwide
that which distinguishes humans from other debate.
species. It is defined both by common objec- But, while controversies abound, system-
tive elements, such as language, history, atic empirical analyses are scarcer, and gener-
religion, customs, institutions, and by the ally unsupportive of Huntingtons (1996)
subjective self-identification of people. This argument. According to Russett, Oneal &
perspective differentiates the Clash-of- Cox (2000), and Henderson & Tucker
Civilizations (CofC) thesis from other (2001), intercivilization dyads are less, and
current arguments about the emergence of not more, conflict prone.2 But, before sound-
nationalism and ethnic movements, for ing the death knell of the CofC thesis, we
Huntingtons argument is not just about the should acknowledge the limitations of these
emergence of particularistic identities, be they empirical tests. First, their coverage of the
national, ethnic, or religious. It is a novel post-Cold War period is limited: both studies
argument about shifting loyalties: away from stop their analyses in 1992. This might be
the nation-state and towards larger identity problematic insofar as Huntington (1996:
groups that transcend national boundaries. 13) himself acknowledges that his civiliza-
In this vein, identification with larger tional approach is not a work of social
cultural communities should replace science, but only an interpretation of the
narrowly defined allegiances to the nation- likely evolution of global politics after the
state. Patterns of enmity between countries Cold War. As he concedes (1996: 14), the
which are members of the same civilization civilizational approach is likely to be ill suited
Georgia and Russia, or China and Vietnam to account for conflict patterns in earlier
are Huntingtons (1996: 155156) examples temporal domains. Given the strict temporal
are bound to disappear, no matter what constraint of those studies, the potential
their current discrepancies and misunder- impact of the civilization factor might have
standings might be.1 At the same time, been swamped in a vast array of noisy data or
patterns of cooperation between countries of might not yet have been sufficiently pro-
different civilization are likely to become nounced to be detected by large-N statistical
shallower, no matter how consolidated they analyses.
might seem to be. The logic that drives this Second, the Cold War poses a demanding
process is to be found in a psychological need empirical challenge for the CofC thesis, for
for identification: people yearn for group- any alleged intercivilizational conflict might
ings, and blood, faith, and beliefs are their just have been an epiphenomenon of the
most basic and persistent sources. confrontation between the Free World and
Several indicators are invoked to substan- the Communist blocs. This is obviously
tiate these claims. In a fascinating tapestry, true for the rivalry between the United States
and the Soviet Union, a Western and an
1 This expectation notwithstanding, Huntington (1996:

312318) depicts a scenario in which a conflict between 2 Gurr (1994) and Fox (2001) assess the CofC thesis with

China and Vietnam sets off a larger civilizational confla- respect to ethnic conflict within states. Both studies find
gration. little support for Huntingtons (1996) argument.
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Orthodox country in civilizational terms. key variables, namely border contiguity,

And this is potentially true for many inter- regime type, and modernization, varies
national crises that took place across the Iron across same-civilization and different-civiliz-
Curtain. Observing that the likelihood of a ation dyads. This research design offers an
dispute in intercivilizational dyads waxes and assessment of whether the civilizational
wanes in line with the intensity of the Cold status of a dyad has an indirect, but not less
War, as Russett, Oneal & Cox (2000: 600) important, effect on conflict. Finally, a new
do, may not be a sufficient basis for refuta- estimator King & Zengs (2001a,b) rare
tion of Huntingtons (1996: 39) argument events logit model is used, which should
about the restraining effects of the Cold War allow for more precise estimates of the
on intercivilizational conflict. relevant parameters.
Third, previous studies have not investi- The discussion below proceeds in three
gated the possibility that the civilization steps. First, there is a specification of a set of
factor might influence the probability of con- hypotheses on the relationship between
flict by altering the operation of other causal civilizational membership and international
variables. The civilizational status of a pair of conflict involvement. Second, research
countries might be a moderator variable design and measurement issues are discussed.
that magnifies or depresses the effects of key The third section puts forward an analysis of
predictors of conflict. Should that be the the results and an assessment of their impli-
case, there might be conditions under which cations for the CofC hypotheses.
countries of different civilization might This analysis shows that, as Huntingtons
experience higher risks of military confron- critics have suggested, intercivilization dyads
tation than same-civilization countries. are in general less likely to get involved in
In this article, a new test is offered of international disputes. This is true even in
Huntingtons CofC argument, one that seeks the post-Cold War years, the period in which
to address the potential drawbacks attendant Huntington believes his thesis is most likely
on earlier investigations of the CofC thesis. to show its empirical power. Moreover, while
This test introduces four specific inno- intercivilizational dynamics interact with,
vations. First, it employs a new conflict and modify, the impact of geographic conti-
dataset, the Kosimo dataset (Pfetsch & guity and regime type on the probability of
Rohloff, 2000), that covers a larger number dispute involvement, these effects are not
of years in the post-Cold War period than the strong enough to generate a conflict syn-
MID and COW data used by Russett, Oneal drome for countries of different civilizations.
& Cox (2000), and Henderson & Tucker
(2001). This allows for an extension of the
Hypotheses on the Clash of
domain of investigation by five years during
the post-Cold War period, that is from 1993
to 1997.3 Second, it differentiates the The main thrust of Huntingtons argument
patterns of state interaction in the Cold War is that countries belonging to different
across the civilizational and ideological civilizations are more likely to find them-
divides, and investigates how they interact. selves embroiled in international confronta-
Third, this study evaluates whether the tions that might lead to an outburst of
impact on the probability of conflict of three violence. What characterizes intercivilization
dyads is the lingering presence of conflictual
The Kosimo dataset records data until 1999, but data
availability on the explanatory variables limits the period interactions. As Huntington (1996: 291)
under investigation to 1997. writes, Fault line wars are intermittent; fault
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line conflicts are interminable. Conditions violence that posits that cultural factors are a
exist under which the use of force is deterred given that inevitably set peoples apart, and
or a ceasefire is enforced, but none is likely to onto a conflictual path (for an overview, see
last for long as the lack of trust, the diffi- Fearon & Laitin, 2000; Henderson, 1997;
culties in mutual understanding, and the Mercer, 1995).
indivisibility of the issues under dispute The behavioral implications that are
make jointly satisfactory settlements of con- drawn from this scenario are gloomy: as a
troversies improbable. Moreover, should a new civilizational awareness emerges, discord
crisis occur, it is likely to spiral to higher and conflict are deemed to be increasing. The
levels of violence: [fault line] conflicts tend sources of conflict might indeed remain
to be vicious and bloody, since fundamental those that have plagued humankind since
issues of identity are at stake (Huntington, time immemorial: control of people, terri-
1996: 252). tory, and wealth (Huntington, 1996: 129).
This argument might be interpreted as a But the cultural dimension that is now
form of cultural realism: the venerable realist attached to those factors makes compromise
tenet of zero-sum state competition is unlikely, if not impossible. Given the indi-
coupled with a new understanding of the visible nature of the issues at stake, intense
sources of state interests.4 General values, conflict becomes a pervasive characteristic of
ethnic identities, and religious beliefs inform relations across the civilizational divide. This
the goals states pursue, shape the perceptions yields the following central hypothesis:
the decisionmakers hold, and characterize
H1: Intercivilizational dyads are more
the patterns of friendship and enmity in the
likely to be involved in international
international arena. Civilizations are not
deemed to replace states as the primary
movers of world politics. Their influence is A second central aspect of Huntingtons
indirect, but not less pervasive: civilizations argument is that the civilization factor is
shape a states fundamental interests by defin- bound to become a prominent element in
ing its identity. In Huntingtons framework, the redefinition of the pattern of rivalries in
who are you? has become the central ques- the post-Cold War era. As Huntington
tion of 21st-century world politics. And that (1996: 125) argues, Spurred by moderniz-
question is increasingly answered in ation, global politics is being reconfigured
civilizational terms (Huntington, 1996: 125). along cultural lines . . . Cultural communi-
Ideational factors, therefore, play a central ties are replacing Cold War blocs, and the
role in the CofC theoretical construct. fault lines between civilizations are becoming
Identification with a civilization is seen as an the central lines of conflict in global politics.
enduring and inalienable feature that states Not that the CofC perspective is entirely
cannot transcend. Those who try Australia, devoid of explanatory power in other tem-
Mexico, Russia, and Turkey are Huntingtons poral domains: relations between the Islamic
(1996: 139154) examples embark them- civilization and the West, for example, have
selves on a process that is prolonged and been punctuated with tensions, incompre-
politically costly, and that has to date failed. hension, and ghastly violence for centuries
In this respect, Huntingtons (1996) argu- (Huntington, 1996: 209218). But if Hunt-
ment is reminiscent of the primordialist ingtons argument has decisive empirical
perspective on ethnic and nationalistic relevance, it should emerge most clearly in
4 This label is borrowed from Henderson (1997). Needless the aftermath of the Cold War, as the bipolar
to say, this usage is different from Johnstons (1995). rivalries have started to thaw and new
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controversies have come to the fore. No intercivilizational dynamics might interact

longer constrained by the ideological con- with other variables and affect the proba-
frontation of the Cold War, differences in the bility of conflict involvement indirectly.
civilizational heritage should play a key role Three factors play a central role in Hunting-
in the emerging pattern of international con- tons (1996) framework, namely border con-
flict involvement. Thus, tiguity, regime type, and modernization.
H2: The probability of conflict involve-
Intercivilizational Dyads and Border
ment for different-civilization dyads
has increased since the end of the Cold
Territorial contiguity is usually a strong pre-
dictor of conflict (Bremer, 1992). The close-
Wars between clans, tribes, ethnic ness of interactions is likely to offer both the
groups, religious communities, and nations, opportunity and the willingness to engage in
Huntington (1996: 252) writes, have been conflict. The issue at stake is usually some
prevalent in every era and in every civiliz- piece of territory with high symbolic value
ation because they are rooted in the identi- for both countries. This situation exacerbates
ties of people. The Cold War, though, poses potential clashes of interests and often leads
an exception to this pattern: ideology, not to fault-line conflicts, the specific form of
identity, was the key factor informing power conflictual relations between civilizations
politics in that period. Civilizational factors (Huntington, 1996: 252253). In addition,
were trumped in the confrontation between the presence of minority groups that share
liberal democracy and communism. Even civilizational identities with the population
conflicts occurring across different civiliz- of bordering countries might offer strong
ations were usually viewed through the prism incentives for the initiation of militarized
of the Cold War (Huntington, 1996: 255). If disputes. In forceful words, Huntington
these dynamics were at work, we should be (1996: 252) draws attention to the appalling
able to observe that intercivilizational dyads violence of conflicts whose goal is to conquer
that belonged to the same Cold War bloc territory and free it of other people by
should have set aside their cultural and expelling them, killing them, or doing both,
religious differences and managed to keep that is, by ethnic cleansing. Yet, the sheer
peaceful relations, while countries sharing brutality that characterizes these conflicts
the same civilizational membership should should not obscure the fact that they are not
have been brought into conflictual inter- by any means ubiquitous (Fearon & Laitin,
actions by their contrasting ideological 1996).
allegiances. Thus, Indeed, this hypothesis has received
mixed support in previous research. Huths
H3: The Cold War bipolar confrontation
(1996: 8085) findings show that irredentist
dampened the propensity of conflict
claims and support of the right to self-
involvement for the intercivilization
determination for ethnic and linguistic
dyads that belonged to the same ideo-
minorities are not strong predictors for the
logical bloc, and increased it for the
initiation of territorial disputes. However,
same-civilization dyads that belonged
they have a substantial impact on the likeli-
to different blocs.
hood of escalation in conflict levels and on
These basic hypotheses, however, should the emergence of an enduring rivalry over
be complemented in several ways. A core disputed territory. The reason suggested is
aspect of the CofC argument is that that countervailing factors such as the
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presence of international norms that support have to an empirical law in international

the right to self-determination only when it relations (Russett, 1993; Ray, 1995). The
does not question the territorial integrity of character of the democratic peace pro-
sovereign states might dampen the proba- position has approached that of a time-
bility of low-level disputes. In other words, invariant, universally valid, empirical
only deeply committed leaders with strong generalization. But while the temporal
domestic support are willing to act upon dimension of this proposition has been sub-
irredentist claims and initiate military con- jected to some criticism (Farber & Gowa,
frontation over territory. As a consequence, if 1995; for a response, see Gochman,
these conflicts erupt, they are likely to be 1996/97; Thompson & Tucker, 1997), its
more violent and persist over time (Huth, geographical component has remained vir-
1996: 100111; Huth, 1999: 5556). tually unchallenged.5
While bringing into effect important The question is how far free government
qualifications to Huntingtons argument, can travel in time and space and whether the
these tests do not address directly its central democratic peace can take root in different
aspects. Huths (1996: 256257) explanatory cultural domains (Sartori, 1995). Insofar as
variable measures linguistic and ethnic com- liberal norms of regulated political com-
monality between people living within dis- petition and of mutual respect for adversaries
puted territory, or along the border, and constitute the causal mechanisms that drive
people living in the challenger country. Yet, the democratic peace (Maoz & Russett,
while ethnic and linguistic characteristics are 1993; Owen, 1994; Dixon, 1994), then the
tightly tied with civilization identities, they mere presence of electoral institutions is not
do not include religion, which is, as Hunt- sufficient to guarantee the emergence of
ington (1996: 253) maintains, the defining peace. Not only should democracy consoli-
characteristic of civilization. date and become the only game in town, but
The interaction between territorial conti- widespread consensus about liberal values
guity and civilizational membership is also of and norms should form among elites and the
central importance given the fact that neigh- general public as well.
boring states are usually more likely to That these conditions hold at least for
belong to the same civilization. Strategic now for most of the countries that experi-
location and the economic value of contigu- enced a democratic transition in the Third
ous territory are often sources of clashing Wave of democratization is, however, ques-
interests, no matter what the civilizational tionable. Zakaria (1997) has drawn attention
status of the conflicting parties is. That is, to the rise of illiberal democracy, a regime
type in which electoral politics is separated
H4: Sharing a land border is positively
from constitutional liberalism. As he argues,
associated with conflict involvement.
the rule of law, the separation of powers, and
H5: The effect of sharing a border on the respect for the basic civil liberties are not a
likelihood of conflict involvement is part of the political realities of many coun-
magnified for intercivilization dyads. tries with elective leaders.
Similarly, the proliferation of adjectives
Intercivilizational Dyads and Domestic used to qualify democratic rule in several
Regime Type post-authoritarian regimes shows that
As Levy (1988: 662) suggested in a pre-
scient article, The absence of war between 5 Henderson (1997, 1998) offers a first attempt to tackle

democracies comes as close as anything we this question.

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area-study investigators often have a less san- a cosmopolitanizing process. The existence
guine assessment of the nature of democratic of religious, ethnic, or linguistic cleavages
politics in those countries. Democracy is not and the formation of political parties along
yet accomplished if it is defined as delegative, those lines leads to a factionalization of
protected, electoral, or military-dominated competitive politics, narrows the space for
(Collier & Levitsky, 1997). The discrepancy the democratic compromise, and dampens
between political rights and civil liberties in the chances of democratic consolidation.
the Freedom House indicators is yet another The external consequence of these dynam-
sign of the fact that as democracy expands in ics is that democracy makes the juxtaposition
the world, its liberal basis often lags behind between countries that do not share a
(Diamond, 1996). A cogent example of these common cultural heritage even more salient,
contradictions is offered by Iran, probably as leaders become committed to nationalist
the Middle-Eastern country with the liveliest policy positions and fear electoral retribution
parliament after Israels, but hardly yet a if they do not live up to them. The CofC
liberal democracy (Huntington, 1997: 9). thesis thus challenges the universal character
The implications for the democratic peace of the democratic peace and limits its validity
cannot be neglected. If as Russett (1993: to the Atlantic security community that has
35) argues decisionmakers try to follow the emerged in the post-WWII world. That is,
same norms of conflict resolution that char-
H6: The greater the democratic character
acterize domestic political processes and
of the regimes in a dyad, the smaller
expect their foreign counterparts to do like-
the probability of involvement in
wise, then all the qualifiers and limitations
international conflict.
that accompany most non-Western democ-
racies bode ill for the emergence of peace H7: Democratic institutions foster conflict
even among elective governments. What involvement among countries that
parties to a dispute might infer from the belong to different civilizations.
systematic infringement of basic liberties, the
persecution of minorities, the suppression of Modernization and the Clash of
dissent is that violence is still a viable foreign- Civilizations
policy tool, no matter how competitive elec- A third factor that might interact with civiliz-
tions might be. Under these conditions, ation status is socio-economic moderniz-
conflict remains a possible outcome, either as ation. In Huntingtons vision, we would be
a deliberate gamble from an illiberal state or quite misled if we thought that moderniz-
as a pre-emptive move from a liberal country ation fostered conditions for peace through a
that tries to avoid being exploited. process of homogenization of values, norms,
Moreover, as free institutions and elec- and identities. Difference, and not similarity,
toral politics expand in non-Western coun- is the consequence of the spread of
tries, anti-Western elites are given a chance to modernization over the civilizational divide.
ascend to power. Their electoral platforms A key indicator of these dynamics is la
deliberately blame any current shortcomings revanche de Dieu, the global religious revival
on pro-Western elites that had been in power that has characterized the second half of the
in the 1960s and 1970s. Nativism and twentieth century, and the concomitant
nationalism have often become the electoral resurgence of indigenous identities among
banners of the ambitious politician in such the rising elites of modernizing societies
countries. As Huntington (1996: 94) argues, (Huntington, 1996: 95101).
democracy is inherently a parochializing not This process unfolds both at the
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718 j ou r n a l o f P E A C E R E S E A RC H volume 39 / number 6 / november 2002

individual and at the societal level (Hunting- intractable. The liberal idea that moderniz-
ton, 1996: 76). At the individual level, ation generates a pattern of interdependence
modernization disrupts the old social order, among countries, in which the use of force
causes alienation and dislocation, and, in so becomes inconceivable (Morse, 1970; Oneal
doing, creates the need for new identities. & Russett, 1997), is likely to be nullified in
The sources of these identities are to be intercivilization relations, because the levels of
found not in the accomplishments in the economic and social integration remain shal-
market place, but in those common features lower than is the case in countries of the same
that people inherit from their birth and that civilization. In these circumstances, modern
cannot be disrupted by the dynamics of intercivilizational dyads are less likely to be
modernization. Religion, ethnicity, and able to solve their controversies in peaceful
culture the basic components of civilization manners. Thus,
therefore acquire new prominence and
H8: There is a negative relationship
affect the patterns of association and political
between modernization and proba-
life. Far from fostering an ineluctable trend
bility of conflict involvement for
towards the adoption of Western values,
same-civilization dyads.
institutions and practices, modernization
engenders a cultural and religious resurgence H9: Modernization fosters conflict involve-
that exacerbates differences across the civi- ment among countries that belong to
lizational divide. different civilizations.
These individual-level processes become
all the more relevant insofar as moderniz- Control Variables
ation increases the economic, military, and Three control variables are included that are
political power of a country. As Huntington likely to be correlated with the main explana-
(1996: 78) writes, Modernization strength- tory variables. The balance of military forces
ens those [non-Western] cultures, and affects political leaders decisionmaking cal-
reduces the relative power of the West. As a culus, tilting the odds of the use of force.
consequence, these countries are likely to Following the power preponderance tra-
find the existing hierarchy of prestige, allo- dition (Organski & Kugler, 1980), this factor
cation of resources, and territorial distri- might be expected to be negatively associated
bution in contradiction with emergent with dispute involvement. The second
power realities. The revival of non-Western control variable is the presence of major
religions, Huntington (1996: 101) suggests, powers in interstate interactions. The expec-
is the most powerful manifestation of anti- tation is that major power status is positively
Westernism in non-Western societies. . . . It associated with dispute involvement. Finally,
is a declaration of cultural independence we might expect that the probability of con-
from the West. flict should be inversely related to the dis-
The combination of these two dynamics tance between the countries in a dyad. All
has major implications for the patterns of con- three control variables are likely to be corre-
flict: contrary to the liberal tenets on lated with civilizational membership as most
modernization and war (Morse, 1970), the Western countries are also major powers, and
CofC argument predicts that modernization are also endowed with preponderant military
should lead to greater bellicosity in interstate capabilities. Moreover, countries of different
relations in intercivilizational dyads. Increased civilization are more likely to be located at
capabilities and keener civilizational awareness greater distances. Thus,
make conflicts of interests more, and not less,
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H10: Conflict is more likely to erupt when an innovative approach in quantitative studies
the ratio of military capabilities is of international conflict. The traditional
balanced. approach has so far been that of reducing
sample size to manageable proportions by
H11: Major powers are more likely to get
selecting observations on the basis of values of
involved in conflict.
the independent variables. Maoz & Russett
H12: Distance between countries is (1993), in particular, introduced the concept of
inversely associated with conflict politically relevant dyads pairs of countries
involvement. that either contain a major power or are con-
tiguous by land as a viable way to come to
terms with the problem of the proliferation of
Research Design
observations. This selection mechanism is
To test these hypotheses, a dataset was con- indeed reasonable, because conflict is usually a
structed in which the unit of analysis is the matter for major powers and contiguous coun-
dyad-year: each observation represents a pair tries. But sometimes it is not, and the historical
of countries in a given year. The temporal record contains instances in which odd pairs
domain under investigation is the period non-contiguous minor powers fought each
from 1946 through 1997. This dataset con- other. Cases in point would include IraqIsrael,
tains about 400,000 observations. Only TurkeyCyprus, and South AfricaAngola
3,142 (.79%), however, are engaged in an politically meaningful dyads in many respects,
international dispute. despite the lack of a shared border and major
Most of these dyads comprise states that power status. Therefore, while allowing for
are either too weak or too far apart to have correct inferences, sampling on values of the
any meaningful international relationship, independent variables fails to account for some
which swamps dispute interactions in a large conflict events and limits the generalizability of
number of non-events. This raises two sets of the results.
problems. First, the quality of the data is The dataset for this study was prepared in
likely to be rather poor as investigators trade two steps. First, a dataset was created that
off precision in measurement with spatial contained the population of all dyad-years
and temporal breadth. Second, standard for all the countries listed in the Polity IV
statistical techniques, such as logit or probit, (2000) dataset. These observations were
generate biased coefficients when applied to coded with a dummy variable denoting the
finite samples of rare events, systematically presence/absence of international conflict in
underestimating the probability of the a given year. Next, the conflict observations
phenomena under investigation. were combined with a random sample of the
A new estimator, however, has recently zero observations. The number of non-event
been made available that addresses and solves observations selected is 10% of those existing
these problems (King & Zeng, 2001a,b). This in the entire population (King & Zeng,
estimator allows for a selection of all the con- 2001b: 707).6
flict observations along with a random sample
of non-event interactions. At the same time, it 6 Particular care was taken in trying to minimize the
number of missing data points. Once the data sample was
corrects the biases in logit estimation of rare taken, an extensive search was conducted to collect the
events. In this way, investigators can study additional information required to integrate the missing
smaller samples, improve the quality of their data. While it is always potentially true that there are data
out there for all countries and all years, working with a
data, and build more informative models. sample about 10% the size of the whole population made
King & Zengs (2001a,b) method constitutes this task more manageable and less daunting.
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720 j ou r n a l o f P E A C E R E S E A RC H volume 39 / number 6 / november 2002

Two options are available to correct for regression specification, coefficients no

the bias introduced by subsampling the zero longer represent the general impact of one
cases: prior correction and weighting. While variable on the dependent variable, all else
both perform in practically identical ways in being equal, but yield estimates that are
the Monte Carlo simulations run by King & conditional on the values of the interacting
Zeng (2001a), weighting seems to be variable the civilization indicator in this
superior when the odds of model misspecifi- case. More precisely, if a variable interacts
cation are high and efficiency is not a with others in the model specification, then
concern. In line with King & Zengs advice the main effect coefficient is just the con-
(2001a: 145), this study opted for weighting, tribution of that variable assuming that all
because this approach is more robust against of the other interacting variable coefficients
model misspecification. Huber/White stan- equal zero (Gill, 2001: 13). Interaction
dard errors are also estimated, as is required term coefficients, on the other hand, esti-
with the weighting option (King & Zeng, mate the changes in the regression co-
2001a: 154), while also clustering obser- efficients associated with a shift from same-
vations by dyad, as Beck & Tucker (1997: civilization to different-civilization. This
11) suggest. shift might either depress or magnify the
A second feature of the current research baseline effect of a variable depending upon
design is the use of interaction effects in a the sign of the interaction term coefficient
regression model with a dichotomous depen- (Gill, 2001).7
dent variable. This modeling strategy allows Finally, this study controls for the effects
for the testing of the differential impact that of the duration of the spells of peace using
geographic contiguity, regime type, modern- Beck, Katz & Tuckers (1998) procedure.
ization, and the Cold War and post-Cold The basic intuition underlying their
War periods have had in same-civilization approach is that time-series cross-section
and intercivilization dyads, as posited in data with binary dependent variables are
hypotheses H2 through H9. identical to duration data. Temporal depen-
The functional form of non-linear dence is, then, detected by measuring how
models, such as logit and probit, assumes likely an event, in this case peace, is to ter-
that the effect of each predictor on the proba- minate at a particular time, given that it
bility of an event is dependent upon the reached that time.
values of the remaining explanatory variables
(Long, 1997). These interactive effects by
Data and Measurement
default, however, are not sufficient to test
substantive hypotheses on the conditional Dependent variable The presence/absence
effects of a set of variables (Nagler, 1994: of conflict between a pair of countries in a
252). Therefore, should we posit that a vari- given year is the dependent variable for this
able X1 has a conditional impact on the study. Ongoing confrontations are also
dependent variable depending upon another included in the dataset, consistently with the
predictor X2, then this relationship should be coding procedure advocated by Maoz &
explicitly modeled including a term equal to Russett (1993). The number of conflict
the product of X1 and X2 in the statistical 7 This basic rationale can also be extended to the interpre-
specification (Friedrich, 1982; Gill, 2001). tation of the standard errors. If we want to assess the vari-
This has a major implication for the ability of a coefficient for different-civilization dyads, we
should add up the relevant standard errors, using the rules
interpretation of the regression coefficients: of covariance algebra (Friedrich, 1982: 810, 828829; Gill,
once interaction terms are introduced in a 2001: 14).
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Gi a c o m o Chiozza IS THERE A CLASH OF C I V I L I Z AT I O N S ? 721

dyad-years is 3,142 in a sample of 42,844 and non-state actors and are not considered
observations.8 in this study.9
This variable was coded using the set of Two advantages can be obtained from
interstate conflicts listed in the Kosimo using the Kosimo data: first, the empirical
dataset (Pfetsch & Rohloff, 2000). This analysis covers a much larger portion of the
dataset defines conflict as the clashing of post-Cold War period. Second, by including
overlapping interests (positional differences) latent crises, Kosimo traces the nonviolent
around national values and issues (indepen- roots of violent conflicts and checks whether
dence, self-determination, borders and terri- the end of fighting was indeed the end of the
tory, access to or distribution of domestic or conflict (Kosimo online manual, www.
international power); the conflict has to be of If what characterizes inter-civi-
some duration and magnitude of at least two lizational interactions is the lingering sense of
parties (states, groups of states, organizations an ongoing crisis and the difficulty of finding
or organized groups) that are determined to a definitive solution to the conflict, then the
pursue their interests and win their case set of events included in the Kosimo data cap-
(Kosimo online manual, tures this dimension of the CofC thesis.
The Kosimo dataset distinguishes among Therefore, both from a temporal and from a
four levels of conflict intensity: war, violent substantive point of view, this study takes up
crisis, nonviolent crisis, and latent crisis. Huntingtons (2000) rejoinder to Russett,
While the first three categories identify Oneal & Cox (2000) and engages it in a con-
patterns of conflict that are analogous to frontation against the empirical record.10
those usually covered in the MID (Jones,
Bremer & Singer, 1996) and the ICB Intercivilization dyad This is a dummy
(Brecher & Wilkenfeld, 1997) datasets, the variable, and is equal to 1 for all the dyads
category latent crisis broadens the empiri- that contain states belonging to different
cal realm under investigation to sets of civilizations, and equal to 0 when the dyad
interactions in which groups, parties, or comprises states in the same civilization.
states question existing values, issues or One of the major challenges of any study
objectives that pertain to an issue of that attempts to shed empirical light on the
national interest (Pfetsch & Rohloff, 2000: CofC thesis is to elaborate an operational
386387). Confrontations of this kind definition of civilization. As several reviewers
remain completely nonviolent. Examples of have pointed out, Huntingtons con-
latent crises are the UKArgentina interac- ceptualization and selection of civilizations is
tions over the Falklands/Malvinas islands one of the most controversial elements of his
before and after the 1982 war, the USCuba argument (Jervis, 1997; Buzan, 1997).
relations since the crisis of 1962, and the Katzenstein (1996: 533) makes this point
territorial dispute between Spain and succinctly: Although they are real, the defin-
Britain over Gibraltar from 1964. The ing characteristics of civilizations (history,
dependent variable was coded as 1 whenever language, culture, tradition, religion) cannot
a conflict of any intensity occurred. The be grasped easily. As a matter of fact, Hunt-
Kosimo dataset also distinguishes between ington himself is sometimes ambivalent
direct and external participants, and state 9 This study excludes external participants because, while
and non-state actors. External participants these actors have influence on the course of the conflict,
the external party has to refrain from direct participation
8 A total of 383 observations are dropped from the analy- in the conflict e.g. involvement in combat (Kosimo online
sis because of missing values. Four of these observations are manual,
conflicts. 10 For further discussion, see web appendix.
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722 j ou r n a l o f P E A C E R E S E A RC H volume 39 / number 6 / november 2002

about the civilizational status of certain prominent examples of this condition. Israel
countries. The main difficulty is that the is also coded in the residual category given
factors Huntington mentions in his own the fact that Huntington (1996: 48) never
definition religion, ethnicity, common explicitly defines Judaism as a civilization. In
history and institutions can yield contra- many respects, this might appear as a rough
dictory country-dyad civilizational codings. classification of the key explanatory concept,
The IranIraq war, for example, is an intra- but it has the advantage of testing the CofC
civilization war in Huntingtons terms. argument on its own terms.11
However, Iranians and Iraqis belong to
different ethnic groups and speak different Post-Cold War period This is a dummy
languages. One might wonder whether they variable that is coded as 1 for all the years
identify themselves as members of an encom- after 1989, and 0 otherwise.
passing Islamic civilization. They are, after
all, members of two different subciviliza- Different Cold War bloc This is a dummy
tions, Arab and Persian, within the main variable that is coded as 1 for all the dyads
Islamic civilization (Huntington, 1996: 45; that contain countries that were members of
Welch, 1997: 202203). different Cold War blocs, and 0 otherwise.
Moreover, given the emphasis on the state Post-Cold War dyad-years are also coded as
as the key player in the world arena, a civiliz- 0. Consistent with Huntingtons (1996:
ation needs to be attributed to entities that 2425) Cold War map, three blocs are dis-
allegedly comprise groups of different tinguished: the Free World, the Communist,
cultural heritage. Huntington (1996: 128) and the Non-Aligned.
glosses over this problem when he claims that
narrower identities . . . do not necessarily Border This is a dummy variable that is
conflict with broader ones . . . a person can coded as 1 when two countries share a
identify culturally with his or her clan, ethnic common border, and 0 otherwise. Data are
group, nationality, religion, or civilization. taken from the COW contiguity dataset
But, despite all the ambiguities that sur- from Bennett & Stams (2001) EUGene
round the concept of civilization, Hunting- program.12
ton (1996: 2627) meets the challenge by
providing a map that groups countries on the Regime type This variable is measured
basis of their civilization. This study relies using the 21-point indicator from the Polity
upon Huntingtons map, and the classifi- IV (2000) dataset. To ease interpretation, it
cation list that Henderson & Tucker (1999, was rescaled from 0 to 20. The democratic
2001) have elaborated from that map. Nine character of a dyad is then measured by the
civilizations are thereby identified: (1) lesser of the two countries scores on the
African; (2) Buddhist; (3) Hindu; (4) regime type variable. The rationale of this
Islamic; (5) Japanese; (6) Latin American; (7) coding rule the weak-link assumption is
Orthodox; (8) Sinic; (9) Western. Hender-
son & Tucker (1999, 2001) have created a 11 The civilization indicator takes on the value of 1 when-
residual category for a few countries that are ever the civilization of both countries in a dyad is coded in
Henderson & Tuckers (1999, 2001) residual category. The
not clearly placed in any of these categories. analysis was replicated using Russett, Oneal & Coxs
These are mostly cleft countries, that is, (2000) classification of civilizations. The results remain
countries where large portions of the popu- unchanged. See web appendix.
12 The dyad-years after 1993, when the COW contiguity
lation belong to different civilizations: the data ends, were coded using the value the dyad had in
Philippines, Nigeria, and Kenya are the most 1993.
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Gi a c o m o Chiozza IS THERE A CLASH OF C I V I L I Z AT I O N S ? 723

that the character of interstate interactions is so that its minimum is equal to 0 and its
mostly determined by the country that has maximum is equal to 1. The level of
fewer domestic constraints (Oneal & modernization in a dyad is again measured
Russett, 1997). using the weak-link assumption.13
Countries that are undergoing political Data on the four indicator variables were
transformations are given a score of +10, the taken from several sources: the COW capa-
mid-point on the scale. That is, polities in bility dataset from Bennett & Stam (2001),
transition are given the benefit of the doubt the OECD Statistical Compendium CD-
by decisionmakers. Polities that are either ROM, the World Bank 2000 World Develop-
experiencing a period of interregnum or ment Indicators CD-ROM, Mitchells
interruption, on the other hand, are given a (1998a,b,c) International Historical Statistics,
score of 0, as if they were perfect autocracies. Bankss (1976) Cross-National Time-Series,
The rationale is that the presence of coun- and various issues of the United Nations
tries in these conditions affects the whole Energy Statistical Yearbook, the United
character of the dyad: decisionmakers are Nations Demographic Yearbook, the United
unlikely to grant any concession or to expect Nations Statistical Yearbook, and the Unesco
any overture. In other words, they are likely Statistical Yearbook.14
to assume the worst and behave accordingly.
Balance of military forces This variable
Modernization Modernization is a multi- was coded using a procedure developed by
faceted concept encompassing social, econ- Gelpi (1999: 126). There are three indi-
omic, and political dimensions that cannot cators for state military capabilities: (a)
be captured adequately with single-indicator number of troops, (b) military expenditures,
variables (for an overview, see Przeworski & (c) military expenditures per soldier. For
Limongi, 1997; Lipset, 1994). Therefore, in each country and each year, these three indi-
order to have a more comprehensive cators were standardized using its respective
measure, a factor analysis model was esti- global total. These percentages were dis-
mated using four different indicators: the log counted using Bueno de Mesquitas (1981:
of energy consumption per capita, the per- 105) power projection discount factor.15 For
centage of the total population living in each of the three indicators, the ratio of state
cities, the percentage of students enrolled in As capabilities over the sum of the capabili-
primary schools, and the number of radio ties of both countries in the dyad was com-
receivers per 10,000 inhabitants. All these puted. Then, the average of the three
four indicators capture important dimen- resulting elements was taken. Finally, .50
sions of modernization, namely economic was subtracted from the average value and
activity, urbanization, education, and the the absolute value of this difference was
degree of exposure to the mass media. The generated. This procedure creates a variable
expectation is that a modern society should
13 Dyads with missing values on either country were treated
score high on all those dimensions.
as if the unique value available were the minimum. This
The results of the factor analysis model are affected 14 observations.
then used to estimate factor scales, that is, 14 A more detailed discussion of the measurement of the

modernization variable can be found in the web appendix.

estimates of the latent modernization con- Several robustness checks on the results reported in Table I
struct for each observation. From this, an were performed using alternative specifications of the
operational measure of modernization was modernization variable. Results remain substantively
unchanged. See web appendix.
derived that varies from 2.024 to 3.688. To 15 This computation was performed for each dyad-year.

ease interpretation, this variable was rescaled Only contiguous pairs of countries were excluded.
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724 j ou r n a l o f P E A C E R E S E A RC H volume 39 / number 6 / november 2002

with values between 0 and .5: a score of 0 on with three knots were included (Beck, Katz,
this indicator reflects a balance of military & Tucker, 1998: 1270; Tucker, 1999).
forces, while a score of .5 means that either
one or the other state enjoys complete
Data Analysis
military superiority. In other words, the
greater the score, the larger the military Table I presents the estimates of two models:
power preponderance of one of the countries Model 1 is the baseline model which serves
in the dyad. as a benchmark for comparison, while Model
Data were taken from the COW capa- 2 presents the specification with the inter-
bility dataset from Bennett & Stam (2001). action effects which directly tests the hypoth-
Missing values were integrated whenever eses elaborated above.17
possible using various issues of World The first thing that might be noted about
Military Expenditures and Arms Transfers Model 1 is that the coefficient for the inter-
from the US Arms Control and Disarma- civilization variable is negative: contrary to
ment Agency. H1, the civilizational status of a dyad does
not increase the likelihood of international
Major power This is a dummy variable conflict, but it even seems to reduce it. This
that is coded as 1 if a dyad contains at least a finding undermines the main thrust of
major power (as defined in the COW Huntingtons argument: international con-
project), and 0 otherwise. Data are taken flict is not a pervasive feature of all inter-
from Bennett & Stams (2001) EUGene actions across the civilizational divide. Quite
program. the contrary, international conflict is associ-
ated with the close connections and inter-
Distance This variable measures the log of actions that occur between countries
the number of miles between the capital belonging to the same civilization.
cities of the countries in a dyad. Data are The coefficient on the post-Cold War
taken from Bennett & Stams (2001) dummy variable is negative and statistically
EUGene program.16 significant. This shows that, in general, the
years since the end of the Cold War have
Interaction terms To test hypotheses H2, witnessed a decrease in the likelihood of
H3, H5, H7, and H9, the intercivilization interstate conflict. With the exception of
dummy was interacted with (a) the post- modernization, the remaining variables
Cold War dummy; (b) the Cold War bloc included in Model 1 behave as expected:
dummy; (c) border; (d) regime type; and (e) membership in different Cold War ideo-
modernization. logical blocs and border contiguity are associ-
ated with an increase in the probability of
Peace years This variable counts the international conflict, while higher levels of
number of years that have elapsed since the democracy induce a reduction in the chance
last international crisis between two coun- of conflict. The coefficient on the moderniz-
tries. Given the fact that there is no a priori ation variable, on the other hand, is positive
theoretical reason for expecting a linear and significant: modern countries are more
impact of time on the probability of conflict, likely to be involved in international conflict,
the co-efficients for a natural cubic spline which contradicts the liberal case posited in
16 The dyad-years after 1993, for which no data were avail- 17 Models estimated using the prior correction option,
able from Bennett & Stams (2001) EUGene, were coded instead of weighting, yield similar results. See web appen-
using the value the dyad had in 1993. dix.
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Table I. Rare Events Logit Analysis Predicting Involvement in International Conflict

Model 1 Model 2

Variables b se(b) p-value b se(b) p-value

Intercivilization dyad 0.643 0.267 0.016 2.203 0.640 0.001

Post-Cold War period 0.853 0.261 0.001 0.874 0.378 0.021
Different Cold War bloc 0.805 0.209 0.000 0.428 0.351 0.223
Border 2.800 0.313 0.000 2.325 0.351 0.000
Regime type 0.056 0.016 0.000 0.103 0.023 0.000
Modernization 4.703 0.928 0.000 4.667 1.557 0.003

Interaction effects with intercivilization dyad

Post-Cold War period 0.070 0.516 0.892
Different Cold War bloc 0.738 0.434 0.089
Border 1.160 0.469 0.013
Regime type 0.094 0.029 0.001
Modernization 0.765 1.854 0.680

Temporal dependence
Peace years 1.741 0.094 0.000 1.743 0.095 0.000
Spline(1) 0.017 0.001 0.000 0.017 0.001 0.000
Spline(2) 0.012 0.001 0.000 0.012 0.001 0.000
Spline(3) 0.004 0.0004 0.000 0.004 0.0004 0.000

Control variables
Balance of military forces 1.498 0.595 0.012 1.625 0.583 0.005
Major power 2.679 0.225 0.000 2.690 0.231 0.000
Distance 0.310 0.130 0.017 0.258 0.132 0.050
Constant 0.963 1.064 0.365 0.612 1.123 0.586
Number of observations 42,461 42,461
Parameters estimated using King & Zengs (2001a,b) Relogit program. Weighting option used with robust standard
errors and clustering by dyad. All tests are two-tailed.

hypothesis H8. All the parameters for tem- A more comprehensive assessment of the
poral dependence turn out to be statistically CofC thesis can be obtained from Model 2.
significant as well. From a substantive point The coefficient on the intercivilization
of view, the coefficients on the four variables dummy variable continues to be negative
addressing temporal dependence imply that, and significant. But we can also notice that
as the years since the previous conflictual the temporal pattern of intercivilizational
confrontation go by, the probability of con- conflict depicted in the CofC thesis is not
flict decreases. The results on the three borne out in the empirical realm. The
control variables are consistent with the coefficient on the interaction between the
expectations elaborated in hypotheses H10, post-Cold War and the intercivilization
H11, and H12: countries that are unequal in dummy indicators is positive, but of no sub-
military power and countries separated by stantive size and statistically undistinguish-
large distances are less prone to conflict able from zero. If we combine the main
involvement, while the opposite is true for effect and the interaction effect coefficients,
dyads that contain at least one major power. we obtain a parameter equal to .804 (se(b)
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726 j ou r n a l o f P E A C E R E S E A RC H volume 39 / number 6 / november 2002

= .357, p-value < .026). That is, both for estimates of the predicted probabilities of
different and same-civilization dyads the international conflict under different con-
transition to the post-Cold War period is figurations of the explanatory variables (Gill,
associated with a reduction in the likelihood 2001: 13).18
of conflict. The first eight years of the post- The focus in Table II is on the temporal
Cold War period, therefore, reveal a pattern pattern of conflict involvement for same- and
of state interactions that is at odds with different-civilization dyads, and on border
CofC hypothesis H2. contiguity, while setting the level of regime
The coefficient on the different-Cold War type at 10 the mid-point on the regime
bloc variable is positive, but statistically type scale and the level of modernization at
insignificant, while the interaction term its mean value. In other words, Table II
between the different-Cold War bloc and the identifies a set of scenarios and presents the
intercivilization dummy indicators is also counterfactual estimates of the probability of
positive, and significant at the .09 level in a conflict involvement based upon the co-
two-tailed test. This means that, for the states efficients of Model 2.
of different civilization, being on opposing Hypothesis H1 predicts that different-
ideological sides entailed greater chances of civilization dyads should be more conflict
conflict during the Cold War. This is hardly prone no matter what the values of the other
surprising if we think that the principal variables might be. But that is only the case
rivalry of the Cold War the USUSSR when countries shared a border. And even in
dyad is of that kind. that case, there is only one scenario in which
Turning to the other explanatory variables the impact is substantial, that is, when the
in Model 2, we observe that sharing a land countries in the dyad belonged to opposing
border again turns out to be a strong predic- ideological blocs during the Cold War.
tor of conflict. Territorial contiguity is associ- Otherwise, state interactions across civiliz-
ated with an increased propensity for ations were either more peaceful or as con-
conflictual interactions among states, as flict prone as they were within civilizations.
hypothesis H4 posits. Different civilizational It is worth noting that this result also obtains
status in a dyad magnifies this effect: the in the first eight years of the post-Cold War
coefficient associated with the interaction period: the probability of conflict for
term between the intercivilization dummy different-civilization dyads was practically
and border contiguity is positive and statisti- zero when countries did not have a land
cally significant. border in common, and just slightly higher
This finding is indeed consistent with the when they shared a border, a major contra-
CofC argument, but it is not by itself diction for Huntingtons (1996) thesis.
sufficient to establish that bordering inter- During the Cold War, countries of
civilization dyads are more conflictual in all different civilization but on the same side of
circumstances. A cursory analysis of the the ideological divide were less likely to fight
results in Model 2 shows that the sum of all each other than countries of same civilization
the relevant coefficients that for inter- but different ideology: as Table II shows,
civilization dyad, that for border, and their these probabilities were equal, respectively, to
interaction term is about 1.282, a number .117% and .502% when there were no
smaller than that of the estimated effect for common borders, and to 3.685% and
bordering countries from the same civiliz- 18 These values, as well as those reported in Figure 1 and
ation. To clarify the interactive effects of Figure 2, were computed using King & Zengs (2001a)
civilizational status, Table II presents the method to account for estimate uncertainty.
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Gi a c o m o Chiozza IS THERE A CLASH OF C I V I L I Z AT I O N S ? 727

Table II. Probabilities of Conflict Involvement (%)



DIFFERENT 0,117 0,375 0,053
T SAME 0,326 0,134
DIFFERENT 3,685 10,810 1,675
T SAME 3,302 4,891 1,422

Other variables were set as follows:

(1) regime type: 10 (4) major power: 1
(2) modernization: mean (5) distance: mean
(3) balance of military forces: mean (6) peace years: 18
Values computed using King & Zengs (2001a,b) Relogit program.

4.891% when there were common borders. that do not share a border, a different picture
This result implies that, during the Cold emerges: countries of different civilization
War, ideological differences were much more were less likely to be embroiled in conflict irre-
salient in generating conflict than civiliza- spective of their Cold War allegiances. What
tional ones. Moreover, Table II shows that for underlies this result is the general reduced like-
countries that had common borders, a hypo- lihood of conflict among different civilization
thetical shift from same-civilization to dyads rather than any constraining effect of
different-civilization was associated with a the Cold War. Therefore, the analysis of the
5.92% increase in the probability of conflict estimated probabilities under different
when countries were ideological opponents, alternative scenarios shows only partial
but with a meager .38% increase when they support for the general dynamics Huntington
were in the same Cold War bloc. (1996) posits with respect to the Cold War
This pattern is indeed consistent with the and intercivilizational conflict.
expectation of CofC hypothesis H3. But, Turning to the coefficients for the regime-
when we shift our attention to the countries type variables, we see that democracy
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728 j ou r n a l o f P E A C E R E S E A RC H volume 39 / number 6 / november 2002

dampens the probability of crisis involve- contrary to the vast literature on the demo-
ment for countries that share the same cratic peace (Russett, 1993; Ray, 1995). But
civilizational heritage. This effect, however, is this finding should be interpreted in combi-
attenuated when countries in a dyad belong nation with the general result that inter-
to different civilizations: the interaction term civilization dyads are less conflict prone. As
between regime type and the intercivilization Figure 1 clarifies, the probability of conflict
dummy variable is positive and significant, as involvement for countries of different civiliz-
hypothesis H7 posits. The linear combi- ation remains practically constant as the
nation of the main effect and the interaction democratic character of a dyad increases. For
effect coefficients on the regime type variable same-civilization dyads, however, regime
yields a parameter that, while still negative, is type makes a large difference: as the democ-
of much smaller magnitude, and statistically racy scores increase, the probability of con-
insignificant (b = .010, se(b) = .018, p-value flict drops rather quickly. Nonetheless, the
< .598). baseline probability of conflict for countries
It would seem that democracy no longer of different civilization is much lower to
exerts its restraining effects on the chances begin with. The effects of regime type on the
of conflict involvement when the countries patterns of interstate behavior in the inter-
do not share the same civilizational status, national arena are of much lower magnitude

Figure 1. Regime Type and Conflict Involvement across Civilizations


Same civilization dyads

Different civilization dyads


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Regime type
Other variables were set as follows:
(1) post-Cold War: 1 (5) balance of military forces: mean
(2) different Cold War bloc: 0 (6) major power: 1
(3) border: 1 (7) distance: mean
(4) modernization: mean (8) peace years: 18
Range of variation of regime type: 5th percentile = 0; 95th percentile = 19
Values computed using King & Zengs (2001a,b) Relogit program.
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Gi a c o m o Chiozza IS THERE A CLASH OF C I V I L I Z AT I O N S ? 729

for countries of different civilization not reduce the likelihood of conflictual inter-
because there is anything pathological about actions.
democracy in non-Western civilizations, but
because countries of different civilization are Specification Checks
generally less likely to be embroiled in inter- The findings discussed so far have shown
national confrontations. little support for the CofC thesis. The ques-
The final factor considered in Hunting- tion remains whether these results are con-
tons (1996) framework is modernization. tingent upon the specification of the
Model 2 replicates the result found in Model statistical model, or can be generalized to a
1 with respect to modernization: dyads that broader set of conflict interactions. To this
comprise modern countries experience end, the analysis was replicated on three
higher risks of conflict involvement. This is alternative dependent variables that identify
true among both same-civilization and different thresholds of conflict intensity, and
different-civilization pairs of states: the different participants. The coding of these
coefficient on the interaction term between additional variables is based upon the ICB
modernization and intercivilization dummy and the MID data, two of the most common
is positive, as hypothesis H9 expects, but far datasets in quantitative International
from any acceptable level of statistical signifi- Relations.20 The third additional dependent
cance. No matter what the civilizational variable is coded using a subset of the con-
status of a dyad might be, as countries flict events in the Kosimo dataset that
develop economically and socially, they excludes the latent conflicts.
become more likely to get involved in con- Table III shows that, regardless of the con-
flictual relations in the international arena. flict type under investigation, dyads of
The impact of the modernization variable different civilizations are less conflict prone
emerges from Figure 2, where the probability than those of the same civilization. Across all
of conflict involvement for same- and three models, the coefficient on the inter-
different-civilization dyads is plotted as a civilization dummy variable is negative, and
function of modernization. The two curves statistically different from zero. But it is also
identifying same- and different-civilization important to notice that the overall picture
dyads are practically undistinguishable as the that emerges from Table III bears close
modernization index moves from its 5th per- resemblance to the one obtained while ana-
centile to its 95th.19 lyzing the Kosimo data. With the exception
Finally, hypotheses H10, H11, and H12 of three variables, namely the post-Cold War
continue to be supported in Model 2: con- dummy, the interaction effect associated
sistently with power preponderance theory, with it, and modernization, the signs of the
imbalances of military capabilities reduce the coefficients remain unchanged.
probability of conflict involvement, while It is probably not surprising that datasets
major power status is a strong predictor of that cover different portions of the post-Cold
conflict. Greater distances between countries War period yield slightly different results
regarding the incidence of conflict since the
19The effect of modernization appears to be substantial as end of the bipolar confrontation. But the
the modernization index gets larger than .5. This finding,
however, should not be overstated. Very few countries score
negative sign on the interaction term
so high on that variable. The number of data points on coefficient for the post-Cold War period
which the predicted probabilities are computed is, there-
fore, limited. This makes the estimated effects strongly 20 The datasets employed were Griecos (2001) version of

dependent on the features of the model more than on any the ICB dataset and Maozs (2001) version of the MID
underlying causal relationship (King & Zeng, 2001c). dataset.
04chiozza (ds) 2/10/02 8:42 am Page 730

730 j ou r n a l o f P E A C E R E S E A RC H volume 39 / number 6 / november 2002

Figure 2. Modernization and Conflict Involvement Across Civilizations



Different civilization dyads


Same civilization dyads

.15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .45 .50

Level of modernization
Other variables were set as follows:
(1) post-Cold War: 1 (5) balance of military forces: mean
(2) different Cold War bloc: 0 (6) major power: 1
(3) border: 1 (7) distance: mean
(4) regime type: 10 (8) peace years: 18
Range of variation of modernization: 5th percentile = .145; 95th percentile = .516
Values computed using King & Zengs (2001a,b) Relogit program.

variable shows that if there is any difference should be exercised in interpreting the effects
in the likelihood of conflict before and after of modernization across different empirical
1989, dyads of different civilizations have domains. But, even granting these differ-
become even less prone to conflict. The ences, expanding the class of conflict inter-
modernization variable, on the other hand, actions under investigation does not alter the
fares differently with different dependent overall conclusion: the evidence in support of
variables. The MID model yields results that Huntingtons thesis remains tenuous at most.
are fairly similar to those of Model 2 in Table
I, the difference being an interaction effect
coefficient of larger magnitude, and signifi-
cant at the .1 level in a two-tailed test. The Three major conclusions follow from this
ICB model and the Kosimo model excluding study. First, intercivilizational dyads are not
the latent crises, however, show that more likely to find themselves embroiled in
modernization has no impact on conflict for international conflict, not even in the post-
countries of same civilization, and that it Cold War period, when civilizational conflict
might have a positive impact at least in the dynamics should be more prominent. They
ICB model for countries of different are usually less conflict prone than dyads
civilizations. This result shows that caution comprising countries of the same civilization.
04chiozza (ds)
Table III. Alternative Specifications of the Dependent Variable

Kosimo model ICB model MID model

(excluding latent crises) 194694 194692

Variables b se(b) p-value b se(b) p-value b se(b) p-value

Intercivilization dyad 1.643 0.684 0.016 2.533 0.680 0.000 1.112 0.410 0.007

8:42 am
Post-Cold War period 0.353 0.356 0.322 0.243 0.484 0.615 0.203 0.335 0.545
Different Cold War bloc 0.695 0.433 0.108 0.381 0.347 0.272 0.682 0.213 0.001
Border 2.540 0.385 0.000 2.440 0.348 0.000 1.826 0.211 0.000

Gi a c o m o Chiozza
Regime type 0.123 0.029 0.000 0.104 0.029 0.000 0.118 0.023 0.000

Page 731
Modernization 0.205 1.449 0.888 0.124 1.525 0.935 1.580 0.915 0.084
Interaction effects with intercivilization dyad
Post-Cold War period 0.936 0.508 0.065 0.662 0.669 0.323 0.766 0.472 0.105
Different Cold War bloc 0.143 0.517 0.782 0.121 0.445 0.785 0.126 0.305 0.680
Border 0.339 0.570 0.552 0.982 0.450 0.029 0.235 0.329 0.475
Regime type 0.110 0.039 0.005 0.075 0.037 0.041 0.064 0.028 0.023

Modernization 2.624 1.905 0.168 4.415 1.991 0.027 2.010 1.188 0.091
Temporal dependence
Peace years 1.454 0.088 0.000 0.552 0.053 0.000 0.658 0.037 0.000
Spline(1) 0.014 0.001 0.000 0.005 0.001 0.000 0.007 0.001 0.000

Spline(2) 0.010 0.001 0.000 0.004 0.001 0.000 0.005 0.001 0.000
Spline(3) 0.003 0.0004 0.000 0.001 0.0003 0.001 0.002 0.0002 0.000
Control variables

Balance of military forces 0.810 0.656 0.217 0.718 0.882 0.415 1.842 0.458 0.000

C I V I L I Z AT I O N S ?
Major power 1.845 0.301 0.000 2.063 0.323 0.000 2.110 0.167 0.000
Distance 0.309 0.146 0.034 0.246 0.136 0.069 0.533 0.087 0.000
Constant 0.587 1.148 0.609 2.353 1.151 0.041 0.903 0.699 0.197
Number of observations 42461 36364 35216
Coefficients represent estimates of a rare events logit model. Parameters estimated using King & Zengs (2001a,b) Relogit program. Weighting option used with robust standard errors
and clustering by dyad. All tests are two-tailed.

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732 j ou r n a l o f P E A C E R E S E A RC H volume 39 / number 6 / november 2002

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