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Choose the right answer by crossing (x) a,b,c,d for the right answer.

1.He is teaching in the classroom. He is a (guru)

a. Teacher c. Policeman
b. Nurse d. Farmer
2. My grandfather is in the ricefield. He is a. (Petani)
a. Doctor c. Pilot
b. Farmer d. Teacher
3. If you are sick you have to go to ( jika kamu sakit, kamu harus pergi
ke. )
a. Teacher c. Soldier
b. Doctor d. Farmer
4. My father has toothache. And now, he has to go to the dentist. Has to
means .
a. harus c. pergi
b. akan d. duduk
5. He delivers letters everyday. He is a( Tukang pos )
a. Teacher c. Pilot
b. Postman d. farmer
6. Paper in Indonesia is .
a. kertas c. Meja
b. Buku d. Sawah
7. I like singing and I want to be a (Penyanyi)
a. An engineer c. A Dancer
b. A Singer d. An Actor
8. I work at the Library. I am a..(Saya bekerja di perpustakaan, saya
a. School Guard c. Security
b. Teacher d. Librarian
9. She is an assistant of the Doctor. She is a.(Perawat)
a. Police Woman c. Doctor
b. Nurse d. Teacher
10. I work at a street. Sometimes, I help to catch the thieve. I am a
a. Nurse c. Doctor
b. Policeman d. Teacher
11. Indonesian Flag is
a. Brown c. Yellow
b. White d. Red and white
12. Apple, grape, banana, are kinds of.
a. Fruit c. Drink
b. Food d. Plant
13. Cabbage is a kind of..
a. Food c. Drink
b. Vegetable d. Fruit
14. Saya adalah seorang Pelajar. (terjemahkan kedalam bahasa inggris)
a. I am a student c. They are football player

b. She is a teacher d. He is my friend

15. I cannot .. the roof.(menyentuh)
a. take c. touch
b. hold d. read
16. He usually . to the school at 7 oclock in the morning. (Berangkat)
a. Waked Up c. Stand up
b. Leave d. Listen
17. There are ..players in a soccer/football team.
a. Twelve c. Thirteen
b. Nine d. Eleven
18. I like than - chess running better. (susunan kata yang benar
1 2 3 4 5 6
a. 1-2-4-6-3-5 c. 6-5-4-3-2-1
b. 1-2-3-4-5-6 d. 4-5-6-1-2-3
19. Do what you like?(apa yang kamu sukai)
a. what like do you? c. what like you do?
b. what do you like? d. what you do like?
20. I Like better than orange. ( Pisang )
a. Grapes c. Melon
b. Banana d. Water Melon
21. I .studying English, Now.
a. is c. are
b. am d. you
22. My father working in the office.
a. are c. is
b. am d. she
23. They .. playing soccer in the field.
a. is c. are
b. am d. was
24. My Mother the kitchen.
a. is cooking c. are playing
b. am working d. working
25. She Is my sister. Name is Rani.
a. she c. his
b. her d. they

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