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Performance Management


Fill in the Blanks

1. ________ refers to a comprehensive scientific approach to ensure a link between efforts

of individual employees with the vision of goals of organization to achieve organizational
excellence on one side and satisfaction & growth of employees on other side
2. Performance management is a _______
3. The most prevalent notion of performance mgt is that of creating a shared _____- of the
purpose and aims of organization
4. Performance Mgt is not a _______ solution
5. Managers need to have a systematic planning and monitoring of their _______
6. Performance Mgt has ________ dimensions
7. ________ describes the consequence of inputs in a summary form pr a final or semi final
product form or service form
8. All performance management starts with the final _________- performance
9. ________ are the inputs to be given by the individual
10. To achieve ________ performance Activities need to be planned
11. The ________ dimension deals with the activities to be accomplished by the individual
12. The ____ for performance is important
13. In context of ________ performance management is time bound and role specific
14. ________ of an individual is defined as the output delivered by an individual in relation
to a given role during a particular period of time under the set of circumstances operating
at that point of time
15. An important issue in performance mgt is ________ relationship
16. The ____ is an important instrument in managing performance
17. An important issue in Performance Management is to understand the ________
18. Effective performance of job is the attainment of specific _______ required by the job
through specific actions while maintaining the policies, procedures and conditions of the
organizational environment
19. organizational environment has ______ dimensions
20. ______ refers to certain characteristics or abilities of a person which enables him / her to
show specific actions leading to specific results
21. Functional requirement of the particular job is considered as job _____
22. Goal orientation can predict performance in _______ environment
23. ________ refers to the hierarchical pattern of authority, responsibility, and accountability
relationship designed to provide coordination of work in the organization
24. The Bureaucratic model is based on assumption of rational legal _______-
25. High formalization is dependency on ____________

Multiple choice questions

1. Performance Management is a ________ approach

1. Analytical 2.Scientific 3.Theoretical 4.Both 5. None
2. Performance management is more a philosophy then a set of _______
1.policies 3. Procedures 4.Both 1&2 5. All

3. Performance Management ensures a link between efforts of individual _______ with the
vision and goals of organization
1. Customers 2.Suppliers 3.Employees 4.None 4.All

4. Performance management focuses on _________

1.Organization Excellence 2.Employee Satisfaction 3.Employee Growth 4.All
the above 5. None

5. Performance Mgt should be owned by _______

1. HR Dept 2.Line Managers 3.Staff Managers 4.None 5.All

6. The Emphasis of Performance Management is on Shared ________

1.corporate Values 2.Goals 3.Objectives 4.None 5.All

7. Performance Management is _________ for a particular organization

1. Unique 2. Same 3. Fame 4. None 5.All

8. _________ is what is expected to be delivered by an individual or a set of individuals

within a time frame
1.Performance Management 2. Performance Appraisal 3. Performance 4. All
5. None

9. Performance Mgt is _______

1. Simple 2. Commonsensical 3. Enjoyable 4.All 5.None

10. The Output dimension is also known as ________

1.Input 2.Quality 3.Result 4.Time 5.None

11. The Output dimension is __________

1.Acceptable 2.Visible 3.Measurable 4.All 5.None

12. The Output dimension describes the consequences of inputs in _______ form
1.Summary 2. Final/Semi Final Product 3.Service 4.All the above 5.None
13. According to performance equation any individuals performance is a function of ____ sets
of factors
1.4 2.3 3.5 4.6 5.None

14. In the performance Equation the organizational support is a ________

1.Intervening Variable 2.Input 3.Output 4.All 5.None

15. Individual performance is judged in relation to _______

1.Role 2.Across Short period 3.Superior 4.Both 1&2 5.None

16. Managerial performance is highly _________

1.Interdependent 2.Dynamic 3.Difficult to isolate 4.All the above 5.None

17. KPA is _________

1.Key Performance Assets 2.Key Performance Areas 3.Key Products Areas
4.All 5.None

18. The Primary responsibility for managing a persons performance lies with his boss
1.True 2.False 3.Sometimes True 4.Sometimes False 5.None

19. The ________ of every employee is directly linked to the overall ______ of an
1.Strategy 2.Performance 3.Culture 4.All 5.None

20. Effective performance of job depends on ________ set of factors

1.6 2.4 3.3 4.2 5.None

21. _________ of the following is a determinant of Effective job performance

1.Organizational Environment 2.Demands of the job 3.Competencies of the
individual 4.All the above 5.None

22. Job performance is defined as those actions and behaviors that are under the control of
________ and Contribute to the goals of organization
1.Group 2.Management 3.Manager 4.Individual 5.None

23. An organization structure determines the following relationship

1.Between different people 2.Between people and work 3.Between Competitors
4.Both1&2 5.None

24. The earliest organizational structures were _________

1.Bureaucratic 2.Hierarchical 3.Both 1&2 4.Nominal 5.None

25. Division of labor is breaking each persons jobs into ________ tasks
1.Simple 2.Well defined 3.Routine 4.All the above 5.None

Fill in the blanks answers for unit I

1. Performan 7. Output/res 12. Time 18. Results

ce ult Frame 19. 2
manageme Dimension 13. Organizati 20. competenc
nt 8. Targeted on y
2. Philosoph 9. Performan 14. Performan 21. Demand
y ce ce 22. Educationa
3. Vision Activities 15. Input- l
4. Packaged 10. Performan output 23. Structure
5. Performan ce Output 16. Boss 24. Authority
ce 11. Input 17. Input- 25. Rules
6. Six Output

Multiple choice Questionsanswers

For unit 1

1. 2 6. 5 11. 4 16. 4 21. 4

2. 4 7. 1 12. 4 17. 2 22. 4
3. 3 8. 3 13. 2 18. 2 23. 4
4. 4 9. 4 14. 1 19. 2 24. 3
5. 2 10. 3 15. 4 20. 3 25. 4
Performance Management

Internal Assessment Questions

Unit 2

Fill in the blanks

1. __________ is a method by which the job performance of an employee is evaluated

2. Performance appraisal is a part of _______ development
3. Performance appraisal helps in identifying ________ needs
4. A performance appraisal system should take care of organizational and ________ goals
5. Performance appraisal aims at the mutual _______ of the employees and the
6. Performance appraisal helps the employee to have a more understanding about their
7. The job description and the performance goals of a performance appraisals should be
8. In performance the feedback should be _________
9. An ________ appraisal system creates credibility
10. Performance appraisal involves _________ of actuals against desired performance
11. __________ is the core of appraisal system
12. _________l method This method focuses on observed behaviour and observable critical
13. Trait Approach is a _________ approach
14. In ________ method assessor writes a brief essay providing an assessment of the
strengths, weaknesses and potential of the subject
15. Field Review method is very ________ consuming
16. In ________ employees are asked to set or help set their own performance goals
17. _________ technique is used to predict future performance of employees were they to be
18. ___________ help organizations identify and develop competent people
19. Assessment Centre process was first used between the ________
20. ________ is a process to understand job challenges and the competencies required for
successful execution of the job
21. In _________ stage of AC process the objectives are defined
22. In the Post AC Phase the results are ________ after a certain period
23. Assessment Centers help in _________ of participants
24. The reason for ACs success is the way it is _________ and implemented
25. Designing of ACs is based on ___________
26. Most often ACs are used for developmental purposes rather than ______
27. In ACs Feedback is provided __________

Multiple choice questions

1. Performance Appraisal is also known as ________ appraisal

1.Customer 2.Organization 3.Management 4.Employee 5.All

2. Performance _________ are a regular review of the employee performance within the
1.Planning 2.Appraisal 3.Management 4.All 5.None

3. Performance Appraisal is a _________ tool which is helpful in motivating and

effectively utilizing the human resources
1.Scientific 2.Management 3.Behavioral 4.None 5.All

4. The Performance appraisal should be coorelated with _______

1.Organizational mission 2. Values 3. Philosophies 4. All the above 5. None

5. from the employee point of view a performance appraisal system should aim at _____
1.their personal development 2.Their work satisfaction 3.Their involvement
in the organization 4.All the above 5.None

6. A Performance Appraisal helps in the following ways

1.Creates positive climate 2. Helps employees to internalize the culture
3.Understand their roles better 4.All the above 5.None

7. Performance Appraisal includes _________ assessment of how well an employee has

performed during the period under review
1.Subjective 2.Objective 3.Perspective 4.Both1&2 5.None

8. Performance appraisal aims at __________

1. Feedback 2.Development 3.Assessment 4.All 5.None

9. Responsibility for the appraisal system should be located at ________ level

1.middle 2.low 3.senior 4.none 5.All

10. performance appraisal is a multistage process in which _________ plays a major role
1. Planning 2. Communication 3. Control 4. Evaluation 5. All

11. In __________ approach a supervisor or manager judges an employee on their

perception of employee behavior
1.Trait 2.Group 3.Self Appraisal 4.Intuitive 5.All

12. In ________ approach an employee is judged by a group of people

1.Trait 2.Group 3.Self Appraisal 4.Intuitive 5.All

13. In _________ approach the judgment is based on observable dimensions of personality

1.Trait 2.Group 3.Self Appraisal 4.Intuitive 5.All

14. A Graphic rating scale assess a person on ________ of the work

1.Quality 2.Quantity 3.Speed 4.None 5.All

15. In this method, a supervisor describes critical incidents, giving details of both positive
and negative behavior of the employee
1.Graphic Rating Scale 2.Field review 3.Critical Incident 4.All the
above 5.None

16. MBO is ___________

1.Manager Business Operations 2.Management Business Operations 3.Management
by Objectives 4.All the above 5.None

17. An Assessment Centre consists of a standardized evaluation of behavior based on

________ inputs
1.Single 2. Multiple 3.No 4.All 5.None

18. An assessment centre is a process in which individuals participate in a series of

exercises, most of which approximate what they would be called upon to do in the
________ job
1.Future 2.Current 3.Past 4.All 5.None

19. An assessment centre is a ________ approach designed to provide reliable and valid
information about a range of competencies of an individual
1.Multi Faceted 2.Multi Dimension 3.Both1&2 4.Single 5.None

20. Assessment centres are means of helping an organization to identify the __________ of
its staff in relation to a particular job or role
1.Strength 2.Potential development areas 3.Both 4.None 5.All
21. Assessment centres consists of multiple ________
1.Observers 2.Participants 3.Competencies 4.All the above 5.None

22. there are _________ critical elements of Assessment Centres

1.10 2.20 3.30 4.40 5.All

23. Assessment centres are used for _________

1. Selection 2.Career Development 3.Succesion Planning 4.All 5.None

24. There are _______ stages in Assessment centre process

1.3 2.5 3.7 4.9 5.All
25. __________ tools of AC involves acting out a business situation
1.Presentation 2.Case Study 3.Role Play 4.None 5.All

26. Acs are ___________

1.Costly 2.Time Consuming 3.Both 4.None 5.All

Unit ii answers Key

1. Performance 11. communication 20. Job Analysis

appraisal 12. Behavioral 21. Pre AC
2. career 13. conventional 22. Evaluated
3. Training 14. Essay Appraisal 23. Development
4. Individual 15. Time 24. Designed
5. goals 16. Management By 25. Job Analysis
6. Role Objectives 26. Selection
7. Structured 17. Assessment centers 27. Orally
8. Impersonal 18. Assessment
9. open Centers
10. Evaluation 19. World wars

Multiple choice answers

For UNIT-2

1. 4 6. 4 11. 4 16. 3 21. 4 26. 3

2. 1 7. 4 12. 1 17. 3 22. 1
3. 1 8. 4 13. 1 18. 1 23. 4
4. 4 9. 3 14. 1 19. 3 24. 1
5. 4 10. 1 15. 3 20. 3 25. 3
Performance management Internal Assessment Questions

Unit 3

Fill in the blanks

1. _________ denotes outstanding achievements over a long period

2. In order to maintain excellence an organization should change and improve according to
the __________
3. ________ is a part of dynamic strategies
4. ________ is a product of organizational strategy and culture for constant changes
5. Organizational __________ is used as a tools for diagnosis to effect improvement in
various kinds of organizations
6. _____________ is a set of processes that help organizations optimize their business
7. BPM is seen as the next generation of
8. CPM links the ________ strategy with the core processes and activities
9. BPM enhances processes by creating better _________ loops
10. BPM provides __________ that help companies monitor efficiency of projects and
employees against operational targets.
11. _________ is the most widely used methodology to implement CPM
12. The EFQM Model recognizes that processes are the ________ that produce the results
13. The EFQM model is based on _________ criteria
14. The __________ criteria covers what an organization does
15. The ___________ criteria covers what an organization achieves
16. Feedback from ________helps to improve the enablers
17. Customer results talk about the customer __________ of the organization
18. Key Performance Results is what is the organization achieving in relation to its planned
19. All the criteria are evaluated in an organization through a process known as ________
20. Self assessment is a comprehensive, systematic, regular review of an organizations results
and activities referenced against a model of Business ________
21. ________ is the most recently developed paradigm of Excellence organizations
22. A total quality organization can achieve marked improvement only in ________


1. The use of __________ teams composed of senior managers is prevalent in total

quality organizations.
1. complaint-resolution 2. problem-solving 3. Steering 4. Auditing 5.All the

2. Which of the following generally is not a factor influencing of how organizations

are structured?
1. stability of the product line 2. management style 3. competitors organizational
structures 4.availability of personnel 5.All the above

3. In a total quality organization, the role of quality should be ________ in the

organization chart.
1. invisible 2. a middle-manager position 3. a vice-president position 4. a department
5.All the above

4. Most organizational structures are variations or combinations of three basic types.

Which one of the following is not a basic type?
1. line organization 2. line and staff organization 3. circle and core organization
4.matrix organization 5.All the above

5. The ________ organizational structure is a functional form of structure.

1. line 2. line and staff 3. circle and core 4. Matrix 5.All the above

6. The _________ organization is the most prevalent type of structure for mediumsized
to large firms.
1. line 2. line and staff 3. circle and core 4. Matrix 5.All the above

7. The _________ organization was developed for use in situations where large,
complex projects are designed and carried out.
1.line 2. line and staff 3. circle and core 4. Matrix 5.All the above

8. For the purpose of designing high-performance work systems, organizations can

be viewed at three levels which include all of the following except
1. individual job level 2. process level 3. division level 4. organizational level
5.All the above
9. An important contemporary theorist of the learning organization is MIT
1. Jack Welch. 2. Peter Senge. 3. Joseph Juran. 4. W. Edwards Deming.
5.All the above
10. Which of the following is not a responsibility of senior management in the
implementation of total quality?
1. ensuring that the organization focuses on the needs of the customer
2.identifying the critical processes that need attention
3. avoiding any cost tradeoffs that might limit quality improvement
4.demonstrating their ability to use quality tools for problem solving 5.All the above

11. According to the International Quality Study, firms that have a past record of low
levels of market achievement should initially concentrate their total quality
implementation on
1. establishing self-managed teams. 2. benchmarking world class companies.
3 identifying and simplifying processes that add value.
4. imitating Baldrige winners. 5.All the above

12. Building a successful total quality organization requires all of the following
1. adoption of sound practices. 2. an effective organizational infrastructure.
3. readiness for change. 4. collecting data and organizing teams.
5. All the above

13. Your organization collects performance information on its inputs, outputs and activities.
What other type of information should they be collecting?

1.Resources 2.Compliance 3.Outcomes 4.Comparative data 5.All the above

14. A system for collecting and analyzing performance information has been set up in your
organization. Unfortunately no one uses or analyzes this information. Staff report that they don't
have time to properly collect and analyze the information. The general approach seems to be to
wait until the end of the evaluation cycle (five years) to review the data. Which of the following
strategies would be a critical first step in resolving this problem?

1. Strong leadership. Senior managers should actively promote the use of performance

2. As a compromise, carefully review and analyze the information after three years

3. Examine the capacity of staff to collect, analyze, and use performance information. If
feasible, additional internal and external resources could be utilized if capacity is lacking.

4. Develop an organizational culture that promotes continuous learning.

5. All the above

15. Performance management should be seen as a process which is a:

1. Once a year task 2. Twice a year activity 3.Ongoing process or cycle 4.Is
engaged in when the appraisals are carried out 5.All the above

16. What will make some organizations more successful, and therefore more likely to
survive and prosper, than others?
1. Creating cultures and systems in which staff can use their talents
2. Creating management systems to ensure high performance from everyone
3.Creating superior organisations 4. Only recruiting talented people 5.All the
17.Many schemes that reward employees and managers for something additional to
their normal level of performance fail. Why?
1.The link between extra pay and achievement is unclear 2.They are detrimental to
trade union agreements 3.PRP is controversial 4.Everyone should receive
the same 5.All the above

18.As little as 20% of all human performance problems is attributable to individual

employees; as much as 80% of all such problems is attributable to the work
environments or systems in which employees work. An example of such problems
would be:
1.Because people are often absent from work 2.Because people at work don't
perform 3.Because low standards of performance are legitimised
4. Because of barriers created to reduce performance 5.All the above

19.The timescale for performance appraisals are usually:

1. One year 2.Biannually 3. monthly 4. At irregular intervals 5.All the

20. A performance rating system is:

1. A grade or score relating to overall performance 2. Details of the extent to which
work objectives were met 3. Last years objectives 4. Achievements during the
year 5.All the above

21.Objective-based rating scales are:

1. Subjectively determined 2.Based on a points-based system 3.Measures of
performance against objectives set 4. Manager-allocated rating scales 5. All
the above

22. To be effective a points based rating systems require:

1.Close management control 2. Comprehensive, reliable and consistent information
3. Objectivity in assessments 4. 360% assessments 5.All the above

23.Key performance indicators are used in situations when:

1. When objectives can not easily be expressed in terms of numbers 2.When
targets might be expressed in terms of delivery of a project 3. When objectives
can be established which are supportive or secondary to the organisations central
objectives 4.Objectives that can be quantified using financial values 5.All
the above
24.360% feedback involves appraisals by:
1. Line manager's 2. Subordinates' 3.Superiors' 4. Anyone who is directly in contact with
the appraise 5.All the above

Unit iii answers for fill in the blanks

1. Excellence 8. Enterprise 17. Perception

2. Environment 9. Feedback 18. Performance
3. Benchmarking 10. Key Performance 19. Self Assessment
4. Excellence Indicators 20. Excellence
5. effectiveness 11. Balance Score card 21. Learning
6. Corporate 12. Enablers organization
Performance 13. 9 22. Quality
Management 14. Enabler
7. Business 15. Result
Intelligence 16. Results

Answers for choose the correct answer- UNIT-3

1. 3 2.3 3.1 4.3 5.1 6.2 7.4 8.3 9.2 10.3 11.3 12.4 13.3 14.3 15.3 16.2 17. 1 18.4 19.1 20.1
21.3 22.223.324.4

Performance Management Internal Assessment Questions

Unit 4

Fill in the Blanks

1. A ________ is an underlying characteristic of a person, which enables him to deliver

superior performance in a given situation, role or job
2. People have and _________ competencies
3. The two meanings of the competency are closely related but ________
4. Defining job ___________ is useful in assisting individuals develop their competencies
for that job
5. A Competency is clearly stated definition of a ___________ area related to success in a
job or role
6. A common set of criteria for all ___________ activities has been established with the
help of competencies
7. This is a __________ era
8. The need of the hour as indicated by many organizations is to build low cost
9. Competency mapping helps individuals to _________ themselves
10. __________ shows individuals where career development efforts need to be directed
11. __________ are often derived from specific job families within the organization
12. The results of _________ analysis helps in developing a competency based job
13. The competencies of the respective job descriptions becomes the factors for assessment
on the ____________
14. Skills or competency gaps inform __________ decisions
15. _____________ Feed back allows employees to rate themselves on global competencies
and specific behaviors
16. __________ surveys help managers chart te organizational level values and competencies
which are in need to improvement
17. Some studies approach mapping by focusing on ________ employees
18. An ability based on work task for a job output is called _________
19. An ability based on behavior tends to be referred as _______
20. According to McClelland people are motivated by _________ types of needs
21. ________ is seen as the ability to overcome resistance in achieving an objective or a goal
22. The ability to perform certain physical or mental tasks, consistently, accurately and when
displayed in meaningful ways and behaviorally turns into a ____________
23. Performance Appraisals were not being rated ________ in our country
24. As long as human beings are assessed by others a certain degree of ________ cannot be
25. There can never be _________ % satisfaction with appraisals
Multiple Choice Questions

1. Competency has ________ relevant meanings

1.4 2.3 3.2 4.1 5.All
2. The first meaning of competency addresses the ability of __________ to perform
effectively in job relevant area
1.Individual 2.Group 3.Team 4.All the above 5.None
3. The second meaning of competency is the definition of what is required of an individual
for effective _________
1.Motivation 2.Performance 3.Compensation 4.None 5.All

4. Competencies are applied in the form of ____________

1.Behavior 2.Output 3.Results 4.All 5.None
5. Competencies results into behaviors like __________
1.Actions 2.Thoughts 3.Feelings 4.All 5.None
6. __________ is a grouping of individual competencies, which describes all or most of the
requirements for a job, function or organizational success
1.Competency 2.Competency Mapping 3.Competency Model 4.All
7. It is always __________ to have competent people to occupy higher level positions
1.Beneficial 2.Cost effective 3.Recommended 4.Both 1&2 5.None

8. Competency refers to ______________competency

1. Emotional 2.Intellectual 3.Managerial 4.All 5.None

9. The purpose of analyzing ________ needs is to uncover the gap that exists between
present competency and the competency needed to reach
1 Performance 2.Training 3.Selection 4.Recruitment 5.All

10. Competency Mapping identifies an individuals ___________

1 Strengths 2.Weakness 3.Both1&2 4.Role 5.None

11. Competency mapping involves ___________

1.Identifying key competencies 2.Incorporating those competencies through various
process 3.Role & Responsibility 4.All 5.None

12. Mapping competencies is the work of __________ professionals within the organization
1.Human Resource 2.Corporate Learning 3.Development 4.All d above 5.None

13. Job evaluation based competency mapping includes _________ steps

1.3 2.4 3.5 4.6 5.None

14. Competency mapping is adjunct to __________ initiatives

1.Knowledge management 2.Organizational learning 3.Both 1&2 4.None

15. Job analysis techniques helps companies to extract knowledge of core competency
requirements from ________ experts
1.External 2.Internal 3.Both 1&2 4.None 5.Similar

16. Of the following _________ is a technique used to identiy the organizational level
1.360 Multi-Rater Feedback 2.Organizational Survey 3.Job Analysis 4.All

17. Competency is based on _________

1.Work task 2.Behavior 3.Both 4.None 5.Planning
18. In a competency cluster, behavioral indicators are the ____________
1.Basic Building Blocks 2.Fundamental framework 3.None 4.Both
5.Job performers

19. According to McClelland people are motivated by _________ needs

1.Achievements 2.Affiliations 3.Power 4.All the above 5.None

20. People with high need of __________ enjoy challenging work

1.Achievement 2.Affiliation 3.Power 4.All 5.None

21. People with high need for _________ direct their energies toward the establishment and
maintenance of effective working relationships
1.Achievement 2.Affiliation 3.Power 4.All 5.None

22. A persons ________ formulates itself into self concept

1.Attitude 2.Values 3.Self image 4.All 5.None

23. If PMS has to work the first step is to shift focus from appraisal to performance
1.Planning 2.Review 3.Development 4.All 5.None

24. If the focus is on appraisals the primary concerns are __________

1.Returns of filled in forms 2.Objectivity in assessment 3.Rewards 4.All 5.None

25. The dissatisfaction with performance appraisals will be _______ in organizations that
link appraisals to salary and other reward
1.Low 2.High 3.Medium 4.None 5.All


Fill in the blanks unit iv answers

1. Competency 2.acquire 3.Distinct 4.competencies 5.Performance

6.HR 7.Competency 8.Assessment 9.Understand 10.Competency
Mapping 11.Competencies 12. Job 13.Performance Evaluation 14.Training 15.360
multi rater 16.Organizational 17.High Performing 18.Competency
19.Competency 20.3 21.Power 22.Competency 23.Successful
24.Subjectivity 25.100
Multiple Choice Questions unit 4 answers

1. 3 2.1 3.2 4.1 5.4 6.3 7.4 8.4 9.2 10.3 11.4 12.4
13.2 14.3 15.2 16.2 17.2 18.4 19.4 20.1 21. 2 22.4 23.4
24.4 25.2

Performance Management Internal Assessment Questions

Unit 5

Fill in the Blanks

1. The major pitfall of performance management system is _________ the data generated
2. The data that gets generated in PMS is used to clarify the _______
3. In some PMS ________ are asked in the beginning itself to estimate the support
4. Estimating the support requirements is a means of ________ to the top management
about the employee expectations
5. _________ data is used to initiate performance improvement activities
6. ________ gaps gives insights into the development needs of an individual
7. The analysis of the ________ patterns will give insights into the lenient and conservative
8. ________ is obtained through mutual discussion of PAs and KPAs
9. ________ should result in a better performance and a sense of satisfaction on the part of
each appraisee
10. _________ gaps can be identified in performance appraisal
11. The _________ in ratings are indicative of the areas of attention
12. Exclusive reliance on the ________ recommendations of the training needs may not give
the complete picture of the development needs
13. Development Decisions are not effective until and unless the _______ himself accepts
14. _________ analysis is another useful source of identifying the development needs
15. ________ inhibiting factors may be the indicators of the capability gaps
16. Job rotation is an effective way of developing _________ capabilities
17. Some organizations use ________ as a mechanism for identifying and developing the
potential of employees
18. ________ points out the need for job rotation
19. Delegation can be used as a mechanism for developing employee _________ in new
areas for performing employees
20. Development Decisions should be taken by the _______ management
21. In taking development decisions _______- department plays a major role
22. Administrative decisions are based on _________
23. ______ is giving an employee more that what is usually given to employees at his level
24. Performance rewards are given to individuals for ________ outstanding work in their
25. ________ is an effective way of communicating to employees that every individual
employee is considered important and his performance is given due recognition
Multiple Choice Questions:

1. The value of data generated in a performance management system is often _________

1 Underestimated 2.Underutilized 3.Both 1&2 4.Fully Utilized 5.None

2. The data gathered in PMS can be used to align individual goals with _______ goals
1 Organizational 2.Department 3.Customer 4.All the above 5.None

3. In some PMS ________ are asked in the beginning itself to estimate the support
1 Customers 2.Employees 3.Management 4.Suppliers 5.None

4. Performance Analysis Data indicates the _________ factors

1 Facilitating 2.Blocking 3.Both 4.None 5.Restarting

5. Ratings on qualities indicates _________

1 Strengths of employees 2.Weakness of employees 3.Lays ground for
Development decisions 4.All the above 5.None

6. The analysis of rating patterns will help in ___________

1 Organizational Development 2.Planning 3.Control 4.Training 5.All

7. Appraisal data can be applied for _____________

1 Development decisions 2.HR management 3.Pay Revision 4.None

8. The development decision based on appraisal data include __________

1 Performance Rewards 2.Career Development 3.Promotions 4.Changes of
duties 5.All

9. The HR decision based on appraisal data include __________

1 Career Development 2.Performance Rewards 3.Job Rotation 4.Delegation
10. The path for __________ on the job is carved out for employees through KPAs,
Behavioral Dimensions, Self Appraisal, Performance Analysis and counseling
a) 1 Training 2.Development 3.All 4.None 5.
11. The insights gained during _________ should be reinforced and strengthened by
supportive administration decisions by the HRD Departments
1. Performance Review 2.Counseling 3.Development decisions 4.All the above

12. Performance Appraisal should indicate the capabilities an employee _________- to

perform each of the functions associated with his role
1 Has 2.Lacks 3.Pertain 4.Both 1&2 5.None

13. ________ Ratings indicate Training needs

1 Poor 2.Excellent 3.Good 4.None 5.Average

14. If a large group of employees are required to be trained then ____________ training
programmes can be organized
1 Outside Sponsored 2.In House 3.Both 4.None 5.All

15. If a Small group of employees are required to be trained then ____________ training
programmes can be organized
1 Outside Sponsored 2.In House 3.Competitors 4.None 5.All

16. Poor ratings may be a result of

1 Capability Gaps 2.Motivational issues 3.Biases 4.All the above 5.None

17. __________ involves periodic changing of employees from one job to another to give
them an experience of handling minimum variety of jobs in the organization
1 Performance Analysis 2.Job Rotation 3.Performance Appraisal; 4.All
the above 5.None

18. _________ development decisions can be taken by the appraisee himself during the
performance appraisal discussion
1. Potential 2.Career 3.Both 4.None 5.All
19. __________ for the development needs are given by the appraisee and appraiser through
the performance appraisal forms
1 Methods 2.Inputs 3.Outputs 4.Process 5.All
20. Administrative decisions are generally taken by _________
1 Top Management 2.HR Dept 3.Middle management 4.Both1&2 Together
5.1&2 Seperately

21. _________ is a key issue in many organizations to which chief executives do not pay
1 Performance Rewards 2.Administrative Decisions 3.Performance Analysis
4.All 5.None
22. Of the following _______ is a performance reward
1 Bravery 2.Social Service 3.Best Employee 4.None of the above 5.All

23. Need for ________ is very important and dictates employee behavior
1 Performance 2.Development 3.Recognition 4.None 5.All

24. Following are the reward mechanisms

1 Salary Increase 2.Change of jobs 3.Promotions 4.All 5.None

25. In ___________ a select percentage of employees are given annual awards which are not
linked with salaries
1 Annual Performance Rewards 2.Salary Increase 3.Outstanding Performance
Rewards 4.Promotions 5.All

Unit V Answers

Fill in the Blanks

1. Underestimating 9. Performance 18. Performance

2. Roles Appraisal Appraisal
3. Employees 10. Capability 19. Capabilities
4. Communication 11. Trends 20. Top
5. performance 12. appraiser 21. HRD
analysis 13. Employee 22. Performance
6. knowledge/skill 14. Performance 23. Rewarding
7. Ratings 15. Individual 24. Consistence
8. Role Clarity 16. Employee 25. Performance
17. Job Rotation Rewards

Multiple Choice Questions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
3 1 2 3 4
6. 10. 14. 18. 22.
4 3 2 3 4
7. 11. 15. 19. 23.
5 4 1 2 3
8. 12. 16. 20. 24.
2 4 4 4 4
9. 13. 17. 21. 25.
2 1 2 1 1

Performance management

Descriptive questions

Unit I

1. Performance management 9. Performance target

2. Performance planning 10. Human resource development
3. Key performance areas 11. Job performance roles
4. Key result areas 12. Performance appraisal
5. Conceptual capability 13. Crisis management
6. Technical capability 14. Five factor model
7. Managerial capability 15. MBO
8. Spangenbergs integrated model 16. Performance

Unit II

1. Assessment centre 10. Reengineering performance appraisal

2. Psychometric test system
3. Leaderless group discussions 11. Performance analysis
4. Management games 12. Performance review
5. Simulation exercises 13. Performance monitoring
6. Role plays 14. Performance feedback
7. Self appraisal 15. In basked method
8. 360 degree performance appraisal 16. Team games
9. Performance review


Unit III

1. Organizational excellence 5. Key performance indicators

2. EFQM excellence model 6. Excellence
3. Bench-marking 7. Corporate Performance Management
4. Process management 8. Business Intelligence
9. Enterprise 13. Excellence
10. Key Performance Indicators 14. Learning organization
11. Balance Score card 15. Quality
12. Self Assessment

Unit IV

2. Competency 11. Performance management system

3. competencies 12. multiple
4. Competency Mapping 13. Competency model
5. Job 14. Performance
6. Performance Evaluation 15. Intangible
7. Training 16. Balance Scorecard
8. 360 multi rater 17. Strategy
9. Culture 18. Organization survey
10. Mind mapping

Unit V

26. Line function 34. Counseling

27. Performance Ratings 35. In house activities
28. Job Rotation 36. Succession planning
29. Training 37. Administrative decisions
30. Career development 38. Consistency
31. Subjectivity 39. Subjectivity
32. MBO 40. mentoring
33. People Centered

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