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In this session, we wanna take a look at some commands we can use when

troubleshooting Named EIGRP thats a newer approach to configuring EIGRP

The same underlying issues are essentially the same for named EIGRP as
they were for EIGRP, for IPv4 and EIGRP for IPv6, we have some additional verification
commands that i want to share with you in this topic, first lets review some of basics of
Named EIGRP and lets understand why we might want to use in a first place, think about it
with IPv4 it could be fairly easy to setup in EIGRP configuration we could say
Router eigrp given an AS Number and then say
And suddenly all of our interfaces that are administratively up they all
participating now in this EIGRP process that was easy however, things start to get more
complicated when we adding something for IPv6
We give some command under Interface Configuration Mode
Maybe we need to go into EIGRP for IPv4 Configuration Mode
If want to tweak any parameter for EIGRP for IPv6, we gonna go into that
Configuration Mode
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We got all these Different Configuration Modes we bouncing back and forth
between and that can give bit of complexity but the great news is Named EIGRP lets us
consolidate all of this under one Configuration Mode.
With Named EIGRP we take the function that we would normally have to configure
under Interface Configuration Mode, EIGRP for IPv4 Configuration Mode, EIGRP for IPv6
Configuration Mode and we consolidate them together in whats called EIGRP Virtual

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This EIGRP Virtual Instance is made up of One Configuration Mode and under
this one Hierarchical Configuration Mode we can do everything we need to do, instead of
going into lots of different Configuration Modes under this Virtual Instance, we can define an
EIGRP Address-Family

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We might create an Address-Family for IPv4 and we can create another Address-
Family for IPv6 and its under Address-family Configuration Mode, we gonna setup the more
general EIGRP parameter like our Router ID, we can say whether or not Router is in EIGRP
Stub Router

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Something else we can do from Address-Family Configuration Mode is enter an
Address-Family-Interface Configuration Mode and as just a couple of examples things we
can do here, we could set up an interface being a passive interface, we could set up EIGRP
Timers here as well

There is also an Address-Family-Topology Configuration Mode here we give

commands that has a Direct impact on router EIGRP topology Table, its here we could setup
things like the Variance option where we could load-balance across Paths that have unequal

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For example, lets say that we have got two different ways to get to
destination network one way has a metric of 1 million another way has a metric of 1.5
million, well normally we just gonna go with the best Route, i am gonna go with the Lowest
Feasible Distance however, if we set our Variance to lets say suddenly we can use that other
Route, here is a way that calculation done we take the variance which is an integer we said 2
in this example, we could say 2 times the Feasible Distance we said that was 1 million so, 2
times 1 million is 2 million, by doing that we have now set the range of acceptable values, we
are saying that if the metric is anywhere in the range of 1 million to 2 million, we can load
balance across it and we said that alternate path had a metric of 1.5 million, Great news we
can use that by setting the Variance and something else we can configure under Address-
Family-Topology Configuration Mode is Redistribution maybe we got a couple of Routing
Protocols running on Router and we want those Routing Protocols to exchange to Route
And now the we reviewed some of the Theory of Named EIGRP, lets take a
look at topology.

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Here in this topology on Picture, i have got all my Routers configured with
Named EIGRP and when it comes to troubleshooting the same basic set of issues that we
talked about last session dealing with neighborship and Routing issue, those some underlying
causes still apply here as well but i want to do a separate session on Named EIGRP to show
you some new Show Commands that we can use with this brand-new type of Configuration
First lets take a look at our Named EIGRP Configuration, lets do a
R2#show run | section router eigrp

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And here you see, we defining this EIGRP Virtual Instance and i have got couple of
Address-family, One for IPv4, One for IPv6 and i have set thigs up like
Variance of 2 for IPv4 and i given a network statement of to make all of my
UP/UP interfaces participate in the IPv4 EIGRP Routing Process
There is not really much to configure for IPv6 you just give the One Command
address-family ipv6 unicast autonomous System 2
And suddenly your interfaces that are UP/UP have an IPv6 address there
participating in the Process but i want to show you some new commands, first remember the
Command that
R2#show ip protocols
That we could use with IPv4 and
R2#show ipv6 protocols
We could use with IPv6, there is a similar command we have here is
R2#show eigrp protocols

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And notice, the output from this command gives us information about IPv4 and the
IPv6 Process and we got information like K Values those have to match between our
neighbors, Variance of 2 set here for IPv4 something that missing those specifically for IPv6
when we did a
#show ipv6 protocols

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We got a list of interfaces that were participating in EIGRP for IPv6, we dont get
that here and the output of
R2#show eigrp protocols
And that reason many people prefer to go with older command however, there is
a way to see what interfaces participating in this IPv6 Routing Process, we could say
R2#show eigrp address-family ipv6 interfaces
R2#show eigrp address-family ipv4 interfaces

We could see what interfaces are participating and i can get additional information
by adding the detail keyword to end of this command
R2#show eigrp address-family ipv4 interfaces detail

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This is gonna show us things like Hold Time and the Hello Time by the way the
Timers do not necessarily have to match between EIGRP speaking neighbors, with OSPF thats
something that does have to match between our neighbors timers have to match and its
good practice Timers to match with EIGRP, you can form a neighborship with different Timers
with EIGRP, something to keep in mind we also see the Split-Horizon enabled

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Do you remember what split-horizon does?
Split-horizon says, if i learn a Route coming into an interface i am not going to advertise that
very same Route out of that interface if somebody tells me their Resume why? would i tell
their Resume back to them that doesnt make sense however, if we were in a Point-to-
Multipoint network maybe like a Frame-relay network where we got a Hub and Spoke
topology, its possible that we might need turns this off so Route advertisement coming in
from one of our Spoke Routers gets advertised back out of same interface to go to another
Spoke Router and just like we can look at the interface Table that eigrp maintains we can look
at the neighbors Table and Topology Table
R2#show eigrp address-family ipv4 neighbors

And we can see what IPv4 neighbors we have, we can do the same thing with IPv6
R2#show eigrp address-family ipv6 neighbors

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We can take a look first for IPv6
R2#show eigrp address-family ipv6 topology

Those are the network known to EIGRP and we can do the same thing for IPv4

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Thats the look at few new commands that we can use to get information from our
Routers thats configured for Named EIGRP but please keep in mind, the older commands that
we saw on Prior topic there gonna work to if we prefer to do those.

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