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Research Paper

My senior project is to assist in the directing of the second semester musical, which will

be The Little Mermaid the musical, based on the story written by Hans Christian Andersen.

There are a few challenges in becoming a student director. First, although you have the position

of student director, it is difficult to convince your peers or friends that you have the authority to

make decisions regarding the task. Second, making the transition from a non-authoritative role to

a leadership role without causing conflict. Third, communicating with your peers while in a

position of authority. Finally, finding ways to ensure that everyone is being respected.

When you are in a leadership position with your peers it is difficult to persuade your

peers that you have authority, because they still see you as a friend. In the words of Lindsay

Price It is about giving guidance not about being the boss. Asking for permission to take

authority defeats the purpose of having the authority, especially with your peers. There is no

need to wait for permission to act, just adopt the authority position.(Perry). You have to be

strong and take charge for them to take you seriously.

The transition into a leadership position without creating conflict among your friends

and other peers. You dont want to be a pushover in your position but you also definitely dont

want to act power-hungry, you want to find a middle ground between the

two( If you are too power-hungry your peers will not want to listen to

you, but if you are a pushover people can take advantage of you and your authority. It should be

worth it to your peers to take your direction or requests.( There will

always be conflict in student directing situations but if there is a way to avoid it then you should

make the changes needed.

Communication is a key factor in directing your peers. You must choose your words

carefully, and be open and honest with your peers. ( People cannot

read you mind if you have a specific vision tell your actors (Price). You must make sure that

your peers understand you. Asking questions with a genuine interest in what your peer has to say

makes an effective leader( It is always good to make sure you understand your peers

and that they understand you.

Respect is a must have in a student directing environment, from both the student director

and their peers. Having a steady behavior and clear focus generates trust and ultimately respect.

(Kinicki and Kreitner). Treat people the same as if you did not have the authority role but still

take charge.Changing your attitude because of your leadership position will not show your

respect for them. You have to set the atmosphere that your actors will work

in.( you respect them, they will respect you.

Student directing comes with challenges and obstacles that any project would have. In

order to eliminate some of the problems you must create good communication between you and

your actors. Have respect and expect respect from your peers. Make sure to find a middle ground

with your approach on authority. You must also take charge and guide everyone in the right

direction. It is the student director's job to inspire and encourage your peers.(
Works Cited

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