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Ghid de converstie roman-englez: Sugestii "Suggestions"

Conversatie, exemple Gramatica limbii engleze Exercitii, traduceri

(Hai) sa mergem la cinema.

Let's go to the pictures.
(Hai) sa mergem la concert.
Let's go the concert.

(Hai) sa mai bem o bere.

Let's drink another beer.

(Hai) sa bem o (ceasca de) cafea.

Let's have a cup of coffee.

Am putea lua cina intr-un restaurant.

We could have dinner in a restaurant.

Am putea merge la familia Smith.

We could go to the Smiths`.

Am putea merge la o carciuma dupa spectacol.

We could go to a pub after the show.

Am putea vedea un film la televizor.

We could watch a film on television.

De ce nu plecam acum?
Why don't we go away now?

De ce nu-ti cumperi o masina noua?

Why don't you buy a new car?

De ce nu-i spui adevarul?

Why don't you tell him the truth?

De ce nu-ti schimbi dolarii?

Why don't you change your dollars?

Ce-ar fi sa mergem la tara?

What about going to the countryside?

Ce-ar fi sa luam cina acum?

What about serving dinner now?

Ce-ar fi sa invitam familia Johnson duminica viitoare?

What about inviting [in`vaitin?] the Johnsons next Sunday?

Ce-ar fi sa ne trezim devreme maine?

What about getting up early tomorrow?

N-am putea sa ne vindem masina acum?

Couldn't we sell our car now?

N-ar putea el sa le telefoneze din cand in cand?

Couldn't he phone them from time to time?

N-ai putea sa incerci sa-l convingi?

Couldn't you try to convince him?

N-ai putea sa-i spui ca nu are dreptate?

Couldn't you tell him he is wrong?
Gramatica limbii engleze, ghid de conversatie roman-englez
Let us este abrevierea de la let us. Se foloseste pentru a forma
imperativul unui verb
Ex: (Hai) sa mergem...! Let's go...!

"Could" este trecutul de la "can", dar totodata si forma conditionalului.

"We could go" poate insemna:
1) "Noi am putut merge." sau
2) "Noi am putea merge."

"Might" este forma de trecut a lui "may", folosita adeseori cu sensul de

a avea permisiunea. De asemenea, "I might" poate semnifica:
1) "Eu am putut." sau
2) "Eu as putea."

A se remarca disparitia lui "-e" pentru verbele care se termina in "e":

Write (a scrie) - writing
Drive (a sofa, a conduce) - driving
Take (a lua) - taking
Exercitii la "Suggestions", traduceti in engleza, in romana
Traduceti in engleza: Traduceti in romana:

1. Ce-ar fi sa mergem la cinema? 1. You should get up early.

What about going to the pictures? Ar trebui sa te trezesti devreme.
2. Ar trebui sa vezi filmul acesta. 2. They should not drink so
You should see this film. much.
Ei nu ar trebui sa bea asa mult.
3. De ce sa nu mergem la tara?
Why don't we go to the countryside ? 3. What about drinking another
cup of coffee?
4. Ar trebui sa vii mai des.
Ce-ar fi sa mai bem o ceasca de
You should come more often.
5. Hai sa le spunem adevarul!
4. What about eating in a good
Let's tell them the truth!
6. Ai putea lua pranzul acum. Ce-ar fi sa mancam intr-un
You could serve lunch now. restaurant bun?

7. Ai face mai bine sa pleci 5. We'd better buy another car.

devreme. Mai bine am cumpara alta
You'd better leave early. masina.

8. Nu am putea sa le spunem sa 6. We could go to the pictures

vina? after dinner.
Couldn't we tell them to come? Am fi putut merge la film dupa
Puneti verbele din paranteze la forma Completati cu cuvantul potrivit:
1. What about .... with him?
1. Let's (to take) another bus. go - going
Let's take another bus. What about going with him?
2. We'd better (to drink) English
beer. 2. Let ...go away now.
We'd better drink English beer. you - us
3. What about (to have) another Let us go away now.
What about having another beer?
4. They should (to eat) more fruit.
They should eat more fruit.
5. Couldn't we (to sell) our house?
Couldn't we sell our house?

6. Why don't you (to try) it?

Why don't you try it?

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