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Chapter 10
1. Jelaskan awal-awal berkembangnya teori evolusioner.
Began in Ancient Greek, never followed up because PA and early
Christians didnt believe in it
Started to be developed again in the 18 th century
Ran accordingly with the pioneering US spirit, prepared to accept a new,
practical point of view that was unconcerned with the abstract analysis of
the mind
2. Jean Lamarck mengatakan bahwa yang menyebabkan perubahan struktural di
tumbuhan dan binatang adalah..
Environmental changes
3. Tokoh siapa yang pertama kali mengemukakan frasa survival of the fittest?
Herbert Spencer
4. Jelaskan konsep social darwinism.
Survival of the fittest can be applied to society.
5. Menurut Darwin, fitness didefinisikan sebagai.
An organisms ability to survive and reproduce
6. Apa itu eugenics? Siapa tokoh yang pertama kali mengemukakannya?
A method to better the quality of offsprings; selective breeding;
encouraging the mating of bright people and discouraging people of lesser
intellect to mate. Sir Francis Galton
7. Metode statistik apa yang Spearman gunakan untuk menemukan g factor dan s
factor dalam teori intelegensinya?
Factor analysis
8. Jelaskan perbedaan teori inteligensi Spearman dan Binet.
Spearman: unitary nature of intelligence, intelligence is largely inherited,
IQ=measured g, more accepted in US
Binet: diverse nature of intelligence, intelligence is modifiable by
experience, IQ=intellectual level, less accepted in US

Chapter 11
1. Sebutkan 3 karakteristik dari functionalism
Goal: understand the function of the mind
Seeks individual differences
Interested in the why of mental processes motivation-centric
2. Sebutkan 3 karakteristik dari consciousness menurut William James
Constantly changing
3. Jelaskan prinsip dasar James-Lange Theory of Emotions
Emotions are the result of physiological changes; perceived by the person
4. Teknik apa yang digunakan oleh Mary Whiton Calkins?
Paired-associate technique
5. Menurut James Rowland Angell, apa saja 3 poin besar dalam psikologi?
Mental operations, not conscious elements
Mental processes mediate the organisms needs and the environment,
aiding in adaptive functions
6. Jelaskan Law of Exercise and Effect yang dikemukakan oleh Thorndike.
Law of exercise: the more often material is exercised, the longer it sticks
Law of use: the more often an association is practiced, the stronger
it becomes
Law of disuse: the longer an association remains unused, the
weaker it becomes
Law of effect: an association followed by a satisfying state of affairs is
strengthened; if followed by an annoying state of affairs, it is weakened

Chapter 12
1. Jelaskan maksud experimental neurosis menurut Ivan Pavlov!
When two stimuli that cause conflicting behaviour becomes
indistinguishable, the excitatory and the inhibitory tendencies will
overload and the organism will break down
2. Menurut Watson, apa saja cara mempelajari tingkah laku?
Conditioned-reflex method (Pavlov & Bechterev style)
Verbal reports
3. Menurut Watson, bagaimana semestinya orang tua mendidik anak?
Treat children as adults, minimize affection and be perfectly objective
4. Apa saja karakteristik purposive behavior menurut McDougall?
The goal may be constant but the behaviour used to attain it may vary
Stops when goal is achieved
More effective when practiced

Chapter 13
1. Apa yang dimaksudkan dengan operationism?
Every abstract concept should be defined in terms of the procedures used
to measure it
2. Menurut Tolman, apa bedanya learning dan performance?
Motivation influences performance but not learning
Performance = translation of learning into behavior
3. Apa itu latent learning?
Learning that isnt manifested instantaneously into behaviour, until the
organism has an incentive
4. Menurut Guthrie, breaking habits dapat dilakukan dengan..
Performing another act in the presence of a stimuli that elicits the
undesirable act
5. Menurut Skinner, yang mana yang lebih baik untuk mengontrol tingkah laku?
Reinforcement exerts better control over behaviour because punishment
doesnt weaken behaviour.

Chapter 14
1. Jelaskan konsep pendekatan molar (molar approach).
Concentrating on phenomenology; the macro approach of studying certain
2. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksudkan dengan psychophysical isomorphism.
The patterns of brain activity and of conscious experience are structurally
3. Menurut Gestalt, sebutkan 2 tipe lingkungan.
Geographical & behavioral
4. Sebutkan karakateristik dari insightful learning.
Sudden & complete
Smooth & free of errors
Retained for a long time
Easily applied to other problems
5. Apa itu memory process?
The braina activity caused by a specific environmental event
6. Jelaskan 3 cara menangani konflik menurut Lewin.
Approach-approach: attracted to two goals
Approach-avoidance: involves one goal about which one has mixed
Avoidance-avoidance: repelled by two unattractive goals

Chapter 15
1. Sebutkan 4 karakteristik mental illness.
Harmful behaviour
Unrealistic thoughts or perceptions
Unpredictable behaviour
Inappropriate emotions
2. Jelaskan perspektif supernatural dalam menjelaskan penyebab mental illness.
Caused by mysterious forces entering the body
3. Dalam pendekatan psikologis, apa saja metode yang termasuk dalam early
treatments untuk mental illness?
Catharsis, offering support, encouragement, love, reassurance, dream
analysis, thoughts, & motives, teaching effective coping skills
4. Siapa yang dikatakan sebagai the 1st US psychiatrist?
Benjamin Rush
5. Apa kontribusi Dorothy Lindea Dix dalam perkembangan treatment untuk orang-
orang dengan mental illness?
Taught female inmates in Boston prison; fought for better treatment &
facilities for mental patients; campaigned to improve the plight of mental
6. Siapa tokoh yang menemukan jurnal Psychological Clinic?
Lightner Witmer
7. Jelaskan bagaimana fenomena Mesmerism menjadi tidak terkenal lagi.
Criticized by medical profession; concluding that Mesmers cures were due
to the imagination
8. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksudkan dengan posthypnotic amnesia.
The inability to remember what happened during trances
9. Menurut Jean Martin Charcot dari perspektif medis, bagaimana gejala hysteria
bisa timbul?
Caused by hereditary neurological degeneration that is progressive and
10.Jelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan aritificial somnambulism.
Similar to Mesmerism, except patients are placed in a peaceful, sleeplike

Chapter 16
1. Jelaskan struktur kesadaran menurut Freud.
Consciousness: things were aware of at every moment
Subconsciousness: things were not aware of but could easily become
aware of
Unconsciousness: actively repressed memories, can only be made
conscious with great effort
2. Sebutkan komponen-komponen sebuah drive.
3. Jelaskan 2 divisi superego.
Conscience: internalized experiences based on consistent punishment
Ego-ideal: internalized experiences based on reinforcements
4. Jelaskan 3 tipe anxiety
Objective: threat to the persons well-being
Neurotic: the ego feels its going to be overridden by the id
Moral: occurs when an internalized value is about to be violated, causes
5. Menurut Freud, the ego adalah bagian kepribadian yang dikontrol oleh prinsip
Reality principle
6. Sebutkan semua stages dalam psychosexual stages Freud, dan sebutkan sumber
pleasure (erogenous zones) dari setiap stages.

Chapter 17
1. Sebutkan perbedaan teori Klein dan Anna freud
Klein (Objects Relations Theory) Freud
Emphasizes pre-Oedipal development Emphasizes Oedipal development
Superego develops in oral stage Superego develops in phallic stage
Emphasizes interpersonal Emphasizes biological drive
Analyze a childs playful activities Analyze a childs fantasies and

2. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksudkan dengan archetypes dan beri contoh2nya.

Predispositions to respond emotionally to an experience based on
inherited cumulative experience
Persona: part of personality shown to public
Anima: female component of male personality
Animus: male component of female personality
Shadow: tendency to be immoral & aggressive
Self: need for unity and wholeness of personality; drives one to synthesize
all components
3. Menurut Adler, mengapa manusia bisa merasa inferior?
We begin life by depending on others; causes feelings of inferiority that
drives people to attain power and strive for superiority
4. Mengapa teori Horney disebutkan sebagai social psychoanalysis?
She believed that psychological problems are determined by ones social
experience; cause of mental illness: society and social interactions
5. Menurut Horney, ada tiga cara untuk mengatasi basic anxiety. Sebutkan 3 cara
Moving toward people: compliant
Moving from people: detached
Moving against people: hostile

Chapter 18
1. Sebutkan dan jelaskan 3 anteseden dari humanistic psychology.
Romanticism: humans are born good; given freedom theyll be happy,
fulfilled, and social-minded
Existentialism: emphasizes human ability to attain meaning; truth is
Phenomenology: any methodology that focuses on cognitive experience as
it occurs without reduction
2. Jelaskan konsep authentic life dan inauthentic life menurut Heidegger,
Authentic life: accepts death as inevitable, one has a sense of excitement
to excercise their freedom, creates meaningful existence for personal
growth (becoming)
Inauthentic life: mortality causes anxiety; pretends and lives a traditional,
conventional life conforming to dictates of society; lives without concern
for the future; gives up their freedom, lets others lead their life
3. Apa itu weltenschauung?
World-design/worldview; how one sees and embraces the world
4. Sebutkan dan jelaskan 3 modes of existence menurut Binswanger.
Umwelt (around world): world of things and events
Mitwelt (with world): interactions with other humans
Eigenvel (own world): private, inner, subjective experience
5. Sebutkan paling tidak 5 karakteristik self-actualized people menurut Maslow
Have only few friends, realize theyre not perfect, needs privacy,
spontaneous & natural, perceive reality accurately & fully, well-developed
but not hostile humor
6. Apa yang dimaksudkan dengan actualizing tendency menurut Rogers?
Innate drive towards self-actualization
7. Jelaskan apa yang dimaksudkan dengan unconditional positive regard.
People are loved and accepted for what they truly are

Chapter 19
1. Jelaskan apa itu pendekatan biopsychology.
Attempts to explain psychological phenomena in terms of their biological
2. Jelaskan perbedaan child and adult learning menurut Hebb menggunakan konsep
cell assemblies dan phase sequences.
Childhood learning: involves the slow buildup of cell assemblies and phase
Adult learning: characterized by insight & creativity, involves the
rearrangement of cell assemblies and phase sequences
3. Siapa tokoh yang pertama kali menemukan corpus callosum?
Roger W. Sperry
4. Apa yang dipelajari oleh bidang studi etologi?
Animal behaviour
A specific category of behaviour in an animals natural environment and
attempt to explain it through evolutionary theory

Chapter 20
1. Pada tahun 1957, Festinger mempublikasikan bukunya mengenai cognitive
dissonance. Apa itu cognitive dissonance?
When ideas are incompatible with one another so a person is forced to
change beliefs/behaviour
2. Jelaskan proses mental manusia jika ditinjau dari pendekatan information-
processing psychology
The human mind is like a computer; both receive input, process that input,
have memory and produce output
3. Jelaskan apa itu bidang studi artificial intelligence.
A branch of computer science that investigates the extent to which mental
powers of humans can be captured by means of machines

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