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Body and face

1. WARM UP The Pinocchio song

2. REVIEW Family and friends Copiii au pregtit acas ppuelele cu family
members, iar pe baza lor vor repeat vocabularul.
i. Who is this?
ii. This is my mother. ( etc)
iii. This ismy family!

3. PRESENTATION Body and face ( singular plural) Pe baza cartonaelor

copiii rostesc pronunia corect a cuvintelor. Apoi fiecare cartona este ntors cu faa n
jos, iar ei vor trebui s ghiceasc ce parte a feei sau a corpului este. Cnd ei i-au
nsuit vocabularul , vor juca Simon says touch your.

ii. EAR
iii. MOUTH
iv. NOSE
vi. HEAD
vii. ARM
viii. LEG

4. Worksheet Listen and draw . Copiii vor desena dup indicaii faa de pe fi exersnd
n felul acesta structura I` ve got .

5. Swapping game . Copiii privesc un cartona . De ex. Prof. arat EAR i zice This is
an eye. Copiii trebuie s corecteze prpoziia. No , this is an EAR. Pe rnd , vin i ali
copii n fa pentru a spune propoziii.

6. Worksheet Count and write. Copiii numr prile corpului de pe fi exersnd astfel
formele de plural.

a. Three ears
b. Two eyes, etc.
c. Partea a doua a fiei Copiii coloreaz cu o anumit culoare , forma din jurul
prilor feei. ( Circle and colour with blue the teeth).
7. Good bye song
8. HW Draw your own face ! Copiii i deseneaz feele i completeaz spaiile
libere cu numrul correct.

(Make a big circle.)

Everybody in. [Move forward.] Everybody out. [Move back.]
Everybody turn around. [Turn around.] Everybody shout, "Hey!" [Jump up and shout, "Hey!"]
Everybody ready? Here we go. [Put your hands on your hips and sway side to side.]
Let's do The Pinocchio. [Make a Pinocchio nose by putting two fists in front of your nose, and
then make it "grow" by moving one hand forward.]
Right arm! [Hold up your right arm as if it were a puppet's arm.]

[Keep your right arm up as you dance in and out.]

Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout, "Hey!"
Everybody ready? Here we go.
Let's do The Pinocchio.
Right arm! [Hold up your right arm.]
Left arm! [Hold up your left arm.]

[Keep your right and left arms up as you dance in and out.]
Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout, "Hey!"
Everybody ready? Here we go.
Let's do The Pinocchio.
Right arm! [Hold up your right arm.]
Left arm! [Hold up your left arm.]
Right leg! [Hold up your right leg.]

[Keep your right and left arms up and kick your right leg as you dance in and out.]
Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout, "Hey!"
Everybody ready? Here we go.
Let's do The Pinocchio.
Right arm! [Hold up your right arm.]
Left arm! [Hold up your left arm.]
Right leg! [Kick your right leg.]
Left leg! [Kick your left leg.]

[Keep your right and left arms up and kick your legs as you dance in and out.]
Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout, "Hey!"
Everybody ready? Here we go.
Let's do The Pinocchio.
Right arm! [Hold up your right arm.]
Left arm! [Hold up your left arm.]
Right leg! [Kick your right leg.]
Left leg! [Kick your left leg.]
Chin up! [Nod your head up and down.]

[Keep your right and left arms up, kick your legs and nod your head as you dance in and out.]
Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout, "Hey!"
Everybody ready? Here we go.
Let's do The Pinocchio.
Right arm! [Hold up your right arm.]
Left arm! [Hold up your left arm.]
Right leg! [Kick your right leg.]
Left leg! [Kick your left leg.]
Chin up! [Nod your head up and down.]
Turn around! [Spin.]

[Keep your right and left arms up, kick your legs, nod your head and turn around as you dance
in and out.]
Everybody in. Everybody out.
Everybody turn around. Everybody shout, "Hey!"
Everybody ready? Here we go.
Let's do The Pinocchio.
Right arm! [Hold up your right arm.]
Left arm! [Hold up your left arm.]
Right leg! [Kick your right leg.]
Left leg! [Kick your left leg.]
Chin up! [Nod your head up and down.]
Turn around! [Spin.]
Sit down! [Sit down.]

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