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Name: Stanciu Irina-Oana

Date: February, 17th
Class: 7th
Level: intermediate
No of students: 11
School: Scoala Gimnaziala nr.1 Viile, Firtanesti
Lesson: Glorious Food aquirring new information
Textbook: High Flyer - intermediate
Time: 50 min

1.1 to understand oral commands
2.3 to express opinions
3.3 to extract information from a text to complete a task
4.3 to write functional texts
By the end of the lesson the S will be able to:
-expressed preference about food according to facts and opinions,
- read advertisements and expressed detailed comprehension of the texts,
- worked in groups to create own advertisements
- dialogue, explanation, conversation, brainstorming, elicitation
SKILLS: reading, writing, speaking, listening
INTERACTION: T S; S-T; S S, group work
MATERIALS: board, flashcards, worksheets, pens, markers, flip chart, snacks
- some students might need further help and extra indications in solving the tasks and they may
also need some of these indications to be given in Romanian;
-some students might feel nervous and reluctant to participate in the activity, so they may need
more encouragement.
Warm Up
-to create a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere
Procedure: -T greets the Ss and ask about their mood. T checks homework.
Timing:5 min

Activity 1: Lead-in
-to activate students interest on the lesson;
Procedure: T holds an object in her hands so as students cannot see it and starts a series of
questions for students find out what it is:
-Would you like to know what this is?
- Can you guess? It is something to eat, very tasty, healthy, round, it is not sweet... (teacher
answers students questions and gives hints).
T announces the title and the objectives of the lesson
Timing: 5 min.

Activity 2: Presentation & Practice

-to engage students in expressing likes
-to focus students attention on the theme of the text
-to prepare students for the next stage of the lesson
Procedure: T presents some snack pictures and asks S for preferences. Which of the snacks
would they prefer to eat between meals. S have to number the food in order of preference. First T
writes her own order of preference on the board to demonstrate the task.
1 raw vegetables (my favourite)
7- yoghurt (my least favourite)
T asks some S their order and sees if there is any agreement in the class as to the food preferred.
T asks S to write in pairs as many adjectives related to food as they can in 2. T goes round and
checks that each pair is able to list a reasonable number of words.
T gives to S a handout with a diagram (appendix 1). T shows the same diagram on the flipchart.
T elicits some adjectives and gets S complete the diagram according to taste, texture, opinion or
factual description . eg. Sweet, delicious, healthy, crunchy.
T. writes on the blackboard some words related to food. S have to look up these words in the
dictionary and put them in the correct place in the diagram. S have to work in groups.
Soft=texture; filling= factual description, sour=tastes; scrumptious=opinion

Timing:8 min
Interaction: pair work, individual work, group work
Activity 3: Practice
-to develop S reading skills & to monitor understanding of the text/ sentences
- to consolidate information
Procedure: T asks S to read the sub-skills paragraph. T. tries to elicit some words that might be
found in advertisements, from both the fact and opinion category.
T asks S to read the sentences from exercise 5 . T reads the first sentence, which is given as an
example. T elicits the idea that all the statements here are facts they can be checked
scientifically, or as matters of statistic.
S work in pairs and decide whether the remaining sentences are facts or opinions. T goes through
and discusses the answers. T invites different opinions if S seems to disagree.
Answers: 2- opinion, 3 opinion, 4 fact, 5 fact, 6 opinion.
T asks S to read the two advertisements and look for adjectives. After finding them S must
decide what kind of adjectives are. S have to work in pairs.
T elicits some adjectives from the advertisement ( eg. delicious, natural) and gets Ss to say
whether they are adjectives of opinion or of fact. S continue the task writing down the adjectives
for each category. T goes round the class and checks how much agreement and disagreement
there is between students lists. After that S come to the board and write the adjectives under the
correct heading: opinion or fact adjectives.
Adjectives of opinion Adjectives of fact
Eg. delicious
T asks Ss what kind of adjective is more common in each advertisement. (opinion adjectives).
Timing:10 min
Interaction: T-S, pair work

Activity 4: Practice
- to extract information from a text
- to consolidate information
Procedure: T shows a chart to the S and explain them what an advertisement needs to have.
(selling points, pictures, appeal) . T asks S to identify those elements in the two advertisements
from their books and write them in a chart. (appendix 2)
Timing: 5 min
Interaction: T-S, S-T, individual work

Activity 5: Production
-to express personal opinions in a form of an advertisement
Procedure: S have to work in groups to create a Snack advertisement. T gives to S packets of
different snacks. After finishing the adv they have to presented to the class.
T gives the most interesting presentation the best score.
Timing: 15 min
Interaction: T-S, group work

Homework assignment: 2 min

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