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Amniotic Membrane Transplantation

in the Human Eye
Daniel Meller, Mikk Pauklin, Henning Thomasen, Henrike Westekemper, Klaus-Peter Steuhl

ransplantation of preserved human amniotic

Background: Amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT)
T membrane (AM) can be considered one of the
major new developments in surgery of the ocular sur-
has a long tradition in ophthalmic surgery and has become
face. Although the first ophthalmological use of AM
very popular recently because of newly developed
documented in the international literature took place al-
methods of tissue preservation.
most 70 years ago, amniotic membrane transplantation
Methods: We selectively review the literature on recent (AMT) has only been performed in larger numbers of
developments, mechanisms of action, and established patients since 1995, with promising results (13).
indications of AMT in the treatment of various diseases of Various disorders of the ocular surface, including
the ocular surface. We searched the PubMed database for persistent epithelial defects of the cornea, acute chemi-
articles that appeared from 1994 to 2009 with the key cal burns with long-term loss of integrity of the ocular
words amniotic membrane, cornea, and/or conjunctiva. surface epithelium or conjunctival scarring as a result
Results: Amniotic membrane (AM) can function in the eye of the healing of mucous membrane disorders still pose
as a basement membrane substitute or as a temporary a clinical challenge in ophthalmic surgery. Since
graft. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-scarring effects modern preservation methods were introduced, the in-
and contains growth factors that promote epithelial wound nermost layer of the placenta, the AM, procured in
healing on the surface of the eye. AMT has been found to sterile conditions following a Cesarean section, has
be a good alternative for corneal and conjunctival recon- experienced a renaissance as a basement membrane
struction in many clinical situations, including acute substitute. Today it is hard to imagine reconstructive
burns, persistent epithelial defects of the cornea, and dis- surgery of the ocular surface without it (13). In 2008,
eases that cause conjunctival scarring. Nonetheless, there a total of 2308 AMTs were performed in Germany (see
have been no more than a few randomized and controlled, in German). The many
trials of AMT to date. Other studies have shown that AM possible applications of AM established since then
can serve as a culture substrate to expand epithelial pro- range from grafts via patches to a culture substrate/car-
genitor cells for use in ocular surface reconstruction. rier for ex vivo cultivation of ocular surface epithelium.
Conclusion: AMT is an established technique in the treat- Each type of application yields histologically different
ment of various diseases of the external eye. In the last integration patterns for AM in the host corneal tissue
few years, AMT has brought about major advances in the (4). The most important indications in reconstructive
reconstructive surgery of the ocular surface. surgery of the ocular surface are persistent epithelial
defects of the cornea with corneal ulceration of varying
Cite this as:
etiology, covering defects after surgical removal of
Meller D, Pauklin M, Thomasen H, Westekemper H,
large conjunctival lesions, acute chemical burns,
Steuhl KP: Amniotic membrane transplantation in the
symblepharon and fornix reconstruction in healing con-
human eye. Dtsch Arztebl Int 2011; 108(14): 2438.
junctival disorders, and limbal stem cell deficiency of
DOI: 10.3238/arztebl.2011.0243
the cornea with simultaneous stem cell grafting (57).
This review article presents information obtained
from the authors scientific and clinical activities and a
selective search of PubMed literature using the search
terms amniotic membrane, cornea, and/or con-
junctiva ranging from 1994 to 2009. It reports new
developments, mechanisms of action, and established
indications of AMT.
Klinik fr Erkrankungen des vorderen Augenabschnittes,
Zentrum fr Augenheilkunde, Universitt Duisburg-Essen, Essen: Procurement and histology
Prof. Dr. med. Meller, Dipl.-Biol. Thomasen, Dr. med. Westekemper,
Prof. Dr. med. Steuhl The AM is the innermost layer of the placenta, located
Insitute of General and Molecular Pathology, University of Tartu, Estland: next to the fetus. Histologically, it is a multilayer mem-
Pauklin brane approximately 0.02 to 0.5 mm thick. After

Deutsches rzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2011; 108(14): 2438 243

serologically detectable pathogens (HIV-1/2; hepatitis have been isolated mainly from the amniotic epithelium
B, C; HTLV-I/II; syphilis) have been ruled out, it is but also from the AM stroma, are epidermal growth
procured under sterile conditions during a Cesarean factor and keratocyte growth factor (8, 9). Structural
section, packed in a sterile environment, and swiftly proteins such as laminin and type VII collagen in the
prepared in a sterile working area. Appropriate AM basement membrane explain the observed
standardized operating guidelines for procuring and epitheliotropic effects (9, 10). Intrinsic neurotropic
manufacturing human AM from donor placenta are cur- substances make AM an ideal substrate for
rently being developed with the support of the Tissue reconstruction of the epithelium of the ocular surface
Transplantation and Biotechnology Section of the Ger- (11, 12).
man Society of Ophthalmology (Deutsche Ophthalmo- The inhibition of TGF- signal transduction in cor-
logische Gesellschaft, DOG) (e1). When appropriately neal and conjunctival fibroblasts in vitro explains AMs
prepared it consists of a relatively thick basement mem- anti-scarring effect in the treatment of various disorders
brane with devitalized amniotic epithelial cells and an of the surface of the eye (13). In the initial phase after
avascular, almost acellular stroma. Cryopreservation AMT, there is typically a significant reduction in in-
involves a cryomedium (glycerin: DMEM medium flammation. In vitro, AM reduces expression of various
1:1), with a storage temperature of 75 C to 85 C growth factors and pro-inflammatory cytokines (14). In
and maximum storage time of approximately 12 to addition, anti-inflammatory cytokines such as
24 months. If professionally procured and preserved, interleukin-10 and interleukin-1 receptor antagonist are
AMs biological properties are retained, and as a result released in the epithelium and stroma of the AM and
this natural matrix can be used to replace damaged may modulate inflammatory processes. They may play
stromal tissue of the surface of the eye (4, 5). a role in the healing of acute chemical burns of the cor-
nea covered by AM (15, 16). AM also has an immuno-
Clinical importance of biological properties modulatory effect (17), and tissue rejection is therefore
Clinical trials suggest that AM transplantation pro- rarely observed in clinical use of AM.
motes epithelialization and differentiation of the epithe-
lium of the ocular surface (59). The most important The effects of cryopreservation
growth factors that promote wound healing, which As the cells of cryopreserved AM are devitalized after
thawing, no enzyme activity appears, and no intact
RNA can be extracted, these substances are released
BOX from the damaged, devitalized cells. Because these fac-
tors are removed after application of cryopreserved
Indications of amniotic membrane AM, longer-term use is problematic. It is therefore ad-
transplantation* visable to replace an AM used as a patch in ocular sur-
face reconstruction at regular weekly intervals until the
Reconstruction of the corneal surface desired epithelial wound closure occurs. Unlike the
Persistent epithelial defect with corneal ulceration generally preferred cryopreservation of AM, other AM
Reconstruction of the surface of the conjunctiva preparation procedures which are in use, such as acid
Acute chemical burns pretreatment and subsequent air drying (18), lead to
Removal of epithelial or subepithelial lesions near-complete loss of its biological properties, and as a
(band keratopathy, scars, tumors) result their possibilities for clinical application and
Painful bullous keratopathy their efficacy seem limited (19).
Partial or complete limbal stem cell deficiency
(with stem cell grafting) Basic surgical techniques
AM has three main aims in clinical use:
Reconstruction of the surface of the conjunctiva To promote epithelialization
Acute chemical burns and acute Stevens-Johnson To reduce pain
syndrome To minimize inflammation of the ocular surface.
Covering defects after removal of large conjunctival This allows procedures to be performed in a sequen-
lesions (tumors, conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia, tial manner, such as cornea transplantation with a re-
scars, conjunctival folds parallel to the edges of the duced risk of rejection (5, 20). These aims are achieved
eyelids) using various different surgical procedures for AMT (5,
Symblepharon, fornix reconstruction 6).
Bleb revisions Inlay or graft technique
Scleral thinning In the inlay technique, the AM is applied as a perma-
Pterygium nent basement membrane substitute. The main indi-
cations for this are persistent epithelial defects, corneal
* According to (57, 16, 2125). The literature contains no evidence- ulceration or to cover defects following excision of
based, randomized studies comparing AMT with the alternative options
for these indications conjunctival tumors (5, 6, 2023, e2) (Box). AM is
sewn in with the epithelium/basement membrane side

244 Deutsches rzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2011; 108(14): 2438

a b c
Figure 1: Amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT) in infectious corneal ulceration (see area marked with stars): a) Before surgery; b) Three days after AMT; c) Three
months after AMT a smooth corneal surface with no irritation has formed, with a paracentral corneal scar. Signs of inflammation have significantly decreased.
Modified with the permission of Dr. R. Kaden-Verlag (publishers), Heidelberg

facing outwards, using 10-0 nylon sutures, following Amniotic membrane as culture substrate and carrier
wound debridement, so that neighboring recipient The AM has only recently been described as a culture
epithelial cells can migrate onto the AM and the wound substrate for ex vivo expansion of the epithelium of the
begins to close (5, 6). In deep defects, e.g. corneal ul- ocular surface (7, 25, e3e5). Here the AM functions as
ceration, multiple layers of AM can be used (20, 21). a biomatrix and is placed on the surface of the eye to-
Epithelialization of the AM integrates AM into the host gether with the cultivated cells (e3, e4). This technique
tissue (4). It remains detectable for months, sometimes is mainly used to treat limbal stem cell deficiency, but
years, and in defects of the cornea is even colonized by also in reconstruction of major surface defects of the
local keratocytes (4). outer eye (7, 25, e5, e6).

Onlay or patch technique Indications of transplantation

In the onlay technique, a large AM is temporarily So many indications of AMT have already been
placed on the surface of the eye as a natural patch (5, described in the literature that they would go well
6). Unlike the inlay technique, where the AM remains beyond the boundaries of this review article (57, 16,
permanently on the cornea, with the onlay technique 2125, e2, e5, e6). The main indications of AMT are
the AM patch typically becomes detached from the sur- therefore summarized in the Box. Unfortunately,
face of the cornea after one to two weeks. Classical reliable clinical data have only been published in small
indications range from acute burns to acute herpetic to medium numbers of cases, with a relatively short
keratitis and the acute stage of Stevens-Johnson syn- follow-up period, and overwhelmingly in retrospec-
drome (5, 6, 16, 20, 24). With these indications AMs tively analyzed case series (e6), probably due to the low
biological properties, particularly its anti-inflammatory incidence of individual disorders of the ocular surface.
mechanisms of action, are used, although as mentioned There are no Cochrane Reviews or meta-analyses avail-
above these last only a limited time (8, 9, 19). If de- able from either the Cochrane Library or PubMed on
layed wound healing is demonstrated clinically, on the the subjects discussed in this review article. Controlled,
basis of the above-mentioned experimental data it randomized, multicenter, long-term trials involving
seems to be advisable to change the AM patch weekly large numbers of patients must be conducted in the
until the wound closes as desired. The orientation of the future in order to substantiate AMTs clinical potential
AM plays only a minor role with this surgical pro- in reconstructive surgery of the surface of the eye.
cedure: in most cases attaching the AM loosely in the
episcleral space or to the bulbar conjunctiva using 8-0 Reconstruction of the corneal surface
monofilament vicryl sutures is considered sufficient (5, Persistent epithelial defects and ulceration of the cornea
6). Disorders of the cornea are one of the most common in-
dications of AMT in the USA, accounting for 41% of
Inlay and onlay technique cases (9). The treatment of corneal ulcers still poses a
This technique, also called the sandwich technique, is a major challenge in ophthalmology, despite various con-
combination of the two described above and is used servative and surgical options (5, 20, 21). An intact
mainly in serious disorders of the ocular surface such as corneal epithelium is a decisive factor in ocular surface
deep and extensive corneal ulceration, or in surgical stability. Simple epithelial defects generally heal with
revisions (5, 6). The main purpose of the onlay is to no complications. If they are untreated or inappropri-
protect the inlay and promote its epithelialization (4, 5). ately treated, corneal ulceration, descemetocele, and
This method is favored due to its high success rate even perforation can quickly develop. AM is used clini-
(65% to 80%), and low rate of recurrence (approx. 20% cally as a basement membrane substitute in patients
to 35%) (5, 20). with persistent epithelial defects both with and without

Deutsches rzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2011; 108(14): 2438 245

to complete corneal erosion and blood vessel rupture at

the limbus and in the conjunctiva. The overriding aims
of treatment are to prevent necrosis and scarring and to
achieve swift epithelialization. Early AMT improves
functional outcomes after chemical burns (2, 16, 24).
Symblepharon occurred in only one case of slight to
moderate chemical burns treated with prompt AMT (2,
16, 24). In a prospective randomized controlled trial
b Tamhane et al. documented that the epithelial closure
rate was significantly higher in patients treated with an
Figure 2: Autologous transplantation of limbal epithelium cultivated ex vivo: a) Before sur- AM in the first week. For severe chemical burns, how-
gery, with complete stem cell deficiency following a chemical burn. Visual acuity sufficient to ever, stem cell deficiency of the cornea with long-term,
perceive hand movements. b) Stable, clear corneal surface 4.5 years after reconstruction. serious loss of visual acuity is often impossible to
Visual acuity has increased to 0.4 long-term. Modified according to Dev Ophthalmol 2010; prevent (16, e7).
45: 5770, with the permission of Karger-Verlag (publishers), Basel

Tissue engineering of limbal epithelium using amniotic

The corneal surface is very important to eyesight.
Maintaining a functional corneal epithelium is there-
fore essential to vision. Epithelial stem cells of the cor-
neal epithelium are located in the limbus, which forms
an anatomical bridge between the conjunctiva and the
cornea. Various disorders of the surface of the eye can
lead to limbal stem cell deficiency as a result of
a b destruction of limbal stem cells. Limbal stem cell defi-
ciency is characterized by formation of fibrovascular
Figure 3: Covering a defect following excision of conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasia:
pannus tissue on the corneal surface, increased glare
a) Before surgery, with a large conjunctival tumor (see area marked with stars); b) 4 years
after tumor excision and AMT there are no signs of recurrence. Intraocular pseudophakia sensitivity, and loss of vision. Long-term success of
with no irritation (intraocular lens, see area marked with stars) following a cataract operation surface reconstruction can only be achieved by restor-
ing the limbal stem cell population (e6).
For many years the results of conventional limbus
transplantation, which are not yet satisfactory, have
corneal ulceration (5, 20). After a median follow-up given rise to a demand for stem cells from cell culti-
time of 18 months, Seitz et al. achieved epithelial vation (e6). Further development of methods reliant on
closure with no recurrence in 65% of cases (5) (Fig- cell biology, particularly tissue engineering, now also
ure 1). The success rate of AMT can be significantly make it possible to cultivate limbus stem cells. Auto-
improved using subsequent measures such as inducing logous ex vivo expansion of limbal epithelial cells on
upper eyelid ptosis via Botox injection or tarsorrhaphy AM has only recently been developed as a new pro-
(5, 20). The reoperation rate then falls from approx. cedure (7, 25, e3e5) (Figure 2): in unilateral stem cell
44% to 30% (20). deficiency, in clinical and experimental conditions, a
A multilayer technique is used to treat deep corneal limbal biopsy measuring 1 to 2 mm was taken from the
ulceration, descemetocele, and small corneal per- other, healthy eye, and epithelial cells were cultivated
forations (21, e2). Solomon et al. report stable wound and expanded on the AM in vitro. This ex vivo expan-
closure in 28 of 34 eyes (82%) with these corneal sion of limbal epithelial cells is less traumatic than con-
disorders in a retrospective analysis (21). Kruse et al. ventional autologous limbal transplantation, in which
also achieved stabilization of the corneal surface in 9 of up to 50% of the limbus from the healthy eye is trans-
11 patients with deep ulceration of the cornea, within a planted onto the diseased eye. Tsai et al. were the first
follow-up time of 12 months (e2). After AMT, corneal to describe their clinical experience in treating limbal
transplantation (keratoplasty) is required for further stem cell deficiency using AM as a carrier and culture
restoration of vision. Prognosis is substantially im- substrate (25). Long-term wound healing and increased
proved if an intact surface epithelium has formed on the visual acuity were achieved in 83% of treated patients.
surface of the eye and signs of inflammation have de- Vascularization as a sign of recurring stem cell defi-
creased (5, 20, 21). Turning to complications, calcifi- ciency did not occur within the described follow-up
cation is observed in 12% of cases if eye drops contain- period. Many subsequent publications, some of which
ing phosphates are used, and infections in less than 1% concern different cell cultivation procedures, have also
of cases (5). described notable treatment success (7, e5). Unfortu-
nately, there is currently no standardized procedure
Acute chemical burns available, which makes the published studies harder to
Chemical burns to the ocular surface are a common compare. Other disadvantages are the small, sometimes
problem in acute ophthalmological care. These can lead heterogeneous patient groups and usually short follow-up

246 Deutsches rzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2011; 108(14): 2438

times, as yet preventing conclusive evaluation of this Conflict of interest statement

The authors declare that no conflict of interest exists.
new form of treatment (7, e5, e6).
Manuscript received on 15 December , 2008, revised version accepted on
Reconstruction of the conjunctival surface 11 May 2010.
Excision of a squamous cell carcinoma or a melanoma Translated from the original German by Caroline Devitt, MA.
from the area of the conjunctiva, for example, often
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248 Deutsches rzteblatt International | Dtsch Arztebl Int 2011; 108(14): 2438


Amniotic Membrane Transplantation

in the Human Eye
Daniel Meller, Mikk Pauklin, Henning Thomasen, Henrike Westekemper, Klaus-Peter Steuhl

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