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Assignment #2: Assessment Tools

Krysten Cripps

EDUC 4490

Mr. Matthew Roy

November 10, 2016

1) Canadas Food Guide Quiz

Course: Nutrition and Health (HFA4U) Strand: B. Nutrition and Health

Beside each question please write in the box how confident you are with your answer using a 3-
point scale: 1 = you cant remember 2 = youre not certain 3 = youre confident youre correct.

Part A: Multiple Choice

Circle the MOST correct answer. /2

1. Following the tips and food recommendations in Canadas Food Guide will help:
a. Reduce your risk of all diseases.
b. Contribute to your overall health and vitality.
c. You find recipes for your meals.
d. Both b and c.

2. Which one of the following statements is NOT mentioned on the Eat Well and be
active every day page! in Canadas Food Guide?
a. Have breakfast every day. It may help control your hunger later in the day.
b. To be active every day is a step towards better health and a healthy body weight.
c. Never have foods and beverages high in calories, fat, sugar or salt.
d. Compare the Nutrition Facts table on food labels.

Part B: True/False Where and Why it is Wrong

Circle T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false. If the statement is false,
underline the part that is false and correct it to make the statement true. /6

1. T / F The need for vitamin C increases after the age of 50.

2. T / F A small amount of oils and fats are part of a healthy diet.

3. T / F One-third of your servings of grain products should be whole grain each day.

Part C: Short Answer

1. Create a balanced meal plan for ONE day for an adult male who is 22-years-old. Be specific
regarding WHY you chose these meals in accordance to Canadas Food Guide. Include the
number of servings required from each food group, serving measurements, and specific foods
and drinks this person will have. (Please write your answer on the separate page provided). /21

Total: /29
Canadas Food Guide Quiz: ANSWER KEY

Part A: Multiple Choice

1. b. Contribute to your overall health and vitality. (1 mark)
2. c. Never have foods and beverages high in calories, fat, sugar or salt. (1 mark)

Part B: True/False - Where and Why it is Wrong

1. F The need for vitamin C increases after the age of 50. (1 mark)
D (1 mark)
2. T A small amount of oils and fats are part of a healthy diet. (2 marks)

3. F One-third of your servings of grain products should be whole grain each day. (1 mark)
At least half (1 mark)

Part C: Short Answer

Vegetables and Fruits: 8-10 servings (2 marks)
Grain Products: 8 servings (2 marks)
Milk and Alternatives: 2 servings (2 marks)
Meat and Alternatives: 3 servings (2 marks)

.5 mark for each correct serving size (10 marks)

1 mark for using correct food items from each food group at every meal (3 marks)
2) Self-Assessment Checklist
Please fill out the self-assessment chart by using numbers to represent the first time we assess to
the final assessment so you can see your improvement throughout the unit. (If you feel like you
havent moved, erase the previous number and write the new number).

Skills Cant Struggling Getting Got it!

grasp this to there.
concept. understand
I can explain the functions of macronutrients,
micronutrients, and water.
I can analyse specific foods to determine
nutrient content, using available food and
nutrition information.
I can plan and prepare a food item or items to
ensure optimal nutrient content and retention.
I can analyse a recipe and modify it as necessary
to reflect specific recommendations in
Canadas Food Guide.
I can outline the main nutrients found in each of
the food groups in Canadas Food Guide.
I can explain the differences in the underlying
concepts and recommendations of food guides
from other countries and food guides designed
for special groups.
I can explain how various research findings
support the recommendations and guidelines in
Canadas Food Guide.
I can analyse my own nutrient intake with
reference to current Canadian guidelines.
I can compare my own nutrient intake with that
of various population groups in Canada.
I can explain how various factors affect the
nutritional status of specific population groups
in Canada and around the world.

At the end of each week finish the sentences below by assessing yourself and submit your
responses in the Exit Slip box with your name and date on the paper.
I have mastered
Im still struggling with
Im having trouble grasping the concept of
I need to keep working on
I need extra support with or clarification of
3) Rubric
Tracking Your Lifestyle Assignment

PART 1: Keep a record of your daily food and beverage intake for 3 days; include portion sizes.
Input your data into EATracker ( ). Print out Food Group Feedback and
Nutrients Feedback charts for all 3 days.
PART 2: Write a 750-word essay in APA format analyzing the data and charts.

Part 1 will be marked for completion (__/25) and Part 2 will be marked using the rubric below:


80-100% 70-79% 60-69% 50-59%
Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
thorough considerable some knowledge limited
knowledge and knowledge and and knowledge and
Knowledge and understanding understanding of understanding of understanding of
Understanding of healthy healthy eating healthy eating healthy eating
eating habits habits and habits and habits and
and proper proper nutrient proper nutrient proper nutrient
nutrient intake. intake. intake. intake.

-Information is -Information is -Information is -Information is

conveyed with a conveyed with conveyed with conveyed with
high degree of considerable some clarity limited clarity
Communicatio clarity amount of -Makes vague -Makes little to
n -Makes clear clarity connections no connections
connections -Makes between between
between somewhat clear personal data personal data
personal data connections collected and collected and
collected and between prior knowledge prior knowledge
prior knowledge personal data -7 to 10 spelling -More than 10
-Less than 3 collected and and/or grammar spelling and/or
spelling and/or prior knowledge errors grammar errors
grammar errors -4 to 6 spelling
and/or grammar

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