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Title Abraham and Idrimi

Author(s) John Gee

Reference Journal of the Book of Mormon and Other Restoration

Scripture 22/1 (2013): 3439.

ISSN 1948-7487 (print), 2167-7565 (online)

Abstract Idrimi of Alalakh lived in Syria about a century after

Abraham and left an autobiographical inscription that
is the only such item uncovered archaeologically from
Middle Bronze Age Syro-Palestine. The inscription of
Idrimi and the Book of Abraham share a number of
parallel features and motifs. Some of the parallels are
a result of similar experiences in their lives and some
are a result of coming from a similar culture and time.

34 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 1 2013

omparing examples of literature produced in of Abrahams homeland. A statue of Idrimi covered
the same time and place is useful in a number with an inscription was discovered in 1939 at Tell
of ways. Such a comparison can reveal some- Atchana/Alalakh in Syria, and the text was pub-
thing about that time and place and can also highlight lished in 1949. It has become one of the principal
distinctive features of individual authors. sources for studying the history of Syro-Palestine in
In order to compare the Book of Abraham with the middle of the second millennium B.C.E. For-
other literature from its time and place, we need to tunately, Idrimis autobiography compares well with
first establish when and where Abraham lived. For- Abrahams autobiography in both subject and form,
1 2
tunately, research on both the time and place of even though Idrimis autobiography dates about two
Abraham has already been done and needs only to hundred years later.
be summarized. These ancient works are called autobiographies
Let us start with place. In the Bible, Abraham because they are presented as first-person narratives.
is told to leave his native land (Genesis 12:1); later Nevertheless, we do not know if such ancient auto-
he sends his servant back to his native land (Genesis biographical texts were written by the individuals
24:47) back to, as the Hebrew text states, Aram- themselves, dictated to scribes, or ghostwritten by
Naharaim and the city of Nahor (Genesis 24:10). scribes. Ancient Egyptian autobiographies, for ex-
Aram-Naharaim (Aram of the two rivers), in all its ample, can often be so formulaic that one might be
biblical attestations, is located in upper Syria, prob- forgiven for wondering if the individual is reflected in
ably in the land bounded by the great western bend the text at all. In other words, it is unlikely that Id-
of the Euphrates and the Balikh or Khabur Rivers. rimi carved the words on his statue, but he may have
With the place identified, it is relatively easy to been directly responsible for the content of the text.
determine the time. Historically Egyptians were in
the area of Aram-Naharaim during only three time Similarities
periods: in the Middle Kingdom during the reigns The Book of Abraham and the autobiography of
of Sesostris III and Amenemhet III, during the New Idrimi both deal with similar topics. Abrahams auto-
Kingdom between the reigns of Thutmosis I and biography records that he had to leave his homeland
Amenhotep III, and during the reign of Ptolemy and travel to another land with his family. Later he
III. Ptolemaic times are much too late for Abraham, left that land and traveled again in hopes of finding a
since the literature mentions Abraham before that place for himself and his posterity. Likewise, Idrimis
time. Situating Abraham in the New Kingdom allows autobiography also relates that he had to leave his
no time for Joseph and the Exodus story. The Middle homeland and travel to another land with his family.
Kingdom dates (20001800 bc) fit best for Abraham. Later he left that land and traveled again, hoping to
With an approximate time and place resolved for find a place for himself and his posterity. His jour-
Abraham, it should be relatively simple to compare ney ended at Alalakh, where he was made king and
the Book of Abraham with other autobiographies of reigned for thirty years.
the same time and place to see if the literary forms Not only are the general themes of the two auto-
are similar. biographies similar, but they also open in a similar
Unfortunately, only one such autobiography is manner. The first verse of the Book of Abraham divides
known to exist. It belongs to Idrimi, the ruler of neatly into four clauses, parallels to each of which ap-
the town of Alalakh, thus placing him in the vicinity pear at the beginning of the autobiography of Idrimi:

Opposite page, left: At the time Abraham begins his travels, he must have been a young man. This image portrays him as a
vibrant, young man. Abraham, by Emily Gordon. Used by permission. Opposite page, right: Statue of Idrimi. Late Bronze Age/
Syrian, 16th century bc from Tell Atchana (ancient Alalakh), modern Turkey. The Trustees of the British Museum. All
rights reserved.


Thanks to John Gee we might now be able to say of Abraham, Hes been there and done that. Only a John Gee
would have noticed the close parallels between Abraham of the book of Genesis and Idrimi, a ruler in northern
Syria during the Middle Bronze Age. So unheralded and unique are the parallels that Gee has found that we had
to commission a new map just to situate the places into their geographical context.


his mothers family when he left Aleppo. What will
distinguish Abrahams record as unusual is that he
later leaves all his family and strikes out on his own.

I, Abraham
Abraham identifies himself simply by stating
just his name. Idrimi begins the same with I, Id-
rimi (anku Idrimi)16 but adds his fathers name and
the names of the gods that he worships: son of Ili-
milimma, servant of Teshub, Hebat, and Ishtar, lady
of Alalakh, my lady. Abraham omits the names of
his fathers and their gods, perhaps because he has re-
jected the local gods and his fathers worship of them
(Abraham 1:5) and because his father has tried to take
This map traces the journey of Abraham from Ur to Haran
to Shechem and Idrimis journey, about two hundred years
later, from Aleppo to Emar to Alalakh. Map by Bob Cronan,
Lucidity Info Design, LLC.

In the land of the Chaldeans, at the residence of my

fathers, I, Abraham, saw that it was needful for me to
obtain another place of residence (Abraham 1:1). We
will consider each of these clauses in turn.
The names Abraham and Idrimi as they might have
In the land of the Chaldeans
appeared in cuneiform.
The first clause in the Book of Abraham speci-
fies the general geographic location at which the away [his] life (Abraham 1:30). Introducing an auto-
action initially takes place. For Abraham that loca- biography with this sort of identification clause (i.e.,
tion is the land of the Chaldeans; for Idrimi it is in I, Abraham) is common in West Semitic inscrip-
ki 13
the city of Aleppo (ina al Halab ). Contemporary tions but is not known in Mesopotamian inscriptions
Egyptian autobiographies do not record the location until Neo-Assyrian times under the influence of Ara-
where the action takes place because the Egyptian maic. This demonstrates that Abraham is not from
officials generally remained in one place. Abraham Mesopotamia.
and Idrimi both moved about, and the major portion
of their careers did not occur in the place where they Saw that it was needful for me to obtain
were born and raised. This means that both need to another place of residence
report how it was that they ended their lives in a dif- Idrimi gives his reasons for departure from
ferent place and requires them to specify the place Aleppo as follows: an incident occurred and we
where the initial action takes place. The similarity of fled to the people of the city of Emar, my mothers
their life stories explains why both autobiographies brethren, and we dwelt in the city of Emar. Idrimi
mention the location where the initial action occurs. does not elaborate on the incident that led to their
abrupt departure. The term used, maiktu, refers to
At the residence of my fathers 20
something bad or a bad reputation. The late distin-
Abraham not only designates the land but also guished Assyriologist, A. Leo Oppenheim, referred
explains that it was at his ancestral home. Idrimi like- to this as guarded understatements on Idrimis
wise specifies that the action occurred in the house part. This masking of mistakes is typical for ancient
of my fathers (bt abiya). This phrase is a typical Near Eastern literature. Abraham goes into much
expression for an ancestral home. The family more detail about why he left (Abraham 1:530) but
was extremely important in the ancient world. As only touches on how his own actions precipitated
Idrimis autobiography shows, he went to stay with his near sacrifice (Abraham 1:5, 7). Idrimi fled; his
36 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 1 2013
The Autobiography of Idrimi
114 In Aleppo, my ancestral home, a
hostile [incident] occurred so that we
had to flee to the people of Emar, my
mothers relatives, and stay there. My
older brothers also stayed with me,
but none of them had the plans I had.
So I, Idrimi, the son of Ilimilimma,
devotee of im, ebat, and my lady
Itar, lady of Alala, thinking to my-
self, Whoever <seeks> his patrimony
is a great nobleman, but whoever Idrimis autobiography was carved on his statue. Ancient Near Eastern cuneiform
[remains] among the citizens of Emar inscriptions on statues and bas-reliefs often continue across the sculpted features.
is a vassal, took my horse, chariot,
and groom and went away. warriors for they had made a binding brothers, my sons like their sons,
1420 I crossed over the desert and agreement between them. and my relatives like their relatives.
came among the Sutu warriors. I 5158 The mighty king heard of the The inhabitants who were in my land
spent the night with them in my treaties of our predecessors and the I made to dwell securely, and even
covered chariot. The next day I set agreement made between them, and those who did not have a dwelling I
forth and went to Canaan. The town with the treaty they read to him the settled.
of Ammiya is located in Canaan. words of the treaty in detail. So on 8691 Then I organized my land,
2027 People from Aleppo, Mukie, account of our treaty terms he re- and made my cities like they were
Nii, and Nuae were living in Am- ceived my tribute. Then I pr<esented> before. Just as our ancestors had
miya, and when they realized that I the (gestures of) loyalty, which were established regular rites for the gods
was their lords son, they gathered to considerable, I made great sacrifices, of Alala, and just as our forefathers
me. I said the following: I have be- and restored to him a lost estate. I had performed sacrifices, I constantly
come chief, I have been appointed. swore to him a binding oath as a performed them. These things I
2729 Then I stayed among the apiru loyal vassal. did, and I entrusted them to my son
warriors seven years. I released birds 5863 Then I became king. Kings from im-nirari.
and practiced extispicy. all around attacked me in Alala. Just Whoever effaces this statue of
2934 In the seventh year im became as they had heaped up on the ground mine, may the Heaven god curse
favorably inclined toward me, so I the corpses of (my) ancestors, corpse
him, may the Earth below destroy his
made ships and had auxiliary troops upon corpse, so I, too, caused (their
progeny, may the gods of heaven and
board them and proceeded via the sea corpses) to be heaped up on the
earth diminish his kingship. Let them
to Mukie. I reached land at Mount ground thus putting an end to their
have him executed (lit., measure
Casius and went ashore. warfare.
64-77 him by a rope). Whoever changes
3542 Now, when my country heard of Then I took troops and attacked
or erases it, may im, the lord of
me they brought me large cattle and Hatti-land. As for the seven cities
small cattle, and in one day, in uni- under their protection, namely, heaven and earth, and the great gods
son, the countries of Nii, Nuae, Paae, Damarut-rei, ulaan, extirpate his progeny and seed from
Mukie, and my own city Alala Zise, Ie, Uluzina, and Zaruna, these his land.
became reconciled to me. When my I destroyed. Hatti-land did not as- 98101 arruwa is the official scribe.
allies heard, they came to me. And semble and did not march against He has written, copied and reviewed
when they concluded a treaty with me, so I did what I wanted. I took (the text). And now may the gods of
me, I established them truly as my captives from them and took their heaven and earth keep arruwa, the
allies. property, valuables, and possessions scribe, who has written (the text of )
4251 Now for seven years Barattarna, and distributed them to my auxilia- this statue for him, in good health;
the mighty king, the king of the Hur- ries, kinsmen, and friends. Together may they protect him and be his
rian warriors, was hostile to me. In with them I took (booty). guardian. May ama, lord of the
the seventh year I sent Anwanda to 7786 Then I returned to Mukie upper and nether worlds, lord of the
Barattarna, the mighty king, the king and entered my capital Alala. With spirits, be his protector.
of the Hurrian warriors, and told the captives, goods, property, and 1024 I reigned for 30 years. I inscribed
him of the treaties of my ancestors possessions which I brought down my achievements upon my statue.
when they were allied with them, from Hatti I had a palace built. I Let [the people read it] and continu-
and that our actions were pleasing made my regime like the regime of ally bless me.
to the (former) kings of the Hurrian kings. I made my brothers like royal

Edward L. Greenstein and David Marcus, The Akkadian Inscription of Idrimi, Journal of the Ancient Near Eastern Society 8 (1976): 6768,
italics in orginal, line numbers corrected. Used by permission. Greenstein has updated excerpts of the narrative portion in Autobiogra-
phies from Western Asia, in Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, ed. Jack M. Sasson (New York: Macmillan, 1995), 4:2426.


account employs a verb (alqu) that is normally
used of runaway slaves, deserting soldiers, and fugi-
tive criminals. Abraham says simply that he left Reverse side
(Abraham 2:4) or departed (Abraham 2:14). of clay tablet
These four clauses are found near the beginning with stamp
seal of Idrimi
of both autobiographies, but their order is not neces- on the middle
sarily the same in various translations. portion.
The Trustees
of the British
Other Similarities Museum. All
Both Abrahams and Idrimis autobiographies re rights reserved.
port their journeys through Canaan. For Idrimi, Alalakh
is part of Canaan, and so Canaan seems to have in- autobiographical form seems to require the mention
cluded the whole Levant. Abraham, after leaving Ur, of certain topics, including (1) continuity with the
dwelt more within the southern end of the land of Ca- past tradition through references to the house, gods,
naan (Abraham 2:1518). and records of their fathers and (2) piety to the gods
Both Abraham and Idrimi emphasize in their they serve by describing their explicit service and
autobiographies that their travel to their new resi- following the revelation they receive from their god.
dence was the result of divine inspiration; for
Abraham it was the Lord speaking to him (Abraham Wider Contrasts
1:16) and appearing to him (Abraham 2:6); for Idrimi According to Edward Greenstein and David
it was the result of consulting omens. Marcus, The story of Idrimi is unlike Mesopotamian
Both Abraham and Idrimi refer in their autobi- literature both in content and style. The story, as
ographies back to promises made to their ancestors Oppenheim describes it, is without parallel in texts
for whom they have records. Idrimi refers to his of this type from Mesopotamia and Egypt. This
ancestors treaties in dealing with the Hurrian king led him to conclude that all this seems to me to be-
Barattarna. The biographical inscription of Idrimi speak the existence of a specific literary tradition,
states clearly that good relations, which formerly ob- totally different in temper and scope from that of the
tained between his ancestors and the kings of urri, ancient Near East. Thus Oppenheim considered
were interrupted for a time until Idrimi returned the autobiography of Idrimi to be unusual even for
to the fold. Abraham refers back to the records the ancient Near East. But the Book of Abraham be-
of the fathers that were preserved in mine own longs to the same specific literary tradition as Idrimis
hands (Abraham 1:31). autobiography. More inscriptions like Idrimis from
Both Abraham and Idrimi describe in their auto- Syria dating to the Middle Bronze Age would enable
biographies that they worshipped the way that their a better comparison, but it is at least worth asking,
fathers did. Idrimi emphasizes the performance of How did Joseph Smith manage to publish in the Book
the sacrifices, while Abraham makes the distinction of Abraham a story that closely matched a Middle-
that he worshipped not as his immediate fathers did Bronze-Age Syrian autobiography that would not be
but as his more distant ancestors did (Abraham 1:27). discovered for nearly a hundred years? n
Both Abrahams and Idrimis autobiographies
deal in covenants. Idrimis inscription has been used
to show how covenants worked in the ancient Near John Gee is a senior research
East. One of Idrimis covenants, found on another fellow and the William (Bill) Gay
30 Research Professor at the Neal A.
tablet from Alalakh, deals mainly with the return of Maxwell Institute for Religious
fugitives; this is somewhat ironic since Idrimi himself Scholarship at Brigham Young
was a fugitive, as was Abraham. Abraham records a University and chair of the
covenant that God made with him (Abraham 2:611). Egyptology and Ancient Israel
section of the Society of Biblical
Thus both autobiographies are shaped around
Literature. He is the author of nu-
similar themes. While their lives have certain simi- merous articles on Egyptology and has edited several
larities, they also have distinctive differences. Yet the books and journals.

38 VOLUME 22 NUMBER 1 2013


1. For time, see Kerry Muhlestein and Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Marcus, Akkadian Inscription of
John Gee, An Egyptian Context for Testament, ed. James B. Pritchard, Idrimi, 67.
the Sacrifice of Abraham, Journal of 3rd ed. (Princeton: Princeton 24. Inscription of Idrimi, lines 1820,
the Book of Mormon and Other Resto- University Press, 1969), 557; Sidney 38; see also Greenstein and Marcus,
ration Scripture 20/2 (2011): 72. Smith, The Statue of Idrimi (London: Akkadian Inscription of Idrimi, 74.
2. Paul Y. Hoskisson, Where Was British Institute of Archaeology in 25. Inscription of Idrimi, lines 2830.
Ur of the Chaldees? in The Pearl Ankara, 1949). 26. Inscription of Idrimi, lines 4251.
of Great Price: Revelations from God, 10. Edward L. Greenstein and David 27. Michael C. Astour, attuili,
ed. Donl Peterson (Provo, UT: BYU Marcus, The Akkadian Inscription alab, and anigalbat, Journal of
Religious Studies Center, 1989), of Idrimi, Journal of the Ancient Near Near Eastern Studies 31/2 (1972): 107.
11936; John Gee and Stephen D. Eastern Society 8 (1976): 59. 28. Inscription of Idrimi, lines 8691.
Ricks, Historical Plausibility: The 11. M. B. Rowton, The Date of Ham- 29. Erhard Gerstenberger, Covenant
Historicity of the Book of Abraham murabi, Journal of Near Eastern and Commandment, Journal of
as a Case Study, in Historicity and Studies 17/2 (1958): 105; Donald B. Biblical Literature 84/1 (1965): 40, 47.
the Latter-day Saint Scriptures, ed. Redford, A Gate Inscription from 30. Alalakh Tablet 3, in D. J. Wiseman,
Paul Y. Hoskisson (Provo, UT: BYU Karnak and Egyptian Involvement The Alalakh Tablets (London: The
Religious Studies Center, 2001), in Western Asia during the Early British Institute of Archaeology at
6972. 18th Dynasty, Journal of the Ameri- Ankara, 1953), 3132; Erica Reiner,
3. Both the Wycliffe and the Matthew can Oriental Society 99/2 (1979): 278. trans., Treaty between Idrimi and
Bibles are more accurate in their 12. For the formulas, see Elmar Edel, Pilliya, in Ancient Near Eastern Texts,
translations of Genesis 24:7: fro the Untersuchungen zur Phraseologie 532; Richard S. Hess, Agreement
lond of my birthe and from the der gyptischen Inschriften des between Pillia and Idrimi, in The
lande where I was borne, respec- Alten Reiches, Mitteilungen des Context of Scripture, ed. WilliamW.
tively. Deutschen Instituts fr gyptische Al- Hallo and K.Lawson Younger
4. The King James translation Meso- tertumskunde in Kairo 13 (1944): 190; (Leiden: Brill, 2003), 2:33132. See
potamia for Aram-Naharaim is Jozef Janssen, De traditioneele egypti- also Rowton, Date of Hammurabi,
misleading because Mesopotamia sche autobiografie vr het nieuwe rijk 105; Donald L. Magnetti, The
today usually denotes the land (Leiden: Brill, 1946); Nicole Kloth, Function of the Oath in the Ancient
between the Tigris and Euphrates Die (auto-) biographischen Inschriften Near Eastern International Treaty,
Riversthat is, Babylonia and des gyptischen Alten Reiches: Unter- American Journal of International
Sumeria. suchungen zu Phraseologie und Ent- Law 72/4 (1978): 819; Redford, Gate
5. James P. Allen, The Historical wicklung (Hamburg: Buske, 2002). Inscription from Karnak, 278; Eva
Inscription of Khnumhotep at 13. Inscription of Idrimi, line 3, au- von Dassow, Archives of Alala IV
Dahshur: Preliminary Report, thors translations throughout. The in Archaeological Context, Bulletin
Bulletin of the American Schools of Ori- Akkadian version is conveniently of the American Schools of Oriental
ental Research 352 (November 2008): located in Greenstein and Marcus, Research 338 (2005): 22.
2939; John Gee, Overlooked Akkadian Inscription of Idrimi, 31. Greenstein and Marcus, Akkadian
Evidence for Sesostris IIIs Foreign 6466; see sidebar for their transla- Inscription of Idrimi, 64.
Policy, Journal of the American tion, 6768. For the reading city, 32. Oppenheim, review of Statue of
Research Center in Egypt 41 (2004): see the comments in Greenstein and Idrimi, 199.
2630. Marcus, Akkadian Inscription of 33. Oppenheim review of Statue of
6. Nicolas Grimal, A History of Ancient Idrimi, 69, under l Alala. Idrimi, 200.
Egypt (Oxford: Blackwell, 1992), 14. Inscription of Idrimi, line 3.
21316; Donald B. Redford, Egypt, 15. Greenstein and Marcus, Akkadian
Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times Inscription of Idrimi, 6970.
(Princeton: Princeton University 16. Inscription of Idrimi, line 1.
Press, 1992), 14877. 17. Inscription of Idrimi, lines 23.
7. Gnther Hlbl, Geschichte des Pto- 18. Greenstein and Marcus, Akkadian
lemerreiches (Darmstadt: Wissen- Inscription of Idrimi, 6869.
schaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1994), 19. Inscription of Idrimi, lines 46.
4650. 20. Chicago Assyrian Dictionary (CAD),
8. Edward L. Greenstein, Autobi- M 1:32324; Concise Dictionary of
ographies from Western Asia, in Akkadian, 199; see also the com-
Civilizations of the Ancient Near East, mentary in Greenstein and Marcus,
ed. Jack M. Sasson (New York: Akkadian Inscription of Idrimi, 70.
Macmillan, 1995), 4:242132. Note 21. A. Leo Oppenheim, review of Statue
that the inscription of Azatiwada is of Idrimi, by Sidney Smith, Journal of
significantly later. Near Eastern Studies 14/3 (1955): 199.
9. A. Leo Oppenheim, The Story of 22. CAD, H 38.
Idrimi, King of Alalakh, in Ancient 23. See, for example, Greenstein and


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