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Lista drepturilor personale

1. Am dreptul s solicit ceea ce doresc.

2. Am dreptul s refuz solicitrile crora nu le pot face fa.
3. Am dreptul sa-mi exprim sentimentele, pozitive sau negative.
4. Am dreptul sa-mi schimb opiniile.
5. Am dreptul sa comit greeli i sa nu fiu totdeauna perfect/.
6. Am dreptul sa m conformez propriilor mele sisteme de valori.
7. Am dreptul sa spun "nu" la tot ceea ce mi se pare ca nu sunt pregtit sa
fac, este periculos sau mi ncalc sistemele de norme si valori.
8. Am dreptul sa-mi stabilesc propriile sisteme de prioriti.
9. Am dreptul sa nu m simt responsabil pentru comportamentele, aciunile,
sentimentele si problemele celorlali.
10. Am dreptul sa solicit onestitate din partea celorlali.
11. Am dreptul sa m supr pe o persoan la care in.
12. Am dreptul sa fiu eu nsumi.
13. Am dreptul sa m simt speriat si sa spun acest lucru celorlali.
14. Am dreptul sa spun "nu tiu".
15. Am dreptul sa nu prezint scuze i sa nu-mi motivez comportamentul.
16. Am dreptul sa iau decizii bazate pe propriile mele sentimente.
17. Am dreptul sa-mi satisfac propriile trebuine in timpul i in locurile pe
care Ie consider potrivite.
18. Am dreptul sa m distrez i sa fiu frivol.
19. Am dreptul sa fiu mai sntos dect cei din jurul meu.
20. Am dreptul sa m aflu intr-o ambianta in care nu se abuzeaz de persoana
21. Am dreptul sa-mi fac prieteni i sa m simt bine in preajma celorlali.
22. Am dreptul sa m schimb i sa evoluez.
23. Am dreptul la respect din partea celorlali fa de propriile nevoi i
24. Am dreptul s fiu tratat ca o persoan demn i plin de respect.
25. Am dreptul s fiu fericit().

1. I have the right to request what I want.

2. I have the right to refuse requests which can not cope.
3. I have the right to express my positive or negative feelings.
4. I have the right to change my views.
5. I have the right to make mistakes and to don`t be always perfect.
6. I have the right to conform myself to my only system of values.
7. I have the right to say 'no' to everything I am not prepared to do, everything is
dangerous and violates my standards and system of values.
8. I have the right to set my priorities.
9. I have the right to don`t feel responsible for the behavior, actions, feelings or
problems of others.
10. I have the right to claim honesty from others.
11. I have the right to get angry person that I care.
12. I have the right to be myself.
13. I have the right to feel scared and to tell this to the others.
14. I have the right to say I don`t know.
15. I have the right to not present excuses and I to don`t motivate my behavior
for that.
16. I have the right to make decisions based on feelings.
17. I have the right to satisfy my own need in place and time which I consider
18. I have the right to have fun and be frivolous.
19. I have the right to be healthier than those around me.
20. I have the right to be into an atmosphere in which my person is not abused.
21. I have the right to make friends and to feel good around the others.
22. I have the right to change myself and to evolve.
23. I have the right to receive respect from others to my own needs and desires.
24. I have the right to be treated as humans, as a dignified person, with respect.
25. I have the right to be happy.

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