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Chapter 1


ANSYS Mechanical


ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-1 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Welcome! Training Manual

Welcome to the Workbench Dynamics training course!

This training course covers the procedures required to perform

dynamic analyses with ANSYS Workbench.

It is intended for novice and experienced users.


A related course is ANSYS Rigid and Flexible Dynamic Analysis,

which covers multi-body
multi body analysis.

Several other advanced training courses are available on specific

t i
See the training course schedule on the ANSYS homepage: under Training Services.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-2 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Course Objectives Training Manual

This course is intended for users already familiar with the procedures
for performing a linear static analysis in Workbench Mechanical
Prerequisite is ANSYS Workbench Mechanical Introduction

By the end of this course, you will be able to use Mechanical to

define, solve, and interpret the following dynamic analyses:
Harmonic Response
Response Spectrum
Random Vibration

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-3 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Course Material Training Manual

The Training Manual you have is an exact copy of the slides.

Workshop descriptions and instructions are included in the

Workshop Supplement.

Copies of the workshop files are available (upon request) from the

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-4 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Introduction to Dynamics Training Manual

A. Define dynamic analysis and its purpose.

B. Discuss different types of dynamic analysis available in Workbench


C Cover some basic concepts and terminology.

C. terminology

D. Review the types of damping available in Workbench Mechanical.

E. Do a sample dynamic analysis exercise.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-5 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
A. Definition & Purpose Training Manual

A dynamic analysis is a technique used to determine the dynamic

behavior of a structure or component.

It is an analysis involving time, where the inertia and possibly

damping of the structure play an important role.

Dynamic behavior may be one or more of the following:

Vibration characteristics
how the structure vibrates and at what frequencies
Effect of harmonic loads.
Effect of seismic or shock loads.
Effect of random loads.
Effect of time-varying loads.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-6 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Definition & Purpose Training Manual

A static analysis might ensure

that the design will withstand
steady-state loading conditions,
but it may not be sufficient,
especially if the load varies with

The famous Tacoma Narrows

bridge (Galloping Gertie)
ll d under
d steady
t d windi d
loads during a 42-mph wind
storm on November 7, 1940, just
four months after construction.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-7 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Definition & Purpose Training Manual

A dynamic analysis usually takes into account one or more of the

free vibrations
natural vibration frequencies and shapes
forced vibrations
e.g. crank shafts, other rotating machinery
seismic/shock loads
e.g. earthquake, blast
random vibrations
e.g. rocket
k t llaunch,
h road
d transport
t t
time-varying loads
e.g. car crash, hammer blow

Each situation is handled by a specific type of dynamic analysis.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-8 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
B. Types of Dynamic Analysis Training Manual

Consider the following examples:

An automobile tailpipe assembly could shake apart if its natural frequency
matched that of the engine. How can you avoid this?
A turbine blade under stress (centrifugal forces) shows different dynamic
behavior. How can you account for it?

A modal analysis
y can be used to determine a structures vibration

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-9 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Types of Dynamic Analysis Training Manual

Rotating machines exert steady,

alternating forces on bearings and
support structures. These forces
cause different deflections and
stresses depending on the speed of

A harmonic
response analysis can
be used to determine a structures
response to steady, harmonic

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-10 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Types of Dynamic Analysis Training Manual

Spacecraft and aircraft components must withstand random loading of varying

frequencies for a sustained time period.

A random
vibration analysis can be used to determine how a component
responds to random vibrations.

Courtesy: NASA
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-11 July 2009
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Types of Dynamic Analysis Training Manual

Skyscrapers, power-plant cooling

towers, and other structures must
withstand multiple short-duration
i t shock/impact
h k/i t loadings,
l di
common in seismic events.

A response-spectrum
response spectrum analysis can
be used to determine how a
component responds to

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-12 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Types of Dynamic Analysis Training Manual

An automobile fender should be able to withstand low-speed impact, but deform

under higher-speed impact.
A tennis racket frame should be designed to resist the impact of a tennis ball and
yet flex somewhat.
A transient analysis can be used to calculate a structures response to time
varying loads.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-13 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Types of Dynamic Analysis Training Manual

Choosing the appropriate type of dynamic analysis depends on the type of

input available and the type of output desired.

Type Input Output

Modal none natural frequencies and
corresponding mode shapes
stress/strain profile

Harmonic sinusoidally-varying excitations sinusoidally-varying response at

across a range of frequencies each frequency
min/max response over frequency

p spectrum
p representing
p g the maximum response
p if the model
response to a specific time history were subjected to the time history

Random spectrum representing probability response within specified range of

distribution of excitation probabilities

Transient time-varying loads time-varying response

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-14 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
C. Basic Concepts and Terminology Training Manual

Topics discussed:

General equation of motion

Modeling considerations


ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-15 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Basic Concepts & Terminology
Equation of Motion Training Manual

The linear general equation of motion, which will be referred to

throughout this course, is as follows (matrix form):

[M ]{u&&}+ [C ]{u&}+ [K ]{u} = {F }

[M ] = structural
t t l mass matrix ti {u&&} = nodal
d l accelerati
l ti on vector
[C ] = structural damping matrix {u&} = nodal velocity vector
[K ] = structural stiffness matrix {u} = nodal displaceme nt vector
{F } = applied load vector

Note that this is simply a force balance:

Finertial Fdamping Fstiffness

678 678 678 F} applied

[M ]{u&&}+ [C ]{u&}+ [K ]{u} = {F }

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-16 July 2009
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Basic Concepts & Terminology
Equation of Motion Training Manual

[M ]{u&&}+ [C ]{u&}+ [K ]{u} = {F }

Different analysis types solve different forms of this equation.
F(t) set to zero; [C] usually ignored.
Harmonic Response
F(t) and u(t) assumed to be sinusoidal.
Response Spectrum
Input is a known spectrum of response magnitudes at varying frequencies in
known directions.
Random Vibration
Input is a probabilistic spectrum of input magnitudes at varying frequencies in
known directions.
The complete, general form of the equation is solved.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-17 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Basic Concepts & Terminology
Modeling Considerations - Geometry and Mesh Training Manual

Generally same geometry and meshing considerations for static

analysis apply to dynamic analysis.
Include as many details as necessary to sufficiently represent the model
mass distribution.
A fine mesh will be needed in areas where stress results are of interest. If
you are only interested in displacement results, a coarse mesh may be

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-18 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Basic Concepts & Terminology
Modeling Considerations - Nonlinearities Training Manual

[M ]{u&&}+ [C ]{u&}+ [1
K (u )]{u} = {F }
Nonlinearities, such as large deflections, nonlinear contact, material
nonlinearities etc,
nonlinearities, etc are allowed only in a full transient dynamic
analysis with large deflection turned ON.

All other Workbench dynamic analysis types are linear.

the initial state of nonlinearities will be maintained throughout the
solution; i.e., [K] = const.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-19 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Basic Concepts & Terminology
Modeling Considerations - Material properties Training Manual

[M ]{u&&}+ [C ]{u&}+ [K ]{u} = {F }

Mass properties [M]
e.g. density, point mass
required for all dynamic analysis types
specify mass density when using metric units,
units and
specify weight density when using British units

Damping properties [C]

e g viscous,
viscous material (discussed later)
required for mode-superposition harmonic
optional but recommended for all other dynamic analysis types

Stiff (elastic)
( l ti ) properties
ti [K]
e.g., Youngs modulus, Poissons ratio, shear modulus
required for all flexible analysis types

Note that Mechanical has display (interactive) units and solution units.
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-20 July 2009
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Basic Concepts & Terminology
D. Damping Training Manual

Damping is an energy-dissipation
mechanism that causes vibrations
to diminish over time and eventually
e.g. vibrational energy that is
converted to heat or sound
The amount of damping g mayy
depend on the material, the velocity
of motion, and/or the frequency of

Damping be classified as:

Viscous damping (e.g. dashpot,
shock absorber)
Material / Solid / Hysteretic damping
(e.g. internal friction)
Coulomb or dry-friction damping
(e.g. sliding
lidi friction)
f i ti )
Numerical damping
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-21 July 2009
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Basic Concepts & Terminology
Damping Training Manual

If the amount of damping in a system

becomes large, the response will no
longer oscillate.

Critical damping is defined as the

threshold between oscillatory and
non oscillatory behavior.

The damping ratio is the ratio of the

p g in a system
damping y to the critical
damping, given by


cc = 2m = 2 km = 2mn
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-22 July 2009
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Basic Concepts & Terminology
Damping Training Manual

The undamped natural frequency of a

1-DOF system is given by

n = d
m = 1 2
The addition of viscous or solid
i slightly
li htl alters
lt the
th natural
t l
frequency of a system.

d = 1
1 2 n

Coulomb damping has no effect on


ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-23 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Basic Concepts & Terminology
Viscous damping Training Manual

Viscous damping force is

proportional to the velocity of the
vibrating body.

Fd = cu&

A i the
th motion
ti isi harmonic,
h i

Fd = cu& = icnu

This type of damping occurs, for

example, when a body moves
through a fluid
c = k
For structural systems, a stiffness Fd = ku& = iknu
multiplier is often used in place
p of c
for numerical simplicity.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-24 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Basic Concepts & Terminology
Viscous damping Training Manual

The value of c in

Fd = cu& = icnu
can be input directly as element damping
(Details section of Spring connection).

The value of in

Fd = ku& = iknu
can be input directly as global
i valuel (Details
(D t il section
ti off
Analysis Settings) or as material-
dependent damping value
((Material Damping
p g Factor material

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-25 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Basic Concepts & Terminology
Material / Solid / Hysteretic damping Training Manual

Solid damping is inherently present

in a material (energy is dissipated
by internal friction), so it is typically
considered in a dynamic analysis

Experience shows that energy

dissipated by internal friction in a
real system does not depend on

Not well understood and therefore

difficult to quantify, so again a
stiffness multiplier is used for
numerical simplicity

Fd = 2iku

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-26 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Basic Concepts & Terminology
Material / Solid / Hysteretic damping Training Manual

The value of in

Fd = 2iku
can be input directly as global
damping value (Details section
of Analysis Settings) or as
material dependent damping
value (Constant Damping
Coefficient material property).

Damping ratio isnt available in a transient analysis since

the response frequency is not known in advance.
The value of can be calculated from a known value of
(damping ratio) and a known frequency :

= 2 / n
Pick the most dominant response frequency to calculate .
ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-27 July 2009
2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Basic Concepts & Terminology
Coulomb or dry-friction damping Training Manual

Coulomb damping occurs when a body slides on a dry surface.

Damping force is proportional to the force normal to the surface.
Fd = mg sgn(x& )
is the coefficient of friction
m is the mass
g is the gravitational constant
sgn(y) is the signum function, defined as

f y>0
1 for

sgn( y ) = 1 for y < 0
0 for y = 0

Not considered in a linear dynamic analysis. Generally requires a
nonlinear transient solution.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-28 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Basic Concepts & Terminology
Numerical Damping Training Manual

Numerical Damping is not true damping.

Artificially controls numerical noise produced by the higher frequencies of a
Stabilizes the numerical integration scheme by damping out the unwanted
high frequency modes.
The default value of 10% will damp-out spurious high frequencies and is a
sensible value to try initially.
U ththe llowestt possible
ibl value
l that
th t damps
d outt nonphysical
h i l response without
ith t
significantly affecting the final solution.



ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-29 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Basic Concepts & Terminology
Damping Summary Training Manual

In summary, Workbench allows the

following four inputs for damping:
Beta damping (viscous)
Global or material-dependent.
material dependent
Defines the stiffness matrix multiplier
for damping.
Element damping (viscous)
fi the
th damping
d i coefficients
ffi i t
Damping ratio (solid)
Global or material-dependent.
Defines the ratio of actual damping to
critical damping.
Numerical damping (artificial)
Defines the amplitude decay factor
obtained through a modification of
the time-integration scheme.

NOTE: The effects are cumulative if

set in conjunction.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-30 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
Basic Concepts & Terminology
Damping Training Manual

Different industries specify damping in different ways:

= Viscous damping factor or damping ratio
= Loss factor or Structural damping factor
Q = Quality
Q lit factor
f t or simply
i l
= Log decrement
D = Spectral damping factor
A = Amplification factor
The following table provides the conversions (note: U = strain energy)

Spectral Amplification
Measure Dampingratio LossFactor LogDecrement QualityFactor
i F t
DampingRatio /2 /2 1/(2Q) D/(4 U) 1/2A

LossFactor 2 / 1/ Q D/(2 U) 1/A

LogDecrement 2 / Q D/(2U) /

QualityFactor 1/(2) 1/ / Q 2 U/D

4 U 2 U 2U 2 U/Q D 2 U/
Amplification Q
1/(2) 1/ / 2 U/D

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-31 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
References & Bibliography Training Manual

S. S. Rao, Mechanical Vibrations.

K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering.
B. J. Lazan, Damping of Materials and Members in Structural
A. K. Gupta, Response Spectrum Method: In Seismic Analysis and
es g ofo Structures.
St uctu es
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 1.92,
Combining Modal Responses and Spatial Components in Seismic
p Analysis.
D. E. Newland, An Introduction to Random Vibrations, Spectral &
Wavelet Analysis.
Military Standard 810E
810E, Environmental Test Methods And
Engineering Guidelines.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-32 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666
E. Introductory Workshop Training Manual

In this workshop, you will run a

sample dynamic analysis of a

Follow the instructions in your

Dynamics Workshop supplement
WS1: Intro (Flywheel)

The idea is to introduce you to the

steps involved in a typical dynamic
analysis. Details of what each step
means will be covered in the rest of
this seminar.

ANSYS, Inc. Proprietary 1-33 July 2009

2009 ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. Inventory #002666

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