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Pastor’s Page

I wish everyone could have been here Sunday morning and Sunday night! The Lord moved in such mighty
ways. Sunday morning the presence of the Lord filled the room and His Spirit spoke directly to us……..
People moved in obedience to Him and many lives were touched. I’ve heard of at least two people who were
healed in the service ! ! ! ! I expect to hear many more such testimonies in the days to come. When God gives a
word for those who have needs to bring it to Him…WHY NOT??? Can God lie? Does God play games?
NO ! ! ! He means what He says

Then Sunday night, we entered into another unique prayer service. It was not advertised as a prayer service, but
we spent much time in prayer. We were challenged by two videos about what is needed in prayer:
1) Intercession - standing in the gap and making up the breach. “Don’t ask what your church can do for
you…ask what you can do for God and your church.” What can you do for the church? Pray for her. Pray for
her to fulfill the mission and vision that God has given to us. Pray for her continued health. Pray for
REVIVAL ! ! ! 2) Anguish - we have lot the anguish in our prayer life. We don’t see people dying and going
to hell while we pray. We just don’t have tears any more. The Bible says that “they that sow in tears reap in
joy.” Psalm 126:6-He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with
rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him.

JULY SERMON SERIES: “LOST” - July 18th - “u n - Lost”

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: Letters have been mailed to those who currently teach here at Woodruff Church
of God. With the closing of each church year, preparations have to be made to make sure we have called and
willing teachers. Please be prayerful about serving the Lord! We believe that the Word teaches that the “gifts
and callings of God are without repentance.” That means that God WILL NOT change His mind about what He
has called you to do. So, if you have a call, WE HAVE A PLACE OF SERVICE. If you feel as though you
have a call of God to teach, would you please let Pastor Terry or Jonathan Atkins know. Criteria is that you
must be a member of this church, sanctified, filled with the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other
tongues, be faithful in attendance and a member in good standing, faithful in tithes and offerings. PLEASE…..
If God has called you…and you are going your part by being faithful…DON’T GIVE SERVING A SECOND
THOUGHT…..Call us today !
BABY DEDICATION: This will be held Sunday, July 25th, in the Morning Worship Service.
Please call the church office (476-2977) and provide the information concerning your baby’s birth. This is
important to the certificates and things we give to parents on the day of dedication.

HELPING HANDS SUPER SATURDAY is Saturday, July 17th, beginning at 8:00 A.M. at West End Baptist
Church Fellowship Hall. Breakfast and lunch will be available. There will be a country store, bake sale, crafts,
yard sale, silent auction, produce for sale, kiddie rides, sno-cones, health screenings, and entertainment
(provided by WCOG) throughout the day. If you can help or would like to donate something, please call the
Helping Hands office at 476-2401.


Other exciting things that are in the works: “FOR YOUR MARRIAGE” - A marriage seminar held right here
in the CLC of our church. Romantic dinner on Friday evening with one session by special guest Councelor Jim
Harbin. Continental breakfast Saturday morning with 2 sessions. Would you be willing to attend something
that could focus, direct, and strengthen your marriage? Make your plans now….SEPTEMBER 17 & 18.


PRAYER: “God, we invite you to intervene in the affairs of the Church of God around the world. We pray that
you will open doors to the nations. We pray for the hearts of kings and princes to be turned to You. We ask for
divine famor. Direct our leaders. Secure our future. Renew our passion. Redirect us in missional ways.
Intervene in places where hearts are weary and passions are waning. For the sake of Your Son’s name - use
this organization, the 32,000 congregations around the world to which we are connected by faith and
fellowship to fulfill Your mission.
* MONDAY - God comes where He is invited (Jer. 33:3.) Be intentional in opening the door to God for
intervention in the life of His church. Don’t leave Him outside knocking at the door (Rev. 3:20).
* TUESDAY - Pray that God will open doors of witness and service for us - to fulfill our mission (Col.
* WEDNESDAY - Pray for favor (Psa. 5:12; Acts 2:46-47).
* THURSDAY - Pray that God will give us strength, that He will intervene in His own behalf and send a
mighty REVIVAL
(Ezra 9:9; Psa. 80:18).
* FRIDAY - Pray that the hearts of leaders will be open to Christ (Prov. 21:1; Dan. 4:34-37).
Window on the world: Eight out of ten of the poorest of the world’s poor live in areas dominated by Islam,
Buddhism, and Hinduism. The wealthiest live in areas traditionally knows as Christian - coincidence???If you
have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead, a place to sleep tonight, you are among the
top 75% of the people on the planet in terms of comfort. If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and
spare change in your pocket, you are among the top 8% of the world’s wealthy.

HARVEST NOTES: The great eveangelization of the world depends first of all upon a revival of prayer.
Deeper than the need for men - aye, deep down at the bottom of our spiritless life, is the need for the forgotten
secret prevailing, world-wide prayer. Andrew Murray

SCRIPTURE: The king’s heart is in the hand of the LORD, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He
wishes - Proverbs 21:1
A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps - Proverbs 16:9
And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall
not prevail against it - Matthew 16:18.

CONSIDER THIS: If 50 people in your church among 6500 churches in America prayed five minutes a day
for the next 30 days for the lost - the incense collected in Heaven would equal 100 years of constant prayer for
global harvest.

PRAYER PRINCIPLE: God uses men who are weak and feeble enough to lean on Him - Hudson Taylor

ACTION IDEA: Watching is the idea of guarding an ancient city, of taking a turn in the night on the
wall as the voice of warning when danger was sensed or seen on the horizon. It is a metaphor for
intercession. Are you taken by surprise too often? Are there watchmen on the wall of your church? Do
you ever watch your home through prayer - in the night? If you have never risen in the night to pray, to
do time on the wall, try it. Sit quietly and yet pray. Wait on God. Listen. Pray for the safety of the souls
in your care. Watch and pray.

KID’S OF FAITH DRAMA TEAM will practice SATURDAY, July 17th, at 8:30 A.M. at
WCOG, then go to West End Baptist Church to perform. Please let Donna Burdette know by
WEDNESDAY if you will be able to go. Contact her at 382-9212. THANKS!
VBS DATE is August 9-13, so all children ages 2-12 need to make plans to be involved!

Children will go to the Greenville Drive ballgame Tuesday, July 20th. Cost is $8 per person and you need to see
Jonathan Atkins by Wednesday night if you plan to go.

YOUTH WILL SPONSOR a carwash and bake sale on Sautrday, July 24th beginning at 10 AM. THEN at 5 PM
youth will participate in jello/water wars! ! And don’t forget…Sunday, July 18th, is Drama Practice at 4:30

* Greeters - John and Jeanne Nemitz

* Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan
* CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg
* Head Ushers - Charles O’Shields and Bobby Brown
* Usher Team # 1 - Larry Young, Robert Sloan, Michael Brown, Dennis Crocker,
Rick Priester, and Brian Arnold
* Finance Committee - Ryan Ballard, Marion Simmons, and Walter Housand
* Nursery - Wednesday - Genise Watson
Sunday A.M. - Ann Knight and Pam Strickland
P.M. - Annette Richards
* Kiddie Church - Jonathan and Angela Atkins
* Music - Wednesday - Kathy Arellano
Sunday A.M. - Keithi Cooper
P.M. - Amy Arnold
** GOLD Praise Team

**** CHOIR….PLEASE REMEMBER to wear black and white again this coming Sunday.

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