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International Journal of Engineering and Technology Volume 5 No.

6, June, 2015

Aerodynamics Comparative Analysis of Cargo Truck Tricycles

Agarana David1, Ekuase Austin2, Odomagah Emmanuel Saturday2, Olah Samuel2, Dania David E1.
1Department of Research and Development, 2 Department of Manufacturing and Production
National Engineering Design Development Institute, Nnewi, Anambra State, Nigeria.

The study of drag and lift coefficients as well as pressure distribution on the surface of a road vehicle is mainly done by the analysis
of their aerodynamics. In this work, an aerodynamic comparative study is done on three different shapes of cargo truck tricycles,
with the major difference being their frontal shapes. CAD models of the cargo truck tricycles were created using Creo Element/Pro
5.0 Software. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation was done using Solidworks software. An external flow analysis
was carried out for speeds of 40kmph, 60kmph, 80kmph, 100kmph and 120 kmph. The value of coefficient of lift to coefficient of
drag ratio is plotted against speeds and compared. Pressure and velocity distribution were analyzed for each body shape in relation to
fluid flow, drag and lift force. A model with good economic value is the best choice. Model 3 possesses the best aerodynamic
features of the three models created.

Keywords: Aerodynamics, Downforce, Drag, Lift.


1.1 Motivation

Tricycle (locally called kekenapep) is now a very famous = air density (the density of air at 250 C is 1.184kgm-3)(the
mode of transportation, especially for short distance journeys engineering toolbox)[5].
on the Nigerian roads. The sales and usage have enjoyed
quite a steady increase especially since many state V = speed of the vehicle
governments in Nigeria had placed different ban conditions
on motorcycle usage[1]. Tricycle in Nigeria has become a Cd = coefficient of drag
household name, coming in different shapes and purposes.
The cargo tricycle is one of such; it could serve several A = cross-sectional area of the object (measured in a plane
purposes but basically to transport goods and materials. perpendicular to its motion).
Therefore, the design of a cargo tricycle with good economic
value, especially in terms of safety and maintenance became a Benson [6] suggested that the reference area to be used for
step in the right direction. One way to achieve this is to
computing the drag of a vehicle should be the frontal area
increase the stability and reduce the power consumption of
the tricycle as detailed in Lajos work [2].Therefore, which is perpendicular to the flow direction of the fluid.
optimization of the aerodynamic lift can stabilize the tricycle
while its power consumption reduction can be achieved by Yong and Chang [7], explained that important in road vehicle
aerodynamic drag reduction[2]. design is the concept of aerodynamic lift, where pressure
differences lift the vehicle and reduce its downward normal
Lift and drag are mechanical forces generated on the surface force, thereby jeopardizing stability and traction at high
of an object as itinteractswith a fluid [3]. speeds. In very simple terms, the flow over a vehicle's body is
lower in pressure than that underneath due to the vehicle's
According to Weigel [4]drag is an aerodynamic force that
opposes a vehicles motion through the air, caused by shape and the longer path of travel over the vehicle top,
interaction and contact of a solid body with a fluid. Unlike thereby producing an upward, destabilizing force to the
other resistive forces, such as dry friction, which are vehicle.
independent of velocity, drag forces depend on velocity. Drag
depends on the density of the air,the square of the velocity, Lift is a component of force that is perpendicular to the
the size and shape of the body and a variable known as the direction of flow of the air stream. In automobile design,
drag coefficient. The drag force of a vehicle is represented as; Giwaand Obiajulu[8], describes lift as an undesirable
phenomenon as it reduces traction, resulting to an unbalanced
D = 0.5V2ACd .(1)
design, as sliding of the tires may occur. The lift force of a
where; vehicle represented below;

D = drag force L = 0.5V2ACl(2)

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International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Volume 5 No. 6, June, 2015

where; are the consequences of, but not the reason for, the
shape. These "other than aerodynamic" considerations place
L = lift force severe constraints on vehicle aero-dynamicists. Depending
on the specific purpose of each type of vehicle, the
= air density (the density of air at 250 C is 1.184kgm-3)(the
objectives of aerodynamics differ widely. While low drag
engineering toolbox) [5]
is desirable for all road vehicles, other aerodynamic
V = speed of the vehicle properties are also significant. Hucho& Sovran [12], affirms
that though negative lift is decisive for the cornering
Cl = coefficient of lift capability of race cars, but is of no importance for
trucks. The objective of this paper is to analyze the
A = cross-sectional area of the object (measured in a plane aerodynamic performance of three different cargo tricycle
perpendicular to its motion). models and to identify the one with the best aerodynamic
Prasad [9] considered road vehicle as a bluff body. Bluff
bodies are characterized by a large region of separated flow, a 1.2 Literature Review
direct consequence of which is that they suffer from large
values of the drag coefficient. Although automotive Cooper [13] stated that for a typical truck, some of the
manufacturer have designed and produced a more streamlined maneuvering room for aerodynamics would be closing the
outer shape[reference,(who told you??)] car as a road vehicle gap between the cabin and the bucket (figure 5) and also
still carry the effect of a bluff body in aerodynamics test. The adding a well-streamlined tractor.
drag value has been reduced significantly for passenger car University of Maryland [14,15,16] made a serious effort to
but it still not anywhere reaching the Cd for a formula one car improve truck fuel consumption by studying the
or jet-shaped vehicle. Studies on aerodynamics of road aerodynamics of tractors and trailers. Figure 1 shows a
vehicle benefits directly toward decreasing the fuel progressive modification put into the modelling of a tractor-
consumption, which result from the end purpose to reduce the trailer truck. With the exception of the full-height skirts and
drag coefficient. It has been one of the main concerns of streamlined tail, all the modifications could be implemented.
automotive research centers for decades. Muyl [10]showed Even the seemingly impractical changes can be utilized in a
that 40% of drag coefficient depends on the external shape less extreme fashion. It is clearly shown from the graph in
with most of the effect comes from the rear geometry. figure 2 how this adjustments and modifications drastically
Execution of good aerodynamic design under stylistic reduced the drag force.
constraints requires an extensive understanding of the flow
phenomena and, especially, how the aerodynamics are
influenced by changes in body shape, Guilmineau,
[11].Vehicle aerodynamics includes three interacting flow

- Flow past vehicle body

- Flow past vehicle components (wheels, heat exchanger,
brakes, windshield),
- Flow in passenger compartment

The optimizing of aerodynamic features in a vehicle has the

objective of improving the flows around the vehicle and
consequently resulting to the following objectives;

- Reduction of fuel consumption

- More favorable comfort characteristics (mud deposition on
body, noise, ventilating and cooling of passenger
-Improvement of driving characteristics (stability, handling,
traffic safety) evaluation, Lajos[2].
A road vehicles shape is primarily determined by functional,
economic and aesthetic arguments. The aerodynamic
characteristics are not usually,generated intentionally; they

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International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Volume 5 No. 6, June, 2015

Figure 1: Trail mobile study (Tractor-trailer models modifications. Source: University of Maryland Aerodynamic Development)

Figure 2: Graph of drag coefficient against Yaw angle. (source:University of Maryland Aerodynamic Development)

To determine the outcome of the effect of aerodynamics

features on a vehicle, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
is perform to mimic a real life condition and results like
coefficients of drag, lift and pressure distribution etc.
provides the platform to judge if a design is aerodynamically
okay or not. The importance of aerodynamics to several type
vehicle bodies model needs a development of drag and lift
estimation to know how much the vehicle performance on the
road against air resistance beside to improve the stability,
reducing noise and fuel consumption.
We have performed previous studies on Vehicle body shape
and Dynamic stability Analysis for three wheelers vehicle
[17, 18], hence aerodynamic Analysis of Cargotype tricycle
will be studied in this research work.
Figure 3: Flow Chart of CFD Analysis
Different shapes of tricycles were modeled using Creo
Element/Pro 5.0 Software. The CFD simulation was done
using Solidworks flow simulations software.

2.1 Methodology flow chart

The flowchart below in Figure 7 outlines the steps before the

lift and drag forces of the tricycle is obtained.

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International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Volume 5 No. 6, June, 2015

2.2 Cad modeling

From general understanding of road vehicle aerodynamics, to frontals and constrains such as the height and width. Other
reduce the aerodynamic drag, two key points need to be parameters to achieve a good aerodynamic feature were
achieved. First is to decrease the high static pressure in the considered. Such as different slight angles of the frontals,
front body of the car. Second is to recover the static pressure streamlined cabin shape, smooth surfaces, closing up the gap
in the rear body of the car. Three different CAD models were between the cabin and the bucket (figure 5), tapering of
created for comparism, with the major difference being their roofing shape etc. The three created models are shown in
figure 4 below.

Figure 4: CAD Modelled Tricycles

2.3 Computational fluid dynamics (CFD)

The model is analyzed using Computational Fluid Dynamics

(CFD) to get a credible result. The analysis is external flow
with targeted speeds of 40kmph, 60kmph, 80kmph, 100kmph
and 120kmph. The value of lift and drag coefficients are
plotted and compared. To find the efficiency of the body
shape a pressure coefficient was analyzed to see how it relates
to drag and lift. An overall velocity distribution is also
targeted to visualize the fluid flow.The condition and
parameter of this CFD study is as follows:
Figure 5: Closed up gap between the cabin and the bucket

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International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Volume 5 No. 6, June, 2015

Table 1: Conditions and Parameter of the CFD

Parameters Conditions
1 Vehicle speeds 40kmph, 60kmph, 80kmph, 100kmph and 120 kmph
2 Analysis type External
3 Fluid type Gas (air)
4 Flow Type Laminar and Turbulent
5 Pressure 101325 Pa
6 Temperature 293.2 K
7 Turbulence intensity 0.1%
8 Result resolution 4
9 Computational Domain shown in figure 6
10 Goals global goals (force (X) and force (Y) as drag and lift respectively)
11 Used software Solidworks flow simulation 2012
12 CPU time (4 cpu)- (HP G62 POWER 2.4GHz)

Figure 6: Computational Domain/boundary setting.

Table 2: Computational domain

Views Dimensions
Right 2.44m
Left -1.08m
Top 1.30m
Bottom -0.581m
Front 0.79m
Back -0.79m

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International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Volume 5 No. 6, June, 2015

2.4 Tricycle Frontal Area Computation

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

Figure 7: Frontal areas of the 3 model

Table 3: Frontal areas

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

Area A = length x breath Area A = length x breath Area A = length x breath
1647.13 x 1274.79 2050.66 x 1286.99 2073.51 x 1273.17
2099744.8527 2639178.9134mm2 2639930.7267
= 2.10m2 = 2.64m2 = 2.64 m2

3. RESULT Table 4: Model 1 data outcome

The specifications set up for the analysis is maintained for the s/ Lift Drag Speed(km Cl
n (N) (N) ph) Cd Cl/Cd
three models. 1 139.8 368.3 40 0.7261 1.9128 0.3796
3 5 54 86 12
3.1 Data collection/calculations 2 314.2 828.3 60 0.7209 1.9004 0.3793
2 4 00 22 37
Table 3, 4 and 5 are tables generated from the flow 3 559.0 1471. 80 0.7257 1.9100 0.3799
1 19 52 17 71
simulations made from the three different models. It shows
4 870.8 2295. 100 0.7209 1.9008 0.3793
the different simulations done at various speeds,and their 5 91 88 14 05
corresponding drag and lift force. It also shows the 5 1252. 3299. 120 0.7228 1.9038 0.3796
coefficient of lift Cl and the coefficient of drag Cd which were 74 53 48 73 72
calculated from the equations below; 6 1688. 4461. 140 0.7140 1.8864 0.3785
78 49 82 93 24

Cl =

Cd =

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International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Volume 5 No. 6, June, 2015

Table 5: Model 2 data outcome Table 6: Model 3 data outcome

s/ Lift Drag Speed(kmph s/ Lift Drag Speed(kmp

n (N) (N) ) Cl Cd Cl/Cd n (N) (N) h) Cl Cd Cl/Cd
1 -23.6 148.7 40 - - 1 34.56 99.81 40 0.1794 0.5183 0.3462
0.1540 0.97078 0.1587 74 25 58
7 7 1 2 78.42 225.44 60 0.1799 0.5172 0.3478
2 -53.9 334.9 60 - - 15 17 53
0.1554 0.1609 3 138.4 399.03 80 0.1796 0.5180 0.3468
6 0.96592 4 1 95 53 66
3 -95.6 595.4 80 - - 4 224.3 625.76 100 0.1857 0.5180 0.3584
0.1560 0.97176 0.1605 0 01 75 44
3 6 6 5 307.8 897.98 120 0.1776 0.5181 0.3428
4 - 930.8 100 - - 6 39 46 36
149. 0.1551 0.96878 0.1601 6 419.8 1225.0 140 0.1775 0.5180 0.3427
1 8 1 8 4 8 25 12 04
5 - 1339. 120 - -
214. 4 0.1552 0.97158 0.1597
0 3 5 7
6 - 1820. 140 - - 3.2 Data analysis
291. 5 0.1549 0.96772 0.1601
5 5 2 2 Graphs were plotted from the data above to show the
behavior of drag and lift forces, coefficient of drag and
coefficient of lift to drag ratio at different speeds for the three
models. Figure 8, shows that model 3 has the lowest range of
drag force, followed closely by model 2 and model 1 has the
highest range of drag force comparatively. While from figure
9, it was observed that model 1 has the highest lift, model 2
has a negative lift also known as downforce, and model 3
falls in between i.e. not having a high lift compare to model 1
and also not having a downforce as model 2.

Figure 10 shows that the drag coefficients (Cd) at different

speeds for each of the models were constant, though model 1
has the highest value of Cd, compare to the other models and
model 3 has the lowest Cd. Again the values of coefficient of
lift to coefficient of drag (Cl/Cd) were the same at different
speed for the 3 models. Model 1 has the highest Cl/Cd value,
next to model 3 then model 2 has the lowest Cl/Cd value.

Figure 8: Graph of Drag (N) against Velocity (Km/h), for the three models.

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International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Volume 5 No. 6, June, 2015

Figure 9: Graph of Lift (N) against Velocity (Km/h), for the three models

Figure 10: Cd against Speed

Figure11: Cl/Cd against Speed

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4.1 Pressure distribution

The pressure distributions of the three models are shown in the figure 11 below.

Model 1


More pressure below than above. More lift is observed

Model 2


Early separation point favors downforce

Model 3


Figure 10: Pressure distribution on the three models

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International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) Volume 5 No. 6, June, 2015

Figure 10 (a); shows model 1 having a differential pressure. package consisting of a cab-roof fairing and side extenders.
The lift force is normally generated due to the difference in To this baseline the following could be added:
pressure between the upper region and the lower region of the
vehicle.With a lower pressure at the upper region, this model 1. Tractor skirts and front trailer skirts back to the trailer
will experienced more lift; consequently becomes unstable. wheels
Also model 1 has the highest drag amongst the 3 model
2. Beveled base panels (simple boat tail)
which indicates high fuel consumption. Though model 2
experience a low drag compare to model 1 which makes it 3. Additional rear skirts behind the trailer wheels
preferable indicating less fuel consumption, it experiences a
downforce as shown in figure 10 (b). The downforce is 4. A gap seal between tractor and trailer
generated by clogging (circulating airflow) on top of the
vehicle which indicates an early separation point (fig. 5. A filler block to completely close and fair the gap
10b).The separation point is very close to the leading edge,
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