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Why Art of Living makes sense to the Corporate Executives

Yes, we are a far more economically and socially developed a lot

today and also we are integrated across boundaries. These have
also brought far more complexities into the corporate world. In
fact, today we need to run faster and faster to stay where we are.
Fatigue, anxiety and stress have become integral parts of the
lives of the corporate executives. Someone made a comment in
lighter vein to a colleague who had normal BP and other vital
parameters saying that he is not working hard for the company.
The corporate executives are left with only two choices; either
lower the ambitions based on the limitations of body and mind or
increase the mental & physical capabilities in line with the
demands of the corporate world.

When the corporate executives look for solutions to overcome the

stress and the inner solace, Art of Living (propagated by HH Sri Sri
Ravi Shankar ji) becomes one of the proven and effective paths to
explore. Art of Living is hugely popular across 160 countries for its
sheer relevance in todays world for the corporate executives.

When we choose to enhance our mental & physical capabilities to

achieve our ambitions and goals that is when the Art of Livings
resource would come to our rescue. To enhance our mental &
physical capabilities, the Art of Living helps in the following ways:

I. The Trademark rhythmic breathing technique called

Sudarshan Kriya, when practiced regularly would help in
enhancing physical & mental capabilities. Sudarshan Kriya is
hugely popular and widely practiced technique with lot of
clinical and scientific evidence. As the body needs shower
every day, the mind too needs certain cleansing process
because of its overutilization in the corporate world. It takes
about 20 minutes every day but brings a lot of mental
clarity, increases the energy levels and ensures that there is
emotional balance in us.
II. Some of the knowledge points (called Keys) taught in Art of
Living programs has got enormous practical utility in
handling the complex situations and human emotions.
Oscillation of the mind between the past and the future
takes away its energy to be effective in the present moment.
The mind has got such typical tendencies that might work
against us. Another example could be the tendency of the
mind to hold on to that which is not positive. The teachings
of Art of Living help us to create a mechanism inside us to
increase the positive tendencies which enhance our energy
levels. Many of the knowledge points of Art of Living
essentially help us to stay focused and be emotionally
balanced. In the corporate world we will be able to manage
the complex situations and emotional imbalance better if we
are in control of what is happening in our mind. Our ability
to manage our mind within us helps in determining the
success outside.
III. In the corporate world, since we are using only certain
portion of the brain, which is more analytical in nature, we
may create some imbalance in our personality. Art of Living
offers singing and being in the company of positive people
(known as Satsang). Singing has got enormous value in
aligning left and right brain functions. Satsangs of Art of
Living are fun filled and have influence on the subtle
IV. Sometimes, in corporate world, while chasing dreams &
goals of self and organizations, we may turn out to be
consumers of the society than contributors. Seva
(service) is an important component of Art of Living which
helps us to develop a dimension where we become
contributors to the society. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji says that
one could certainly get into depression if one is focused on a
tendency of what is in it for me. Art of Living undertakes
many projects from river rejuvenation to skill building, from
education to rural electrification. One could choose projects
of ones own interest and get gratification of contributing
something to the welfare of society. The feel good factor of
service is something which every corporate executive should
experience once in a while.
Corporate executives need to redefine success beyond
economic parameters. If one is not fundamentally happy,
emotionally stable, physically capable, mentally fatigued the
economic success alone would not be complete. One needs
to look at holistic approach towards our personal growth and
life in general. That is when a mystic/an enlightened master
would be able to guide us on the path of unknown terrain.
Someone who has a macro view of the life and the universe
would be able to guide us when we are stuck in our own little
That Someone Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji in person would be in
Mumbai 28th to 30th April 2017 to take us through the
experience called Unveiling Infinity. The key take away
are enhancement of intuitive thought process, sharpening
the intellect and innovative ways of problem resolution.
The exclusive program is by invitation to senior corporate
honchos, business leaders, entrepreneurs and all those
willing to take the roller coaster ride of success without
getting dizzy.
For details, visit.

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