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The reasons that make Hopscotch a good game

- Low cost of setup
- Works for a wide range of ages
- Fun to play
- Requires basic skills
- Outdoors / indoors
- Time of invention was prime for it



The problems with standard Hopscotch

- Size of the board does not match all height levels, for instance kids who are taller might
have an advantage
- Interest level stays constant once you become proficient, and there is little replayability
- Poor aesthetics
- Low interactivity and no feedback for correct or wrong moves
- No cooperative play


Some of the ideas for variation of the standard Hopscotch

1. Trampoline Hopscotch: O ften smart kids stay in the squares for longer periods of time
to rest their legs, trampolines as board spaces would prevent them from staying in a
square for too long
2. Light up Hopscotch: To improve the interactivity of the game, it could be played on
DDR like floors that light up and provide feedback for correct moves
3. Moveable Glass Panel-hop: To increase the stakes in the game, it should be played on
the glass ceiling of a building
a. Only rule addition being that the marked tile is removed and provides a real
reason to skip it
4. Shark-atop-hop: Another variation to provide realistic stakes
a. The marked tile is removed and the whole platform is over a stark tank
5. Portal Hopscotch: Like the 8-4 level of Mario, certain tiles teleport you to different parts
of the board
6. Hopscotch password: Unlocking of the doors to you house depends on how fluidly you
maneuver over the hopscotch board on the porch
7. Alarm-clock Hopscotch: We usually snooze after waking up, but with this variation to
turn the alarm off you have to successfully finish one round of Hopscotch.
8. Beat-hop: Hopscotch where jump has to be timed with beats of the music,
non-synchronous movement requires restarting from beginning
9. Hip-hop: Instead of one leg, you have to hop using your hips, but with trampolines
provided to aid the jump
10. Interactive floor hopscotch v1: (providing better feedback for right and wrong steps)
a. Use kinect to check position
b. Color ring around the player
11. Interactive floor hopscotch v2:
a. Using continuous touch display (meant to be played with touch sensitive shoes)
12. Alice in Hopperland: AR hopscotch where you have to follow the white rabbit, to know
where to jump to next
13. Hopscotch maze solver in ancient egypt:
a. In ancient egypt the entrances to the most sacred places were guarded by a
game. You had to step on the hopscotch panels in the right order or flames
devours you. The players that successfully finish the puzzle are rewarded by the
Chalice of Hoppyness which grants ability to hop vast distances
14. Receding floor hopscotch buttons: Floor buttons recede into the ground and the
player has to jump higher to get to the next button
15. Mag-hop: Magnetic floor with magnetized shoe soles for increasing difficulty and
endurance training, can be used by athletes and spartans.
16. Hopscotch energizer (variant of google energizer):
a. World championship starts with 32 teams
b. Players face off against each other and the one who loses cheers for the winner
c. Continue until one victor emerges
17. Death race hopscotch:
a. Certain home squares have power-ups, players throw markers at the same time
to show their intent of choosing a power-up
b. You can choose either an attack spell or a shield spell
c. Attack spell moves other player to start
d. Shield nullifies attack
18. Death Race Splitting: gives different power-ups on different sides
19. Hop-a-melody: (two player simultaneous versus mode)
a. notes play when you hop onto tiles
b. Figure out the notes for each tile and play a certain tune to win
c. First person to play the tune wins
20. Dice hopscotch: (2 player)
a. dice for the number of steps you can take
21. Moving Hop-panels:
a. Platform is suspended in the air
b. Tiles immediately after the home tiles, move left and right and you have to wait to
22. Three-legged hopper: 2 teams of 2 people
a. Two players side-by-side
b. Closer legs tied
c. Can untie legs after reaching first home tile
d. Team finishing first wins
23. You cant see me I can hop!:
a. An arbiter stands at the end of the board
b. Players can only hop when the arbiter is looking away
24. You cant see me I can hop! v2: (solves the problem of biased arbiter)
a. Mechanical arbiter stands at the end of the board
b. Arbiter turns at random times
25. House-of-the-hop:
a. Play in the dark
b. Button to trigger flash of light
c. 3 second cooldown
26. Pogo stick hopping:
a. Hopping on a pogo-stick
b. Only two hops allowed for regular tiles
c. Can hop for as many times on home tiles
d. No need for spit home tiles
27. Hopscotch relay: 2 person teams
a. Hoppers have to get items from the end and hand it to the other person
b. Other person finishes the round
28. Jaeger hopscotch:
a. Hopscotch with Jaegers from Pacific Rim, extreme mental conditioning required
29. Jetpack hopscotch:
a. Hop using jetpacks no steering allowed
30. Jetpack hopscotch with steering:
a. Hop using jetpacks but steering allowed on descent
31. Boat-hop:
a. Playing on a tiny boat, so no friction and momentum conservation is the enemy
32. Vomit Comet Hop:
a. Can only jump when the plane hits the top of the arc
33. Hopscotch for world peace
34. Circular board
35. Skate-hop (kickflip between squares and grinding rail for home tiles)
36. Home tiles are of ice and break on jumping
37. Spin-a-hop: spin on every move
38. The board moves on its own like DDR and you only have to jump, for less effort
39. Vs mode (penalize slower person for every round lost) *
a. Playtest: penalize only on first round
b. Whoever is faster gets to eat a cookie - but you have to balance that with your
ability to catch up coz you have to finish the cookie before moving on,
40. Juggling every time youre resting (home tiles) and successful juggling of 9 balls lets you
continue *
41. Another variation of juggling until the slower person reaches the home tiles (for

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