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Theres a whole world inside us in you and in me

In which our cells are dividing. Its amazing, youll see.

Its a strange word Mitosis - it means 'to divide'

And the what, when and how is what for you Ill provide.

Mitosis begins as Prophase gets going,

As inside the cell some new things start showing.

Its the nucleus look! It contains our DNA,

Controlling the cell's functions, we don't have a say.

Now known as chromosomes, our genes have been stored,

23 from each parent and not a single gene more.

Its pro-metaphase next as microtubules grow,

And then to the chromosomes fix and from them form a row.

With a ho and a heave, watch those strings do their bit;

Anaphase is the name for when our chromosomes split.

The cell gets pinched - telophase is to blame,

To form two daughters - both one and the same.

Cytokinesis sounds scary and its a nightmare to spell

But its amazing quite frankly hey look! A new cell!

Theres a whole world inside us in you and in me

In which our cells are dividing. Its amazing, you see.

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