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Adjectives - Ex.

From the choices provided after each sentence select a word or phrase that
would correctly complete the sentence.

1. Those are probably the fanciest curtains in the store.

c.most fanciest
2. Uncle Carl is really a sweet old man.
a. an old sweet man
b. a sweet ,old
c. a sweet old
3. The Karmen-Ghia used to be a fine German sports car.
a. a fine German
b. a German,fine
c. a fine,German
4.Everyone was home for holidays.What could make for a merrier Chrismas than that?
a. a merryier
b. the merriest
c. a merrier
5. They grew up in a comfortable little house in Mexico City.
a. a comfortable,little
b. a little,comfortable
c. a comfortable little
6. Die hard is the most exciting movie I've ever seen.
a. most excited
b. most exciting
c. most exciteable
7. Tashonda wanted to take a course with that interesting new Japanese economics
a. that interesting new Japanese economics
b. that Japanese interesting,new economics
c. that interesting new ,Japanese, economics
8. Of all the mechanics in the shop ,Jerzy is surely the less competent.
a. the less competent
b. the least cometent
c. the competentiest)
9. In the fall the valleys tend to be foggier than hilltops .
a. foggy
b. more foggier
c. foggier
10. My cold is definetly worse this morning.
a. worse
b. worst
c. worser

Complete the sentences below with one of the appropiate words or phrases
connected with LAW/JUSTICE: attorney, bail,burglary,charges,cell ,courtroom,
defence, fine,hearing,juvenile deliquency, jury,magistrate,plea,prisoner,prosecution

1. The judge asked the prisoner how he pleaded.

2. The government is very much concerned with the juvenile deliquency; the crime rate
is rising amoung young people.
3.The two men were found guilty of burglary.
4. The jury will decide wheather this man is guilty or not.
5. My friends advised me to put the matter into the hands of an attorney
6. Another hearing was called and he gave similar evidence.
7. A magistrate is a person who has the power to put the law into force .
8. There were three prisoners in that cell .
9. The prisoner,in defence said he had an alibi.
10. This is not a trial but a sentence before the jury.
11. The verdict of the jury was "not guilty".
12. The woman faces two prosecutions of theft.
13. She is a witness whose plea will be believed.
14. This time he faces charges for drunken driving.
15. The audience had to leave the courtroom for making too much noise.
16. If he is found guilty, he will face a verdict of five years in prison.
17. The prisoner made a defence of not guilty.
18. He was released on $ 5000 bail .
19. I refuze to make any statement before I have spoken to the solicitor
20. We had to pay a $ 50 fine for exceeding the speed limit.

Translate into Romanian


As a Correction Officer ,my fundamental duty is to serve the community: to keep

the institution secure ,to safeguard the community and the lives of the staff,inmates,and
visitors on the premises.
I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all,maintain courageous calm
in the face of danger,scorn or ridicule;develop self-restraint and be constantly mindful of
the welfare of others.Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life.
I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of any
agency.Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature ,or that is confided to me in my
official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the
performance of my duty.
I will never act officiously or permit personal feelings,prejudices animosities or
friendships to influence my decisions.I will always refrain from becoming personally
involved in the lives of the inmates and their families,except as related to the
responsabilities of my job.
With no compromise ,I will enforce the rules and regulations courteously and
appropiately without fear or favour,malice or ill will, and never employing unnecessary
force or voilence .I will manage and supervise the inmates in an even-handed and
courteous manner.
I will work with each agency and individual firmly and fairly without regard to
rank,status,or condition.
I will treat all visitors to the jail with politeness and respect ,and do my utmost to
ensure that they observe the departments'regulations.With no hesitation to communicate
with people in or outside the facility ,whether by phone,written word or spoken word,in a
manner that does not reflect negatively upon my agency.
I recognise that the badge I wear is a symbol of public faith ,and I accept it is a
public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of correction service.I will
constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals ,dedicating myself before God to
my chosen profession.....Correction Officer.

Ca si agent de penitenciare , datoria mea fundamental este de a servi

comunitatea : pentru a menine instituia in siguranta, pentru a proteja comunitatea i
viaa personalului , deinuii , si vizitatorii la fa a locului
Voi pstra viaa mea privat nentinat ca un exemplu pentru to i , imi voi men ine
calmul voi fi curajos n faa pericolului , dispre ului sau ridicolului , voi dezvolta stpnire
de sine i voi fi mereu contient de bunstarea altora.Cinstit/Onest n gndire i fapt ,
att in viata mea personala cat si in cea oficiala .
Eu voi fi un exemplu n respectarea legilor rii i regulamentelor agentiei mele.
Orice voi vedea sau auzi un caracter confiden ial , sau care imi este mrturisit n
calitatea mea oficial va fi inut pentru totdeauna secret , cu excep ia cazului in care
marturisirea este necesara n ndeplinirea datoriei mele .
Eu nu voi aciona neoficial sau nu voi permite sentimentelor personale ,
prejudecilor animozitilor sau prieteniilor sa-mi influen eze deciziile .Eu ma voi ab ine
ntotdeauna s m implic personal n viaa de inu ilor i a familiilor lor , cu excep ia celor
legate de responsabilitatile, de munca mea .
Cu nici un compromis , voi pune n aplicare regulile i reglementrile cu
amabilitate i corespunzator fr team sau favoruri , rutate sau rea-voin , i fara
angajarea forei inutile sau violentei. Eu voi gestiona i supraveghea de inu ii ntr-o
manier imparial i politicoasa .
Voi lucra cu fiecare agenie sau individual cu fermitate si corect indiferent de rang
, statut , sau condiie .
Voi trata toi vizitatorii la nchisoare cu polite e i respect , i voi face tot posibilul
pentru a ma asigura c acestia respect reglementarile departamentelor . Nu voi ezita
sa comunic cu persoane din sau n afara institu iei , fie prin telefon , cuvinte scrise sau
vorbite , ntr-un mod in care nu se reflect n mod negativ asupra agen iei mele .
Eu recunosc c insigna pe care o port este un simbol de credin public , i am
acceptat c este o ncredere public care va avea loc atta timp ct eu sunt in slujba
eticii de corecie .Eu voi depune eforturi n mod constant pentru a atinge aceste
obiective i idealuri , dedicndu - ma naintea lui Dumnezeu pentru profesia pe care am
ales-o ..... Agent de penitenciare

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