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Strategii corporatiste de marketing integrat

tefan Claudiu Cescu

Facultatea de Marketing, Academia de Studii Economice, Bucureti
Mara Gabriela Ploeteanu
Facultatea de Marketing, Academia de Studii Economice, Bucureti

Abstract: Managementul corporatist include n ansamblul su metodologic o serie de instrumente

specifice care fac obiectul managementului strategic. Ele sunt rezultatul evoluiei conceptului de
management i au ca element central strategia, considerat, pe bun dreptate un instrument esenial al
managementului modern. La nivelul organizaional superior strategiile corporatiste care sunt adoptate
sunt cele specifice portofoliului de afaceri, strategiile avantajului competitiv, strategiile de dezvoltare a
afacerii, strategiile de marc i strategiile responsabilitii sociale.

Cuvinte cheie: strategii corporatiste, avantaje competitive, portofoliu de afaceri, responsabilitate social

Not: Aceast lucrare a fost domeniilor i unitilor strategi- a-i mbunti poziia. Pentru
cofinanat din Fondul Social ce de afaceri ct i principalele a realiza a cest lucru profiturile
European, prin Programul Ope- strategii corporatiste de mar- pe termen scurt vor fi sacrifica-
raional Sectorial Dezvoltarea keting integrat. te cu scopul urmririi profitului
Resurselor Umane 2007-2013 La nivelul organizaional pe termen lung. Este o strategie
Proiect numarul POSDRU/1.5/ superior strategiile corporatis- care se potrivete cel mai bine
S59184 Performana i excelen- te care sunt adoptate sunt cele pentru dileme cu scopul ca
a n cercetarea postdoctorala n specifice portofoliului de afaceri, acestea s devin staruri.
domeniul tiinelor economice strategiile avantajului competi- 2. Meninere. Obiectivul
din Romania. tiv, strategiile de dezvoltare a principal n acest caz este repre-
afacerii, strategiile de marc i zentat de meninerea cotei de
strategiile responsabilitii so- pia actuale. Aceast strategie
1. Introducere
ciale. este tipic pentru cazul vacilor
Managementul corporatist de muls pentru a se asigura
include n ansamblul su meto- faptul c vor genera maximul de
2. Strategii privind
dologic o serie de instrumente lichiditate posibil.
portofoliul de afaceri
specifice care fac obiectul mana- 3. Recoltare. Urmnd o ast-
gementului strategic. Ele sunt n domeniul business to busi- fel de strategie managementul
rezultatul evoluiei conceptului ness pot fi utilizate trei instru- ncearc s maximizeze fluxul de
de management i au ca element mente principale de analiz de numerar pe termen scurt, chiar
central strategia, considerat, portofoliu, matricea BCG, matri- i n detrimentul viitorului unor
pe bun dreptate un instrument cea General Electric i matricea uniti strategice de afaceri.
esenial al managementului mo- Arthur D. Little. Prin utilizarea Este o strategie potrivit pentru
dern. acestor instrumente de anali- vacile de muls care pe termen
ncorporarea marketingului z de portofoliu se pot formula lung au o poziie fragil afln-
n activitile organizaiei se principalele strategii privind du-se pe o pia cu ciclu de via-
refer, dup cum s-a mai ar- portofoliul de afaceri. scurt. Este utilizat i atunci
tat i la modificarea coninutu- a) Conform matricii Boston cnd organizaia este n criz de
lui acestor instrumente astfel Consulting Group se pot formula lichiditate i este dispus s sa-
nct acestea s asigure orien- urmtoarele alternative strategi- crifice viitorul unor uniti stra-
tarea spre pia a ntregii orga- ce (Dumitru, 2004): tegice cu scopul de a-i satisface
nizaiei. Dintre instrumentele 1. Construire. Pentru a nevoile pe termen scurt.
utilizare la nivel corporativ se urma o strategie de construire 4. Diversific sau renun.
detaeaz cele privind:: misiu- obiectivul principal ar trebui Principalul obiectiv aici de a
nea organizaiei orientate spre s fie creterea cotei de pia a scpa de acele uniti strate-
pia, definirea i delimitarea unitii strategice cu scopul de gice care consum profiturile

14 tefan Claudiu Cescu, Mara Gabriela Ploeteanu

organizaiei sau de a redireci- moment a unitilor strategice ci fi continuat prin analize simila-
ona anumite resurse ctre alte mai degrab pentru a identifica re efectuate pentru competito-
activiti generatoare de profi- modul n care unitile strategi- rii cheie obinndu-se astfel o
turi superioare pe termen lung. ce au evoluat pn la un anumit situaie privind punctele forte
Ulterior determinrii strii moment i cum vor evolua n i punctele slabe din portofoliul
actuale a unitii de afaceri, continuare. Utiliznd astfel me- competitorilor.
marketerul trebuie s identifi- toda este posibil ca marketerul b) Strategiile rezultate n
ce poziia pe care fiecare dintre s reueasc s obin o imagine urma uilizrii matricii General
USA o va ocupa n viitor n ca- a structurii probabile a portofo- Electric (figura 1) sunt oarecum
drul matricii. Unitile strategi- liului su de activiti n civa apropiate de strategiile mode-
ce de afaceri n mod normal au ani, s identifice toate lipsurile lului B.C.G. Astfel, vedetele
un ciclu de via care ncepe cu care pot aprea la nivelul unui sunt produsele situate n stnga
apariia lor ca i dileme i apoi tip de unitate strategic sau alta sus, dilemele corespund poziiei
evolueaz sub form de vedete, i s stabilieasc astfel ce tip de dreapta sus, vacile de muls sunt
vaci de muls i n final pietre aciune strategic este necesar situate n centru, iar pietrele de
de moar. De accea este esen- n ceea ce privete lansarea de moar n dreapta-jos n diagra-
ial ca matricea Boston Consul- noi produse, susinerea altora m, dup cum reiese i din figu-
ting Group s nu fie utilizat dintre ele sau renunarea la cele ra urmtoare:
doar pentru a oferi o imagine de neprofitabile. Acest proces poate

Figura 1. Alternative strategice n cadrul modelului General Electric

Strategiile pe care ar trebui vestiii masive n segmentele selectiv n special n cele cu

s le adopte ntreprinderea n atractive, dezvoltarea de po- profitabilitate ridicat. Toate
funcie de poziionarea produ- litici anticoncureniale, cre- acestea presupun: specializa-
selor sale n cadrul matricei Ge- terea profitabilitii i renta- re n funcie de potenial, eli-
neral Electric pot fi clasificate n bilitii, atacarea liderului, minarea slbiciunilor, retra-
trei categorii: ntrirea punctelor slabe; gere dac nu apar semne de
strategii de investiii pentru strategii de selectare sau va- cretere, obinerea de profit
cretere n unitile strategi- lorificare. n unitile strate- imediat, concentrare asupra
ce de activitate solide i pro- gice de activitate din cadra- segmentelor atractive, apar-
fitabile (din cadranele A1, A2 nele B1, B2 i B3 organizaia rea potenialului acumulat;
i A3). Aceasta presupune in- trebuie s investeasc n mod

RRM 3/2011 15
strategii de fructificare sau Dup cum se observ, alter- status quo-ul, recoltarea pro-
eliminare: pentru unitile nativa aleas, reprezint o com- fitului sau ieirea din industria
strategice de activitate slabe binaie rezultat prin luarea n respectiv. Arthur D. Little a
din cadranele C1, C2 si C3 considerare a fazei (etapei) din reuit totodat s grupeze al-
organizaia va reduce ritmul ciclul de via al unitii strate- ternativele strategice ntr-un
actual al investiiilor, se va gice i poziia competitiv. Com- numr limitat de grupuri dup
genera profitul maxim posibil binaia dintre poziia competii- cum urmeaz:strategii de pia-
din situaia existent i se va onal i maturitatea industriei ; strategii de produs; strategii
renuna n timp la unitile ofer baza pentru determinarea tehnologice; strategii operaio-
strategice respective n speci- condiiei strategice a unitii nale; strategii de management;
al cele din cadranul C3; strategice i astfel permite iden- strategii de regrupare.
c) Strategiile privind portofo- tificarea i evaluarea opiunilor Opiunea pentru una sau alta
liul de afaceri care pot fi identi- strategice disponibile pentru dintre aceste alternative strate-
ficate n urma utilizrii Matricii organizaie. Acestea n gene- gice ar trebui s fie determinat
Arthur D. Little sunt prezentate ral variaz ntre a investi n de condiiile de desfurare a
n cadrul figurii urmtoare (Bra- scopul ntririi sau meninerii afacerii i nu de condiiile ma-
dley, 2005) (figura 2). poziiei, sau pentru a menine nagerilor (Little, 1974).

Figura 2. Matricea Arthur D. Little

3. Strategii concureniale consumatorilor, pieele pe care cost, strategia de diferentiere i

ale avantajului activeaz compania sau de pro- strategia specializrii. Conform
competitiv dusele i serviciile pe care le ofe- acestuia aceste trei strategii
r. ofer o baz pentru toate activi-
Scopul principal al definirii Noiunile de avantaj compe- tile strategice aflate la dispo-
strategiei de marketing este de titiv i strategie de marketing ziia organizaiei. Astfel spus n
a crea avantaj competitiv sus- sunt intercorelate. Porter ( Por- cadrul procesului de planificare
tenabil. ntregul proces de for- ter, 1980) identific trei strate- strategic alegerea alternativei
mulare a strategiilor de pia gii generice, care se constituie n strategice precede toate celelal-
este influenat de factori cum surse fundamentale ale avanta- te tipuri cu care firma opereaz
ar fi poziia n cadrul industri- jului competitiv (figura 3). Aces- pe pia.
ei, valuarea adugat oferit tea sunt: strategia liderului prin

16 tefan Claudiu Cescu, Mara Gabriela Ploeteanu

Difereniere Costuri reduse ale ofertei. Principalele surse de
difereniere pot include:
performana produsului. Fac-
tori cum ar fi calitatea produ-
Strategia de Strategia liderului
Abordare sului, durabilitatea acesuia
difereniere prin costuri
larg sau efiena acestuia se pot
la nivel general la nivel general
constitui n puncte poteniale
de difereniere;
percepia produsului. n mul-
Strategia de Strategia liderului te cazuri percepia consuma-
Abordare difereniere prin costuri torului asupra produsului
ngust la nivel de la nivel de este mult mai important de-
segment de pia segment de pia ct performana acestuia. n
cazul n care produsul poate
transfera o ncrctur emo-
Figura 3. Strategii ale avantajul competitiv ional puternic n rndul
consumatorilor atunci acesta
va contribui la creterea loia-
litii de marc;
Strategia liderului prin cost. implica o serie de investiii ini-
argumentarea produsului.
O surs potenial de avantaj iale majore i de fiind de obicei
Diferenierea se poate realiza
competitiv este aceea prin care asociate cu produsele fungibile
i prin modul n care compa-
organizaia caut s dein o n cazul crora discounturile de
nia argumenteaz calitile
poziie dominant sub aspectul preuri i rzboaiele de preuri
produsului ea putnd gene-
costurilor n cadrul domeniu- ntre competitori sunt o practic
ra plus valoare n ochii con-
lui su de afaceri. n acest caz obinuit.
sumatorilor. Oferirea unor
activitatea unitii strategice Strategia de difereniere
niveluri ridicate de servire a
se concentreaz pe meninerea are ca element esenial oferirea
clienilor, a unor servicii post-
unei structuri a costurilor ct de produse distincte i diferite
vnzare, preuri competitive
mai redus. Acest obiectiv poate de cele oferite de ctre concuren-
sau modaliti de finanare,
fi atins prin urmrirea agresiv . Sursa diferenierii trebuie
reprezint modaliti de m-
a costurilor, prin realizarea de s aib la baz valoarea oferit
buntire a produsului glo-
economii de scal, minimizarea clientului. Oferta trebuie s fie
costurilor n domenii cum ar fi perceput de ctre consumator
Strategia de specializare
marketingul i cercetarea-dez- ca fiind unic i s permit toto-
are drept scop concentrarea pe
voltarea, aprovizionarea la nivel dat companiei productoare s
un segment de pia i identi-
centralizat i economii datorate cear un pre premium. Strate-
ficare cunoaterii n detaliu a
nvrii i experienei. Supli- gia de difereniere n general tre-
consumatorilor din cadrul re-
mentar utilizarea de noi tehno- buie s se bazeze pe motivele de
spectivului segment de pia.
logii pentru activitile tradii- cumprare, inovare i flexibilita-
Aceast strategie de ni poate
onale ofer oportuniti consis- tea ofertei acestea fiind conside-
de asemenea genera avantajele
tente de reducere a costurilor. rate puncte de difereniere fa
strategiei liderului prin costuri
Dificultile pot aprea de strategia liderului prin cost.
sau strategiei de difereniere n
n ceea ce privete meninerea Exist totui i o serie de minu-
interiorul respectivului segment
poziiei de lider prin costuri. suri ale acestei strategii. n pri-
de pia. O strategie de specia-
Succesul pe pia poate atrage mul rnd aplicarea strategiei se
lizare se bazeaz pe urmtorii
competitori tot mai puternici. poate dovedi a fi costisituare n
De asemenea reducerea cotelor comparaie cu beneficiile oferite.
aria geografic. Utiliznd
de vnzri va conduce n mod n al doilea rnd elementele de
segmentarea geografic se
direct la reducerea economiilor inovare pot fi n general copiate
poate construi o ofert de
de scal i astfel la creterea de ceilali competitori. n al trei-
pia specializat pe nevoile
costurilor fixe care vor fi tot mai lea rnd nevoile consumatorilor
locale. Asocierea local poa-
greu de ajustat pe termen scurt evolueaz n timp iar motivele
te de asemenea crea premi-
i mediu. Suplimentar aplica- de difereniere pot deveni astfel
zele diferenierii ofertei (ex:
rea unei astfel de strategii de mai puin importante pe msu-
Champagne denumirea unei
reducere a costurilor i de volu- r ce atenia consumatorilor se
zone din Frana). Un alt mo-
me de vnzri foarte mari poate va ndrepta ctre alte elemente

RRM 3/2011 17
tiv al unei astfel de segmen- satisfacerea nevoilor consumato- reuind astfel organizaia
tri este reprezentat de posi- rilor i contracararea eficient a lider s-i protejeze baza de
bilitatea de a servi piee prea competiiei (Drummond&Ensor, consumatori existeni astfel
mici pentru a fi intite la o 2001). reuind s-i pstreze cota de
scar mai mare; Poziia unei organizaii n pia;
focalizarea pe utilizatorul fi- cadrul unei piee va influena n De menionat faptul c stra-
nal. Este posibil ca organiza- mod decisiv opiunile strategice tegiile ofensive i defensive pot
ia s se concentreze asupra avute la dispoziie de aceasta. O fi aplicate de ctre toi compe-
unui utilizator final specific astfel de poziie este exprimat titorii de pe pia i nu doar de
spre deosebire de a se adresa printr-un tip de competiie n ctre liderii de pia.
ctre ntreaga pia. Specia- cadrul creia se plaseaz com- b) Chalengerii. Acetia vor
lizarea ofer oportunitatea pania competitiv.Acetia pot fi cuta ntotdeauna confruntarea
apropierii organizaiei de divizai n patru mari categorii: urmrind n permanen cre-
consumatori i astfel obine- lideri de pia, chalengeri, ur- terea cotei de pia. De regul
rea unei mai bune nelegeri mritori i competitorii de ni. aceste organizaii sunt puterni-
a nevoilor acestora; a) Liderii de pia. n aceast ce i dispun de resurse consis-
specializarea pe un produs categorie se plaseaz organiza- tente. Ele urmresc poziia de
sau pe o linie de produse. Or- ia dominant din cadrul unei lider de pia i reprezint un
ganizaia se concentreaz pe industrii sau a unui segment de oponent de marc pentru liderul
un singur tip de produs sau pia. Dominana organizaiei de pia. Strategiile principale
o linie de produse. Valoarea comensurat prin intermediul aplicate de ctre aceste organi-
deriv din cadrul specializ- cotei de pia. Unele companii zaii sunt:
rii sub aspectul abilitilor, pot atinge aceast poziie prin strategia intirii selective.
volumului i a gamei de acti- inovare sau expertiz tehnolo- Chalengerii pot alege s
viti. gic. n plus o organizaie poa- inteasc prin aciunile lor
O dat ce strategia generic te fi lider doar ntr-un anumit numai anumii competitori.
a fost definit organizaia va segment de pia sau arie ge- Se poate ca aceste companii
trebui s vad cum o va trans- ografic. Liderul de pia este s atace competitori mai mici
pune n avantaje competitive n permanen o int pentru sau firme care i sunt echiva-
(erbanic,2006). Organiza- competitorii cei mai agresivi. lente n ceea ce privete mri-
ia trebuie s fie capabil s-i Aadar el trebuie s rmn n mea i resursele lor. n gene-
susin avantajul competitiv permanen vigilent i practiv ral acetia urmresc s atace
de-a lungul unei perioade lungi la aciunile acestora. Cele mai competitorii mai slabi, acele
de timp. Pentru a fi sustenabil ntlnite strategii ale liderului companii care nu reuesc s
avantajul competitiv trebuie s de pia sunt: satisfac nevoile consumato-
ndeplineasc o serie de caracte- Strategia de extindere a pie- rilor ntr-o anumit msur,
ristici: ei. Dac pia total se ex- sau pe cei cu probleme finan-
s fie relevant pentru nevoile tinde liderul de pia este cel ciare sau de resurse. Scopul
actuale i viitoare ale pieei care cel mai probabil va ob- unei astfel de strategii este
n cadrul creia activeaz or- ine cea mai mare parte din de a ctiga cota lor de pia;
ganizaia; piaa nou creat. O astfel de strategia de atacare a lide-
trebuie s poat fi aprat. strategie se operaionalizeaz rului. Exist i situaii cnd
Trebuie s existe o serie de prin gsirea de noi utilizatori chalengerul atac n mod
bariere n calea copierii altfel i utilizri pentru produsele direct liderl de pia. n ge-
succesul putnd pur i sim- actuale i prin ncurajarea neral acesta este un rz-
plu s fie replicat de ctre consumului n rndul consu- boi de uzur ntre cele dou
competitori; matorilor existeni; companii care se desfoar
Alturi de strategiile gene- Strategia ofensiv. Presupu- pe termen lung i este pu-
rice, un grup de alternative iau ne atacarea permanent a ce- in probabil ca liderul s se
n considerare poziia deinut lorlali competitori n scopul schimbe prea repede.n gene-
de organizaie n cadrul indus- obinerii unei cote de pia ral atacurile directe susinu-
triei pe de o parte i resurse- ct mai mare; te de-a lungul timpului ajung
le deinute de aceasta, relativ Strategia defensiv este al- s erodeze cota de pia a li-
la competiie, pe de alt parte. ternativa prin care organiza- derului;
Implementarea unor strategii ia lider i protejeaz baza c) Urmritorii. A fi pe locul
de succes presupune deopotriv de consumatori existeni doi, trei sau patru sau chiar mai

18 tefan Claudiu Cescu, Mara Gabriela Ploeteanu

jos n cadrul unei industrii poate d) Competitorii de ni se prin utilizarea exhaustiv a teh-
nsemna totui o poziie atracti- concentreaz pe segmente de nicilor de promovare a vnzri-
v. Urmritorii tind s reprezin- pia specifice. Acesia sunt re- lor i a publicitii, poate ajuta
te o umbr a liderului de pia prezentai de firme mult mai la creterea cotei de pia n
spre deosebire de chalengeri specializate prin natura lor care cadrul pieelor actuale. Alter-
care prefer provocarea. Urm- caut s obin avantajul com- nativa prezint un potenial de
ritorii prefer n general o astfel petitiv prin adugarea de valoa- risc sczut i totodat constituie
de abordare, mai puin n cazul re special pentru anumite gru- o bun baz pentru dezvoltarea
n care apare o oportunitate de puri int. ulterioar. Totui, potenialul
pia generat de anumite sl- aplicrii unei strategii de pene-
biciuni ale liderului de pia. trare este de multe ori limitat
4. Strategiile dezvoltrii
Ca regul general urmritorii i de aceea dezvoltarea planu-
afacerilor i a mrcii
copiaz aciunile i oferta de rilor strategice ale organizaiei
produse ale marilor juctori din Igor Ansoff a elaborat n anul presupune i considerarea altor
industrie i evit s-i supere pe 1975 o matrice produs-pia (fi- opiuni.
acetia. Strategiile cele mai n- gura 4) care are la baz legtura Strategia de dezvoltare a pie-
tlnite sunt: dintre produsele i piaele unei ei. Aceast strategie urmrete
strategia copierii. Oferta de companii cu scopul stabilirii identificarea de noi piee pentru
produse a liderului de pia strategiilor dezvoltrii afaceri- produsele actuale. Ea presupu-
este copiat n toate modali- lor (Ansoff, 1975). Matricea n ne identificarea de noi piee din
tile posibile chiar pn la cauz consider patru combi- punct de vedere geografic ( desf-
nivelul ambalajelor i a teh- naii de produse i piee fiecare urarea de activiti de export),
nicilor promoionale aplicate. dintre acestea sugernd o stra- dezvoltarea de noi canale de dis-
Astfel de strategii pot fi com- tegie de cretere. tribuie sau identificarea de noi
btute de o serie de preve- Potenialul organizaiei este segmente de pia ne abordate
deri legale mai ales din sfera determinat de combinaia din- nc de ctre organizaia de pe
drepturilor de proprietate in- tre produsele actuale i cele noi piaa business to business.
telectual; pe de o parte i pieele actuale Strategia de dezvoltare a pro-
strategia de adaptare. Pre- i cele poteniale pe de alt par- dusului este alternativa strate-
supune aa cum spune i de- te. Pe msur ce organizaia se gic operaionalizat prin ofe-
numirea strategii se opteaz extinde de pe pieele actuale rirea de produse noi n cadrul
pentru adaptare a ofertei de crend produse crete i riscul pieelor actuale. Este prin exce-
baz. Dac aceasta se poate potenial pentru aceasta. len o strategie de produs i are
mbunti se opteaz pen- Strategia de penetrare repre- ca efect, dup caz dezvoltarea
tru posibilitatea de diferen- zint alternativa prin care cresc ,meninerea ori restrngerea
iere. De exemplu se poate vnzrile prouselor actuale n portofoliului de produse.
opta pentru comercializarea cadrul pieelor actuale. O abor- Strategia de diversificare
de produse similare dar cu dare de marketing agresiv re- presupune dezvoltarea activit-
oferirea unor servicii superi- alizat prin intermediul unor ii dincolo de operaiunile fami-
oare de suport a clienilor. strategii de preuri competitive, liare organizaiei i dezvoltarea
activitii n domenii necunos-
cute companiei. Diversificarea
poate fi orizontal, n domenii
Actuale Produse Noi conexe activitii de baz sau
lateral n domenii totat noi
pentru organizaie. Acestea din
Strategie de dezvoltare urm prezint riscul potenial
Strategie de penetrare cel mai ridicat.
a produslui
Matricea produs-pia poate
Piee fi extins pentru a evidenia i
gradul de legtur care exist
Strategie de dezvoltare Strategie de ntre activitatea actual i cea
a pieei diversificare de diversificare putndu-se dis-
cuta n acest caz de strategia
integrrii n aval sau n amon-
Figura 4. Matricea produs-pia. Modelul Ansoff

RRM 3/2011 19
te, de strategie de diversificare toate celelalte asociaii care uneori s impun atribute di-
orizontal sau lateral. se vor face referitor la marc ferite, sau s se adreseze unor
Dezvoltarea unei strategii de ca rezultat al legturii aces- motivaii de cumprare dife-
marc are o importan deosebi- teia cu o serie de elemente rite.De exemplu P&G produ-
t la nivelul politicii de produs. cum ar fi organizaia, ara de ce nou mrci de detergent.O
Prin intermediul produsului origine, canalul de distribuie strategie a mrcilor multiple
consumatorii interacioneaz cu sau o alt marc; permite companiei s-i ad-
marca organizaiei. Putem afir- Principalele strategii de mar- judece mai mult spaiu pe
ma c n centrul oricrei mrci c recomandate a fi utilizate raft i s-i protejeze marca
de succes se afl un produs de sunt: principal prin crearea unor
succes (Keller,2008). Pentru a Strategia mrcii unice (Ol- mrci de flanc sau mrci la-
construi o strategie de marc teanu, 2009). Marca unic terale;
de succes trebuie s se aib n ( umbrel) este de regul o Strategia extinderii mr-
vedere pe de o parte calitatea marc de ntreprindere i se cii corporatiste este mai rar
i plusul de valoare perceput regsete n pia prin atri- ntlnit i utilizat fiind
de consumator prin utilizarea buirea acesteia tuturor pro- specific situaiilor n care
produsului respectiv, iar pe de duselor ntreprinderii. Aceas- o marc puternic absoarbe
alt parte capacitatea mrcii de t strategie este cunoscut i o marc mai puin puterni-
a dezvolta relaii durabile cu di- ca strategie de extindere a c sau o marc ce prezint o
versele categorii de consumatori mrcii, deoarece acesta pre- imagine nedorit n rndul
(erbanic,2007). supune atribuirea i utiliza- consumatorilor. De pild ca-
Calitatea perceput de ctre rea unei singure mrci unor zul achiziiei Cosmorom de
consumator poate fi evideniat articole noi care extind linia ctre Cosmote.
sub aspectul avanajelor oferite de produse existent la un Pe piaa business to business
acestuia de ctre organizaie: moment dat; se recomand utilizarea strate-
beneficii funcionale care se Strategia extinderii portofo- giei mrcii unice praticat de
refer la atributele de produs liului de mrci presupune majoritatea organizaiilor de pe
i performan; adugarea unei mrci achizi- piaa afacerilor dar i strategia
beneficiile de proces care con- ionate la portofoliul existent mrcilor multiple mai ales n
in elemente precum uurin- de mrci i utilizarea aceste- promovarea instalaiilor indus-
a n accesul la informaiile ia independent de marca de triale i a echipamentelor grele.
referitoare la produs, politi- baz, similar celorlalte mrci
ca de nlocuire a produselor, din portofoliu;
5. Strategiile
serviciile oferite Strategia mrcilor combinate
responsabilitii sociale
beneficiile relaionale care (co-branding) (Kotler, 2002)
conin elemente precum va- se aplic atunci cnd se com- O component de actualita-
loarea obinut prin persona- bin dou sau mai multe te a strategiilor corporatiste de
lizarea serviciilor, conexiunea mrci deja cunoscute, sub marketing integrat o reprezint
emoionl creat, politicile de forma unei singure oferte. Fi- strategiile responsabilitii so-
recompensare difereniat a ecare titular de marc se a- ciale. Plecnd de la importana
loialitii; teapt ca prezena celuilalt responsabilitii sociale n orga-
Construirea unei strategii de nume de marc s ntreas- nizaia de business to business
marc de succes depinde de ur- c preferina sau intenia de modern putem identifica ur-
mtorii factori: cumprare a clientului. n ca- mtoarele strategii.
opiunile iniiale ale orga- zul produselor separate, dar Strategii n funcie de schim-
nizaiei privind elementele introduse n acelai ambalaj, brile pieei. n privina formul-
de identitate a mrcii care se sper c fiecare marc va rii strategiei de responsabilitate
vor fi utilizate n poziiona- putea astfel ajunge la un alt social n funcie de schimbrile
rea acesteia i modul n care segment de public, prin aso- pieei, literatura de specialitate
aceste elemente sunt mixate cierea cu cealalt marc; (Clarkson, 1995) identific pa-
i asociate; Strategia mrcilor multiple tru tipuri de strategii: strate-
activitile de marketing i (Kotler, 2002). De multe ori, o gii proactive, strategii reactive,
programele de marketing companie va introduce mrci strategii de aprare i strategii
dezvoltate i modul n care suplimentare n aceeai cate- de acomodare.
marca este integrat n ca- gorie de produse. Procednd a) Strategia proactiv pre-
drul lor; astfel, compania ncearc supune o anticipare a evoluiei

20 tefan Claudiu Cescu, Mara Gabriela Ploeteanu

mediului extern companiei i o a) Strategia creterii activit- Bibliografie
adaptare concomitent a firmei ilor de responsabilitate social,
la acesta. Abordarea acestui tip prin care compania dorete o in- Ansoff I. (1975), Strategies for di-
versification, Harvard Business
de strategie nseamn impli- tensificare a efortului depus n
Review, 25, pp.113-125
cit adoptarea unei atitudini de cadrul programelor de respon- Bradley, F. (2005), International
cooperare fa de stakeholderi sabilitate social. Acest tip de Marketing Strategy, 5th edition,
i construirea unui dialog con- strategie este utilizat de ctre Harlow, Peason PH
structiv pe probleme legate de companiile care i fundamen- Clarkson, M.B.E. (1995), A Stake-
impactul activitii firmei asu- teaz ntr-un mod coerent politi- holder Framework for Analyzing
pra acestora. Totodat, firma ca de responsabilitate social, i and Evaluating Corporate Soci-
poate lua decizii de marketing care observ beneficiile acesteia al Performance, Academy of Ma-
n spiritul protejrii stakeholde- asupra activitii firmei. nagement Review, Vol. 20, No.
1, pp. 92-117
rilor. b) Strategia meninerii activi-
Drummond G., & Ensor J. (2001),
b) Strategia reactiv este spe- tilor de responsabilitate socia- Strategic Marketing: planning
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une sau o problem potenial a aloce aceeai cantitate de efort Butterworth-Heinemann PH
produsului pn n momentul n aciunilor de responsabilitate so- Dumitru I. (2004) Marketing Stra-
care publicul afl despre aceas- cial. Acest tip de strategie este tegic o abordare in perspectiva
ta. n aceast situaie compania specific companiilor care nu au globalizarii. Bucuresti, Uranus
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cearc s le rezolve. or, ci mai degrab aceasta este Management, 3rd edition, New
Jersey, Pearson International
c) Strategia de aprare este utilizat ca o tactic. Totodat,
folosit de companiile care do- acest tip de strategie poate s Kotler Ph. (2002), Managementul
resc s evite obligaii supli- fie adoptat i de ctre companii- marketingului, 3rd edition, Bu-
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de aprare compania utilizeaz factori externi (am putea numi ference for Strategy Develop-
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s i atrag drept parteneri n c) Strategia restrngerii acti- Porter M. E. (1980), Competitive
problema sa asociaiile patrona- vitilor de responsabilitate so- strategy: tehniques for analysing
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d) Strategia de acomodare trebuie s i concentreze aten- Stancu A. (2009), Marketingul i
este specific firmelor care trec ia asupra obiectului principal societatea. Integrarea activiti-
la un comportament responsabil de activitate. lor de responsabilitate social n
social atunci cnd categorii im- Pe piaa business to business planificarea strategic a compa-
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rajeaz acest demers. Totodat, pactul sporit pe care ntreprin-
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n care realizeaz c meninerea tor i calitii vieii oamenilor Vol 2
prezentei poziii poate determi- responsabilitatea social joac erbnic D. (2007), Mrci i stra-
na guvernul s stabileasc stan- un rol deosebit de important n tegii de marc: consideraii ma-
darde minime de responsabilita- dezvoltarea strategiilor la ni- nageriale, Revista Romana de
te social. velul organizaional superior. Marketing, Vol 4
Strategii n funcie de poziia n general organizaiile de pe
firmei fa de responsabilita- aceast pia ar trebui s com-
te social. n aceast privin, bine o strategie proactiv cu o
compania are la dispoziie un strategie de cretere a activit-
set de 3 strategii dup cum ur- ilor de responsabilitate social
meaz (Stancu,2009):

RRM 3/2011 21
Corporate Strategies of Integrated Marketing
tefan Claudiu Cescu
The Marketing Faculty, The Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest
Mara Gabriela Ploeteanu
The Marketing Faculty, The Academy of Economic Studies, Bucharest

Abstract: Corporate management includes in its whole methodology a series of specific instruments that
are subject to strategic management. They are the result of the evolution of the concept of management
and have as central element the strategy considered rightly as an essential tool of modern management.
At higher organizational level the corporate strategies adopted are specific to the business portfolio,
competitive advantage strategies, business development strategies, brand strategies and corporate social
responsibility strategies.

Key concepts: corporate strategies, competitive advantage, business portfolio, social responsibility

Note: This paper has been integrated marketing strategic fit for question marks that are
co-financed from the Euro- corporate principles. meant to become stars.
pean Social Fund, through the At higher organizational 2. Maintenance. The main
2007-2010 Human Resources level the corporate strategies objective in this case is repre-
Development Operational Sec- adopted are specific to the busi- sented by maintaining current
tor Program Project number ness portfolio, competitive ad- market share. This strategy is
POSDRU/1.5/S59184 Perfor- vantage, business development typical for the cash cows when
mance and excellence in the strategies, brand strategies and ensuring that they render the
post-doctoral research within corporate social responsibility maximum possible returns.
the economic field in Romania. strategies. 3. Harvest. Following such
a strategy seeks to maximize
the management of short term
1. Foreword 2. Business portfolio
cash flow, even at the expense of
Corporate management in- future strategic business units.
cludes in its whole methodology In business to business there This is a strategy fit for cash
a series of specific instruments are three main tools of portfolio cows that have a fragile long
that are subject to strategic man- analysis, the BCG Matrix, Gen- term position on a short life cy-
agement. They are the result of eral Electric Matrix and the Ar- cle market. It is used when the
the evolution of the concept of thur D. Little matrix. By using organization is in liquidity crisis
management and have as cen- these portfolio analysis tools one and is willing to sacrifice the fu-
tral element the strategy con- can formulate the main strate- ture of strategic units in order to
sidered rightly as an essential gies for the business portfolio. meet short-term needs.
tool of modern management. a) According to the Boston 4. Diversify or abandon.
Incorporating marketing in Consulting Group matrix, the The main goal here is to get rid
the activities of the organiza- following strategic alternatives of those strategic units that are
tion refers, as already shown, may be formulated (Dumitru, consuming the profits of the or-
also to the contents modifica- 2004): ganization or to redirect certain
tion of these instruments, so as 1. Growth. The main objec- resources towards activities that
to ensure market orientation of tive when following a growth are generating superior profits
the entire organization. Among strategy should be increasing on the long term.
the tools used at corporate lev- the market share of the strate- After determining the cur-
el these are worth mentioning: gic unit, in order to strengthen rent state of the business unit,
the organizational mission for its position. To accomplish this, the marketer must identify the
market orientation, the defini- the short term profits will be position that each SBU will oc-
tion and delimitation of areas sacrificed as long term profit is cupy in the future within the ma-
and strategic business units and sought. This is a strategy best trix. The strategic business units

22 tefan Claudiu Cescu, Mara Gabriela Ploeteanu

have a life cycle that begins with of activities over a few years, to b) Strategies resulting from
them appearing as question identify any gaps that may oc- using the General Electric Ma-
marks, and then evolving as cur at strategic unit level and trix (Figure 1) are somewhat
stars, cash cows and finally establish what type of strategic close to the B.C.G. model. Thus,
dogs. That is why it is essen- action is needed when launching the stars are products located
tial that the Boston Consulting new products, supporting the in the upper left, the question
Group matrix is used not only existing ones or giving up non- marks correspond to the upper
to provide a snap shot of strate- profitable ones. This process can right position, the cash cows are
gic units, but rather to identify be continued by similar analysis situated in the centre, and the
how strategic units have and conducted for key competitors, dogs are in the bottom right of
will continue to evolve. Using thus building an image on the the chart, as shown by the fol-
this method, the marketers will strengths and weaknesses of lowing figure:
manage to get a picture of the competitors portfolios.
likely structure of the portfolio

Figure 1. Strategic alternatives within the General Electric matrix

The strategies that the or- Investment strategies for investments in the attractive
ganization should adopt when growth in the business units segments, development of
positioning its products in the that are solid and profitable anti-competitive polities, in-
General Electric matrix may be (in quadrants A1, A2 and crease in profits and returns,
classified into three categories: A3). This requires massive

RRM 3/2011 23
attaching the leader and tion will reduce the current business unit and also for the
strengthening weaknesses; rhythm of investments, gen- identification and evaluation
Strategies of selective devel- erate maximum profits from of strategic options available
opment and capitalization. In the current condition and in for the company. These gener-
the strategic business units time give up the respective ally range from investment to
in quadrants B1, B2 and B3 strategic units, especially the strengthen or maintain position
the organization should in- ones from quadrant C3; or to maintain the status-quo,
vest selectively especially c) The strategies of the busi- harvesting profits or withdraw-
in those with high profit- ness portfolio that may be iden- al from the respective industry.
ability. All of these suppose: tified when following the Arthur Arthur D. Little managed to sort
specialization according to D. Little matrix are presented the strategic alternatives in a
the potential, eliminating in the following figure (Bradley, limited number of groups as fol-
weaknesses, withdrawal if 2005) (figure 2). As shown, the lows: market strategies, product
there are no signs of growth, alternative chosen is a combina- strategies, technological strat-
obtaining immediate profit, tion resulting from the consider- egies, operational strategies,
focusing on attractive seg- ation of the phase (stage) within management strategies and re-
ments, defending accumulat- the lifecycle of the strategic unit orientation strategies.
ed potential; and the competitive advantage. Opting for either of these
Harvesting on withdrawal The combination of competitive strategic alternatives should be
strategies : for the weak stra- position and industry maturity determined by the conditions of
tegic units from the quadrants offers the basis for determin- the business environment, and
C1, C2 and C3, the organiza- ing the strategic condition of the

Figure 2. The Arthur D. Little matrix

not those of the mangers (Little, to create sustainable competi- company is present or products
1974). tive advantage. The whole pro- and services offered.
cess of formulating marketing The notions of competitive
strategies is influenced by fac- advantage and marketing strat-
3. Competitive advantage
tors such as position within the egy are interrelated. Porter
industry, value added offered to (Porter, 1980) identifies three
The main purpose of defin- consumers, markets where the generic strategies, which consti-
ing the marketing strategy is tute the fundamental sources of

24 tefan Claudiu Cescu, Mara Gabriela Ploeteanu

Differentiation Reduced costs the consumers are attracted by
other elements of the offer. The
main sources of differentiation
may include:
Overall differentiation Lowest cost across
Wide Product performance. Factors
strategy the general market
target such as product quality, du-
rability or value generation
may become potential points
of differentiation.
Market segment Lowest cost across Product perception. In many
Narrow differentiation the market cases the consumer percep-
target strategy segment tion of the product is more
important than its perfor-
mance. If the product can
transfer a strong emotional
Figure 3. Strategies of competitive advantage charge among consumers
then this will contribute to
the increase of brand loyalty;
competitive advantage (figure 3). may lead directly to reducing Product reasoning. Differ-
These are: the cost leader strat- economies of scale and increases entiation can be achieved
egy, the differentiation strategy in fixed costs that will turn to also by the way the company
and the specialization strategy. me harder to adjust on short the argues the product quali-
According to him, these three medium term. Additionally, the ties that can generate value
strategies provide a basis for all application of such a strategy to added for the consumers. Of-
strategic activities available to reduce costs and large sales vol- fering high level of customer
the organization. Thus said the umes may involve a series of ma- service, post sales services,
strategic planning within the jor initial investments that are competitive prices or financ-
process is the choice that pre- usually associated with fungible ing methods are ways to im-
cedes all other types that the goods where price discounts and prove the global product.
company operates with on the price wars are common prac- The specialization strategy is
market. tice. focusing on a specific market seg-
The strategy of cost leader- The differentiation strategy is ment, identifying and knowing
ship. A potential source of com- essentially the offering of differ- in detail the consumers on that
petitive advantage is that the ent products from those offered segment. This niche strategy
organization seeks to hold a by competitors. The source of may generate the advantages of
dominant position in terms of differentiation must be based cost leadership or differentiation
costs within the business field. on consumer value. The offer within that market segment. A
In this case, the activity of the must be perceived by consum- specialization strategy is based
strategic business unit is fo- ers as unique and also allow the on the following factors:
cused on maintaining a mini- company to demand a premium Geographical territory. Ex-
mized cost structure. This can price. The differentiation strat- ploiting geographic segmen-
be achieved by aggressive cost egy should be generally based tation can build a market of-
tracking, through economies of on buying reasons, innovation fer specialized on local needs.
scale, reducing costs in fields as and flexibility of the offer, as Local association may also
marketing and R&D, central- these are considered as points create differentiation of the
ized sourcing and savings due to for differentiation from the cost offer (eg: Champagne is the
learning and experience. In ad- leader strategy. However, there name of an area in France).
dition, the use of new technolo- are a number of minuses of this Another reason for such seg-
gies for traditional activities strategy. First, the strategy may mentation is the ability to
also offers consistent cost reduc- prove to be costly in comparison serve markets too small to be
tion opportunities. to the benefits. Secondly, the in- targeted at a larger scale;
Difficulties may arise in re- novation elements may be cop- Focusing on the final consum-
gard to maintaining leadership ied by the competition. Thirdly, er. It is possible for the orga-
in costs. Market success may consumer needs evolve in time nization to focus on a final
attract more powerful competi- and the differentiation reasons specific consumer, as opposed
tors. Also, reducing sales quotas may become less important as to addressing the entire mar-

RRM 3/2011 25
ket. Specialization offers the market leaders, challengers, Usually these organizations are
opportunity for the organiza- followers and niche competi- strong and have substantial re-
tion to become closer to the tors. sources. They aim at market
consumer and thus achieve a a) The market leaders. The leadership and represent a fierce
better understanding of their dominant organizations within opponent for the market leader.
needs. the industry or a market seg- The main strategies used by
Specializing on a product or a ment are placed into this cat- these organizations are:
line of products. The organi- egory. The leadership is mea- The selective targeting strat-
zation focuses on a single type surable through market share. egy. Challengers may
of product or a line of prod- Some companies may reach this choose to target only certain
ucts. The value comes from status through innovation or competitors. It may be that
the specialization of abilities, technological expertise. In ad- they attack smaller competi-
volume and the range of ac- dition, an organization can lead tors or companies that are
tivities. only to a particular market or their equivalent in size and
Once the organizations over- geographical area. The market resources. In general they
all strategy has been defined, leader is always a target for the aim to attack weaker com-
they will have to see how to turn most aggressive competitors. So petitors, companies that fail
it into competitive advantages they must remain vigilant at all to meet the consumer needs

, 2006). The organiza- times and proactive to the com- in some degree or those with
tion must be able to sustain com- petitors actions. The most com- financial or resource issues.
petitive advantage over a long mon strategies of the market The purpose of such a strat-
period of time. The competitive leader are: egy is to gain market share;
advantage must meet a number The market expansion strat- The strategy of challenging
of characteristics in order to be egy. If the total market ex- the leader. There are situa-
sustainable: pands then the market leader tions when the challenger
to be relevant to current and will most probably obtain a aims directly towards the
future needs of the market larger share of the newly cre- market leader. Generally this
where the organization acti- ated market. Such a strategy is a war of attrition between
vates; becomes operational through the two companies, which
it must be protectable. There finding new users and uses takes place on the long term
must be a series of barriers for the current products and it is unlikely for the leader-
against copying; otherwise by encouraging consumption ship to change very quickly.
the success can simply be within the current consum- Direct attacks sustained over
replicated by competitors; ers; time manage to erode the
Along with the general strat- The offensive strategy. It as- market share of the leader;
egies, a group or alternatives sumes constant attacking c) The followers. To be sec-
take into account the position of of the competitors in order ond, third, fourth or even lower
the organization within the in- to achieve greater market within the industry may still
dustry on the one hand and the share; mean you are holding an attrac-
resourced held by it relative to The defensive strategy is the tive position. Followers want
the competition, on the other. alternative through which to represent a shadow of the
Successful implementation of the leading organization pro- market leaders, as opposed to
strategies requires both satis- tects its consumer base and the challengers that are pre-
fying the consumer needs and thus manages to defend its ferring confrontation. Followers
effectively countering the com- leadership on the market; prefer this approach, except for
petition (Drummond & Ensor, It is worth mentioning that when opportunity arises due to
2001). both offensive and defensive various weaknesses of the mar-
The position of the organiza- strategies may be approached by ket leader. As a general rule, the
tion within the market will in- all competitors on the market, followers copy the actions and
fluence decisively the strategic not only by the market leaders. offer of big players within the
options at the companys dispos- b) The challengers. These industry and avoid disturbing
al. Such a position is expressed will constantly seek confron- these. The most common strate-
through the kind of competi- tation as they are looking to gies are:
tion the companys rivals are increase their market share.
approaching. These can be di-
vided into four large categories:

26 tefan Claudiu Cescu, Mara Gabriela Ploeteanu

The copying strategy. The of- four combinations of products distribution channels or identi-
fer of the market leader is and markets, each suggesting a fying new market segment that
copied in all possible ways, growth strategy. were not yet approached by the
even to the packaging and The potential of the organiza- organization on the business to
promotional techniques ap- tion is determined by the combi- business market.
plied. Such strategies can be nation between current and new The product development
countered by a series of legal products on the one side and ex- strategy is the strategic alterna-
provisions, especially in the isting and potential markets on tive operationalized by offering
field of intellectual property the other. As the organization new products in existing mar-
rights; expands on current markets by kets. It is by excellence a strate-
The adaptation strategy. It creating products, the potential gy of product and results, where
involves as the name says, risk increases. appropriate, in the maintenance
a chosen adaptation of the Market penetration is the restructuring of the product
basic offer. If that can be im- name given to a growth strat- portfolio.
proved then the option is to egy where the business focuses The diversification strat-
differentiate. For example, on selling existing products into egy involves the development
one may choose to sell similar existing markets. An aggressive beyond familiar business and
products but also to provide marketing approach achieved growth of activities in areas un-
superior support services to through competitive pricing, known to the company. The di-
the customers. using comprehensive promo- versification can be horizontal,
d) The niche competitors fo- tion and advertising techniques in fields connected to the core
cus on specific market segments. may help to increase market activity or lateral, in areas to-
These are usually organizations share in existing markets. The tally new to the organization.
that are more specialized in na- alternative is a potential for low The latter presents the highest
ture and seek competitive ad- risk and also provides a sound potential risk.
vantage by adding value to spe- basis for further development. The product-market matrix
cific target groups. However, the potential applica- can be extended to highlight the
tion of a penetration strategy is degree of relationship between
often limited and therefore the current and the diversified ac-
4. Business development
organizations strategic develop- tivity, thus allowing discussion
and brand strategies
ment plans also requires consid- on the integration upstream or
Igor Ansoff developed in 1975 eration of other options. downstream and horizontal or
a product-market matrix (Fig- The market development lateral diversification.
ure 4) which is based on the re- strategy. Following this strat- Developing a brand strategy
lationship between the product egy, the business seeks to sell is of particular importance at
and the markets of a company, its existing products into new the product policy level. Brand
in order to formulate strategies markets. It supposes identify- consumers interact with the or-
for business development (An- ing new geographical markets ganizational brand through the
soff, 1975). The matrix considers (exporting), developing new product. We can say that at the
centre of any successful brand
is a successful product (Keller,
2008). To build a successful
Existing Products New brand strategy one must consid-
er quality and the added value
perceived by consumer on the
one hand and the brands abil-
Market penetration Product development ity to develop lasting relation-
ships with the various catego-
Markets ries of consumers on the other
(erbanic, 2007).
Market development Diversification Quality perceived by the con-
sumer may be highlighted in
terms of the benefits offered by
the organization:

Figure 4. The product market matrix. The Ansoff model

RRM 3/2011 27
Functional benefits, refer- ly from the basic trademark, 5. The social
ring to the product and per- similar to the other brands in responsibility strategies
formance attributes; the portfolio;
Process benefits containing The co-branding strategy The social responsibilities
elements such as ease of ac- (Kotler, 2002) applies when strategies are a current compo-
cess to product information, two or more well-known nent of the corporate strategies
product replacement policies, brands are combined, as a of integrated marketing. Con-
services offered; single offer. Each brand own- sidering the importance of social
Relational benefits contain- er expects the presence of the responsibility, we can identify
ing elements such as value other brand to strengthen the following strategies on the
obtained by services person- the purchasing intention or business to business market.
alization, emotional relation- preference of the customer. Strategies based on market
ships, differentiated policies When the products are sepa- changes. With regards to social
to reward loyalty; rated but placed in the same responsibility strategies based
Building a successful brand package, it is hoped that each on market changes, the special
strategy depends on the follow- brand will reach another seg- literature (Clarkson, 1995) iden-
ing factors: ment of customers, through tifies four types of strategies:
The initial options of the or- association with the other proactive, reactive, defence and
ganization regarding the brand; adaptation strategies.
brand identity elements to be The multiple brands strategy a) The proactive strategy re-
used in positioning it and how (Kotler, 2002). A company quires anticipation of the de-
these elements are mixed and will often introduce addition- velopment of the external en-
associated; al brands in the same prod- vironment of the company and
The marketing activities and uct category. In doing so, the the subsequent adaptation to it.
programs developed and how company tries sometimes to Addressing this type of strategy
the brand is integrated with- impose different attributes implicitly leads to an attitude of
in them; or to address different pur- cooperation towards the stake-
All other associations that chasing reasons. For exam- holders and to building a con-
will be made referring to the ple, P&G manufactures nine structive dialogue on issues that
brand as a result of the con- types of detergent. A multiple impact the business activity.
nection with a series of ele- brands strategy allows the However, the company can make
ments such as the organiza- company to win more shelf marketing decisions in the spirit
tion, the country of origin, space and to protect the main of protecting the stakeholders.
the distribution channel or brand by creating flanker or b) The reactive strategy is
another brand; lateral brands; specific to companies that allow
The main brand strategies The corporate brand exten- a breakdown or potential prob-
recommended to be used are: sion strategy is more rarely lem of the product to occur until
The unique brand strategy used as it is specific for the the customers are aware of it. In
(Olteanu, 2009). The unique situations when the stron- this situation the company de-
brand (umbrella) is usually ger brand absorbs a weaker nies responsibility for the prob-
a company brand and can one or a brand that has an lems identified, but tries to solve
be found in the market as unwanted image among cus- them.
being attributed to all the tomers. For example the Cos- c) The defence strategy is used
products of the organization. morom purchase done by Co- by companies who wish to avoid
This strategy is known as a somote. additional obligations related
brand extension strategy, as On the business to business to their economic activity. The
it involves the allocation and market it is recommended to use defence strategy allows the com-
use of a single brand to new the unique brand strategy, prac- pany to use all levers at its dis-
articles that expand the ex- ticed by most of the organization posal to avoid regulatory actions
isting product range at a cer- on the business market, but also from the government. Thus, the
tain moment; the multiple brand strategy, es- company tries to attract as part-
The strategy of extending the pecially when promoting indus- ners associations, NGOs, trade
brand portfolio assumes the trial facilities and heavy equip- unions and other similar compa-
addition of an acquired brand ment. nies.
to the existing brand portfo- d) The adaptation strategy is
lio and using it independent- specific to companies that evolve

28 tefan Claudiu Cescu, Mara Gabriela Ploeteanu

to a socially responsible behav- economic crisis) have chosen to a globalization approach). Bu-
iour when major stakeholder cancel the social responsibility charest, Uranus PH
groups are encouraging this development objectives. Keller K. L. (2008), Strategic Brand
change. However, the company c) The strategy of reducing the Management, 3rd edition, New
Jersey, Pearson International
can adopt such a strategy when social responsibility activities is
they realize that maintain the specific to the recession periods, Kotler Ph. (2002), Managementul
current position can cause the when companies must focus on marketingului (Marketing man-
government to establish mini- the main objective of their busi- agement), 3rd edition, Bucharest,
mum standards of social respon- ness. Teora PH
sibility. On the business to business Little A. D. (1974), A frame of refer-
Strategies based on the com- market, in view of the increased ence for Strategy Development,
panys position towards social impact the manufacturers have Long Range Planning, Vol.11,
responsibility. In this respect, on the environment and on hu- No.2, pp.6-12
Olteanu M.L. (2009), Politica de
the company may approach 3 man life quality, social responsi-
marc a ntreprinderii (The or-
different strategies as follows bility plays an important role in
ganizational brand policy), PHD
(Stancu, 2009): developing strategies at higher Thesis, Bucharest, ASE
a) The strategy of increasing organizational level. Gener- Porter M. E. (1980), Competitive
social responsibility activities, ally, organizations on this mar- strategy: techniques for analysing
through which the company ket should combine a proactive industries and competitors, New
seeks to intensify the effort in strategy with a strategy to in- York, Free Press
the social responsibility pro- crease social responsibility ac- Stancu A. (2009), Marketingul i so-
grams. This type of strategy tivities. cietatea. Integrarea activitilor
is used by companies who are de responsabilitate social n
planificarea strategic a com-
grounding coherently their so-
References paniilor romneti (Marketing
cial responsibility policies and and society. Integrating social
observe the benefits it brings to Ansoff I. (1975), Strategies for di- responsibility in the strategic
the companys activity. versification, Harvard Business planning of the Romanian com-
b) The strategy of maintain- Review, 25, pp.113-125 panies), PHD Thesis, Bucharest,
ing the social responsibility ac- Bradley, F. (2005), International ASE
tivities, through which the com- Marketing Strategy, 5th edition, erbnic D. (2006), O nou
Harlow, Peason PH nelegere a avantajului com-
pany seeks to allocate the same
Clarkson, M.B.E. (1995), A Stake- petitive (A new understanding of
amount of effort in the social re- holder Framework for Analysing competitive advantage), Revista
sponsibility programs. This type and Evaluating Corporate So- Romana de Marketing (The Ro-
of strategy is used by companies cial Performance, Academy of manian Marketing Magazine),
that do not have social respon- Management Review, Vol. 20, Vol 2
sibility integrated at a larger No. 1, pp. 92-117 erbnic D. (2007), Mrci i strate-
hierarchical level, but this is Drummond G., & Ensor J. (2001), gii de marc: consideraii mana-
rather used as a tactics. More- Strategic Marketing: planning geriale (Trademarks and brand-
over, this type of strategy may and control, 2nd edition, Oxford, ing strategies: managerial con-
Butterworth-Heinemann PH siderations), Revista Romana de
be adopted also by companies
Dumitru I. (2004) Marketing Stra- Marketing (The Romanian Mar-
that have a social responsibil- tegic o abordare in perspectiva
ity tradition, but which, due to keting Magazine), Vol 4
globalizarii (Strategic marketing
external factors (eg the world

RRM 3/2011 29
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