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Monmouth University

School of Education

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidates Name: Liana Bluzer

Tentative Date: April 4th-5th

Lesson Title: Basics of Geometric Shape


Grade Level/Subject: 2nd Grade/ Art

Disability Categories represented: Autism Spectrum Disorder and

Cerebral Palsy

Type of classroom (continuum of placements): Inclusion

Describe UDL integration (into anticipatory, procedure, guided

practice, and assessment)

Teacher holds up Mouse Shapes by Ellen Stoll Walsh and asks students if they

can name, write, or draw what shape the book is, calling for volunteers

(Anticipatory set), (Combs, 2011) and (UDL integration), (Ralabate, 2011).

Teacher asks Picture your house. What shapes do you see? Then have

students talk with a partner, write, draw, or name what they see (Anticipatory

Set) (Combs, 2011) and (UDL integration), (Ralabate, 2011). Teacher tells

students to write the shapes down or take crayons from the supplies bin at the

front of the room and draw them with crayons in their notebooks, turn to their

partners and Think-Pair-Share (UDL Integration and Communication skills),

(Ralabate, 2011). Teacher walks over to blue clock and says The clock is a

blue circle, as an example of what the students should do. Teacher adds that

students may also write the name of the shape, color, and object in the

objects color, instead, if they choose not to draw. Teacher provides an

example by writing out The clock is blue in blue crayon (Guided Practice),

(Hermmann2014) and UDL integration), (Ralabate, 2011). Assess students

through observation, class discussion, Think-Pair-Share, creative projects,

writing, drawing, and handing in assignments and worksheets (UDL

integration), (Ralabate, 2011).

Collaborative methods used to enhance the lesson (e.g., families,

community resources, school resources) Students and parents have

additional resources to use to practice shapes and colors together Colors

resource video.

resource chart.

%2B9%2BZIL.jpg Color resource chart.

Geometry Shapes Practice Game and Color Practice

Games School

resources are incorporated by students looking around classroom to use

school objects as a way of learning shape and color. Community resources are

incorporated in the homework for Day 2: Locate five shapes around your

neighborhood and draw them in your notebook. Use only secondary colors to

color in each shape. Label the shapes and colors. This allows children to

interact with their community and neighborhood outside of school.


Central Focus: Students use analytical skills and creating to learn about the

fundamentals of shape, how it is important to art and everyday life, and how it is

coexists with color.

Standards (NJCCCS, CCSS, NJPST, and/or CEC):


1.1.2.D.1 Identify the basic elements of art and principle of design in diverse types

of artwork.

1.3.2.D.4 Explore the use of a wide array of art mediums and select tools that are

appropriate to the production of works of art in a variety of art media.

1.3.2.D.5 Create works of art that are based on observations of the physical world

and that illustrate how art is part of everyday life, using a variety of art mediums and

art media.

1.4.2.A.1 Identify aesthetic qualities of exemplary works of art in dance, music,

theatre, and visual art, and identify characteristics of the artists who created them

(e.g., gender, age, absence or presence of training, style, etc.).


1.1In-depth the subject matter they plan to teach and the relationship of that

discipline to other content areas.

2.1 How students construct knowledge, acquire skills and develop habits of mind and

how to use instructional strategies that promote student learning;

4.1 How to plan instruction based on students needs, developmental progress and

prior knowledge.

5.1 The characteristics, uses, advantages, and limitations of different types of

assessments (for example, criterion- referenced and norm-referenced instruments,

traditional standardized and performance- based tests, observation systems and


assessments of student work) for evaluating how students learn, what they know and

are able to do, and what kinds of experiences will support their further growth and


7.7 Meet the needs of all learners by using a wide range of teaching techniques to

accommodate and modify strategies, services and resources, including technology;

10.1 How education research and other methods of inquiry can be used as a means

for continuous learning, self assessment and development.


3.1 Beginning special education professionals understand the central concepts,

structures of the discipline, and tools of inquiry of the content areas they teach, and

can organize this knowledge, integrate cross-disciplinary skills, and develop

meaningful learning progressions for individuals with exceptionalities.

4.0 Beginning special education professionals use multiple methods of assessment

and data sources in making educational decisions.

4.1 Beginning special education professionals select and use technically sound

formal and informal assessments that minimize bias.

5.0 Beginning special education professionals select, adapt, and use a repertoire of

evidence-based instructional strategies to advance learning of individuals with


Learner Outcomes (goals/objectives):

NJCCCS 1.1.2.D.1, 1.3.2.D.4, 1.4.2.A.1 NJPST 1.1, 2.1, 4.1, 5.1, 7.7, 10.1,

CEC 3.1, 4.0, 4.1, 5.0

Outcome 1: Students will be able to identify geometric shapes after applying what

they learned from reading Mouse Shapes by Ellen Stoll Walsh, analyzing, evaluating,

and drawing geometric shapes and their colors in the classroom.


NJCCCS 1.1.2.D.1, 1.3.2.D.4, 1.3.2.D.5, 1.4.2.A.1 NJPST 1.1, 2.1, 4.1, 5.1, 7.7,

10.1, CEC 3.1, 4.0, 4.1, 5.0 Outcome 2: Students will be able to analyze and

identify the differences in geometric shapes after analyzing a painting online for

shapes as well as colors by coloring in a black and white handout of the painting,

through class discussion, creating a house out of pre-cut shapes and analyzing and

evaluating each others pictures.

Assessments (include formative and summative):

Day 1:

Formative: Teacher will observe as students draw and identify geometric shapes

and their colors around classroom and will have class discussion where students are

called on to identify shapes based on the story Mouse Shapes as a way to assess to

make sure students understand and comprehend shape and color.

Summative: Students will hand in projects with the drawn and labeled geometric

shapes they found in classroom, as well as the labeled colors they are as a way to

assess to make sure students understand and comprehend shape and color.

Day 2:

Formative: Teacher will observe as students create house with cutout shapes and

label the shapes and colors, and will have a class discussion on what shapes and

colors students see in painting after being given a black and white printout and

coloring in the shapes with their proper color, as a way to assess to make sure

students understand and comprehend shape and color.

Summative: Students will write and hand in a few sentences about their house

picture that tell what shapes they sued and what colors they are, as a way to assess

as a way to assess to make sure students understand and comprehend shape and


Academic Language:

Examine the learning goal/objective to complete the chart.

Identified Language Demands Planned Language Supports

(Function) Analyze, Identify, Evaluate Define Analyze, identify,

evaluate as a class, and have

them practice these terms

through creating projects, class

discussion, and viewing

(Vocab) Geometric shapes Define geometric shapes as a


Duration: (provide overall time for class session AND include timing for

each section of the lesson below) 45 minutes

Instruction Strategies and Learning Tasks (include anticipatory set,

procedure, guided practice, and independent practice):

Day 4:

1. Teacher holds up Mouse Shapes by Ellen Stoll Walsh and asks students if they

can name, write, or draw what shape the book is, calling for volunteers

(Anticipatory set), (Combs, 2011) and (UDL integration), (Ralabate, 2011). (4


2. Teacher reads Mouse Shapes by Ellen Stoll Walsh and asks students if they

can name some of the shapes in the pictures, calling on volunteers. Teacher

tells students to think about the shapes they say, as they will be used for

todays project. (11 minutes)

3. When book is finished, teacher tells students to keep in mind some of their

favorite shapes from the story, such a circles, squares, rectangles, triangles,

etc, and to look around the classroom and find some of those shapes around

them. Teacher tells students they must also remember what color the objects

are. Teacher explains they will then draw the shape in their notebook in the

correct color, and they will then write a sentence about the shape and color of

the object.

4. Teacher walks over to blue clock and says The clock is a blue circle., as an

example of what the students should do. Teacher adds that students may also

write the name of the shape, color, and object in the objects color, instead, if

they choose not to draw. Teacher provides an example by writing out The

clock is blue in blue crayon (Guided Practice and UDL integration), (Ralabate,


5. Students get up and walk around the classroom, looking for objects. As

students walk around, teacher places crayons on everyones desks.

6. Students go back to seat, open their notebook, and begin drawing shapes with

their correct color, and writing sentences. (18 minutes)

7. Teacher observes and takes notes on students and assists while they do this


8. When finished, some students will be called on to share their pictures. (6


9. Teacher collects all projects at the end of class, as a way of assessment to

make sure the students understand and comprehend what they learned about

shape, and previously about color, as well as the way they work together.

10. Students place crayons back in supplies bin at the front of the classroom. (3


11. Teacher assigns homework to locate five different shapes in their house and

draw them in their notebook. Use only primary colors to color in each shape.

Label the shapes and colors. Teacher asks if any questions. (3 minutes)

Day 5:

1. Have students look at the face of the person sitting next to them. Teacher

tells students to write the shapes down or take crayons from the supplies bin

at the front of the room and draw them with crayons in their notebooks, turn

to their partners and Think-Pair-Share (UDL Integration and Communication

skills), (Ralabate, 2011) and (Anticipatory Set) (Ralabate, 2011).

2. Teacher then calls upon a few students to share their answers. (8 minutes)

3. Teacher goes on computer and pulls up Link to painting Mediterranean

Landscape by Picasso

%20Landscape%20Pablo%20Picasso.jpg and puts it on the projector so the

class can see (Technology integration), (Rose & Meyer, 2002).

4. Teacher hands out black and white print outs of the painting and crayons.

5. Teacher tells class they will analyze the painting to identify geometric shapes

and what color they are in the painting. Students will then look at their black

and white version of the painting and will use the proper colored crayon to

color in the shapes they see. The students will then label each colored in

shape they chose with the name of the shape and the name of the color it is.

6. Teacher shows and example by looking at the painting and saying I see a

purple circle in the center, looking back at their copy of the painting,

identifying the circle, coloring it in purple, and labeling it Purple circle

(Guided Practice).

7. Teacher walks around and observes while students do this assignment, taking

notes in her notebook about students strengths and struggles as way of

assessment. (12 minutes)

8. Teacher collects worksheets, while students place crayons back in supplies bin

at front of classroom.

9. Teacher hands out pre cut geometric shapes to each student, glue, and a

house template sheet.


10. Teacher tells students they will be creating their own geometric shaped house

and labeling the shapes they used, their color, and whether they are primary

or secondary.

11. As example, teacher takes house template, glue, and precut shapes, and

starts to glue yellow triangles onto the roof. Teacher then takes pencil and

labels each triangle yellow, triangle, primary(Guided Practice).

12. Students do this activity, while teacher walks around observing and assisting

where needed. (15 minutes)

13. Once complete, have class discussion on randomly picked students house

projects. Student holds up their picture and students raise hands to evaluate

picture and name what shapes, colors, and whether they are primary and

secondary, they see. (5 minutes)

14. Teacher collects projects as way of assessment, and students place crayons

back in supplies bin in the front of the room. (3 minutes)

15. Teacher assigns homework to locate five shapes around your neighborhood

and draw them in your notebook. Use only secondary colors to color in each

shape. Label the shapes and colors. Teacher asks if any questions. (2


Accommodations for diverse learners and students with special needs

(include suggested adaptive and assistive tech/software/web-supported

learning with specific skill areas):

(After reading this section, delete bullets and use this chart)

Identified Support for Specific Planned Accommodation(s)

(see list above) Characteristic

Cerebral Palsy (Strength (Strength) Act as peer

) buddy to assist those


Students who need help

have high Pencil and crayon grips

functioni Tablet


Help with




pencil or


Help with




Autism (Strength (Strength) Act as peer

) buddy to assist those

Students who need help

have high Visual chart or tablet

functioni Schedule app that shows

ng student what will be

cognitive happening during lesson

abilities and in what order

Needs Weighted bracelet to

organizat help student color in

ion lines without coloring


Difficulty allover the place.



in the


Modifications for students with disabilities (none may be needed so just

note that in this section with your rationale):

Students all have good cognitive abilities and therefore can complete these

tasks without modifications, as long as they have the above


Materials / Use of Instructional Technology:

Teacher Materials

1. Day 4: Mouse Shapes by Ellen Stoll Walsh

2. Notebook for observing progress and struggles of students

3. Paper

4. Pencil

5. Crayons

6. Supplies bin

7. Day 5: Computer

8. Notebook for observing progress and struggles of students

9. Link to painting Mediterranean Landscape by Picasso


10. Black and white printout of painting Mediterranean Landscape by Picasso


11. Pre-cut shapes

12. Glue

13. House template

14. Pencil

15. Supplies bin

Student Materials (Include Adapted Materials for Differentiated Instruction)

1. Day 4:

2. Notebook

3. Paper

4. Pencils

5. Crayons

6. Tablet Schedule App (Autism)

7. Visual chart (Autism)

8. Tablet (Cerebral Palsy)

9. Pencil and crayon grips (Cerebral Palsy)

10. Weighted Bracelet (Autism)

11. Intellikeys (Cerebral Palsy)

12.Day 5:

13. Link to painting Mediterranean Landscape by Picasso


14. Black and white printouts of painting Mediterranean Landscape by Picasso


15. Pencils

16. Notebook

17. House template paper

18. Precut geometric shapes

19. Glue

20. Tablet Schedule App (Autism)

21. Visual chart (Autism)

22. Tablet (Cerebral Palsy)

23. Pencil and crayon grips (Cerebral Palsy)

24. Intellikeys (Cerebral Palsy)

Homework / Assignment for Next Class:

Day 1: Locate five different shapes in their house and draw them in their notebook.

Use only primary colors to color in each shape. Label the shapes and colors.

Day 2: Locate five shapes around your neighborhood and draw them in your

notebook. Use only secondary colors to color in each shape. Label the shapes and



Combs, J. (2011). Anticipatory set lesson design. Retrieved from


Hermann, A. (2014). Importance of guided practice in the classroom. Retrieved from

the classroom/education

Ralabate, P. (2011). Universal design for learning: meeting the needs of all students.

Retrieved from

meeting-needs all-student

Rose, D. & Meyer, A. (2002). Teaching every student in the digital age: universal

design for

learning. Retrieved from



Mediterranean Landscape by Picasso

Identify geometric shapes and what color they are in the painting
on the screen. Use the proper colored crayon to color in the
shapes you see. Label each colored in shape they chose with the
name of the shape and the name of the color it is.

Day 4 Schedule

1. Write or draw what shape the

book Mouse Shapes is.

2. Red Mouse Shapes.


3. Classroom Objects Shapes


4. Share pictures.

5. Put supplies away.

6. Go over homework.


House Template

Use geometric shapes to create a house. Label each shape, color, and whether it is
primary or secondary.

Day 5 Schedule
Visual Chart

1. Write down what shapes you see on

the face of the person sitting next to

you and Think-Pair-Share.


2. Share answers with class.

3. Mediterranean Landscape Project.

4. Put supplies away.

5. House project.

6. Put supplies away.

7. Go over homework.

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