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Faculty of Engineering and Technology

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

Modern Communication Systems, ENEE3306
Dr. Mohammad K. Jubran
Project#2 - Criterion K
Project Announcement Date: Wednesday, 29/3/2017
Project Submission Date (on Turnitin on ritaj): Wednesday, 12/4/2017

Use Matlab to write a code that detect a transmitted bit ( 0 or 1) from a received signal ().
The symbols 1 () and 2 () are used to transmit 0 and 1, respectively (0 1 (), 1 2 ()).
Assume (0 ) = (1 ) and 0 = 1 = 1 .
1 1
1 () = cos(2 ) and 2 () = (2 + ), = 2 .

1. Modify the attached (CorrelatorOne.m) Matlab code so that it is a Matlab function

[you may use some of the code from Project#1]
a. The input of the function is the received signal () with a period of = 2
b. The output of the function is the value of 1 which is the projection of r(t) on
1 ()
1 = (())
2. Wire a simple code (DecisionOne.m) as a Matlab function
a. The input of the function is 1.
b. The output of the function is the received bit 0 or 1.
= (1 )
3. In order to Check your project, I prepared a set of received signals
[1(), 2(), , 10()] stored in a Matlab file (rt_test.mat). To get these signals and
check your functions, download the rt_test.mat and CheckProject2.m files into your
Matlab directory (the same directory you are saved in the CorrelatorOne.m and
DecisionOne.m) and run the CheckProject2.m.
>> CheckProject2.m
The output of the Use these samples to test your code. The results should be as shown
in the table below:
1() -1.2374 1
Page 1 of 2
2() 0.0660 0
3() 1.3478 0
4() 3.3497 0
5() 2.6235 0
6() 1.7880 0
7() 2.3601 0
8() -1.4036 1
9() 0.4874 0
10() -0.2393 1

Screenshot of the output of the CheckProject2 output.

You must submit at maximum six pages report (cover page, used equations,
discussion) on Turnitin on ritaj.
You must also attach your project code in the report only (do not attach them as a
separate files).
You might be asked to discuss your project.

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