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Orgone Diffuser Reiki

Stewart Farquharson
What is Orgone Energy?

A student of Freud named Wilhelm Reich took the idea of the

sexual force that Freud named libido, and said it was part of the
natural energy of all living things. He called this orgone.

Freud had said that freeing people from repressive beliefs and
memories over sex would also make them healthier. So Reich
thought generating more orgone would do the same.

He proposed the idea that

organic materials such as wood
and wax collected orgone energy
from the cosmos, and metals
radiated it. He build a chamber
using layers of wood and metal in
a sort of sandwich. His subjects
would sit inside the box to see
how they felt.

Many people felt better.

The U.S. government and


Unfortunately the idea that you could somehow gather sexual

energy from the universe and arouse people did not sit well with
the government. They closed Reichs work down as a fraud and
took the unusual step of burning his books and destroying his
orgone cabinets. This was in the 1950s and McCarthyism ruled.
Many people were, in effect, witch-hunted for sexual reasons.
The Invention of Organite

Reich had noticed that not all locations collected healthy

orgone, in fact some were downright harmful. An American in the
1990s invented the idea of including a quartz crystal with a
point in the cabinet to transform any bad energy into good
energy. This was a little clumsy so he used a mold and made a
thick layer of metal shavings, with a crystal, and poured liquid
clear resin over the whole thing to harden. He called this

Orgonite devices have become wildly popular, much to the

consternation of the government, and now people are crafting
jewelry with resin and crystals and metal pieces. Besides the
pointed quartz they include smooth pieces of material such as
amethyst, aventurine, moonstone, jet, etc.

Home-made Orgone Sandwiches

Okay this section is for you experimental types who want to see
for yourself whether orgone makes a difference. We are going to
make an energy sandwich from an ordinary sheet of paper and a
smaller sheet of kitchen tinfoil.
The crystals should touch the foil, not the paper.

This way you can easily add or remove crystals from a METAL cup
with an orgone sandwich ribbon wrapped about it.
Uses of Orgone Energy

What are some of the benefits of this energy? It can make you
feel healthier, more relaxed, more in touch with your intuition
and your spirit guides. It can refresh the atmosphere of a room
and defuse any negative energy. It can drive away negative
entities and remove unwanted body programs. House plants enjoy
water that has been left near an orgonite device. These are what
some people claim, but you should try it and decide for yourself.

Must I use a crystal?

Yes, you include a pointed crystal. The metal layers take the
energy collected by the organic layers and then spill it into the
crystal, so it should be touching either the metal layer or a large
amount of metal that will attract the orgone. Thats why I use a
metal cup for my own invention above. Orgone enthusiasts
consider the pointed end to be positive and the blunted end of a
crystal to be negative, in the electrical sense.

How does this relate to Reiki?

No matter how energy is generated, a reiki master can sense it

and use it for healing and relaxation. Orgone is available to give
our practise a boost, and to help our own chakra meditations, etc.
The Coming of the Photon Belt

There are scientists who claim that our solar system is now
moving through a cloud of dust in our galaxy which will provoke
more cosmic rays from our sun. Some call this donut-shaped area
the Photon Belt.

Its considered to be both a challenge to our world, since our

weather may become more violent and our electrical grid system
more disturbed, and a blessing since it is supposed to
revolutionize our spiritual development.

Orgonite devices are said to protect during such a time. Many

people wear small ones as medallions or bracelets.

I hope I have given you some useful information and it will spur
your own research into these interesting inventions.
How to heal with this attunement

Just say aloud (name of system) once and let the energy flow through your
hands and heal as you usually do.

How to take down this attunement

Just say aloud I am now accepting the attunement to (name of system)

from (name of teacher) in a way that is good for my health and spirit. So be

And relax for a few minutes. You may sense energy tingling in your hands or
warmth, or if you close your eyes and let your mind drift away, you may see
unusual pictures. It really doesnt matter. It works even if nothing is sensed
at all.

How to give this attunement

Just say aloud I now attune (name of student) to the energies of (name of
system) in a way that is good for both of us, in health and spirit. So be it.

Or you can put the attunement in a chi ball of imagined energy and let the
student pull it down when convenient.

Best wishes and love and light,


Disclaimer: This system is not intended to replace your physician. Do not stop taking
your medicines or using any prescribed devices. Thank you.

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