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Lesson Plan Title: Pocket Sized Feminism

Date: March 27th, 2017

Subject: English Language Arts Grade: 11
Topic: Feminism and Womens Issues Essential Question: How is the
author/speaker of this poem challenging

Materials: Video copy of Pocket Sized Feminism, computers/tablets for each


Stage 1- Desired Results you may use student friendly language

What do they need to understand, know, and/or able to do?

Students will need to be able to view and listen to a spoken-word poet. They will
additionally need to understand how the author uses expression, tone and voice in order
to effectively communicate their opinion. Students will also need to understand how to
respectfully share their thoughts and opinions regarding the poem on the social media
platform, Facebook.

Broad Areas of Learning:

Lifelong Learners Through the usage of technology in this lesson, students will learn
how to communicate with their peers and respond to their peers in a respectful and
appropriate manner. These skills will remain with them as they progress throughout their
lives, especially in their increased use of social media as they grow with a
technologically developing world.

Developing Thinking Through their sharing and collaboration of ideas in regard to the
text studied, students will be able to develop the ability to think from more than one
perspective. They will also gain the skills to think critically and creatively about a text as
they explore more open-ended questions when considering the text.

Cross-Curricular Competencies:
Social Responsibilities Students will develop a sense of social responsibility as they
learn about feminist issues and, in particular, social issues surrounding women. They will
come to understand that these issues surround them daily and affect themselves and
the people around them. They will understand the seriousness of these issues and
develop the desire to work towards positive change.

Sense of Self, Community and Place Through the study of feminism, students will
realize where their place is on the gender spectrum. They will come to realize that
maybe they are the ones being oppressed, or perhaps they will acknowledge that they
are part of a group that oppresses. By acknowledging and understanding this about
themselves, students will be able to work towards positive change as they grow and
learn within their communities.


CRB30.1 - View, listen to, read, comprehend, and respond to a variety of grade-
appropriate international, including indigenous, texts that address:
-identity (e.g., Sense of Self)
-social responsibility (e.g., Social Criticism), and
-social action (agency) (e.g., Addressing the Issues).

PGP Goals:

3.2 the ability to use a wide variety of responsive instructional strategies and
methodologies to accommodate learning styles of individual learners and support their
growth as social, intellectual, physical and spiritual beings The TC will expose students
to a visual, textual and oral representation of a text. The TC will additionally allow the
students to contribute their own original, self-directed ideas and thoughts regarding the
text via social media.

2.4 - ability to use technologies readily, strategically and appropriately The TC will have
to utilize the technologies of Ipads and computers to allow the students to complete the
lesson work digitally through Facebook posts and comments. The TC will also have to
have monitor the Facebook page to ensure that all content posted is appropriate and

Stage 2- Assessment

Assessment FOR Learning (formative) Assess the students during the learning to help
determine next steps.

Students will be assessed formatively on their posts on the class Facebook page. Each
student will be required to make a post answering the following questions:

1) How did the slam poem make you feel? Why did it make you feel this way?
2) How did the slam poet successfully portray their thoughts, feelings and ideas?
3) Did you agree with what the slam poet was saying? Why/why not?
4) What lingering questions do you have after listening to and reading the slam

By answering these question, students will have displayed that they have listened to,
comprehended and responded* to the text that as provided to them. These questions
also require the students to address themes of identity and social responsibility.*
Additionally, students will be encouraged to respond to each others Facebook postings

*(as illustrated in Outcome CRB30.1).

Assessment OF Learning (summative) Assess the students after learning to evaluate
what they have learned.

No summative assessment will b completed for this lesson.

Stage 3- Learning Plan

Motivational/Anticipatory Set (introducing topic while engaging the students)

The slam poetry will serve as a motivational set to the students, as it is both passionate
and engaging. The teacher will additionally turn off the lights during the video to
increase engagement and interest in the students.

After the video is played, the teacher will hand out the IPads, laptops or take the class to
the computer lab. This will allow the students to become excited as they know that they
will be using technology during the lesson.

Main Procedures/Strategies:

5-10 mins: Students will watch the slam poem Pocket Sized Feminism. They will then
be provided with a paper copy of the poem and the technological devices (Ipads,
laptops, or a trip to the computer lab) that they need for the rest of the lesson.

20-25 mins: Students will be required to write a short journal entry (in the form of a
Facebook status) on the classroom Facebook page about how the poetry made them
feel, what they thought about it and what questions it left them with. They will also be
asked if they agree or disagree with the poet. Students will be encouraged to creatively
use elements of emojiis, GIFS and other visual devices in order to accurately display
their thoughts and feelings. (Be sure to emphasize websites they can use for GIFS, such
During this time, students may also respond to their peers Facebook posts.

If students feel as if they wish to share these thoughts and feelings anonymously, they
may log into one of the 5 anonymous classroom Facebook accounts provided by the
classroom teacher in order to post on the Facebook page. This will allow them to still
express their thoughts and feelings on the content, while maintaining their anonymity.
However, they must inform the classroom teacher of the account that they use so that
the classroom teacher can still complete the formative assessment.

15-20 mins: Assessment - The students will then have a class discussion regarding the
poetry. This discussion will focus on how it addresses themes of resistance and authority,
and will reference the Facebook postings. Students can feel free to edit or add more
thoughts, opinions and comments to the Facebook page as the discussion takes place.


-Students who may struggle with spelling and grammar can feel free to use the
Grammarly app in Microsoft Word in order to ensure that their work is sufficient before
officially posting it on the classroom Facebook site. If Grammarly is not support by the
school or school computers, the students may use their website in order to edit their work.

-Students with visual problems will have access to various supports when working with
the technology, such as Braile keystrokes and voice-command software. This will enable
them to still be able to participate in the Facebook discussion. They may also use zoom-
in strategies if they simply have low-vision.

-Students who have anxiety about sharing personal opinions regarding the issues
discussed in class will have the option to log into the anonymous Facebook accounts
that the teacher has set up previously. Additionally, they may private message their
responses to their teacher or their classmates if they do not wish to share their thoughts
with the whole class.

Closing of lesson:

The lesson will close with a short 5 minute period in which the students can return to
their Facebook posts and/or comments after the discussion and make any edits or
additions that they deem fit, based off of the responses and contributions of their peers.
This will allow the students to solidify and edit their posts before assessment.

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