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Learning Outcome Narrative Summary Sheet

Sub-Areas (s) Learning Outcomes Artifacts SDA Academic Content SDA Co-Curricular Content

Integrative Theme Empowering Students using Personal Narratives

Strengths 1. Student 2. Understanding students and student A, C1 SDAD 5400, SDAD 5640, Cornish College Internship
Empowerment in issues SDAD 5660
Safe Spaces
2. Leadership 5. Adapting student services to specific C2, D, E EDAD 5700, SDAD 5650 Undergraduate Leadership
Advising in a environments Program Assistantship
Variety of 6. Developing and demonstrating skills
Contexts in leadership and collaboration

3. Critical 1. Understanding foundations and C3, E SDAD 5300, SDAD 5400, N/A
Reflection as a emerging nature of the Student Affairs SDAD 5590
Social Justice profession and higher education
Educator 10. Establishing and enhancing
professional identity
Integrative Theme Engaging in Life-long Learning

Areas for Growth 1. Utilizing 7. Utilizing assessment, evaluation, D, E, F, G SDAD 5640, SDAD 5650, Integrity Formation
Assessment and technology, and research to improve SDAD 5660 Assistantship; University of
Technology to practice Washington Internship; Cornish
Improve Practices 8. Communicating effectively in speech College Internship
and in writing
2. Understanding 9. Understanding issues of law, policy, C3, G SDAD 5640, SDAD 5660, Cornish College Internship
Issues of Law, finance, and governance SDAD 5590
Governance, and
3. Exhibiting 3. Exhibiting professional integrity and B, C2, E EDUC 5150, EDUC 5200 Program Assistant at Seattle
Ethical Leadership ethical leadership in professional practice Central College
for a Diverse 4. Understanding and fostering diversity,
Student Population justice and a sustainable world formed
by a global perspective and Jesuit
Catholic tradition

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