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40 - index.mp4|The Ruby on Rails Tutorial - Introduction.

41 - index.mp4|1 Topics.mp4
42 - index.mp4|1.1.0 Introduction.mp4
43 - index.mp4|1.1.1 Prerequisites.mp4
44 - index.mp4|1.1.2 Conventions used in this book.mp4
45 - index.mp4|1.2.0 Up and running.mp4
46 - index.mp4|1.2.1 Development environment.mp4
47 - index.mp4|1.2.2 Installing Rails.mp4
48 - index.mp4|1.3.0 The first application.mp4
49 - index.mp4|1.3.1 Bundler.mp4
50 - index.mp4|1.3.2 rails server.mp4
51 - index.mp4|1.3.3 Model-View-Controller (MVC).mp4
52 - index.mp4|1.3.4 Hello, world!.mp4
53 - index.mp4|1.4.0 Version control with Git.mp4
54 - index.mp4|1.4.1 Installation and setup.mp4
55 - index.mp4|1.4.2 What good does Git do you.mp4
56 - index.mp4|1.4.3 Bitbucket.mp4
57 - index.mp4|1.4.4 Branch, edit, commit, merge.mp4
58 - index.mp4|1.5.0 Deploying.mp4
59 - index.mp4|1.5.1 Heroku setup.mp4
60 - index.mp4|1.5.2 Heroku deployment, step one.mp4
61 - index.mp4|1.5.3 Heroku deployment, step two.mp4
62 - index.mp4|1.5.4 Heroku commands.mp4
63 - index.mp4|1.6.0 Conclusion.mp4
64 - index.mp4|2 Topics.mp4
65 - index.mp4|2.1.0 Planning the application.mp4
66 - index.mp4|2.1.1 A toy model for users.mp4
67 - index.mp4|2.1.2 A toy model for microposts.mp4
68 - index.mp4|2.2.0 The Users resource.mp4
69 - index.mp4|2.2.1 A user tour.mp4
70 - index.mp4|2.2.2 MVC in action.mp4
71 - index.mp4|2.2.3 Weaknesses of this Users resource.mp4
72 - index.mp4|2.3.0 The Microposts resource.mp4
73 - index.mp4|2.3.1 A micropost microtour.mp4
74 - index.mp4|2.3.2 Putting the micro in microposts.mp4
75 - index.mp4|2.3.3 A user has_many microposts.mp4
76 - index.mp4|2.3.4 Inheritance hierarchies.mp4
77 - index.mp4|2.3.5 Deploying the toy app.mp4
78 - index.mp4|2.4.0 Conclusion.mp4
79 - index.mp4|3 Topics.mp4
80 - index.mp4|3.1.0 Sample app setup.mp4
81 - index.mp4|3.2.0 Static pages.mp4
82 - index.mp4|3.2.1 Generated static pages.mp4
83 - index.mp4|3.2.2 Custom static pages.mp4
84 - index.mp4|3.3.0 Getting started with testing.mp4
85 - index.mp4|3.3.1 Our first test.mp4
86 - index.mp4|3.3.2 Red.mp4
87 - index.mp4|3.3.3 Green.mp4
88 - index.mp4|3.3.4 Refactor.mp4
89 - index.mp4|3.4.0 Slightly dynamic pages.mp4
90 - index.mp4|3.4.1 Testing titles (Red).mp4
91 - index.mp4|3.4.2 Adding page titles (Green).mp4
92 - index.mp4|3.4.3 Layouts and embedded Ruby (Refactor).mp4
93 - index.mp4|3.4.4 Setting the root route.mp4
94 - index.mp4|3.5.0 Conclusion.mp4
95 - index.mp4|3.6.0 Advanced testing setup.mp4
96 - index.mp4|3.6.1 minitest reporters.mp4
97 - index.mp4|3.6.2 Automated tests with Guard.mp4
98 - index.mp4|4 Topics.mp4
99 - index.mp4|4.1.0 Motivation.mp4
100 - index.mp4|4.1.1 Built-in helpers.mp4
101 - index.mp4|4.1.2 Custom helpers.mp4
102 - index.mp4|4.2.0 Strings and methods.mp4
103 - index.mp4|4.2.1 Comments.mp4
104 - index.mp4|4.2.2 Strings.mp4
105 - index.mp4|4.2.3 Objects and message passing.mp4
106 - index.mp4|4.2.4 Method definitions.mp4
107 - index.mp4|4.2.5 Back to the title helper.mp4
108 - index.mp4|4.3.0 Other data structures.mp4
109 - index.mp4|4.3.1 Arrays and ranges.mp4
110 - index.mp4|4.3.2 Blocks.mp4
111 - index.mp4|4.3.3 Hashes and symbols.mp4
112 - index.mp4|4.3.4 CSS revisited.mp4
113 - index.mp4|4.4.0 Ruby classes.mp4
114 - index.mp4|4.4.1 Constructors.mp4
115 - index.mp4|4.4.2 Class inheritance.mp4
116 - index.mp4|4.4.3 Modifying built-in classes.mp4
117 - index.mp4|4.4.4 A controller class.mp4
118 - index.mp4|4.4.5 A user class.mp4
119 - index.mp4|4.5.0 Conclusion.mp4
120 - index.mp4|5 Topics.mp4
121 - index.mp4|5.1.0 Adding some structure.mp4
122 - index.mp4|5.1.1 Site navigation.mp4
123 - index.mp4|5.1.2 Bootstrap and custom CSS.mp4
124 - index.mp4|5.1.3 Partials.mp4
125 - index.mp4|5.2.0 Sass and the asset pipeline.mp4
126 - index.mp4|5.2.1 The asset pipeline.mp4
127 - index.mp4|5.2.2 Syntactically awesome stylesheets.mp4
128 - index.mp4|5.3.0 Layout links.mp4
129 - index.mp4|5.3.1 Contact page.mp4
130 - index.mp4|5.3.2 Rails routes.mp4
131 - index.mp4|5.3.3 Using named routes.mp4
132 - index.mp4|5.3.4 Layout link tests.mp4
133 - index.mp4|5.4.0 User signup - A first step.mp4
134 - index.mp4|5.4.1 Users controller.mp4
135 - index.mp4|5.4.2 Signup URL.mp4
136 - index.mp4|5.5.0 Conclusion.mp4
137 - index.mp4|6 Topics.mp4
138 - index.mp4|6.1.0 User model.mp4
139 - index.mp4|6.1.1 Database migrations.mp4
140 - index.mp4|6.1.2 The model file.mp4
141 - index.mp4|6.1.3 Creating user objects.mp4
142 - index.mp4|6.1.4 Finding user objects.mp4
143 - index.mp4|6.1.5 Updating user objects.mp4
144 - index.mp4|6.2.0 User validations.mp4
145 - index.mp4|6.2.1 A validity test.mp4
146 - index.mp4|6.2.2 Validating presence.mp4
147 - index.mp4|6.2.3 Length validation.mp4
148 - index.mp4|6.2.4 Format validation.mp4
149 - index.mp4|6.2.5 Uniqueness validation.mp4
150 - index.mp4|6.3.0 Adding a secure password.mp4
151 - index.mp4|6.3.1 A hashed password.mp4
152 - index.mp4|6.3.2 User has secure password.mp4
153 - index.mp4|6.3.3 Minimum password standards.mp4
154 - index.mp4|6.3.4 Creating and authenticating a user.mp4
155 - index.mp4|6.4.0 Conclusion.mp4
156 - index.mp4|7 Topics.mp4
157 - index.mp4|7.1.0 Showing users.mp4
158 - index.mp4|7.1.1 Debug and Rails environments.mp4
159 - index.mp4|7.1.2 A Users resource.mp4
160 - index.mp4|7.1.3 Debugger.mp4
161 - index.mp4|7.1.4 A Gravatar image and a sidebar.mp4
162 - index.mp4|7.2.0 Signup form.mp4
163 - index.mp4|7.2.1 Using form_for.mp4
164 - index.mp4|7.2.2 Signup form HTML.mp4
165 - index.mp4|7.3.0 Unsuccessful signups.mp4
166 - index.mp4|7.3.1 A working form.mp4
167 - index.mp4|7.3.2 Strong parameters.mp4
168 - index.mp4|7.3.3 Signup error messages.mp4
169 - index.mp4|7.3.4 A test for invalid submission.mp4
170 - index.mp4|7.4.0 Successful signups.mp4
171 - index.mp4|7.4.1 The finished signup form.mp4
172 - index.mp4|7.4.2 The flash.mp4
173 - index.mp4|7.4.3 The first signup.mp4
174 - index.mp4|7.4.4 A test for valid submission.mp4
175 - index.mp4|7.5.0 Professional-grade deployment.mp4
176 - index.mp4|7.5.1 SSL in production.mp4
177 - index.mp4|7.5.2 Production webserver.mp4
178 - index.mp4|7.5.3 Production deployment.mp4
179 - index.mp4|7.6.0 Conclusion.mp4
180 - index.mp4|8 Topics.mp4
181 - index.mp4|8.1.0 Sessions.mp4
182 - index.mp4|8.1.1 Sessions controller.mp4
183 - index.mp4|8.1.2 Login form.mp4
184 - index.mp4|8.1.3 Finding and authenticating a user.mp4
185 - index.mp4|8.1.4 Rendering with a flash message.mp4
186 - index.mp4|8.1.5 A flash test.mp4
187 - index.mp4|8.2.0 Logging in.mp4
188 - index.mp4|8.2.1 The log_in method.mp4
189 - index.mp4|8.2.2 Current user.mp4
190 - index.mp4|8.2.3 Changing the layout links.mp4
191 - index.mp4|8.2.4 Testing layout changes.mp4
192 - index.mp4|8.2.5 Login upon signup.mp4
193 - index.mp4|8.3.0 Logging out.mp4
194 - index.mp4|8.4.0 Conclusion.mp4
195 - index.mp4|9 Topics.mp4
196 - index.mp4|9.1.0 Remember me.mp4
197 - index.mp4|9.1.1 Remember token and digest.mp4
198 - index.mp4|9.1.2 Login with remembering.mp4
199 - index.mp4|9.1.3 Forgetting users.mp4
200 - index.mp4|9.1.4 Two subtle bugs.mp4
201 - index.mp4|9.2.0 Remember me checkbox.mp4
202 - index.mp4|9.3.0 Remember tests.mp4
203 - index.mp4|9.3.1 Testing the remember me box.mp4
204 - index.mp4|9.3.2 Testing the remember branch.mp4
205 - index.mp4|9.4.0 Conclusion.mp4
205a - index.mp4|10 Topics.mp4
206 - index.mp4|10.1.0 Updating users.mp4
207 - index.mp4|10.1.1 Edit form.mp4
208 - index.mp4|10.1.2 Unsuccessful edits.mp4
209 - index.mp4|10.1.3 Testing unsuccessful edits.mp4
210 - index.mp4|10.1.4 Successful edits (with TDD).mp4
211 - index.mp4|10.2.0 Authorization.mp4
212 - index.mp4|10.2.1 Requiring logged-in users.mp4
213 - index.mp4|10.2.2 Requiring the right user.mp4
214 - index.mp4|10.2.3 Friendly forwarding.mp4
215 - index.mp4|10.3.0 Showing all users.mp4
216 - index.mp4|10.3.1 Users index.mp4
217 - index.mp4|10.3.2 Sample users.mp4
218 - index.mp4|10.3.3 Pagination.mp4
219 - index.mp4|10.3.4 Users index test.mp4
220 - index.mp4|10.3.5 Partial refactoring.mp4
221 - index.mp4|10.4.0 Deleting users.mp4
222 - index.mp4|10.4.1 Administrative users.mp4
223 - index.mp4|10.4.2 The destroy action.mp4
224 - index.mp4|10.4.3 User destroy tests.mp4
225 - index.mp4|10.5.0 Conclusion.mp4
226 - index.mp4|11 Topics.mp4
227 - index.mp4|11.1.0 Account activations resource.mp4
228 - index.mp4|11.1.1 Account activations controller.mp4
229 - index.mp4|11.1.2 Account activation data model.mp4
230 - index.mp4|11.2.0 Account activation emails.mp4
231 - index.mp4|11.2.1 Mailer templates.mp4
232 - index.mp4|11.2.2 Email previews.mp4
233 - index.mp4|11.2.3 Email tests.mp4
234 - index.mp4|11.2.4 Updating the Users create action.mp4
235 - index.mp4|11.3.0 Activating the account.mp4
236 - index.mp4|11.3.1 Generalizing the authenticated method.mp4
237 - index.mp4|11.3.2 Activation edit action.mp4
238 - index.mp4|11.3.3 Activation test and refactoring.mp4
239 - index.mp4|11.4.0 Email in production.mp4
240 - index.mp4|11.5.0 Conclusion.mp4
241 - index.mp4|12 Topics.mp4
242 - index.mp4|12.1.0 Password resets resource.mp4
243 - index.mp4|12.1.1 Password resets controller.mp4
244 - index.mp4|12.1.2 New password resets.mp4
245 - index.mp4|12.1.3 Password reset create action.mp4
246 - index.mp4|12.2.0 Password reset emails.mp4
247 - index.mp4|12.2.1 Password reset mailer and templates.mp4
248 - index.mp4|12.2.2 Email tests.mp4
249 - index.mp4|12.3.0 Resetting the password.mp4
250 - index.mp4|12.3.1 Reset edit action.mp4
251 - index.mp4|12.3.2 Updating the reset.mp4
252 - index.mp4|12.3.3 Password reset test.mp4
253 - index.mp4|12.4.0 Email in production (take two).mp4
254 - index.mp4|12.5.0 Conclusion.mp4
255 - index.mp4|13 Topics.mp4
256 - index.mp4|13.1.0 A Micropost model.mp4
257 - index.mp4|13.1.1 The basic model.mp4
258 - index.mp4|13.1.2 Micropost validations.mp4
259 - index.mp4|13.1.3 User & Micropost associations.mp4
260 - index.mp4|13.1.4 Micropost refinements.mp4
261 - index.mp4|13.2.0 Showing microposts.mp4
262 - index.mp4|13.2.1 Rendering microposts.mp4
263 - index.mp4|13.2.2 Sample microposts.mp4
264 - index.mp4|13.2.3 Profile micropost tests.mp4
265 - index.mp4|13.3.0 Manipulating microposts.mp4
266 - index.mp4|13.3.1 Micropost access control.mp4
267 - index.mp4|13.3.2 Creating microposts.mp4
268 - index.mp4|13.3.3 A proto-feed.mp4
269 - index.mp4|13.3.4 Destroying microposts.mp4
270 - index.mp4|13.3.5 Micropost tests.mp4
271 - index.mp4|13.4.0 Micropost images.mp4
272 - index.mp4|13.4.1 Basic image upload.mp4
273 - index.mp4|13.4.2 Image validation.mp4
274 - index.mp4|13.4.3 Image resizing.mp4
275 - index.mp4|13.4.4 Image upload in production.mp4
276 - index.mp4|13.5.0 Conclusion.mp4
277 - index.mp4|14 Topics.mp4
278 - index.mp4|14.1.0 The Relationship model.mp4
279 - index.mp4|14.1.1 A problem with the data model (and a solution).mp4
280 - index.mp4|14.1.2 User & relationship associations.mp4
281 - index.mp4|14.1.3 Relationship validations.mp4
282 - index.mp4|14.1.4 Followed users.mp4
283 - index.mp4|14.1.5 Followers.mp4
284 - index.mp4|14.2.0 A web interface for following users.mp4
285 - index.mp4|14.2.1 Sample following data.mp4
286 - index.mp4|14.2.2 Stats and a follow form.mp4
287 - index.mp4|14.2.3 Following and followers pages.mp4
288 - index.mp4|14.2.4 A working follow button the standard way.mp4
289 - index.mp4|14.2.5 A working follow button with Ajax.mp4
290 - index.mp4|14.2.6 Following tests.mp4
291 - index.mp4|14.3.0 The status feed.mp4
292 - index.mp4|14.3.1 Motivation and strategy.mp4
293 - index.mp4|14.3.2 A first feed implementation.mp4
294 - index.mp4|14.3.3 Subselects.mp4
295 - index.mp4|14.4.0 Conclusion.mp4
296 - index.mp4|The Ruby on Rails Tutorial - Summary.mp4

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