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Pragmatic Language/Social Language Development Chart

AGE 0-9 mo. AGE 9-12 mo. AGE 12-18 mo.

Briefly looks at people Shouts or coughs to attract attention Brings objects to show an adult
Follows moving person with eyes Shakes head no and pushes undesired Requests objects by pointing and vocalizing or
Quiets in response to sound (responds more objects away possibly using a word approximation
readily to speech rather than non-speech) Waves bye Solicits anothers attention vocally, physically
Smiles/coos in response to another smile/voice Affectionate to familiar people and possibly with a word
(1-4 months) Begins directing others behavior Gesturally requests action/assistance (may give
Excites when caregiver approaches (1-4 physically and through gestures (pats, back wind-up toy to request reactivation)
months) pulls, tugs on adult) Says bye and possibly a few other
Aware of strangers and unfamiliar situations (1- Uses pointing to learn new vocabulary conversational ritual words such as hi, thank
4 months) (people in environment label things as you and please
Cries differentially when tired, hungry or in pain child points) Protests by saying no, shaking head, moving
Quiets when picked up Extends arms to be picked up away, frowning or pushing objects away.
Initiates vocalizing to another person Participates in games such as peek-a- Comments on object/action by directing
Enjoys being played with (4-8 months) boo and pat-a-cake listeners attention to it with a point and
Differentiates vocalizations for different states: Reaches to request an object vocalization or word approximation
hunger, anger, contentment (4-8months) Begins to vary behavior according to Labels objects
Recognizes familiar people emotional reactions of others; repeats Answers simple wh- questions with vocal
Cries when parent leaves the room actions that are laughed at response (may be unintelligible)
Imitates familiar sounds and action Participates in vocal play, using content Acknowledges speech of another by giving eye
and expression contact, vocally responding or repeating word
Teases, scolds, warns using gesture plus a
vocalization or word approximation
AGE 18-24 mo. AGE 2-3 AGE 3-4
Uses simple words or short phrases to Engages in short dialogues Engages in longer dialogues
express the intentions listed at the 12-18 Verbally introduces and changes topic of Assumes the role of another person in
month level discussion play
Names objects in front of others Expresses emotion Uses more fillers to acknowledge
Says, Whats that? to elicit attention Begins using language in imaginative ways partners message (uh-huh, ok)
Begins using single words and two-word Begins providing descriptive details to facilitate Begins code switching (using simpler
phrases to command (move), indicate comprehension language) when talking to very young
possession (mine), and express problems Uses attention-getting words such as, hey children
(got boo-boo) Clarifies and requests clarification Uses more elliptical responses
Much verbal turn-taking Pre narrative development begins with heaps Requests permission
(collection of unrelated ideas) and sequences Begins using language for fantasies,
(story elements linked by perceptual bonds) jokes, teasing
Makes conversational repairs when
listener has not understood
Corrects others
Primitive narratives: events follow from
central core/use of inference in stories
Topic maintenance for 3 turns and
provides explanations
Requests more information to keep
conversation going
Appropriate eye contact
Terminates conversation appropriately
Uses hints to get listener to do/get
Refines speech to insure listener has
background information
Role playing, temporarily assumes
anothers perspective-jokes with
conversation partner, provides warning,
AGE 4-6
Uses indirect requests Uses contingent queries to maintain a Responds appropriately to questions involving
Correctly uses this, that, here, there conversation time concepts
Uses twice as many effective utterances as 3- Creates interest in a listener by indirect Will answer/ask where, when, why,
year old to discuss emotions and feelings references how many, what do you do?, why do we?
Narrative development characterized by Communicates knowledge about the world to Extends topic
unfocused chains; stories have sequence of peers and adults Asks permission to use others belongings
events but no central character or theme Tells 2 familiar stories without pictures for help; Uses such terms as, thank you, please, and
Tells a story by looking at pictures includes all important parts youre welcome appropriately
Describes functions of objects States a problem Recognizes anothers need for help and
Communicates cause-and-effect relationships Sustains a topic for 4 turns provides assistance
Provides information that is relevant to the
Taken from The Speech and Language Development Chart developed by Addy Gard, Leslea Gillman, Jim Gorman and other sources.Gard, A., Gillman, L., Gorman, J., and other sources, (2000). Pragmatic Language Developmental Milestones.Shulman, (1983). Pragmatic Development ChartWetherby, A., Cleary, J., Allen, L., Goldstein,
H., (2000). First Words Project: Improving Early Identification of Communication Disorders.Wetherby & Prizant, (2000). Major Stages of Language Development.

Courtesy of The Social Butterflies Club Social Language Program

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