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9. VE t CHAPTER 1 Section 1.1, pp. 57-60 1. a) Does not exist. As x approaches 1 from the sight. (2) ap- proaches 0. AS x approaches 1 from the let, g(x) approaches ‘There is no single number L that all he values g(<) got arbitrarily close oa x1. BL oO 3.) Tre b) True) False d) False) Fale f) Trwe As x approaches 0 trom the left, x/\x) approaches —1. As x approaches O from the sight, /x| approaches 1. There is no single ‘number Z¢ht dhe foncon values al get arbitrary clese 10 a8 > 0 Ws 1B aVI5/I6 Answers AAT 11.9 aon=tin oye (6) | 998334 | 999988 | 999999 fe =a =o [=001 | 2(6) | 998334 | .999983 | 999999 | fim £@)= Je] Bae] Sane] us] era] er | se +e __Pror [len] is ow a Jo] ss] Sn] Sais] Sonor] Soma | ons In fo =0308 Be m0 8) ee Mow Dt 38. Graphs can shift during a press ran, so your estimates may not completely agree with these [Po [Po:[ Po: [ ro. 6 [a fo [50 ‘The appropriate units are m/sec by © 30 mse or 180 kh Mo fi) = = 9/ +9) mo, 1) %886,000/yean [a0] 300 [Soo [Smo | RHO | TOOT] za 6) * $4,000/year fe | ~61 | ~601 | ~6.0m | ~6.0001 | ~6.00001 | ~6.o00001 | « [ -2.99 | —2.909 | ~2.9009 20m] 3" ia) =599 | —s999 | —s.9099 ~Somo | hee © lin, fa) “ Bo Ga) =6 +O Me +42~ 12 cr Guy | —2asee | —r2sis6s | —r2soise | —.12s0015 | — 1250001 ~ [-«1 [sor | ~eo01 | sow | -aoo001 0 | —.i2sese | “tzaees | “12968 | — 124508 | — 124009 ©) fin, Gu = -1/8 = 0125 1S. fee) == YAbe|-) F_ [=] 108 | =1007 | =io00r | =r | —roonoer fo) [21 | 201 | 2001 | 2.0001 _| “2.00001 | “2.000001 a so {19_|199 | 19 | 19009 | 1990 | se5900 © im, fo) AQ Answers 39, a) 0.414213, 0.449489, (VTFH— D/h by gl) = VE Tk [at [oT] eI] 100 [Lone | 00058 [Lem | toms | 00M | CreA— 07h [oss [asst [oss [owe los [as | 90s was section 12, pp. 65-66 DLL 9 Yel Le 34 8 § TSB 952 IZ tai ho DidosTEDRiO O such that fr all ay Seem fy>B. ') For every nopative real umber —B there exists a coresponding umber 8 > 0 sch that forall x Mo <4 $0) <—B. © For every negative real number ~B there exists a coresponding ‘number 3 > 0 sich that for all w-Sex en fe) <-B. Section 1.5, pp. 95-97 1, No; discontinuous atx = 2; not defined at x =2 3 Continoous $a) Yes _b) Yes) Yes d) Yes 7.3) No b)No 9.0 11. 1, nonremovable; 0, removable 1B, Allxexeoptx=2 18, AUX except x =3, AT. Allx 19, Alls except 21. All x excopt x = x/2, many inoger 23. All x except nx /2.1 an odd integer 25. Allx>-3/2 27, Allx 29,0 31 38, V3/2 3 g=6 FT. f(=3/2_ ¥.a=4/3 Gx 1.8794, -1.5921,-03473 65, 1.7849 1 5235196. 5 0739 at T CHAPTER 1 Section 1.1, pp. 57-60 1, 9) Does not exist. As x approsches 1 from the right, ¢(2) ap- proaches 0. AS x approaches | from the IeF, g(x) approaches 1 "Thote is no single number tht all the values g() get acbitarily chose ax. B10 3.) Te b) Tre) False d) Fase) False 1) Te 55. As x approaches O ftom the lel, x/\s| approaches —I. As approaches 0 from the right, /.x| approaches 1. There is no single ‘nuriber L thatthe function values ll get arbitrarily close to asx -» 0, 3413, 3/6 27, 4m <0 Answers AWA 1.9 6@ @ ]a ‘0001 | -00000T 8) 1998999 | '999909 |= ~ 0001 | 000001 308) |. 998334] 999999 | 999909 im, 19.9 70) = [9] _] 9 [999] 99999] 999005 f=) | 348678 | 366032 | 36769 | ‘67861 | 367877 | 367879 = [ia] iol] Loni | Loo | 1.0001 | 000007 “f¢2) | 389543 | 369711 | 368063 | 367997 | 367881 | 367878 lim feo ~ 0.36788 U4 20 9 Ma? WHI HI 4 yo seat yp os 138. Graphs can shift during a press rum, so your estimates may not completely agree with these, » [Po [Po [Pa: | Po.) [66 [LB [30] The appropiate units ae ms. by © 50 msec oF 180 Erwh Ma) £0) = (2 —9/ee+3) wa, ) © $56,000/year FPS [308 cer | Som | —SonRT | Sooo ©) © $42,000/year 70) | ~61 | ~601 | ~6001 | 60001 | 600001 | 6.000001 =] 29] 299 | ~2998 | ~2.9999 | —293009 | —2 990090 S0 | ~59 | 599 | ~5.999 | —5.9900 | 5.99999 | —s.999090 . ©) im, fa) = -6 1B. 8) G(x) = (+602? Har 12) x [39 [39 | S099 —s9599 | —s.99909 | 5.995909 Gea) | ~.126582 | ~ 181564 | —1250156 =1250000 = [61 | -60l | 6001 = 6.000001 Gex) | — 123456 | — oases _| — 124988 =124999, © im, Go) = —1/8 = -0.125 15.) fe) == 0-1 [=] 101 ] 1008 ] 1.0001 ] 1.00007 ] 7.000001 Ley {21 [201 | 2001 | 20001 | 2.00001 | 2000001 ¥ ]-9 |- | 9 | — 2599 | —9anB9 | — S900 seo [19 | 199 | 1999 | 19999 | 1199999 | 1.999999 © Jim, 0) Ah Answers aay ©) ¥20,x=0, none) ~20 S dp ne 8 OT one am mayer te bma-tH0.d) 9» Rote? ari ap RT an? 90 oT tn 4 Te Perf Cs oie oe Sa trachea 3 5 sh 31,» $e, 9 Be+ 17 0a) yo det 2, “158.9 Section 2.3, pp. 139-143 ) 80m, 8 msec 9) O mec, 16 mise; 1.6 msec, L6 msec! ©) mo change in direction 3. a) -9m,—3 m/sec b) 3 mee, 12 msec; 6misee', ~12 msec ©) mo change in direction Sa) -20.m,~Smlsec b) 45 msec, (4125) msec” ©) no change in direction 7. a) all) = 6 mise’, a(3) = 6 m/sec? om 9, Mars: ~ 7.5 se, Jupiter: = 1.2 see M1. a) 24-981 msec, -9.8 msec? b) 24 se 6) 94m 017 sec going wp. 4.2 sec going down €) 4.9 see 13, 320 sec on the moon, 52sec on Earth; ~ 66,560 Ion the mon, = 10,816 ft on Earth 1S. 1) 98 mec, b) 9.8 msec? Wa) 1=2,1=7 b3zr<6 8. 1S) mse: 140 msec", smfsee ») a) 4 19. 2) 190 tvsee by 2 see €) 8 ee, 0 fuse, 80 fusee e) 28 sec 1) greatest acceleration happens 2 sec after Taunch —g) constant acceleration between 2 and 10.8 sec, ~32 sec" 2A. a) Answers will vary @) 108 see,

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