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74 Chapter 1: Limits and Continuity Since Himes SO) Ox 0 such that for all x Similarly, since Tim, ¢ g(2) Osbeneek [gi Ml <€/2. Let 5 = min(6, 5, the smaller of 5; and 8. IFO Osuch that forall x lay +8) + Me S45 LM. a ‘This shows that lim, .< (/0) + gCe) Exercises 1.3 Centering Intervals About a Point In Exercises 1-6, sketch the interval (a) om the x-axis with the point 29 iside. Then find a value of 8> 0 such that forall x 0 = b-mi 0 such tat for all x Ocb-al 0. Ta each case, find an open itervalsbout yon which the ineguaty if) ~ Ee holds. Then gvea vlue for > O such hat for alls satisfying 0 ~~ ay) ~ 6 the inequality | F(x) — E] < ¢ holds I fi)=etl, L=5, w=4, €=001 16. fa y=? €= 002 17, fay=VEFT, L=1, m= 0, «= 01 14, e= 04 10, Ud, ay 3, a= V3, 4, €=0.05 mao, m0, L=3m, meth m0, 1 More on Formal Limits ach of Exercises 31-36 gives a fonction f(s). a point xo, and a positive number €, Find Z = Jim f(s). Then fad » number 8 > 0 Exercises 12 75 sch that forall Delma <8 > Iay~ Li 0 suck that no posible 5 > 0 satis the condition Focallx, O |fa)—L 0, there exiss @ value of + for which [7(2) — E] 0 saisties the fol- 60, a) Forthe function graphed here, show that in, g(x) #2. lowing condition bb) Does lim,» g¢4) appear to exist? Iso, whats the value Forallx, O [f@)-21< 1/2. ibe Bot) ek wy alt ‘That i for each 5 > 0 show that there isa value of x such that O2 © CAS Explorations and Projects In Facrcises 61-66, you will fuher explore finding deltas graphically. Use & CAS to perform the following steps: 4) Plot the function y = f(s) near the poiot 3p being approached 1) Guess the value of the fit Land then eve she fit syte bolialy to se if you guessed comely ©) Using the valve = 0.2, graph the bsnding ines» yom L-+e togeter with the function f neat x From your graph in part) estimate 8 > 0 such tha for all x ~ cand ‘Show tat Ox [fwy-Li 0 suc that for all x OB. 2 We say that f(x) approaches minus infinity as x approaches xp, and Jim, f(x) = -20, if for every negative real number ~B there exists a corresponding. > 0 such that for all x Ocir-ml f<-B. ‘The precise definitions of one-sided infinite limits at xp are similar and are stated in the exercises Exercises 1.4 Finding Limits Graphically saphod here are tue, and which are fase? 1. Which of the following stsements about the function y= f(x) a) tim, fea) = 1 >) sim so =0 9 lim fay=1 @) im fos) = tim 72) ©) lim fexyexists 1) lim fo) =0 2) lim sonst Dy tim foo= 4 i) roy=0 D tim fa) He) lim.) doesnot exis, 1) him Jes) = 0 84 Chapter 1: Limits and Continuity 2 Which ofthe following statements about the funtion raped here are tue, snd which are false? fa a) tim fon) 2 tim fo © tim say = 1 a) lim f(a) = jim fea) bn) fin f()exias at every cin the open interval (1,1), 1) fim_f(a)evists at every ein the open interval (1,3) Dim fo) =0 ) tim fe) does notes, ® tim fo) 1) im 4) does novexist yim, £46) doesnot exit, 3a xe? a) ind lim + (2) and im, fe. 1b) Does lity fx) exist? AP, what is Hot, why noe? ©) Find tim jf) and Him, F0. 4) Dees Hm fx) exist? HFS, what ist? HF nos, why nor? Ban x62 caso 3 a) Find tim yf). times fe) and £2). D) Does tim, fs) exist? 1F50, what si? Hf not, why noe? ©) Find fim, .y> f(x) and tim, -i+ f0). @) Does tims f(x) exis? Iso, wha Is 0 Tao, why not? Orso Sure fol ro 48) Does tim, yf) exit? Iso, wha eH na, why noe? 1) Does tiem, g- F(x) exist? Is, shai i? I aot, why not? ©) Does fimo f(x) exis? Hf so, what ist? HF at, why not? 6. Let g(x) = Vsin 1/2), 1 48) Does i, > g(x) exist? If so, what isi? If not, why not? 1) Does tim, er g(x) exist? Iso, what is it? Irnot, why not? ©) Does img glx) exist? HF 30, what i i If ot, why not? ha) Gm fon= (2 241 0) Fadi. 60) an tim 700 ©) Does tim, f(x) exist? If so, what i it? If at, why aot? Ba) 3 sft coon so = {5 at WF im, $0 an timer fe ©) Does ny f(s) ent I, wt 6? Ht, why me Graph the functions in Exercises 9 and 10. Thea answer these ques a) What are the domain and range of ? 1) Ac what points 6, if any, does lim. fe) exist? {At what points does only the left-hand fini exist? 44) wnat points does only vi-F 1 2 si -Lgrc0, o 02251 1 it r=0 0 if ee-t, of xot Finding Limits Algebraically Find the ints in Eseries 11-20 for p= 1 i tim, in (i) (32) a eelea lS) Infinite Limits Find dhe limits in Exercises 2 1 is ose 23, tim tm 2° ETE Exercises 14 85 iy = ip Seep 2.9) bin 5 30.9) im 2, » tig 25 3 Bs in 3 Find the Lint in Brie 33-36 38 tn as 34 fin, sees 36. lim (2 — cot) Additional Calculations ind the Himits in Exerises 37-42 1 stim Stas a xa bre 9 x32 ees 38, lim a by rot o a 38. tim a by roo ° a rs - 40, tim a by x ° eer 41. tim a x20" b 237 9 rot a 452 ©) What, sf anything, can be said about the Limit as x —+ 0? Pout? anim St? a a rot by x2 9 x20" @ rs ©) What, if anything, can be suid about she limit as x > 0? Find the limits in Exercises 43-46 ain (0-3) 2 ro! bso 86 Chapter 1: Limits and Continuity tn (447) » a ro bro 48 tin (J a) x50 bro 9 ror @ xt no st (S5—gigs) = one 3 ise 3 ith ae Theory and Examples 447. Once you know lim, > 2) and lim, yf) at an ineroe point of the domain off do you thea KNOW Hihese f(4Y? Give reasons for your answer 48. IF you know that Fim, fr) exis, ean you find its vale by calculating in... C2)? Give reasons for your answer. 49. Suppose that f is an odd function of x Does knowing that Tim,» (G2) = 3 tll you anything bout Lim, g- F097 Give reasons for your anes. 50. Suppose that fis an even function of x: Does knowing dt Tim. f(2) = 7 ell you anything about ether im, .-2- f(2) cor lim, .-»» (2)? Give reasons for your answer. Formal Definitions of One-sided Limits SL, Given € > 0 find am interval I = (5,5-+4),8 > 0, such that it svlies iw then yx 3 < e. What limit is being verified and wha te value? 152, Given e > 0, find am interval F = (4~ 5,4), > 0, such that i lies in L then Y4—x < c. What limit is being verified and ‘what i its value? Use the definitions of right-hand and left-hand Timi to prove the limit staements in Exercises 53 and 54 55, Find a) Him, yor [J and (b) limy sa [them use limit det iniions ro verity your findings. (€) Based on your conclusions in (and (b), can anything be said about fim, x x)? Give reasons for your answers. reo stsingl/s), 5 50, seta y=[" Find ) lim, FO) and (H) Fimo fs); then use imi efnition to verify your findings. (e) Based on your conclusions in (a) and (b, ean anything be said about Lim. f(a)? Give reasons for your answer The Formal Definition of Infinite Limit Use formal definitions to prove the limit ststements in Exercises 57-60, G1, Here isthe definition of infinite right-hand limit, ‘We say that x) approaches infinity asx approaches x) from the right, and waite lim 0x) = oe, if for every positive real number 8, there exists a corespond: Jing number 5 > 0 such that fr all x weremth 3 fre Modify tbe definition to cover the following cases Bxercises 62-67. 63. im

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