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Menentukan konsentrasi natrium dalam urin menggunakan flame atomic emission spectroscopy.


1. Urine
Urine is a liquid by-product of metabolism in the bodies of many animals, including
humans. It is expelled from the kidneys and flows through the ureters to the urinary
bladder, from which it is soon excreted from the body through the urethra during
urination. Cellular metabolism generates numerous by-products, many nitrogenous, that
require clearance from the bloodstream.Of the many such substances that exist, the three
main nitrogenous wastes of the mammalian body are urea, uric acid, and creatinine.
(Arthur 2006) The distinctive odor that smelled of ammonia. urine pH ranges from 4.8 to
7.5 and will become more acidic when consumed more protein and will become more
alkaline when eating vegetables. Ie urine specific gravity1,002-2,035 g/ml.(Uliyah, 2008)

2. Potassium
Potassium easily absorbed in the small intestine. As many as 80-90% of potassium that is
eaten is excreted through the urine, the rest is excreted through feces and bit through
gastric juices. Normal blood potassium level is maintained by the kidneys through the
ability to filter, absorb and emit potassium back under the influence of aldosterone.
Potassium is issued in the form of replacing the sodium ions through ion exchange
mechanism in the kidneys. (Almatsier, 2009)

3. Natrium
Most sodium cations in the extracellular fluid, the number could reach 60 mEq per
kilogram of body weight and a small portion (approximately 10- 14 mEq / L) is the
intracellular fluid. More than 90% of the osmotic pressure in the extracellular fluid is
determined by a salt containing sodium, especially in the form of sodium chloride (NaCl)
and sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) so that changes in osmotic pressure in the
extracellular fluid reflect changing sodium concentration (Dervish, 2008)

4. Flame Atomic-Emission Spectrophotometry

At the Flame Atomic Emission Spectrophotometry, the sample will be in preparation by
microemulsion and calibrated with a standard solution to determine sodium and
potassium. The sample will be inserted through discrete aspiration (DA) or by continuous
aspiration (CA) using a pneumatic nebulizer ( Sidinei, Eduardo C. 2008.)



Nowadays chemical analyzes have been highly developed and this development continues to
increase. Most chemical analysis method is currently done using various types of equipment, or a
combination of various types of tools. Progress in the field of analytical chemistry is supported
by advances in equipment (Instrument) which makes various kinds of measuring instruments to
be very sensitive, therefore the field of analytical chemistry at this time is often equated with
instrumental analytical chemistry.

By using a variety of equipment systems, the circumstances and the type of elements or
compounds in different types of materials can be carried out, it is because the element or
compound can be detected through a variety of physical properties. Physical properties of this
there is a very special (characteristics) of the element or compound, and great physical properties
measured are always proportional to the number of elements or compounds tersebut.Sebagai
example for the element sodium (Na) when heated emit yellow light (on a wavelength of about
760m) which are issued only by the elements sodium. Thus light on the length of the
gelumbang clearly indicate the nature of the elements sodium, and the light intensity is
proportional to the amount of iron atom Na, which means that by measuring the light emitted
earlier, we can determine the amount (concentration) of the element potassium
Spektorkopi atomic emission or Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (AES) is a tool that can be used
for metal analysis is qualitative as well as quantitative based on emission or emission of light
with a wavelength which is characteristic for the elements analyzed. Source of excitation of
Atomic Emission Spectroscopy can be obtained from a gas flame or electric arc. The excitation
source of a gas flame is usually called ICP (Inductively Couple Plasma) while the excitation
source of the electric arc commonly called "ARC" or "SPARK", while the light detector is a tool
Tube Doubling Photon or "Photo Multiplier Tube (PMT)"

The basic principle of analysis Atomic Emission Spectrometer (AES) is as follows: When
the atoms of an element are placed in a source of heat energy (source of excitation), the electrons
in the orbital outermost atom that had been in the ground state or 'groud state' will be excited to
rate -level higher energy electrons. Because of the excited state is a state which is not setabil the
excited electrons it will immediately return to its original energy level that is essentially
kekeadaan (ground state). At the time of the excited atoms return to the level of lower energy
initially, then the excess energy he had when he was in an excited state would be trashed out in
the form of 'ray emission' wavelengths characteristic of the element in question.


a. Alat
Botol semprot
Flame fotometer
Labu ukur 100 ml (5)
Labu ukur 500 ml (1)
Pipet volume
Plastic container

b. Bahan
Air deionisasi

1. Preparation of Solutions

Prosedur Result
Stock solution of Sodium 100 ppm

Considering 0.1271 g NaCl using a small

plastic. Then salt was transferred into
500ml volumetric flask and deionized water
was sprayed to the edge of the flask and
weighing up all the paper into the flask.
[0.100 g Na / L = 100 mg / L = 100 mg /
mL = 100 ppm Na). Add about 100 ml of
deionized water to the flask, stir a few times
and dissolve all the salt before it was
diluted using deionized water and in the ad
up to the mark.
Standard Calibration solution of Na

Pipette 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 ml of standard

solution of Na 100 ppm and enter each of
the 5 100 ml flask. Dissolve and ad with
deionized water, then shaken

2. Determination Using Flame Photometer

No Prosedur Hasil
1 Wash and clean all the tools to be used with
distilled water, then with deionized water
2 Fill the vial with deionized water (blank), 5
standard solution (1, 2,4, 8, and 16 ppm Na) and
the sample, then place it on the holder palstic
prepared beforehand. Because the water will
drip attached to the vial, rinse the inside must be
in advance with a little solution of 1 ml or 2 ml
into a vial, cap, and shake, and then thrown into
the sink. Make triplo on each vial.
3 Stream deionized water until the meter reading
is stable (about 3090 seconds). Use the blank
button to set the meter reading to read the
numbers 0:00. Then flow the highest standards,
namely the concentration of 16 ppm until the
meter reading is stable. Use fine sensitivity
button to set the meter reading at 50
4 Repeat the second phase calibration procedure
with deionized water and 5 ppm standard to
both can be stabilized at 0:00 and 50.
5 Circulate blank, 5 standard solution, and
samples. Make triplo of any solution to the
meter reading showed stable results. Will be
found "noise" in the measurement, especially at
high concentration samples.

6 To perform the calibration, place the sample

between the two standards. Atomic emission
would read better if the test is done from high
concentration to low concentration

7 The entire testing process calibration and

reading of data in triplo done 1 to 2 times to
minimize errors

8 After that, the stream of deionized water to

clean the burner / aspirator and turn off


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