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1.scenario about a women postpartum
extra emotional cries n feels anxious
after the birth of her baby..diagnosis
Maternal blues
2.scenario about a women few weeks
after giving birth comes to u and tells
that she knows her baby is evil and
will die shortlyPOSTPARTUM
3.About paranoid personality disorder
what is true..a.they are the most
common psychotic disorder..b.they
mostly progress to paranoid
schizophrenia..c.treared by high dose
antipsychotics..d.the paranoid
delusion in it is the same as in
delusions of SCZ..i chose d I dont
know if its true?? treatment for depression..ssris
5.about ssri tell the patientu have to
continue taking it even if u feel better
6.a child with intoeingwhen sits legs
form a W posteriorly..internal rotation
of the hip is more than 70
degrees..diagnosis is a.medial torsion
of femurb.medial torsion of tibia
c.tarsus varus (a or c??)
7.A child with colicky abdominal pain
what would help..antispasmodics
8.old age man with cogwheel rigidity
masked face diagnosis is Parkinsons
9.a scenario about painful loss of
vision with dilated pupil. diagnosis is
acute angle closure glaucomaall the
other options were painless loss
10.a case about pain on movement on
eye ..optic neuritis
11.a patient with chronic discharge
from ear..treated with several courses
of antibiotics on examination central
dry T.M perforation..treatment is
12.for acute otitis media typical
antibioticamoxicillin old man present with dyspnea
wheezing.difficulty breathing. Patient
has history of glaucoma treated with
long term use of a drug.the most likely
drug is TIMOLOL
14.Patient with mitral
pin dentist said need root canal..what
is the appropriate action1.2g
amoxicillin 1hr before procedure
15.another long scenario with valve
defect and cystoscopy to be done
ans is no need of prophylaxis
16.patient with down syndrome had
eye test..he should have regular
screening to detect what a.ant uveitis
b.cataract I chose cataracts
17.old patient with left sided mass
fever low grade chronic
constipation.diagnosis is
Diverticulitis..(another option was
crohns but I thnk it cause bloody
18.patient with loin mass hematuria
wt loss scenario about renal
test to diagnose is CT
19.Patient with chronic fatigue and an
endocrine problem ..treatment should
be a. symptomatic
b.excercise..c.treatement should be
directed to underlying endocrine
20. child with uncomfortable oral
ulcers..etiology is a.cocksackie virus
b.echo c.riovirus d.togavirus( I chose a
herpangia but there was no mention
of pain just uncomfortable lesions)
21.a pic of eyes showing exopthalmos
diagnosis Graves disease
22.most appropriate Rx for acne non
inflammatory is TOPICAL RETINOIDS
23.A pic of fingers with tiny warts
treatment is cryotherapy(only surgical
all other topical medicines)
24.a pregnant female with dard
coloured patches on face which
increase on sun exposure.diagnosis is
Cholasma graph of hep b serology
timeline n asked to identify A n B
which were HBsAg and Hbc IgG
26.a child born with mucupurent
discharge frm eyes treated with
erythromycinthen present with
white plaque on tongue..treatment u
would give is Oral nystatin
27.a long case of copd patient non
smoker old chronic cough clear exposure to inhaled
irritants room air sat 91% ..fev1 is
65%..what will be
management..a.chest rehab and short
acting inhaled b agonist.b.inhaled
long acting b agonist and low dose
steroid..(I chose a not sure )
28.a child with non billous
vomiting..hungry after every feed
imaging double bubble sign diagnosis
Pyloric stenosis
29.a man with small inguinal hernia
no symptoms ..u ll say a.elective
surgery if the hernia is reducible
30.a long scenario with MITRAL
stenosis increased left atrial
pressureit is due to .Left atrial
hypertrophy and dilation
31.which patient with pneumonia u
treat as out doorall 80 70 yr old just
one patient 50 yr old bp 80/50 thats
the answer
32.A patient with RA hand swelling n
imaging showed osteopeniawhat
would help preserve hand
function..a.regular CS inj are
indicaed..b.nsaid for symptom
relief..c.dmards are not used until
stage 3 of disease..d.excercise
therapy of hand will Not help( I chose
b not sure?)
33.patient had vision checked at 18 yr
its normal..screening now is
before age 34b.twice before age
25..c. when symptoms appear(correct
35.patient had episodic senosorineural
hearing loss with vertigo lasting few
hrs diagnosis is Meneire disease
36.non response bias is present in
which idea I chose cohort
37.pregnant women had ecv done at
34 weeks successful then at 38 wks
the lie is transverse..amniotic fluid
index is 12..non stress ctg is
assuring..what is the contraindication
to do ecv now
1.fetal age
2.prior failed attempt
38.women with Asc US on cervical pap
smear she was given estrogen for 6
weeks then again hpv done shows
ASC-US..what should be done
39.Pateint with rash on hands feet n
face..maculopapular I thnkacid fast
bacilli +ve..diagnosis is a.TB
b.Leprosy (I chose it cuz no symptom
of tb)
40.patient had cat bite on
was erythematous at that time not
present with axillay swelling
treatment is.a.systemic antibiotics
b.I n D of swelling (I chose a cuz the
swelling was not written tender or
hot..catbite cellulitis..not sure)
41.a women has repeated swelling in
the labia area..once yearly it appers n
cause symptoms of discomfort..she
was treated by catheter insertion each she want relief frm all this.
U would do Marsupalization..(one
option I n D but swelling not tender)
42.women with age 48yrs has
generalized body ache..height given
normalwt. 90/kg..what should be
done for diagnosis.a.fasting plasma
glucose.b.esr (I chose it cuz of
fibromyalgia nor sure)
43.patient with +2 peripheral edema
bilateral rales increased JVP..whats the
pathophysiology.a.left ventricle
dilation (correct),,,b.rt venrical dilation
44.meningicoccal meningitis patient
treatment to start immediately .a.iv
penicillin(correct I guess)..b.iv
45.patient with benzodiazepine
overdose..what would manage hi
respiratory problemsflumazenil
46.patient with gastric
ulcer.omeprazole started..also these r
startedclarithromycin and
metronidazole description of adams forward
bending test given(not name of
test) is used to diagnose
48.patient present with backpain in
ER..the dr asked about duration of
pain..becauseTo diagnose the
correct location n biology of origin
49.old age exercise is a.low resistance
high repletion wt bearing (my
ans)..b.conditioning and low
resistance wt bearing
50.neonate with mucupurulent
discharge frm eyes..the conjunctivitis
is likely .Bacterial
51.a doctor received many cases of
Chlamydia trachomatic
conjunctivitis..the dr will advise
Improve the sanitation and water
52.entaboeba histolytica cysts are
best destroyed by .BOILING WATER
53.chF patient loves eating out ur
advise would be a.dont add salt in
diet(my ans).follow 5gm sodium diet
54.female with eating disorder..she
should gain wt at what rate to reduce
the risk of CHF2-3 pounds per
week(my ans) not sure
55.a man with abdominal pain
rebound tenderness guarding
diagnosis is PERITONITIS

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